at PAGE EIGHT PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN PRINCE GEORGE MEAT MARKET Paul Wicland PHONE 149 W. R. Munro iiinniinnmiiroinramnnmnmiimniiiinniiminminimimmnmninmmmimiirciiuniimiiiniiiiiiinuiiiimiimiuiinnirara Meat that sizzles with flavor Picnic Hams Spring Salmon Choice Halibut Fresh Fruits Vegetables BEEF VEAL LAMB FINE8T QUALITY LOCAL FRESH KILLED . rt GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT. VEGETABLES. FEEDS ^FERTILIZERS 3rd AVENUE PHONE 37-X-l Canning Peaches and Bartlett Pears Just .Arrived—limited supply of WHOLE MILK LIMBURGER STYLE CHEESE E. Knecht Building Contractor Corner Seventh Ave. A Vancouver 8t. P.O. Box 734 New Homes Cabinets Alterations Camp: Princess Theatre THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY THE GHOST BREAKERS starring Bob HOPE Paulette GODDARD MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY DANGEROUS BLONDES Starring Allyn JOSLYN E3mund LOWE See Strand Theatre Advertisement, Page Tlire.e QUALITY MEATS PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR PEARS - PLUMS - PEACHES Fruit Jars and Canning Accessories Picnic Meats jGreen Vegetables WILLIAMS TELEPHONES: GROCERIES, 45; MEATS, 60 Groceries and Meats appemnpt WEATHER FORECAST winds, fair and mild, Thursday ancLFriday. Prince George Red Cross executive will meet Saturday at 3 p.m. in the City Hall. Knox Church W.A. will meet next Thursday at 3 p.m. at the residence of Mrs. Frank Clark. Mrs. Charles Guiguet and daugh- baseball tournattient staged as part ter of Vancouver are visiting Mrs. i of the Labor Day celebration. Ivan Boyd. Flying Officer Guiguet is overseas with the R.C.A.F. Mrs. Marie T. T. Watts arrived on Tuesday from Edmonton to assume charge of the Commercial Business Class in the Andersen Hall. Ordnance Wins Holiday Baseball Tournament Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps defeated Division Headquarters 7-6 In a thrill-packed final to win the Mrs. E. Rayner of Regina, mother of R. H, "Bob" Rayner, leaves to-nightf'after a three weeks visit with Her son and daughter-in-law. Miss Alice George arrived Wed-I nesday by plane from Dawson Creek and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hodson, 794 ^Eighth Avenue. Mrs. Li. Zimmaro and son, James, have returned from New York and Philadelphia where they spent a month's holiday. ' . George Nickerson, well known Prince Rupert businessman, passed through here Monday on his way to the Coast. He made the trip by car over the new Skeena Highway. Mrs. L. Richardson and son. Bill, Both teams advanced to the final by winning games In a preliminary double-header Sunday afternoon. Div. H.Q. nosed out R.C.A.F. 1-0 In a game which the Flyers might have pulled out of the fire but for some erratic base T running. Ordnance moved up by trampling all over the Prince George "Crocks" to the tune of 15-0. A CLOSE ONE Monday's final was not decided until the last half of the ninth, when Ordnance shoved across two tallies to overcome a one-run deficit. Division went out in front in the opening inning by scoring twice. Beck went to first on Dendys' error. Lalonde sacrificed. Baillie to Walker Janetos walked and Janes singled to center to fill the bases. Cramp went down swinging, but Beck and Janetos scored when Dendys fumbled Hazzard's roller. Wally struck out. arrived Friday from Vancouver toj Ordnance went' in front in the. attend the R.ichardson-Douglas nup- second when three hits and a walk tials, and are the guests of the Harry i yielded three runs. Jaszan got a free j Douglas family. j pass. Walker singled Jaszan to third.! Mr. and Mrs. Rowland A. Olsen of Wahl singled into left field to score j Bremerton, Wash., arrived by bus Jaszan, Walker going to third. An- with their son, Alan, to visit Mrs. Olsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. gus struck out. Baillie singled into| right field to send Walker and Wahl Wylie. Mrs. Olsen is the former j home. Mickleborough grounded out, Lenore Wylie. . Cramp to JanesT Hon. Harry G. Perry arrived here i Division took a 5-3 lead In the Tuesday from Terrace where he re- j fourthi frame by sending three run- presented the B.C. government at the opening of the Skeena Highway. He returns to Victoria by plane on Saturday. Miss E. Pearl Williams of the Government office staff, Kamloops, and daughter of the late D. G. Williams of Prince George, has been ners across the plate. Cramp opened with a three-bagger to right field. Hazzard struck out and Wally walked. Daze was safe when Dendys at short-stop committed his third error, Cramp scoring. Mayhew went down swinging. Beck singled Into right field, scoring Wally and Daze, spending her vaction visiting friends' but was trapped near second while here and sisters at Finmoore and trying to advance on the throw-in. Vanderhoof. The next two innings were score- W. H. Munro, J. Luhtala and R.; less- although Baillie had to-get two McDougall were guests at the Co- strikeouts to head offjv-tnreatening Itimbus Hotel while enroute to Van-! H-Q- uprising in .the' sixth. couver by auto after having come over the road from Prince Rupert. They concur the road is in fairly good ^condition. With members of 1st Fort George Company, Girl Guides, resuming activities Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Girl Guide Hall opposite the Government building, Clara Wieland asks those interested in joining to attend this initial meeting for the new season. Services at St. Michael's Church on Sunday will be Holy Communion at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. and Evening Prayer at 7:30 p.m. Sunday School will resume Sunday morning, 11:45 a.m. The Rev. H. Cutler will conduct services Sunday afternoon at Isle Pierre, 2:30 p.m., and at Sylvan Glade, 4 p.m. Thanksgiving'service will be conducted Sunday evening in Knox United Church by H. Capt. J. F: Waltho, chaplain of the Fusiliers, the church to be decorated with with gifts of flowers and garden produce Saturday evening. CSM Mel ( Martin will conduct the morning service, a special young peoples' service, with the sermon topic "The Dedicated Life." Plan Local "Home Front Campaign An organizational meeting for the J Salvation Army "Home Front" Ap-rpeal" campaign will be held Friday | at/8 p.m^ in the officers' quarters j behind the Salvation Army Hall. Capt. F. Watson announced Wed-j nesday that' a number of outstanding j business* and professional men here have already pledged their co-oper-j ation and assistance toward v the drive which will be undertaken nationally on September 18. Personnel of the executive together with details of the campaign will 'be decided on by next week. RUBBER STAMPS OF ; All Kinds - 8EE Prince George Citizen PHONE 67 DEADLOCKED Ordnance tied the count in the last'of the seventh with a two-run Irally. Mickleborough was safe when Lalonde threw wild to first. Dendys was hit by a pitched ball before Kelln and Jaszan went down via the j strike-out route. Wahl hit a. hard | double into left field, Mickleborough j and Dendys scoring. Angus rolled out to Janes,-unassisted. In Division's half of the eighth, Wally started off with a single between third base and short-stop. Daze struck out. Mayhew forced Wally at second, Sutherland to Walker, before Beck fanned. ., Ordnance went down one-two-three in their half of the inning. Buillie filed out to the pitcher, while Janes gathered in Sutherland's high fly back of first. Cramp ended the inning with a spectacular one-hapd stab of Mickleborough's liner. ~"Division scored what looked Jike the Winning run in the top of the ninth. Lalonde opened with a two-bagger to left field, and Janetos lined a double down the right field fcul line, scoring Lalonde. Janes sfcruck out. Janetos was out trying to steal third. Cramp doubled into deep left field and Hazzard was safe j oh Sutherland's miscue,. Cramp go-, ing to third. Wally fanned to retire the side. Ordance roared back to register the- tying and winning runs in their half of the ninth. Dendys started the ball rolling with a sharp single1 to right field and went to third on Kelln's two-bagger to left field., Mayhew caught Jaszan's high fly to right field, but Dendys sprinted"in after the catch to tie the score, I Kelln moving to third on the throw- ! in. A wild -low pitch by Janetos, "on! the mound for Division, which Hazzard nearly blocked, sent Kelln scampering across the plate with the game-winning tally. Score by innings: i 123456789 ' DIVISION ...... 20030000 1—6 R.C.O.C............. 0 3 0000 20-2—7 *The teams: DIVISION H.Q. R.C.O.C; Wahl Baillie Walker Hazzard catcher Janetos pitcher Janes 1 base Lalonde 2 base Mickleborough Daze % 3 base Sutherland Cramp short stop . Dendys Beck left Held ^Kelln Wally center field *—Jaizan Mayhew , right Tleld ; Angus NEW FALL New arrivals every week in the latest a WINTER COATS Fine Covert Cloth Coats in pastel shades. with Blonde Wolf and Fox. The latest in Wool Skirts, Wool Dresses and Wool Sweat for the chilly mornings. — LOVELY SELECTION OF FALL HATS ^ Hughes & Ratledge Boys' Boys' PANTS and JACKETS Men's PANTS and Men's SHIRTS New Shipment of TIES Just Arrived. Quality Groceries TABLE SUPPLIES STAPLE AND FANCY GROCEKIBS Our Aim is to Please Every One of Our Customers WILLIAM BEXON ™«, C.C.F. MODERN » DANCE u IN THE C.C.F. HAU FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 DANCING FROM 9 TO 1 Admission 5Ot Men In Uniform 25c SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 \ Dancing 9 to 12 Igj Both Dances are Modern . Admission - Men 5Oc Ladies 25c (No Iron Shod Shoes Allowed) Opportunity! To buy a complete framing equipment with a quantity of Matt Board. See our window for cheap FouptainJ\yn> and Pencils for the School Children. 20% Discount on the balance of my WATCHES - DIAMOND RINGS SILVERWARE - JEWELLERV You are saving the amount of your 25r' Luxury Tax 50 cords dry 4-foot wood, $6.75 per cord at Farf THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH JOHN C. KELLY JEWELLER WATCHMAKER