6 Prince George Citi2en Thursday, October 16/1947 Program of Alcohol Education in Province Harold L. Campbell, assistant superintendent or education, and administrator of the new "alcohol education" program, has returned from a month's tour of Eastern United States centres, where he made extensive study of educational methods at such institutions as Vale University and John Hopkins. Announcing the first step in 13.0. in the program of alcohol education, Mr. Campbell states a modern expanded curriculum for use in the high schools will be prepared. It was not stated, however, when this program will be ready for the schools, but Mr. Campbell declared his department was working out a system which would be inaugurated as soon as possible. A meeting of the Order of the Judge Woodburn Returns to Duty After Vacation Returning from a hunting trip and holiday at Fort St. John Tuesday, Judge E. D. Woodburn was back at his duties, after holding court in Pouce Coupee, where Z. Erickson was sentenced to one year at hard labor on a charge of forgery of a $180 cheque. During holding of court at Pouce Coupee Judge Woodburn heard application for citizenship, when he welcomed a number of the new Canadians to their Dominion status. All of the 14 applicants for naturalization were approved and the formalities of the occasion were put into effect. the home of Mrs. Collison. Eastern Star Auxiliary will be ! Addressing the new citizens of hold at .3 00 p m next Friday at | Canada, Judge- Woodburn pointed ne M" --•¦ jout that those, taking the oath of allegiance to Canada were for-> swearing their allegiance to the \'countries of their births, and, con-; jgratulating all on their acceptance to citizenship, Stressed the responsibilities as well as the privi-! leges now enjoyed. Describing • the set-up of the British Comraon-! wealth of Nations, he informed i the parties of the importance of [the one King and Flag, common I to the British Empire, and spoke I of the great ideals of freedom and i justice prevailing throughout the 'land. I The privileges of Canadian cit-j izeriship, said Judge Woodburn. «gave . them responsibilities, and jthese privileges, he added, meant a great clea.J, pointing out that [even Canadian-born people were | Sensational Autumn Fur Sale by Fowlie & Ruttle Prince Rupert B.C. All Coats for this sole marked at 20 per cent below city prices, so 5 roke advantage of these wonderful \ savings and purchase your FUR COAT Now! Hereundcr a few of our unbeatable values. Mouton Coots (Children's) $49.50 Mouton Jackets $59.50 Mouton Coots . $89.50 Viscacha Coats ......... $89.50 Coney Coats $89.50 Broadtail Coats ..... $89.50 Electric Seal Coats $109.50 Muskrat Coats (Flanks) $229.50 Persian Paw Coats . $249.50 Persian Lamb Coats . $299.50 Muskrat Bock Coats $299.50 Canadian Squirrel Coats $349.50 Hudson Seal Coats $489.50 Alaskan Seal Coats . $649.50 (Brown) We are unable to list all the outstanding values we have to offer, but we invite you to inspect out large stock of COATS while the selection is still good. For out of town customers we ship on approval C.O.D. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. . Remember, for Quality, Style and Low Price, it's— FOWLIE & RUTTLE 328 Third Ave. Phone 522 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. AT THE CHURCHES At St. Michael's Anglican Church, next Sunday, the following services will be held. At 8.30 a.m., Holy Co'mmunion, corporate communion for the A.Y.P.A. At 10.00 a.m. Sunday school, 11.00 a.m., Morning Prayer, Youth and Children's service, 7.30 p.m., Evening Prayer. At 3.00 p.m. there will be service at Isle Pierre. Guest speaker at all services held in the Salvation Army Citadel this week-end will be Major A. W. Martin, provincial secretary for prison and police court work of The Salvation Army. On Saturday at 8.00 p.m. a welcome meeting will be conducted. The visiting officer will address the gathering on "In and out of prison for sixty years." The Sunday morning service Is at 11.00 a.m., during which there will be an infant dedication. The topic of the morning sermon will be "The altar and the price." The sermon bj Sd h ll b CLASSIFIED COMING EVENTS p subject Sunday night "Jesus speaks to a will be troubled inclined I granted. to take too much He referred to for the ! growth of Canada in its impor-1 tance throughout the world, and to the great part the dominion had played during the war, stressing the contribution she had made to the councils of the United Nations. Canada's traditions were outlined by the judge to the new Canadians, the great and .priceless heritage of democracy being spec- j ially mentioned by him. He referred to the four freedoms, free speech, free worship, free press and free assembly, declaring that the legal system in vogue in this country was one of incorruptibility. Everyone, he added; was j entitled to a free trial, with full right of appeal, being declared innocent until found guilty. The freedom of parliamentary | elections was also referred to by the speaker, and the basis on which the nation had been built was visualized by him when he addressed the new citizens. During his holiday Judge Wood-burn met several American hun(-in world." This meeting commences at 7.30 p.m. Major Martin will address both Sundajr schools, in the morning at Central Fort Community Hall at 10.00 a.m., and in the Salvation Army Hall at 1.30 p.m. Prior to his departure a meeting will be held at Willow Rivtr in the Baptist Church on Monday, at 8.00 p.m. Anyone interested in meeting Major Martin, either for official purposes or otherwise, are asked to contact ^aptain Frank Watson, Box 252, ^rince George, or phone 137R2. Rev. Dr. Hugh Dobson, assoc-ate secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service of The United Church of Canada, who has been spending the week in the Prince George area will give a public address in Knox j United Church Friday evening at S o'clock. Dr. Dobson will give a revealing account of the many-sided work of the church and his address will be illustrated by descriptive pictures. The public is most cordially invited to be present. "The Call of the Church to You" will be the subject of a new series of morning sermons to be given in the Knox United Church by Rev. N. Dermott Mclnnes. First in the series will be given at the morning service at 11.30 a.m., to be broadcast over CKPG. The present series of evening sermons "Crusading Talks for Crucial Times" will continue at the 7.30 p.m. service, when the sermon subject will be. "What are you dcing with your freedom?" All departments of the Sunday school will meet at 10.15 a.m. and Knox Young People will meet in the manse at the close of the evening service. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 The Porent-Teochers' Association will hold a sale of used and wearable clothing In the Scandinavian Hall, opposite the C.C.F. Hall, from 10.30 to 2 p.m. 339 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 Knox United Church W.A. will hold a tea and sale of work in the C.C.F. Hall at 3 p.m., Saturday, October 18. 430 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 The Prince George Horticultural Society will hold a special fall meeting in the library of the Prince George Jr.-Sr. High School on Tuesday, October 28 ot 8 p.m. 412 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 The Lutheran Ladies Aid, Will hold their tea and sale of home cooking, sewing and fancy work in the C.C.F. Hall on Saturday, December 13. 412' FOR SALE 1941 CHEVROLET 4-door super-deluxe sedan. 42,000 miles, 4 new 6-ply tires. Excellent shape. C P J3ussinger, Telkwa, B.C. 43 j 1,500,000 FEET of timber at Reid Lake. Write P.O.'Box 792, City 4)2* CAMPBELLTON Hill, 160 acres farm land, 40 tons of new hay, large barn, partially completed house and three heavy horses. Box 544 Prince George, P.O. 431 14-INCH Jackpine, ideal for stove furnace, $ 10.50 per cord. , $ Phone 122-X-l. 432 1934 Ford Sedan, 4-door, good running order. Apply H. M. Block-burn, Rural Route 1. 4)2* 2-PIECE Chesterfield, 8-piece dining room suite MCl k BOWLING Standing as ,, lii:-v Miller! SAWMILL, Three heodblock carr.oge, edger, cut-off saw, 15 Caterpillars, 1941 2-ton truck. 100M to cut ot present site. Option on 2,000,000 feet of timber, 3 miles from New-lands, timber intersected by rail-way. Box O.T., Citizen. 412* TO Saw better lumber more economically use the modern and up to date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Off6 I WANTED TO BUY-i&tt furniture Sec Roj Born 85 H.P. DOUBLE Drum hoist. New including cables and block. Apply McBride Agencies. 2tf3 [ SECOND-HAND Furniture bou j sold. Phone I37-L-2 Cpp- Depot J. W. Coitlc. Box '/ I SMALL Portable sawmill,; g particulars and price to Be Citizen. ite Bj ve fui D.M.[ 412-1 ROOM AND BOARD MASSEY - Harris breaker, 24-inch, power lift, steel beam. New shear and colter, extra. Will sell for best offer over $300. G. M. Cosford Dunster, B.C. 43 1 ' ROOM And board in rCtutc e fc rfiic men's; Third '• HELP WANTED JET Polish for h fc-ct job:.with Leaves no b "Jet.' MAN For position with Iqcol company as office and warehouseman. Essential that applicants have tome office experience. Permanent job for the right man. Address applicn tions to Box D.L., Citizen. 431 * HOUSEKEEPER. Good position, good wages in very modern home. AppJy Box 759, Pr. George. * .3*f5 WAITRESSES, COOKS AND DISHWASHERS. APPL\ TO GEORGE KOLIAS, c|o MAY-FAIR SHOP, THIRD AVE. 2r(tl JANITOR For Anglican Church. Must live on Millar Addition or close to church. Man pensioner preferred. Apply Anglican Rectory corner of Monson and Ontario. 42 I MOTHER'S Help over school age: Three hours, three days a week. Write Box D.W., Cirizun. 3rf4 FRIENDLY und talk CARIBOO LICENSED ploughii met P in McBi !3rl C Bride t; AVAILABL p'illai D ; D8 bull < FOR "j-vip; H D . Prii i c G Dosurc r Cctw OPENING For junior clerks and stono-graphor. Apply Royal Bank of ' Canada, Prince George. 4lfl ' — be, PHONE 13-L-t Cut-RateSelfS^rve KAMLOOPS MAC APPLES- Best for color ar 3 pounds ................................... per box.......................:..... ••• <_,¦¦ NESCAFE—Instant Coffee 4-oz. tins, per tin ................ SALAD TUNA— per tin............................ DATES—Pitted 2 pounds ......... FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS— per pound ..................................... =j"~=H ONTARIO CHEESE PAY II M6dium Matured CASH II Per Pound 52c