PROVINCIAL G mm ": ,.-.. An Independent Weekly Newipaper Devoted to the Interests of Central and Northern British Columbia \0ne Minute Interviews... we need a Junior- stlon: high school? Iil MtNRO is a matter of congratulation the project of building a new l Is receiving such support from businessmen of our town. Let remember the^lorlous tradition V Byng high school that has into battle the finest pf bild Varon out out in sons and daughters. Let us build ieet post-vrar responsibilities." WOOD: is time something was done , providing more advanced ed-jnal facilities." _ WIELAND: ossibly we are in a better posl-to build now than later — so citizen should support the new r-senlor high school." DET STAN McLARTY, born in ce G«orge, March 20, 1921, 1s from overseas after three. a half years with an anti-air-battery. ergt McLarty resides with his ents, Mr. and Mr& L W. Mc-y, 2546 Kitchener Street, Van-t-r. and is taking an officer's ning course. He was educated I Central Fort George. E. A. Markham Called by Death B. A. Markham, superintendent here for the Carter-Halls-Aldinger Oo. Ltd. construction work, passed away Tuesday at his home in Vancouver, a few days after returning from hospital, according to word received In iPrlnce George. Mr. Markham left Prince George the middle of February and within a few days was taken to'a Vancouver hospital with a heart condition. , Mr. Markham came here about 18 months ago when construction was started on the army camp. During his residence in the city he made many friends and took an interest in community programs. He was a regular attendant at Rotary luncheons, acting as an adviser to the organization, as he was a p£st president of Vancouver Rotary Club. The passing of Mr. Markham is a sad loss to the construction industry, as he was one of Canada's leading construction engineers. He lost his only son in an accident over a year ago. Mr. Markham is survived by his wife and Maughter, Marjorie, in Vancouver. Prince George, B.C.,, Thursday, April 6, 1944 $2.00 Year Baby Boys Give Hospital Staff Surprise April 1 To the fathers it appeared quite in order, but the stork effectively, (provided Prince George Hospital staff with a genuine April Fool's Day surprise—three baby boys Their surprise is based on the fact that since the start of the year girl babies have almost exclusively predominated birth records in the hospital. Lock Up Houses Police Caution A caution to householders was given today by Corporal Norman DeWitt, B.C. Police, that on leaving their residences they check windows and doors, particularly those in cellars, against prowlers. In stating that police have recovered four stolen bicycles, although only^two were reported taken^ he advises owners to safeguard theif bicycles. Man Fined $25 For failing to obey a National Selective Bervice order to report to Pinchi Lake as a diamond drill helper, Carl J. Christensen was fined $25 by Magistrate George Mllburn in District Police Court on Monday. Forger Three Years In B.C. Pen. Zar Moise, Fort St. James Indian, was sentenced to three years in BiC. Penitentiary by Judge E. D. Wood-burn in County Court Tuesday. He was arrested Monday at Fort St. James by Constable Clarence Price, was committed for trial at 11 ajn. Tuesday by Magistrate P. J* Moran and sentenced at 2 pjxv Judge Woodburn granted^ Moise suspended sentence on a similar charge in October<^l942, when accused promised'to enlist. Testimony in courts Tuesday was that the accused mistook an official-looking letter for his own call-up notice and proceeded toward Prince George. Enroute he discovered it was a Compensation Board cheque made out to another member of his band, A. Moise, in whose name he endorsed it. The cheque was for $173.50. Sty Stores Closing iday, Monday In bservance of Easter All Prince George Churches are Holding Special Services During Holy Week. th Good Friday and Easter^sion of Sunday School at 2 p.m., and lay will be observed as holi-in Prince George by all retail wholesale merchants and barb-Their premises wuj be kept Saturday as usual to meet the i of district farmers. ovincial Government employees 1 been"advised definitely of get-both holidays with discretion-[powers being extended George Mini, government agent, to grant leave to those desirous of visit-elatlves. amendments approved hi 1943, bank staffs will observe Easter ay only. ools closed this afternoon to re-*wr the Easter Holidays on H. Burden, postmaster, states ¦ratr will wont from 9:30 until t to despatch mail whlch tkJie the Fri- te open, and will be on faster Monday. MEETING Mans wm defer thelr custQm_ >' luncheon meeting and '" Volunteer Workers or- T a schedul- d ^ h denOm been arranged to in- Friday night on P^ on Sundafat celebrate Holy Com- Sunday services In Knox will be as open ses- evening service with music by the Senior Choir at .7:30 pjn. The Senior Choir will present on Friday night Stainer's "Crucifixion.'' Holy week services at Sacred Heart Church started with a High Mass this morning at 8 a.m. Rev. Capt. A. Roulleau will deliver the sermon at tonight's Holy Hour at 8 o'clock. On Good Friday will be observed the Mass of the Pre-sanctifled, at 9 a.m. with devotions at 2 pjn.; and on Holy Saturday, mass at 8:30 ajn. followed by masses Sunday at 9 and 10:30 a.m. The latter will be a High Mass, with music rendered by a soldiers' "choir. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament will be solemnized Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Services for Good Friday and East- Girls Releasing Young Men for Active Service Sergt. Emily Leemlrig, of the C.W.-A.C. recruiting staff, Pacific Command, visited Prince George on Thursday until Saturday On her first trip to this section of the Cariboo. "The need- for reinforcements for our Canadian army overseas creates a need for more and more girls to take the place of a soldier who can then take his place overseas as a fighting member of the army.'1 she emphasized! .. The C.W.A.C. affords a real war job for every girl to do, she stated, in describing how among the 50 capacities there is a Suitable job for each and every recruit. She was accompanied on her recruiting tour by Lieut. E. A. May, of Vernon, and Sergt. E, J. Newman, of Kamloops. The recruiting office is centrally located in Prince George and equipped to give information to those interested. Sergt. D. C. Smith and Acting-Sergt. D. G. Richie can supply transportation to Vancouver for medical examination, while Mrs. C. A. Warner is the C.W.A.C. civilian advisor and able to help candidates desirous of enlisting. Police Testify Prince Said He Shot Trapper ndian's Admissions Are Highlights of Hearing "Me kill him," was the salient theme of admissions made to police by Alex Prince, 23, Fort St. James Indian, charged with the murder of Eugene Messmer, 33, Finlay Forks trapper. Corroborative testimony to this effect was given at the preliminary hearing Tuesday before Stipendiary Magistrate George Milburn by police witnesses. Man Lost for 3 Days East Of Gicome S. Cregar Suffers From Exposure, Frost Bite. GISCOME—Lost three days in. dense thickets between here and „,, , j w/ i i ¦ n i J- Newlands, S. Cregar, oiler at Eagle Ihe hearing resumed Wednesday briefly then was adjourn-; i^e sawmils, was rushed to Prince ed eight days for ballistics evidence expected from Victoria George on Tuesday night suffering fom expsue d ftid" experts. Sergt. George H. Clark, hi charge of Fort- .George" sub-division B.C. Police, Cjortstable Harry R. McKenney arid Game Warden Albert J. Jank each testified to' admissions made by accused. Admissions, allegedly made at Finlay Forks about March 15 when Prince was taken Into custody by Jank on a game Act charge were quoted by Sergt. Clark. The witness testified Prince said that on February 18 he stopped at the cabin of Eugene Messmer and Hans Pfeuffer for tea, borrowed a gold watch from Messmer and then returned the watch February 22, finding "Eugene alone at home." TOOK YELLOW DRINK Prince, the witness quoted accused as saying, had tea with Messmer then was pressed to accept a drink despite protests. "I got a yellow drink from Messmer then didn't knownoth-thing until woke up on snow. Eagene (Messmer) he gave me too mnch drink. Me shoot him," testified Serjrt. Clark as being the admission made by Prince. McKenney and Jank corroborated hearing this admission A contradictory, admission, verging from the above in most essentials, was introduced as having been made by accused at scene of the crime before Sergt. Clark and Game j Warden Jank while in the partners' cabin. Delivered in "pigeon" English, this admission, corroborated by both wit- from exposure and frost-nipped" was engaged on night shift oiling caterpiller tractors, andi Saturday night got turned around in the bush losing his sense of direction. He broke through ice in j g e nesses as having been heard^ in-1 creek up to his chest, losing his gum volved a conversation between Messmer and Prince. Prince allegedly told the two witnesses that he drank lemon extract after arriving at the cabin about noon and while waiting for the partners to return. CONVERSATION RECALLED ; Messmer walked In about dusk, when the following exchange is alleged to have occurred, according to court testimony. Messmer: "Why you come in cabin before me?" Accused: "Me.find door not locked. All the time me make you friend." Messmer then is said, by the alleged admission, to have left the cabin to determine from snowshoe tracks which direction-Prince came from, allegedly followed-by accused "He did not know I had the 'drink.' I shoot him once. One time more when down. It about dark—6 p.m. I still see sights on rifle," quoted Sergt Clark, as having heard accused admit (See POLICE TESTIFY. Pago Five) Bright Outlook Here for Sixth Victory Loan Drive boots, and proceeded in his stocking: feet to a trapper's cabin 15 miles: through the bush,, where he stayetf until found. Dr. Carl Ewert attended him in. Prince George Hospital for exposure and a mild case of frostbite on both feet. Search parties failed to find Cregar on Sunday or Monday but word was received Tuesday from New-lands that he had been found on L. Tereschuk's trap-line several mfle& south of Newlands. A stretcher party went into bring him out and he wa* put on the night freight for hospitalL WEDDING BELLS Organization for the Sixth Victory Loan campaign in Prince George and district began here last night when Mayor A. M. Patterson, chairman, called a meeting of voluntary workers. Enthusiasm and confidence were MAN FINED $25 FOR OBSTRUCTING POLICE Through a plea for leniency by the ' arresting officer, a misguided logger was fined $25 .Monday by Magistrate P. J. Moran upon facing a Thomas Dawson, unit organ« maximum penalty of six months in said Pinchi Lake would be included in this territory for the loan drive opening April 24. Although no quota has as yet been allotted to the enlarged district it is thought it will be $275,000, or $25,000 over the last loan. This increase Is expected to be offset by $35,000 Pinchi Lake sales. Mr. Dawson reported organizing work also had started at Shelley and Giscome and a meeting was being held Friday in McBride. Dr. K. W. Alward was named as chairman of the speakers' committee with power to name his members. H. D. Stafford, H. R. Pen-nington and T. S. Carmichael were Delightful Dance Is Held by Airmen Air transport command personnel sponsored Tuesday night one of the! appointed to the education commit-season's most successful dance when j tee. and Frank Clark, chairman of j er in St. Michael's Church will be: j two off leers, King D. Bresnahan and' the public relations committee, ap-Good Friday: mattlns, litany and, James R. Hanahan, and an N.C.O.. j pointed his committee of Sam Stev-ante-communKjrulO^O a.m.; three' Ronnie Soccorso, presided as judges | Li Gh d Nil MKl hours' devotion froir>nx)on; children's j for jitterbug and waltz contests. jail for obstructing a police officer. Accused pleaded guilty to the charge, stating he was trying to help a friend who was being arrested on a charge of being drunk. P. E. Wilson, K.C., after a whispered consultation with Const. Thomas Maxwell, suggested a nominal fine. Police then arranged an opportunity for accused to secure money for the fine. Firemen extinguished a brush fire on Edmonton Street between Ross and McBride Crescents on Monday afternoon. WILLIAMSON—TRAINOR Dorothy Marie Trainor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. J.- Lake, and Capt. Donald Williamson, Air Corpse were united in marriage Sunday by Rev. Father J. Gilhooley In Sacred1 Heart Church at a quiet wedding. The bride, given in marriage by Mr. Lake, wore a poudre blue dressmaker suit with navy accessories. Her matching hat of felt was complemented with veiling clustering about her face and caught in the back. Her corsage was gardenias. Miss Gertrude Eyberson was the attendant, wearing a suit of deep rose with deep brown~accessoriesi her handmade hat of velvet flowers and a corsage of pink carnations. At a reception in the officers' mess Mr. and Mrs. Lake received the guests. Mrs., Lake, a recent bride, herself, wore her wedding ensemble of dove grey crepe with a hat of grey' feathers. White calla lilies decorated the bride's table. Capt. and Mrs. Williamson left Sunday night for Edmonton. Co-hostesses at a shower Friday for the bride-elect were Misses Re-nee Davies and Gertrude Eyberson and Mrs. Helen Hart when 24 guests attended at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davies. FORT ST. JAMES—For selling eggs and canned goods above the ceilinp price, Harold Smith and W. D. Fraser of Fort St. James were each fined $20 by Stipendiary Magistrate j Steve Holmes of Vandsrhoof. j lantern service at 5 p.hi., and Even-' ]atter led a hilarious conga song and Passion slides at 7:30 p.m. i line( highlight of the evening, whilo ens, Levi Graham and Nell McKel-vie. A. B. Moffat is again vice-chairman of the campaign. music was provided by the Fusiliers' orchestra from a beautifully decor- Holy Saturday: Evensong arid pre^ paration for Easter, 7:30 p.m. Easter Day: Holy Communion nt 8:30 and 10:30 ajn.: children's serv- blue for the sky dotted with silvery ice, .11:45 a.m.; and Evensong and sermon, 7:30 p.m. Capt. and Mrs. F. Watson, missionary officers, will conduct special services at SalvRtion Army Hall. featuring musical and vocal specialties at all services. On Good Friday, the Salvation Army will observe at 8 pjn. The Crucifixion; at 8 p.m. Saturday a "Soldiers' Night," and on Sunday, Holiness, at 11 ajn.; Sunday School, 2 p.m.; and the "Easter Message," at 7:30 pjn. Easter Monday there will be a children's service at 7 p.m. and a final rally at 8 pm. Couple Honored ated platform with a backdrop of A. Annj, blue for the sky dotted with silvery ' ^ stars and 'a worldly moon. A buffet, luncheon was served. Inspired by their success, the corn- mittee is planning for next week. artother dande L T. KENNEY LOSES FATHER AT COAST VICTORIA—Capt. Daniel Vincent Kenney. resident here 26 years, died last Thursday. He was born at Clark's Harbor, N.S. Survivors include three sons, Edward T. Kenney, Liberal Coalition, Skeena; Bert in Smithers and L. T. Kenney In Prince George. Cutting her anniversary cake with the same knife she used for her wedding cake, Mrs.»E. Davies shared honors with her husband, Ernie, af, a surprise party March 29 celebrating their silver wedding anniversary. Pink, blue and silver streamers decorated the top of the room with corresponding favors at the plates of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Foot, Mrs. G. A. Hodson, Herb Wood, Mr. and Mrs. B*. Parker, Mr. Ducharme, Mrs. Paul Dvmas, T/Sergt_and Mrs. C. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson, Inspector. T. Van Dyke and Sergt. W. Englis. The latter sang solos. Miss Renee-Davies assisted her parents. Red Cross Drive Exceeds Its Quota by 130 Per Cent Exceeding its quota of $2700 by 130 per cent, Prince George Red Cross campaign closed with contributions of $6207.42 in cash and $12 pledged by payroll deductions. The sum%obtained in the aggressive drive represents a 44.6 per cent sain over returns made in 1943 when $4300 was contributed. Acknowledgments are being published as rapidly as spare permits in The Citizen, but Miss E. I. Cal-lum, treasurer, today afforded a summarized break-down, of the total by districts, as follows: Canvassers in the 10 city resident rones gathered in about $2400, the army barracjts and military hospital swelled the total by $1629.10. Pan-American employees raised" $34 in a spontaneous round-robin that helped materially to raise the "Pincview total. Apart from tnese figures Central and South Fort George combined for $195.55; local mills donated $124; the air force $174.04; and the Government Building $129. The C.N.R. total of $310.27 includes sums from the local staff ancf points along the railway. OTHER CENTRES From nearby districts was secured $1250, made up of $305 from Giscome, $261 from the scattered community at Plneview; $116.20 from Willow River; $112.75, Aleza Lake; $191.75, Shelley; $174, Sinclair Mills; $18.50 from Woodpecker and Hlxon Creek and from Upper Fraser, $27.-50. In addition, there was an unexpected $48 received from Finlay Forks, unsolicited.