Prince George Citizen Thursday, April 27, 1950 Prince George Citizen E 1916) Published every Thursday at ^rir-ic^ George, B.C., by The Citizen Publishe' and Printers Ltd. Editor H. H. Gregson. DIRECTORS: H. H. Gregson, M. J. Izowsky, H. G. Kennedy, C. A. Warn0r' Member of tb^ Audit Bureau of Circulations . An independent Class "A" v^kly newspaper devoted to tbe upbuilding ^ Prince George ond oil comrfUnities comprising Northern and Central By Largest ci'cu{arior» of any weekly newspaper in Central and Northern 0*itisH Columbia. Subscription per year Outside Canada - . $3.00 $4.00 newspaper is copyright b^t editors and others are at liberty to quote fn and advertising contend Provided due acknowledgment is made to I » "Pr'^ce George Citizen." Authorized as second clo*s moil by Post Office Department, Ottawa. iqher Taxes At a time when the rhOLjnting cost of living and increasing Federal and provincial t0*e$ moke it harder to make ends meef/ the doubling and trebling of taxes on many city homes has fille^ a large number of people with deep concern. And it is no consolation for the householder that the bui" den of taxation has bee^ transferred from the business to the residential areas. In fact, he would, if a business man, pref#r the taxes to be in the business area, as he could thereby income tax relief to ths s\tent of his business taxation. Elsewhere in this n§vvspaper; we are told w^iy these are necessary. Briefly, the city is growing very rapidly, we hofT^ to do many things this ye<3r to irnprove the city which should have been done years q9°; *e ore paying for increased educO' tional costs and for expenditure incurred on the Willow Riv0r hydro. If the extra money npw to be raised by taxation is speri wisely by competent technicians in the improvement of oOr streets, sidewalks, water supply and electrical system, we thin^ nevertheless that, howev'ei- hard it bears on the pocket, it is ^ good investment. A glance at our city today-—the dust, the uneven woode^ s'dewalks or total absence of any sidewalk, the many shacK" Facsimile Newspapers id of general int^ \gt tpo public and of parting! l to newspaper publir jV\,< from below the bo» V-it is reported that a ^.V* known as multiplex, \$t mought the era of fasd^J* very much cl^\r are expected to ,\p tei> ovel- is the process printed and pictorial can be transmitted by i es and is reproduced in V Because it is ca' wave-lengtihs in the Modulation band it held back for some tini' owning FM stations \ to program ,them "• being transmitted over their d shops, proud of their wares and the'r services to the public, perhaps a tree-lined avenue or tw#* freedom from mud-splo$hin§ and dust gales. It should be made compulsory for buildings to be kept ir* good condition and on^-hoped for effect of the higher tax^ will be that it will not pay qny man to keep partly-used dila?N lMtinC^ George tpwnsite this v% • _i_^ j i___ii. ... i .... . /- (tWinL' to ihc pxfpllent f»y Permitting FM station' • tnmHinit regular material, as as facsimile, at the same utf It is inevitable that this \vill eventually reach nrHirwlEH (From the Files of H, fKABS MiO n* to the pound \< be entered by p^ V> cattle within \y la\v Will who nink' which to the excellent cattle can obtain on to offer to maintain a man .^j^' tooted shacks lying around on which he has to pay heavy If we pay for improvements we want the municipal publ'^ tovjrisite Just now. They conscience of certain d^ieris improved too, so that the indi^ dual bad apple does no* spoil the barrel of apples. Hundred of thousands of dollars ^Pent on improving a city can be marr^ by the eyesore here and rh^re. Building and zoning regulations are in force. We ho^ they will be enforced aOd w<* were sorry to hear a case in whi^S his Worship the Mayor, yielding to pressure, changed his mir1^ According to Premier 0l)N\\, about the renting of a nut erected in a garden in a1 residential Rtat£inent to the coast public'; lv area I'.C.E. survey parties will '% 't, i l • ,- , ^is &iace almost immediate . I he lumber in our cjistrict is a natural resource the val^ of which is constantly increasing. Few people realize the ext0^> to which lumber is becoming a key product in the economy^ nations, not only for bidding but for the production of alcohol rubber plastics, clothing and sugars. We have no need to P% pessimistic. Unlike minerals, our forests with proper mana^ ment, can be made inexhaustible. We must keep paC$ vvith economic developments. We mO*\ of t\yo things will then . CBc will eithei- make f0£|e a virtual state monopoly* 3s it has (Tone in the cas; On the other hand. CBC controlled participation by es;-t^hij^h^i newspapers would ifi^un that publishers would have t/> jii"Ost«ate thPmselv<.'K before [pa C'Hfj for an annual renewal of tfiSjf htpack-axtjiiK licenses—in ef-f^c^ 't'h?u' publishing licenses. It 0 moan that newspapers ubjected to the same ts 0{ censorship and exprop-P that now bedevil the ex-e f,f radio stations. Neithe: iritive would be compatible freedom of the press. IN HISTORY Pfi*\ce George Citizen) lcebi the road firm for a longer )7t'i"i()'! and the frost in the road-no out gradually ' and less disturbance on the There is more snow (lone now and the result frost in the road-bed m,ore trouble in the spring f deep frost .thaws out. ttl.^o \e s AROUND THE WITH "ROVING REPORTER I was glad to see Harry Perry around again at Rotary. Like many other people, I feel that Harry lets me down at times when he doesn't turn up when expected, but being at heart a highbrow and a great admirer of intellect. I'm an ardent Harry Perry fan. His speech at Rotary, in which he thanked Lloyd F. Detwiller, Commissioner of the B.C. Hospital Insurance Service, for his speech and then offered some constructive suggestions on the hospital insurance scherp said, and it is doubtless true, that hospitals offer a very convenient concentration of patients for doc tors, who are able thereby to treat many people in a short time, whereas they would otherwise have to travel from house to house. £ -fr it it Some people who heard Harry talk thought that he should have we ut I H1 municipal band at another exit. of the piano guests. Tempo, ..,., ed when weh;(|( ( t^g hotel accomml' night, bui all's we? well. An oversight haf * somewhere and fj.p \ "'l:^ fuse in their apoloai-', ?ire W turned up for the nlar *' Monday morning -•Incidentally the rh-., ardesses, \ \^"» 3 around $ir,0 a month from $ $800 n cation for a successf ess is that she mu,t She has to be nurse, mother and unless she likes people pple be a success at any (Jf th A comment on the -, of our liquor laws is were told that drinking permuted on the J between Vancouver a George but, at the v, brochure advertisinc t service to Hong ;; the sentence: "And it is to have the bring you a whisk} when you need it." Apparently we i to behave ourselvi with a drink ovei t but there's something b about the air over years, from her husbiid di confined himself to a few brief i Hayworth calls ' sentences of thanks to the Hos \ j^\{ Khan pital Insurance Commissioner.' But 1. for one, don't agree. The most interesting part of a gather-1 w . , ' ..„...,. ,,. ' ing is more often the questions W^ U F- ^m to the guest speaker than what 1221?? 2 "^,WS»S DENIED: To di father-in-law, who is from he Rj her husband 3 and her fa^ the Aga Khan't. ¦> •:• ¦ - the speaker himself said. Im < ^?°™ a cmzen, of this city tf sorry-to note this habit of ques- i ^aen "eoxt ,hthree We€ks- Her;! tioning the speaker going out. S?**8^ ™^ ests have been i -. i Only once recently hav.» «^- "„,,,, run »,Hiam mt< I heard questions to the speaker "J*. h.ave ^'en . in negoiiaft invited and that was when S. C.{j"g %*%" Garvin Def'^ Wallace (now father of twins, ^ ^1fe~"p pioce^d With surveys of th fod Cattle to be sent out ;ir ^vhen niany dogs are losi steiTiper and as this dis-now prevalent in Prince all dog-owners are advised ff> icdep their pets off the VKAHS A<;<) A ftei% what he termed the "\vo,'.-:t iscare in my life." E. R. (.'b.^Klov. C-N.B. conductor, was 3!>le to "at last say that he had ce^n a "born railroader." I expectant mother boarded Checkloy's freight at Dome Creek, and 50 further v-<-\ it became af>-paieflj that M: Stork was get-t iHjr MnpatieHi. Five miles west c/ ilftc freight's goal, McBride, a t^aby Wo* bo'bn With Mr. Check-\ey iictj.i" ::-• nurse. \jpoii arrival at their destina-tten inother. father, and baby and. headed for the hospital ns happy as can 0-C/s Biggest Bang •Jtl^CE RUPERT, April 27--2 nf the largest dynamite ats ever fired in B.C. will May 7 at Pacific, 110 miles of Prince Rupert on the line. railway rock pit will be with ; 122.500 pounds of '-Xpl^iVPs. FVom the pit, the ny nope': to obtain lf>00 of rip rap. a type of grade i£. anrl fill rook. Fort William said Hill Thrum I ; is the gateway to the north-vsj provinces and through the ci^j , passes 90 per cent of the P< | raised in Alberta. Saskatchewj land Manitoba. He said they Ml winter he e^l lire in introducing an eminent guest, etc. etc." OoUd applause). Eminent guest rises to his feet iloud applause). Eminent guest makes speech (loud applause). Exalted Buffalo: "I'm sure we all enjoyed one of the most in-; had the hardest teresting speeches we ever heard, i remembers, etc. (loud applause). Before we K<> I think we should all give a big hand to show our appreciation to speaker (loud applause).*j ed by 11 p.m. Trouble w The audience then gives a big' ed by one of the twins who4* clap for, the guest, who may or jped safety razor in the tans, w may not thank them again! culminated a week of iwsciwj (loud applause) and we all go during wHch all the boot-briL home thoroughly happy with our and a $4 paint brush (<' ly in Prince G.eorge, will decrease the <¦ already if you don't use water, still further. HiUM gas has been imported"!o ers which adds col ;':-transport charges 1 now" set up it will he inn1 '',;; and bottled for distn householders here. it it * 1 The breeding aft. r periment of a wing!¦*»_ in the States has prpm ' fessor Pull-it of 'r .!L to publicize his own with an intestine1 "For years said tH(> l"^:i«| "milk stop" service were just a little disappointed when we got to Vancouver. Somehow, although the C.P.A. invitation was exclusively for the flight, we had got it into our heads that we would be entertained in Vancouver as well. Prince George went all out to entertain the guests who arrived on the flight and this too, perhaps, gave us the irnpresslor that the hospitality might be re ciprocated in Vancouver. Instead, on arrival at the coast pity, we found ourselves standing in the airport wondering what to d,6 next. At first we thought \ye haO left the airport building by the wrong exit. The red carpet and housewife miles of unnecessary l""'J^ the pullet's interior i-can be boiled in ""' !, | first efforts were sirni j . ed the intestinal iuM' • one inch from Its h at another point one. ^ its end, threw awa ^ .. lay between and J two severed ends "This was excel" but the digestive l"1 treated pullet were¦^^f that when it ate a it had to back up ¦¦¦ to avoid losing never f"' : ' ' ,, . (See R.R' : I