12 Prince George Citizen 'Thursday, August 29, 1946 YOU GET THE MOST— YOU GET THE BEST 6 With your Tokens and Coupons when you join the trend to our store. Prince George Meat Market Phone 149 W. R. Munro, Proprietor Williams' FURNITURE Store --------"The House of Qualify Furniture" -------------- IBew Arrivals BIRTHS SMITH—A daughter, August 16 In City Hospital to Mr. and Mrs Douglas B. Smith, Seventh Avenue Prince George. Mrs. Smith, daughter-in-law of Constable and Mrs William Smith, Is one ol the recently arrived brides from England. PRICE—A son, in Liverpool, England, on August 25, to Mr. and Mrs H. E. Price (nee Joan Mealing), JANK—To Game Warden and Mrs. Alfred J. jank in City Hospital, a daughter, on August 29. GARRETT—A daughter, In Prince George Hospital on August 27 to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Garrett. THIRD AVENUE -- PRINCE GEORGE - BESIDE GOVERNMENT BLDO. COME AND ENJOY THE J.C.C. LABOR DAY WEEK-END ENTERTAINMENT 6c SPORTS Chattel Tips For Coast House Movers! With this writing September will soon be here. Beginning on Tuesday, September 3, CKPG will be bringing you, at 8:30 p.m., the first in a new series of thrills and chills, the tracking down of the infamous men of crime ... be sure to listen for this new OKPG feature "Calling All Cars," dial 1230 at 8:30 next Tuesday. •o- it it it Each Wednesday at 7:45 p^af Blair's, general merchants. in Prince George, present a new and/lriterest-ing feature by transcription, "The Story Behind the Song." This gives you the story of>-now the song was written, in dramatic form, and brings to light how many of our great song favorite were brought to our world of music. Listen each Wednesday evening at 7:45 for "The Story Behind the Song" as presented by Blair's, general outfitters in Prince George. it ix it it Interviews will be conducted this Saturday over CKPG at 12:15 noon with Tommy Spendlove, Jack Baker and BUly Maason, who will be in the city for the Junior Chamber of Commerce wrestling events. These are big names* in coast wrestling and all sports fans are Invited to hear these boys in interviews over CKPG this coming Saturday at 12:15. Further sporting events will be announced later over this station. ¦o it it it Dont' forget the exciting adventures of the "one Ranger" will be aired as usual for your enjoyment each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 pjn. Make this a date, we feel sure you will enjoy these dramatic adventures of the Old West. House movers at the coasfcould take pointers from locaj^operations under way at the Apny Camp. As a warm-up/to a real job, Tommy A. ^aish moved two 40- foot armvJyUildings for C. E. Wright, then sptin to whisk away a 70-foot building in 90 minutes from the ^Anny Camp to Toefield Street for Charles East. The structure, intact from roof to doorsills, was placed on two trailer assemblies and pulled two and a half miles by a three-ton truck without a hitch or mishap despite manoeuvering sharp corners. The skill exercised by Mr. Walsh, his foreman, Elmer Hennlng, and crew, was proven l>y examination of the building on Its new site. It was unmarred. Ulljurrlj appemny- Sam Stevens .returned Sunday from a business trip to Vancouver. it ir it it Mrs. George Forbes is visiting her daughter at Vancouver. Or it o v Mrs. H. Calderwood anddaughter of Prince Rupert are/visiting the former's sister, Mrs^-William Smith. it it PROCLAIM HOLIDAY SMTTHERS—Village commissioners have proclaimed Friday as a public holiday, as tomorrow will mark the opening day of the Bulk-ley Valley Fall Fair. . COW EARNS HER KEEP 1ACOMBE, Alta. (CP)—Ernest Douglas of the Canyon district near here Is the proud owner o* a grade cow which has produced five calves In twoyears. In July, 1944, the cow gave birth to twin calves; last year sh* bore another calf and another set of twins was born last month. TAKING IT EASY ROMANCE, Sask. (CP-— Mechanization Is 100 per cent on the nearby farm of Julius Foster. Besides using his tractor Instead of horses for general work he can be seen any evening zig-za^lng the machine through the pastures— rounding up the cows. During the absence of Captain and Mrs. Frank Watson this weekend, guest speaker at the Salvation Army will be Pastor H. Raines of Willow River. Sunday services are at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The morning song-service will be led by Mrs. W. Woodcock, and in the evening W. J. Howard will be in charge. Pastor Raines will preach at both gather- j ings. Sunday school will comjnence i at 1:30 p.m., wtien Mrs. C. J. Car-i ter will address the children. Central Fort George Sunday school will Mrs. Ka^et" Cowart arrived back Monday^ffom a month's stay in Chiljiwack. it it it it Const. Charles Cawdell is convalescing at home after an appendectomy in Prince Georg Hospital, o Or it ft Mrs. Ross Goodwin and children are visiting in Prince George from Quesnel. it it it it Jeff Murray is leaving on Saturday for Vancouver, accompanied by Herbert Rose and Lewis Hughes. it it it it Mrs. W. H. James returned Wednesday afternoon by C.P.A. from Vancouver. . ir it it it Mrs. W. Moore is convalescing from a recent operation in Prince George Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Digney of Bur-'naby andson, Ernie, left today after two weeks' visLt with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pillar. Their daughter-in-law and grandson recently reached Canada from England and accompanied them here from Burnaby. it it ft it Frank Monahan, managing director of Burrard Agencies and insur- Mrs. Charlotte O'Brien of Los Angeles, real estate broker, who has been making a three-month tour of Alaska and the Yukon, left for Call- | ance broker of Vancouver, was a fornia Wednesday. Before leaving! visitor in the city during the week. She purchased the property of Faye j Mr. Monahan's company Is consid-S. Chaudoln, and several lots from | erlng the establishment of a branch the city, and expects to return to here. Prince George to make her home here. Mrs. O'Brien is also.a writer. IT IS A PLEASURE AND A PRIVILEGE TO PLEASE YOU G. B. Williams TWO PHONES MEATS 60, GROCERIES 45 «• Cr Ct Q D. G. Fraser, secretary-treasurer of the local committee for the Salvation Army Home Front Reconstruction Appeal, would appreciate receiving names of persons willing to help in the soliciting of contributions which begins September 16. » i; . ir it it Russell Brearley of Vancouver, Grand Master of the I.O.O.F. In B.C., will pay an official visit to Cariboo Lodge No. 65 on Tuesday at 8 p.m., and the Rebeccas at 9 p.m. All members are requested to attend. A social evening will follow the meeting. it it it a Hon. E. T. Kenney arrived in the city last evnlrig by plane and left today by car for Prince Rupert where-lie will represent the British Columbia and Nova Scotia governments at the Labor Day dedication ceremony of Franklin Roosevelt Park. H it it H Frank M. Dockrill, operator of Telkwa coal mines, was a visitor in the city from Saturday to Tuesday. He was accompanied by- Mrs. Dock-rlll and his sister, Mrs. Charles Rosefburgh, who, though 84 years of age, returned to her home-in the States by plane on Sunday, after celebrating her birthday in camp at Bnbine Lake. Novel Party Held For Former W.D. FRANCOIS LAKE—Women's and Fanners' Institutes sponsored a party recently welcoming back to civilian life from the R.C.A.F. Marlon and Virginia Keefe, the latter "Miss Tweedsmuir" of 1M5 at the Prince Rupert beauty -show. At midnight Marion was told that there was a gift for her but that she must follow various clues to find it. She had to deprive one guest of his glasses and place them on another guest's nose in return lor a slip with another clue. She had an amusing time fixing a pair of earrings on her dad, and finding another clue in Lee Cooper's (boot. Clues led her to the final one, where she had to place a chair in the middle of the room and on it a certain young man. She had to tell him that after blind-folding him she had to sit on his knee and kiss him. When all was ready lor the kissing it was arranged that a visitor from Prince Rupert—who sports a smart but bristly moustache—slip in and^slt on the glad's knee In Marlon's stead and'soundly kiss him. The clue in the lad's pocket told Marlon to take Virginia with her to find their gifts, Virginia unpacking a pair of pictures and Marion a big mirror. Prior to the presentation the 50 guests played whist, Mrs. J. Jeffrey, who had never played before, winning the women's prize; Charles Hunter, men's, and the consolation prizes going to Marion Keefe and Fred Kemp ton. W. E. Funnell started off a program of singing and recitations after the presentations, the party breaking up at 2:30 ajn. - Salmon Valley Calf Club Head Visits Children SALMON VALLEY—Miss Echo Lidster, superintendent of the Boys' & Girls' Clirtxs, attended a meeting held at the home r-i Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shields Sr., called "by the director, Laurence Baron. Mrs. Curtis Campbell and Betty have returned from a trip to Edmonton. Mass was held Sunday in St. Laurence Church by Rev. Father Thomas Lynch, who motored from Prince George with . Bernard Mc-Kenzie and Hugh HIH. Gerald Plante has rented his farm to Nelson De Grasse, and has left.to work at the coast. Miss Kay Collins and Mrs. Petzin-ger were visitors here last week. Clover seed threshing has started in the district and a good yield i reDorted. dnd's Brjnfe No Less i enacious Efforjs^of Samuel H. Senkpiel Sr. to establish a Grade A tourist camp ip-i?rince George received a further rebuff from the City Council on Monday when 13 lots were applied for, 1 to 5. 19 and 20 in block 40, and 11 to 16 in block 41. Aid. J. N. Keller Insisted that "we should be guided somewhat by the town, planning recommendations," in describing how the property applied for is Included in a zone "which should be used for industrial purposes.* Aid. Frank Clark and Aid. W. R. Munro sponsored acceptance of the application "which was rejected when voted against by Aid. Fred Hale, Aid. Keller and Aid. C. W. Ferry. Mayor Jack Nicholson was perturbed by a decision he felt inimical. Mr. Senkpiel had earlier sought property adjoining and including part of the present Prince George Golf Club course. r* ---------- Giscome Fields Vastly Improved Baseball Team Prince George baseball" team nosed out a vastly improved Giscome team 4-3 in a closely contested game on Sunday at Athletic Park, the aggregate score equalling the number of supporters turning out. The well played game had a little of everything to thrill the handful of spectators present. "In view of the discouraging support given the ball team," declared Bill Fleming, president . of Prince George Basetoakl Club, "and in apology to our handful of local fans, we find it necessary to make a trip to Burns Lake for a baseball game on Labor Day." Anyone making the trip and wishing to take a few players in his car, is asked to contact Mr. Fleming or Wilson Muirhead. WEDDING SEPT. 14 The wedding of Jocelyn Mary "Jill" Wilson, elder daughter of Mr. Justice and Mrs. J. O. Wilson of Vancouver and formerly of Prince George, and Kendall Kidder will be held Saturday, September 14, In St. Mary's Anglican Church, Vancouver. Back to... GIRLS—- Drtssev Blouses, Swcatets, s Long Stockings. boys— Suits, Pants, Shirts, Sox. PIECE GOODS----- A new shipment of Printed Broadcloth, Corduroy, Black Crepe. Fall and Winter Stock arriving every week Come in and see the newest arrivals. Hushes & Ratledge •STYLE ©SELECTION QUALITY ' Mining Pioneer Dies At Nelson NELSON—Wellington 8. "Duke" Harris, 70, known throughout central B.C. and particularly around Hazelton for his many Interests in mining, died in Nelson Hospital. Funeral services were held in Vancouver on Saturday by Rev. A. M. Sanford in Mt. Pleasant Undertaking Co.'s Chapel. Mr. Harris is survived by his widow1, two brothers, Al and Edgar, at Keremeos, and a sister, Mrs. A. R. Shewan, Vancouver. PERFECT PARTNTKSHlP EOTEVAN, Sask. (OP)—Broken opposite legs of Henry Lagberg and Otto Hanson, both of Estevan, have effected a saving in leather. Each with one leg in a cast, they entered a shoe store recently and bought one pair after .a short discussion over style. StandSxftJr the Best Quality, 5nsistently graded in LOCAJL PRODUCE Watch for this mark on sucks of Potatoes, Carrots, Turnips and Cabbages. Keep your money in our own district. BUT BUY THE BEST Buy LV Vegetables PROM THE Lone Valley Ranch <*—»¦ PRINCESS » » » THEATRE « « « ititirCtitirititititititit^CrCtitirCrCrCrCt 4 Tonight, Fri. 8C Sat. August 29-30-31 ROBERT DONAT IN - The GHOST GOES WEST With JEAN PARKER and EUGENE PALLETTE The most romantic ghost you "„ have ever seen (.it you've-ever « seen a ghost.) 4 itifititirCtitirititirCtirCtitiritiritititit < Thurs. Fri. Sat. September 5-6-7 Claudette COLBERT ( Don AMECHE Richard FORAN GUEST WIFE It's so funny it's wa scandal. As * a lend-lease wife she pays them both back—BUT GOOD! Conductors' Rally J.Williams of Smithers is i and E. Hlpsley Of Prince q ternate, to the first post-wa^ Division or international com of the Order of Railway & which opens Monday in. Continental Hotel 'with an mately 700 delegates expect*. Harry W. Fraser. president] the convention agenda pr about a two-weeks' business 1 Tonight, Fri. & Sat] August 29-30-31 Big Double Featmt| [The GIRL of LIMBERLOS —Starring— RUTH NELSONI DORINDA CLIFTO LOREN TIND/ The book captured the! of the world—the picture| thrill vou beyond mea Ms WEST of the PECOSI - With - : ROBERT MITCr I & .BARBARA '. A Western melodrama will enjoy. ;Saturday Matinee,^ . ^ .....•.-'"'"'¦¦•j^i • Mon. Tues. ^ '. September 2-3-4 : GARY COOPER : .MERLE OBER( — in - ! The COWBi And the LA| This Is lavish enters a romantic corned Deb and a Wester Thurs. ;tn Srptonibor 5-&-' j TWOSISTI FROM B0S1 ^ Kathryn ;* June Ally** ^ Jiinriiy JL. Uuritz * Peter L>' A musical ^ are in love>/* mable dam terrific tenor • • colossal * ]