16 Prince George Citizen Thursday, September 9, 1948 Now %7 weekly flights to and from For information and reservations, R. Boehme, Agent, Prince George Hotel. in 2Vi hours Now, in addition to regular daily flights, except Sunday, there are extra evening flights Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On these days you can be home by 7:25 p.m. after a day in Vancouver. U*e Air Mail Regularly aA** (Pacific FOR ALL YOUR TRUCK REPAIRS Call and see us — We specialize in HEAVY EQUIPMENT Dealers for the Famous WHITE TRUCKS CORNER TRUCK SERVICE Truck Specialists at Fourtft and Dominion A. J. LENEHAN Phont 240-R-l GEORGE COWELL DELIVERED FREE • C.O.D. Phone 142 25c per dozen paid' for empties. Please have them ready when the driver calls. COAST BREWERIES LTD. SICKS1 CAPILANO BREWERY LTD. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. PB4 Nciv Type Chest Respirator for Polio Victims This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. RAF HOWELL, nine-year-old Monroe. Mich., polio victim, Ls shown at the University of Michigan hospital wearing a new-type chest.respirator developed by an Ann Harbor pediatrician and a Chicago engineer. The new machine, four hundred times lighter than the cumbersome iron lung permits the use of muscles not paralyzed bv the disease. Yanderhoof Airport Kept Busy By Sportsmen and Vacationists Possibility That Airport Can Make Our Lakes And Hunting Areas More Attractive to Flying Sportsmen The increased use of the Van-derhoof Airport by sportsmen and vacationists is an interesting trend. Possibly the largest plane to land on the Vanderhoof Airport arrived on Wednesday carrying a party of sportsmen from California. The plane, a Douglas, twin-motored B-25 converted bomber, is owned by the Babbe Aircraft Parts Corporation, , Fairbanks, Calif., a corporation with branches throughout Canada and the United States. On. board the plane was a large amount of freight and seven Cali-fornians, including Charles Babbe, president of the corporation, who are here to fish and hunt while guests at Douglas Lodge, and at a camp established on Trembleur Lake. Three weeks ago two representatives of the Canadian branch of the Babbe Corporation arrived at the airport in a Harvard aircraft and indulged in fishing at Stuart Lake. It has been the contention for some time past that the Vanderhoof Airport, one of the finest in central B.C., could make our lakes and hunting areas quite access-able to vacationists and tourists, with private planes, of which there are several thousand. The Mayberry brothers of El-myra, Washington, landed at 'he airport In a Stlnson 150 last Friday and departed on Tuesday after indulging in a successful fishing trip on Stuart Lake. The large number of fish caught by the Mayberry brothers was no surprise as they had flown here last year and made the return trip because of the excellent fishing they found in these parts. Three other fishing enthusiasts arrived from Sacramento, California, in a Howard aircraft last Wednesday and proceded on to Douglas Lodge by taxi. Other arrivals at the Vanderhoof Airport last week included a department of transport Lockheed. On board was the district airways inspector, the district airways engineer, and assistants. Moose Damages Transport Truck Pete Wall, driving a Lee's Transport truck, arrived in Vanderhoof last Saturday afternoon with a broken fog light and a dented fender as the result of coming in contact with a cow moose between Quesnel and Williams Lake. The moose jumped from behind a clump of bushes directly in front of the truck. Pete slammed on the brakes ln*an effort to avoid hitting the moose but a patch of hide on the bumper in addition to the other slight damages is evidence his efforts were not entirely successful. When last seen the moose was making a hasty exit through the brush. TRY CITIZEN CLASSIFIED ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS Child Health Clinics To Be Held in District A child health clinic will be held in Fort Fraser Community Hall on Tuesday, September 14, from 24 p.m. ENDAKO—A child health clinic will be held in Endako in the hotel on Friday, September 10, from 24 p.m. Lutheran Church To Have Annual Picnic On Sunday On Sunday Connaught Hill Lutheran Church will hold its annual church picnic, to which all friends of the congregation are invited. They will gather at the church immediately after the service, at 12 o'clock. Every family is requested to bring its own picnic lunch. There will be races for the children, and games and contests for all, including a soft-ball game. If the weather is bad, the picnic will be posponed until September 19. Announ SPRAY l MACHINE Work done either by J o b the hour ' or Carl Wedemei Shop Phone 284.U1 Residence Phone 274J Comer Fourth and Domi. NEW HARM First-Class Repairs on All Leatherwork HARNESS ACCESSORY BABY 'HARNESS DOG HARNESS, BELTS, Hewlett & Sii George St. & Fourth A* R.N.OLES SHEET METAL PLUMBING HEATING Second Ave. ond Quebec! One block north of postofl SHADES OF YESTERYEAR... ; , ¦ Only a memory of a more leisurely age is the Wooden Indian, whose painted countenance outside the cigar stores of a bygone day was a constant reminder of the debt we owe the Noble Redskin who introduced our forefathers to the delights of the fragrant weed. Today, as in the "earlies," Princeton Beer is brewed of the finest grains, the continent's most prized hops. plus the famous water of the Tulameen—a rare achievement of the bfewmaster's art! PRi^cErom PRINCETON BREWING CO,. LTD PRINCETON Thii advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boa or bv the ^ • •--»«ent of British Columbia.