Qycees Start Search For Weetheart Of Pr. George' iber of Commerce members are training eagle Junior Cha__^^ feminine set rj.,is week as they"search for of ndidates fctel gain ;E-;Sioc ¦¦¦,"«.-"¦ for which will be judged on July 2. ivpr a week at - ,K1 a chance to Prince George will be represent- j Junior Chamber of Commerce ed in the Miss P.N.E. contest in; members plan a giant parade to Parade Will Lead Off Dominion Day Events for Miss await the by Vancouver. Last year, the former; ]ca(j off Dominion Day Marilyn McLean of Shelley, car- tjons once more, ried the Prince George title to the coast city. West End Sunday School It ouawa" Reports Successful Year must Ik; between a successful financial year, celebra- The parade, which will start at ¦judged on the percent; beai eure. 2o -Pcr' ik in publlc> Inteliigenco in nrrconl. the Princess Theatre, will move down Third Avenue, until it is diverted down another street to the City Hall. From there it will move clown George Street to the entrance to Athletic Park. The children's parade will also I 20. They will during which money was collect- start at the Princess Theatre, but owing: charm ed from a spring tea, birthday; it will move straight down to percent; poise box talents, fees and tea money; George Street and from there to :nt; ,f face, and was reported by the West End the Athletic Park entrance, ability to Sunday School group, when they Prizes will be given for the 15 percent; gen- held their last meeting for ind special abili- summer on June 6. the i best commercial and organization-! al floats, and best decorated cars The group will use part of the: entered in the parade, as well as "i tinted Iris interested m tince George title are ave the form e contest are money to help finance the recent; for children's entries, including Citizen. All Sunday School picnic, and the re-1 best decorated doll ar baby car-drying for the mainder to improve their Sunday' riages, tricycle, bicycle, midget t car, and best dressed boy and group have i girl, best groomed dog, and cat, been most generous in donating I and most original pet. asked to School building. at The Citizen Members of the :. Your Dream Shop.. oeen most generous in donating "ce'.° -ji take place in the curtains and kitchen articles for; Commercial vehicles will be re- f Judging will fivic Centre. Thi? is the pic ocond time the back room of the building, it that, was reported at the meeting. ENTRY-FORM MISS P. N. E. 1951 CONTEST I wish to enter as a contestant in the 1951 Miss P.N.E. contest to be held in Prince George on July 2nd. Bring or mail this entry form to Your Dream Slvsp or to the Prince George Citizen office. Contest rules will be ovoiloble within a few days. Name Address Phone Age..................: Dote of Birth A distiipisM prodsct %i the BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY Cq.UA BC EXPORT ^BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD WEtTMIMSTIB, l.C. uor r °dverfisemen*is "Of pubtished or displayed -L^'ro1 Board or by the Government of British Columbi quired to pay a $5 entry fee, but children's and all other entries will be free. Also planned for the J.C.C. Dominion Day is a dance in the Civic Centre on July 2, when judging will take place for the "Sweetheart of Prince George," who will participate in the P.N.E. contest in Vancouver. TEMS NTERIOR FROM THE City Boy Selected For Red Cross Camp Prince George Citizen Thursday, June 14, 1951 9 nursing a patient at home who could use this equipment' is urged to contact Mrs. Pete.r Fladgate One out of only 20 representa- \ov branch president Mrs. R. B. tives from all of B.C., city stu- Carter. dent Clyde Smaaslet has been ! Mrs. Roy Spurr, works comrnit-chosen to attend the Internation- , tee chairman, reported good pro-al Junior Red Cross camp at Jas- gress Pn the knitting project, per, it was announced at the ex- Children's socks and sweaters ecutive meeting of -the Prince are being made to add to supplies George Chapter of the provincial for disaster victims and other Red Cross Society on Saturday, needy youngsters, in the City Hall. ______' Clyde, who is incoming president of the High School Stu- The original fortifications of dents' Council, will be attending Old Quebec date back to 1608. MELLISH & WILLIAMSON Brick ond Stone Masons Buildings - Fireplaces Chimneys 210-R-l - Phones - 99-L-2 P.O. Box 1894 PRINCE GEORGE QUESNEL — A new Dominion Government building of Spanish architecture will be built on Reid Street — $25,000 will be spent this summer on new drainage facilities and hard-surfacing of Quesnel airport, the Department of Transport has announced Barbers here Have increased the price, of hair wits from 75 cents to one dollar"-£• The new Domln-' ion Bank branch was officially opened Saturday, June 9, by S. C. Cook, assistant general manager of the bank. The building was completed in March. TERRACE' — Hon W. T. Straith, minister of education, opened the first combined native and white school in this district — Louis Olson, 60, powderman for Columbia Construction Co., was killed by premature explosion when blasting stumps —JTer-race Rockets and Smithers All-Stars divided a twin baseball bill, Terrace lost the first game 8-5. but came back to win the second 8-7 — Lack of office facilities is hampering the work of provincial and Dominion government departments, and the Board of Trade Is trying to have the situation remedied. SMITHERS — Jimmy Good-acre joined the exclusive hole-in-one club when he sank his tee shot on a 158-yard hole at the local course, duplicating the feat of his father two years ago — Sister St. Joan, a Catholic missionary in China, is safe .according to a letter received by her Bister, Mrs. J. N. Carr — Residents are up in arms because the B. C. Travel Bureau has left Smithers off its weekly road maps — The government is being urged to Improve the Chapman Lake road which connects with the Cronin-Babine mine road. The mine is being developed by Vancouver in- terests. ¦ i WILLIAMS LAKE — A defeat- • ed school bylaw will again be presented to the ratepayers, the School Board claiming that "organized and uninformed opposition groups" were responsible for defeat of the measure — The Trappers Association has voiced bitter opposition to the $25 permit required from trappers operating In national parks — A retail Merchants Association has been formed to regulate store hours and deal with other mat-ters concerning local business — Spinal meningitis which developed from an ear Infection, is given as the cause of death of Mrs. Bessie Emma Buckley, 76, of Forest Grove. the camp in July. Representatives ,are expected from Saskatchewan, Alberta and the northwest Pacific, states in addition to B.C., and local Red Cross officials are expressing great pleasure that someone from this district should have been chosen by provincial authorities to attend the camp. The meeting voted a money donation to assist in sending the Junior Red Cross representative to the Jasper camp, from which, the senior members felt, he would derive a great deal of knowledge and inspiration which would assist the junior group in its work here. It was also proposed to send Sonya Davidson and Alice Cameron of the Junior Red Cross to the Water Safety instructional school at Cultus Lake, near Chilliwack, the latter part of this month. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC It was announced that the Blood Donor Clinic will be in Prince George for one day only, September 10. Plans are progressing for this important work and prospective donors will be contacted as far as possible. Red Cross officials, however, are asking everyone to keep the date in mind, as every available pint is needed to make adf-ruate supplies for the saving of many lives. The meeting decided to again call the attention of the public to the Red Cross Loan cupboard^ which contains a good stock of needs for home nursing, including two hospital beds. Anyone The FOOD MARKET — PHONE 182 — SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Pineapple Juice, 20-oz. Veiveeta Cheese, Vi-\b. pkg. 15c 29c FRUIT SALAD Q. T. F., 20-oz.................. 27c Burn's Shamrock Lard, 1 Ib. Ayimer Pure Raspberry Jam, 24-oz. Fort Garry Yellow Label Tea, Vz Ib. 29c 39c 39c BOXED CHOCOLATES PAULIN'S CHOCOLATE COVERED WHIPPED CREAMS, Mb. box 59« Shop for Non-Advertised Specials Daily. Father's Day Sunday, June 17 Men's Dress Socks You con't help but please Him with o pair or t>vo of these. Choose either anklets or hatf hose from several nationally known brands, in a host of colors ond complete size selection. prced 59c*0 2.25 from ........................ Men's Ties He con olways use on extra tie and we hove o grand selection Including foulards, ploids, nylons, pinchex, gabardines and others. Priced from........................ Sport Shirts We ore sure DAD woufd be tfirjHed to hove on extra sport shirt just befojr^joing or> holidays, and we hove o very jried'sing selection to choose from if> rayons,/0obordine$ ond ploids, in a host of color* to choose from. Sires S, M, L. Priced from ..... 3.95 Men's Belts Here again is something Father probably needs, ond you've probably been waiting for the right occasion to please him. We have o very wide selection of nationally known belts in both leother and etastic in several- popular styles, and a4! sizes. Priced frc*i Men's Handkerchiefs Perhaps the family wonts something not too expensive to give Fother on HIS DAY, ond here we hove again o nice selection of honktes In ploin white, or foncy colored ^ borders. Priced Men's Suspenders Always or> occeptoble o'rft fc o smart looking polr of men's braces and we hove-'o nice selection of colors In the elastic, ako tooted leother and police sry'e for mose who prefer Hiem. Priced from ........................ $1 Other Gift Suggestions for Dad Fishing Rods—e A.95 Gents'Slippers — 5.M Priced from ............................ ^^ Romeo ond Pockord style........ Reels— ft.95 T Shirts- . f.25 Pr*ced"f«>m ............................ ** Wide ossortment of styles ond colors " Lazy Boy Chair — 110.50 Sport Coots and Blazers $0 Priced at .......................... "^ Prked from.......................... Men's Gladstone Bags 3O 95 Jackets of All Types— priced ot ,,....... • WA Nyfon, Gobordine, Sotin, etc., from One of the most extensive fish-counting experiments in Canada is the salmon population check being carried out on the Mira-michi River in New Brunswick.