6 Prince George Citizen Thursday, August 24, 1950 Business Directory FIRE - AUTO - ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public - Real Estate F. J. SHEARER rhird Avenue Phone 37-L-2 ASSMAN'S • FUNERAL CHAPEL Funeral Director George Street - Prince George Office Phone 172-L-l Night: 5-L-2 JOHN'S CABINET SHOP ACE-TEX FLOOR TILE ZONOLITE HOME INSULATION 997 Third Ave. Phone 214-L-l FRED BURR & SON COMMERCIAL WOOD SAWING & WOOD FOR SALE Residence, 1725 Fourth Ave. Phone 342-R-3 - P.O. Box 906 210 Dominion St. Phone 153-R-3 510* CARIBOO FINANCE CORP LTD. "We finance everything automotive" Lowest finance chorges in Central B.C. Bo* 608 - Phone 282 Prince George Motor* Bldg. A. D. MACEY - - Representative F. P BURDEN British Columbia Land Surveyor and Professional Engineer Box 394 Phone 104-R-3 Office opposite Government Bldg. NORTHERN INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED Insurance—Auto, Fire and Casualty 1331 Fourth Ave. Phone 191-L-2 (Wilson M. Muirhead, Manager) PLANS and BLUEPRINTS For Expert Designing of Houses, Commercial Buildings, Store Fronts Phone 279-L-l J. HUTCHISON W. S. RUSSELL Auditing Insurance - Accounting - Real Estate FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & INCOME TAX RETURNS P.O. Box 457 Third Aye INTERIOR FARM PRODUCTS LIMITED Plant at South Fort George City Office in OLD ROYAL BANK BUILDING — Phone 368-R-l — INSTALLATIONS - REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS Estimates Given - See Cariboo Plumbing & Heating CONTRACTORS Phone 297-L-l or Write Box 1943 Shop ot rear, 580 George St. BATER ELECTRIC SERVICE See us about those wiring problems, household appliance repairs, motor, and generator winding. We specialize In washer repairs. All our work is guaranteed. Phone 144-L-l; Box 487; George St. W. G. DUNCAN ACCOUNTING SERVICE Financial Statements & Income Tax Returns Compiled ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS SET UP Old Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 368-R-l L. H. KENNEY Real Estate General kwurowe NOTARY PUBLIC Corner Fourth Ave. and George St • Prince George DR. L. W. KING ; DENTIST Suite I — Assmorv Block 1132 Third Avenue VET'S HARNESS SHOP *-A. W. Gunther . Prince George Phone 365-R-2 REPAIRING LEATHER GOODS and HARNESS MAKING Also SHOE REPAIRING PRINCESS FLORAL SHOP and GREENHOUSES Wedding Bouquets - Funeral Designs FRESH CUT FLOWERS :loral Shop» Greenhouses J84-L-1 — PHONES — 42-R-l NON-BOARD INSURANCE Save 20% on Ordinary Rafces FIRE - AUTO - LIFE Best of Companies C. H. WISiNDEN BUILD WITH CONCRETE BLOCKS Fire Proof, Low Cost Solid, Even Temperature. J. F. JACOBSON & SONS C. B. M. Phone 262-R-1 1984 Ross Crescent 351* FORIN CAMPBELL British Columbia Land Surveyor Notary Public Phone 139-R-l P.O. Drawer 668 Prince George, B.C. BY PLANE, TRAIN AND CAR TOURISTS ARE ARRIVING IN UNPRECEDENTED NUMBERS (Vanderhoof. August 18), Lured by the unexcelled fishing and scenery to be found in Central B.C. an unprecedented number of tourists and fishing parties have been arriving in the Vanderhoof-Fort St. James area these past few weeks. Hotel registers reveal the names of visitors from many parts of- Canada and the United States, with Washington. Oregon and California predominating. While by far the largest majority of visitors are arriving by car the plane and train arrivals account for a considerable number of the visitors. On Wednesday a Lockheed "Lodestar" arrived at the Vanderhoof Airport with a party of 14 Californian's who had made previous reservations at Douglas Lodge. They were -transported from the Airport to Douglas Lodge by taxis from Johnson Bros, and Ted's Taxi Service. The same evening two Central B. Q. Airways aircraft, a Republic "Sea- bee" and a "Junkers" made a stop over in Vanderhoof while enroute to the "Fort" to transport vacationing and hunting parties to the Walker hunting lodges at Cold Fish Lake. The Cold Fish Lake vacationists included Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Levis of Toledo, Ohio, and Mr, and Mrs. Paul Davis and son of San Francisco. Mr. Levis is Chairman of the Board of Owens Illinois Glass Company, while Mr. Davis is a Director of the American Trust Company. The Davis family arrived at the Vanderhoof airport in a Beech-craft. Also due to arrive last week was a Gruinan "Mallard" with a number of California and Washington sportsmen making a return visit to northern lakes where they had enjoyed excellent fishing last year. Another flying boat, a "Goose," has been flying in and out of northern lakes during the past week. —Nechako Chronicle. AN EXPLANATION OF VANDERHOOF'S PHENOMENON - IT WAS "SUDS" On Tuesday, August 15, a high flying cargo plane carry- ng a shipment of soap flakes north, ostensibly for possible future use in "cleaning up" the communists when or if they should invade this continent, ran into strong cross winds caus- ng the plane to bounce around to such an extent that several of the cartons were bounced out of the plane. These cartons landed on a cloud leavily laden with moisture, and ">roke open. As a result, the mix-.ure of soap flakes and moisture, vhipped by high altitude winds, •reated a strange phenomenon— he descent.over a large area of! he central interior of small frag-nents of soap suds, which appeared for the world and all like mow flakes. This blanket of "suds" reached o a depth of 1 to l'i- inches on j he summit between Vanderhoof and Fort St. James. To Joe Sey-"arth, who encountered a large bull moose standing in the middle of the road while driving to Vanderhoof Tuesday morning. the GISCOME (Delayed) The community hail in Giscome was filled to overflowing on Saturday as the Calgary Range Riders put on a good show and dance .vitrx their western music. Giscome Bees and the oldtimers here staged a ball game Sunday afternoon on the local diamond. The elderly men put up a good game to lead the Bees 110-6. Mrs. H. Mann is being visited >y her mother and niece from \Tew Westminster. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Goheen in the Prince George lospital on August 9th. Ken McLaren has returned for a short visit with his father be-ore leaving for Terrace where it s rumored he will start work. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Millar and Children left on Friday, August 11 'or Vancouver to visit relatives and friends. Rev. Switzer of Vancouver paid a visit to Giscome on Sunday, August 13, and preached a very ine sermon to a, packed church. lev. Switzer was once the minster for Knox United Church at * income. Mr. and Mrs. P. Klotz have as heir guest, Mrs. Klotz' mother. Mrs. Kelly, from Vancouver. Harry Perry Slips, :racrures Foot Harry Perry slipped on the sidewalk between Hudson's Bay and Hughes & Ratledge in Third Avenue last week and fractured a foot. The foot has been placed in a cast and he was able to attend Rotary on Friday with the aid of crutches. .g? Although the sidewalk where he slipped has been recently laid. ;omo sinkage^has occurred at one joint and one pavement is about two inches above the level of an adjacent stone. sight of the moose, against the background of suds covered terrain, very' closely resembled conditions that can be reasonably expected, and are normal for the Central Interior in early January, and through February. (The above "explanation", is for the exclusive attention and information of Southern California Chamber of Commerce "Booster-Members" now vacationing in the area.) —Nechako Chronicle. \duiu) Phone 215 R-l DEZELL CONSTRUCTION CO. 1Q25 Fifth A, General Contractor FOR Express Service . AT Freight Rates! SHIP VIA Lee's Transport Vancouver £»e Print elieom Trucks leave Vancouver 6 p.m. daily PRINCE GEORGE AGENT: Mrs. George Hadden, Phone 104-X Lee's Transport Ltd VANCOUVER WAREHOUSE: 1214 East Pender St. HA 6740 and HA 6698 hard-working men.. And what better refreshment could the *'hard-working man"' ask for. lliun smooth, mellow-brewed j Burton Type Ale the beverage of moderation. Burton Type Ale is recommended l>\ many-people as the finest ale obtairiable-^-either domestic or imnorted. Only 20c more per case than beer.| Also manufacturers of the popular hnind, LUCKY LAGER BKER Trade Board Pamphlet Board of Trade members, merchants and others may obtain at he Citizen office pamphlets on Prince George and District for listribution to friends and-cllents. The pamphlets are handed out jratis, -with the compliments of he B.o.T. and J.C.C. P#/P£ Of THE PAC/ftC COAST VANCOUVER BREWERIES NEW WESTMINSTER This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor or by the Government of British Columbia. Board