18 Prince George Citizen Thursdoy, June 9, 1949 Come and Hear M. J. Coldwcll Notional Leader of the CCF Party at the CCF HALL Prince George Tuesday, June 14 8.00 p.m. — EVERYBODY WELCOME — • Published by the 'Canboo.- CCF Asosciotion Old Law Firm Is Now Partnership Alexander McB. Young, K.C., well known city barrister and solicitor, has announced this week that commencing June 1, his law practice will be on a partnership basis with William Ferry and that DELIVERED FREE • C.O.D. Phone 142 25c per dozen paid for empties. Please have them ready when the driver calls. COAST BREWERIES LTB. SICKS' CAFILMO BREWERY LTB. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTB. PBi This advertisement is not published cr displayed by the Liquor Control Beard or by the Government of British Columbia. hurrvn fix rr \ $"v£got \ to vote for public ) cap. insurance \j & wm VOTE CCF Public Car Insurance fORMAUF*£ PRESENT RATE PROTECTION far every citizen AT COST That's the CCF Program It can be clone here at it is feeing done by a CCF Government in Saskatchewan WILLIAM FERRY the firm will be called Young and Ferry. Mr. Ferry returned to Prince George on May 15 following acceptance to the bar' by the. B.C. Law Society. He was articled to Mr. Young for the past three years and is the son of C. W. Ferry, former city alderman and prominent Progressive Conservative Association member. The firm of A. McB. Young, K.C., has operated in Prince George since 1920 and Mr. Young is widely .known throughout the province. Labor Officer Speaks On I.C.A. Arbitration The success of the B.C. Labor Relations Board in preventing work stoppages was outlined by Board in an address to the Prince H. Strange, a member of the George Board of Trade and later to the Lumbermen's Convention here last week. Mr. Strange pointed out that the number of work Uays lost through disputes had dropped from 1,294,202 in 1946, before the board was set up. to 150,992 last year and last year's figure Included a coal miner's dispute over which the Board had nd control. The main thought behind the Industrial Conciliation Act, he said, was to give the employee the right to belong to the Union of his choice, which can speak for him in negotiations. ARBITER The Board was set up on January 15, 1948. to administer the Act and since that date has functioned as an arbiter on questions concerning applications for certification and negotiations leading to collective bargaining between employer and employee. "Probably the most satisfactory feature of the Board," he said, "is the opportuniay given parties to appear in person and make their representations orally and in the presence of each other." He pointed out that there was contention between unions as well as between employers and employees but where the slightest doubt exists as to which union should represent a group of them, a vote of the employees is taken. The board dealt with 864 applications for conciliation in 1948. The Act has shortened considerable the period for conciliation which must elapse before a strike can be called, said Mr. Strange. He also outlined the procedure which must be followed by a union seeking arbitration. A man is judged by his appearance, so is a newspaper. Advertise in a publication of character, the "Prince George Citizen." '• AUCTION SALE TI.MKKK SALE X47407 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 10.30 a.m., on ¦ Friday, June 17th, 1949, in the office of the District Forester, Prince George, B.C"., the Licence X47407. to cut 850 M of Spruce, Douglas Fir, Lodgepole Pine on portion of the N.1/^ of Lot 2409. Cariboo District, situated South of Pilot Mtn. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid. Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria, B.C., or the District Forester. Prince George. B.C. or Ranger French. Prince George, B.C. 222 ' Arnett's Armored Brigade Fights Along Hart Highway An armored brigade in miniature is working on the extension of the Hart Highway and scrapers and cats are already tearing into the bush beyond mile 21 (51 /titles from Prince George). Arnett Construction Company have 70 men and 12'euclids, two shovels, one dragline, eight caterpillars and three scrapers on the job. They are meeting with difficult conditions "as tough as we expected but nothing we didn't expect," said a company spokesman. Gravelling up to mile 51 has now been completed. When the heavy euclids started up this'road they found the surface somewhat soft.' The road builders have established a camp at mile 21 and another at mile 27. It is between mile 27 and mile 30 that the going will really be tough. There the foundation is what some people loosely call blue sand and others call muskeg. Anyway it shifts and an extensive draining and ditching job has to be done. HERBERT J. PAISLEY & C0. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT* VANCOUVER 403-8 Hall Bldg. Phone PA 5925 and MONTREAL Representatives at OTTAWA - TORONTO PRINCE GEORGE Suite 3. Prudente B| 332-1-1 - WINNIPEG Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co TRAIN SCHEDULE—BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND PR|'CE Effective — May 30th, Doylight Saving Ti NORTHBOUND No. 3 Tues. Thurs. Sat. 9.30 2.07 5.13 7.42 8.30 am pm pm pm pm No. 1 Mon. Wed. Fri. 9.30 am Lv. 2.07 5.13 7.42 8.30 9.00 11.15 4.40 8.00 No. 1 Tues. Thurs Sat. 8.20 am 1 1.35 am pm pm pm pm pm p.m am am Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Station .. Vancouver (Union Pier) .....Squamish Pemberton.. . ......Shalalth ..: .......Litlooet.. . Lillooet Clinton Williams Lake Ar.........Quesnel Ar Lv Lv Lv Ar. Lv. Lv, Lv. 3.101 11.471 , Greyhound Bus Line Lv. .....Quejnel . Ar. .. Prince George 3.10 pm M S47 om 8 50 am , ssn! o.UU am 7.30 am 4.53 om 11.55 pm 7.45 pm No. 2 Tues., Thurs, Sot. Ar. 7.00 pm Lv. 3 45 pm Local Agent—Cy Westawoy, 434 George St., Prince George— Phcne 2797 IT'S UP TO YOU! The campaign to elect a CCF government urgently requires funds. If you want a CCF government, do your part tpday. Send $10.00 or what you can afford, to the CCF Treasurer, 712 i Holden Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. j All donations acknowledged and credited to local constituencies. Phone your nearesj CCF office, 79-L-2, to have your donation picked up, or mail by cheque or money order to CCF Treasurer, 712 Holden j Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. I Published by the CCF Provincial Campaign Committee. CANADIAN ARMY INSURANCE FOR PEACE There's a Career for You IN CANADA'S ACTIVE ARMY Useful trades taught by experts leading to fo promotion and increase in pay. Advancement to the commissioned ronks if you have what it takes. Earn as you learn and enjoy an active, interesting life. Lifetime pension on completion of service. Whet more could any ambitious, red-blooded man ask? ' For full particulars write now to 11 Personnel Depot, 4050 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. LOCAL HEADQUARTERS - ARMOURIES First Avenue Phone 211-R-l R CCF GOVERNMENT WILL Remove the Sales Tax from consumer necessities immediately. Institute public car insurance at cost mmmmammmmmmmmmm Provide tree treatment for cancer, arthritis and T.B. Establish an air ambulance. Bring private power companies under public ownership. Establish regional housing authorities for action ftew. warn Assist co-operatives. Arrange bulk export sales. Guarantee two weeks holiday with pay. Increase Workmen's Compensation. Abolish anti-labour legislation.