8 " Prince- George Citizen Monday, February 1, 1954 SPECIAL ON PERMANENT WAVES For the MoriTh-c»f February ¦—25% DISGOMK( HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 408 George St. , Phone 279-R-l Chartered Accountants EDMONTON - GRANDE PRAIRIE - PEACE RIVER . PRINCE GEORGE 7 OGILVIE, C.A. Resident Partner BOX 1192 144 GEORGE ST. PHONE 420-R-l PRINCE GEORGE VALENTINES Your o^etheart will be pleased assortment of GIFTS - CARDS - CUT-OUTS - CHOCOLATES PRINCE GEORGE DRUG CO. (Since 1914) \ STRAND PRINCESS Theatre I Theatre TONIGHT TUES. & WED. February 1, 2, 3 The Juggler TONIGHT Tu«?s. & Wed. February 1, 2, 3 James; Cagney and Barbara Hale v . '.' « in a lion is in the streets The.'Te.chnicolor-filrn' is based on the Adria - Locke Lancjley best-sellcr^novel of o brash backwoods peddler who rises to .. polilical heights. COMING: F ^VENGEANCE STARRING JAMES CRAIG RITA MORENO and KEITH LARSEN STARRING Kirk Douglas Milly Vitafe, A- powerful drama of a Jewish-juggler, landing''in Israel aftep^ imprisonmentjn Nazi toncfffffra-tion camps. See KjjIcDouglas in a role of hjgn dramatic impact & loyety Milly Yitale, Hollywood's greatest importation /Since Greta Gargq. COMING: GARY COOPER BARBARA STANWYCK In BLOWING WILD Instructional Schools will start this week in Basic. CIVIL DEFENCE. All persons interested in this excellent opportunity to obtain training/in this MOST important phase of our lives, please contact any of the following instructors. CENTRAL - CITY: • T. Dilworth, Phone 459-L-1 • W.Webster, Phone 259-L-2 \ • H. V. Nirzer, 530 Centr^Ave. • C. East, Phone 171-R-2 • F. C.Brimv Phone 124-X-1 • E. Godfrey,\phone 276X1 MILLAR ADDITION: • Ken Jack, Phone 331 -L-2 • W. J. Winspr, Phone 344-L-2 • L, Poole, Phone 238-R-2 • D. G. Hough • T. Hoibak, Phone 291-Y-V • Bob Sidney, Phone 347-R-2 • Mrs; Bob Allen, Phone 32-R-2 • Charlie Cawdell, Phone 439-1R-2 * • Mrs. F. M. Riggs, Phone 355-L-3 > fe Cant Be Certain-We Can Be Ready Brevities feme Drama Opins At Princess Tonight . Mr. and Mrs.. S? Jackson will leave shortly for Vancouver, to spend an—extended visit with their children and friends. They expect to return at the beginning of next month. .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green-all and daughter Judy arrived in the city Wednesday for a brief visk before leaving to return to Xew~~AVestmlnster Friday. The family is living at the coast during the winter weather where Mr. Greenall is undertalyng construction, work. He will pay several vfsits to Prince George before the family returns' to" Desume- residence here in the spring. YELLOWHEAD (Continued from Page 1) the Yellowhead entry into British Columbia would "serve the greatest number of people throughout the year and at the lowest overall cost." A key portion of the submission to the Prime Minister" is contained in quotes from "an address byNGeneral A.~G. L. "McNaughton at Spokane in 1952 concerning the hydro development rn"the Big Bend area. After pointing out that tbe potential power output of the Columbia River ~ exceeds by five times the total output of major hydro installations in fit. Marie. Niagara, Barnhart,. Beauharnbis and Lachine, Gen. McNaughton said "We contemplate the creation of very large storage facilities by the creation of a dam at Mica Creek. The foundation ¦ and other investigations for this .structure are now we] 1 advanced and the results indicate the water level may " be raised about 600 feet, -flooding the' valleys at Canoe and Wood Rivers and up the CoJumbia as far as the railway track at Beaver Mouth." \ FIND PEKMANKXT KOUTK Says the submission, "In view of the increasing shortage of power in the western states and the increasing demand for power' in "western Canacla.vit is inconceivable" that a project described in such gloSving' terms by th£_jnter-national representative.^ of the Canadian governm "Thus it becomes obvious that e people of Caruida wilhrrotj?!)-iK^a through-highvvay unless the federal governmen^^a^sumes he responsibility for bringing about its construction and on that basis it is submitted that the federal governhient ¦ should take 4teps to secure- tma selection of a better. route." \^\^^j2Jii....-»<»> JL'SlBO PASS The submission.points out that the alternative Jumbo Pass route lias the. disadvantage of serving only "a small portion of British Columbia and th.at-if would necessitate (construction of a tunnel for over a mile through solid,rock. lifficult to keep open during the winter months. Rogers Pass, says the. association, ¦ .Is another alternative but has the same restrictive disadvantages of the Jumbo Pass anc> would havcto beblasted out of id rock in. proximity to a railroad, making it impossible to dump debris down the mountain--side. In addition, railway records show that there is no other section showing kuch a calamitous history of snow-slides and rock: slides; The Earl Grey Pass and the Kick ing-horse Pass are subject to the same disadvantages of costly construction, heavy snow-fall and restricted use. The association estimates highway construction through the type of country which' exists in the.region of the four alternative ro.u ton-.would cost up to a million dollars a mile. The Yellowhead route, say its backers, has the least snowfall of any of" ibe proposed doorways through the "mountains and can easily be" kept open twelve months in The year. The association submits'lo^tfrt Prime Minister that the federal government should take the leat in calling together the western provinces with a view to estab limbing a-.national highway policy involving ^a^natlpna] highway hoard, -jind a national basis for federal participation in^arteria highway construction. R. H. CLARKE Optometrist Telephone :; £7-3^Y-l Suite 6, Prudonte Bldg. GEORGE "The Juggler," CoJumbia Picture's' _tense saga of a man who tries to ryn away from n'imself, opens tojiight at ..the Princess Theatre, reuniting star .. .Kirk Douglas and producer Stanley Cramer, maker of "High Noon," or the first time since they both achieved fame with ^Mr. Kramer's" outstanding picture, "Champ-on." „. / The picture marks the Ameri-an debut of Milly Vitale, Italy's )reirtiere movie charmer, who is )eing " hailed as the greatest creen importation since Greta Garbo. Featured in the cast are Paul Stewart, who acted as fight manager for Kirk Douglas in "Champ-on"; Joey Waish, the child <1U-overy of "Hans Christian Ahtleri ien," as Kirk's -boy companion, and Oscar Karhveis, Ne\v .Yprk stage star as Kirk's sympathise riend. Edward Dmytryk directed the picture and Michael Blankfort wrote the screenplay from his. own best-selling novel of the same name. CURLING (pontinued from Poge 1) iresented them with carving sets winners of the grand aggregate award.- They had won 15 ames arid lost only two during six days of curling. Bus Trinder brought further ;lory to the Quesnel Curling Club .vhen- his rink went homo with he HudsoiVs Bay Trophy, which vas preserited^by store manager fack Me Arthur. Visiting curlers praised the smooth manner'--in -which... the events were run off by Dravv-naster Clint Geddes and his a«> ?istants, Percy/Kent, Ha/ry Ken-ledy and- Mel Strickland. Secretary Verne Chapman worked tirelessly-throughout the spiel, and Allan Gaiutfr'and Hugh Blackburn kept the six sheet.s-of ce in tip-top shape. President .)I.im Willson intro-!uce ers\of t he/liad ies Cu r Iin j? Cl ub vas a fa.vorite rende"x.yon=;'-o'f the 00 cufr&rs, and,, some'>of the olunteer csjoks.. and waitresses /ere on' the jqbi all night tb-^pro-ide coffee ami other refreSh-nents for players\on the grave-ard draws. \. A rink led by firsV^r. James—Cuff HnkXand tie bars, Bcm-Bairtl Ltd. N. M. SMITH KVK>'T First, Bob *MadiIl>=-trophies and—steak kniVes^ Norman M. Smith Lumber Go. ond, Harry Kennedy; -Ware, Marshall Pec• k h a m—St e tso n Clothing. Fourth, —Tam and glovtf RaUedpe. Bi I UHut ton ^presen te"d Winter Sport Can Relax For Awhile | Thanks to -warm air 'froat-the, -l^aciricr-the cUrrent balmy weiit^; er in Prince George will continue in . the predictable futurer the weatherman reports. He is calling for clouds anO-yidely scattered showers, with southerly winds of 15 miles. The thermometer.. is expected to just louch. freezing tonight, and rise Tuesday to a high of -l£. The mild' "weather started dra-piatically Friday when the thermometer jumped from a reading of! eight below zero at 1:30 a.m. to 11 above an -hour later. However, no records.have .been ( threatenfd, with readings of 54 j being recorded here in 1931, 1935 .and 1940, for the tnd of" January, j and several other years had readings of 50 or higher during the month. ^*-**" IN THE SUPREME! COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA INT PROBATE IN THE MATTE1R OF-THE ESTATE OF WILFRID SBLANCHETTK (OTHERWISE . KNOWN AS WILFORD BLANCHETTE)DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of Hfs. Honour Judge-H^. W -Colga'n niaae- the 13th day of January, AD. 1954; 1 was appoint-rd Administrator with Will annexed of the estate of Wilfrid Bianchette (otherwise known a? Wilford Blahcbette) deceased, formerly of Prince George, British Columbia, and all parties having claims against the estate are required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the Hst day of -March, 1954, - after which date claim.} filed may be pakK without reference to any claims of which I thon had no knowledge./ AND all parties indebted to the estate ^afe required to pay the amourit of their indebtedness to me-forthwith. . DATKO this 19th day of January,'A.D. 1954. VVjllicim Dow Ferry, Official Administrator, 1330 .Third-Avenue, Prince George. B.C. 0-H5 tho position Assisd&iftf^'bfce^t Ranger Foliowlrifceffntn ',i ;^ahd 3rd--9:00 March 5th—9:00 a.m George. • Application forms and full paiv, employments From such HstV'appointments ' to positions no\\'\'VHcant will bo nihclc dates mployment will be month $225.00 pgp^mpnth he citiserfs^ of of tJic -British must have in Eiritislv Columbia for «ne year. The eanuKjate must be phvsicaljy capable orXlie work. Candidates must be 21\years of age or over. ' -No examination feejs POUND DISTRICT ACT Pursuant SeclfbnMl of. AcL Chantbr- to the provisions of the Pound District given of the resignation of E.^VV. Westlund of McBride, B:C'., as pound-keeper of the McDrlde Found. District, and the appointment of Isaak Giin'ther iMcBrlde, B.C., in his sfead: . ¦ , The location of the Pound premises Is north-east Vt of Lot 3542, Cariboo Land District. • • -'W. K. KIERNAI^" Minister of Agriculture Department of Agficultute, .Victoria; B.C., January 5, 195-1.' 012U MOVING RUSH TRAHSFER & STORAGE LTD. -Phone 51- LADIES - LADIES - LADIES - LADIES Something Especially For You. ; THE PANAMA VARIETY HOSIERY CLUB You purchase as you need them 12 pair of nylon hosiery and upon presentation of your membership card you *gef tfte I3rh pair . . . (Corticelli Hosiery The Choice of hre Discriminating) There is no obligation. The staff at Panama Variety will record your purchases .of branded hosiery on your membership card. When you have purchased a total of 12 pairs, present yoi# card at Panama^Variety and re-ceive your FREE pair of hosiery'vvhich will be equal in value to the average price of the 12 pair purchased. Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company EFfcctlrc Scptambe* 28th, 195J - Will Opflrotc THROUGH FAST PASSENGER AND EXPRESS SERVICE . VANCOUVER, B.C. AHO PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Inclo'BFhg Sleeping ond^Dtning Car Service ^SEORGE - -S^UAAAISH DOCK' J0r-: (Union Pier 9:30 a,itu) Mob., Wed., Fri. 1:30 ^.m. ^^Ttitit,,/thun.l Sot. 3:00 p.m. Tun-j., Tnur?., Sot. (Union Pior 6:30 p.m.) Wed., Fri., Sun, THROUGH FREIGHT-SERVICE ,, Wed., Fri.; Ar. Pr. George: Wad,, Fri., Suit. FREE PICKUP 8k DELIVERY ON FREIGHT & EXPRESS SQUIRRELS, OTTER/MINK have- Oracr-s for SQUIRRELS, OTTE^XSeasohoble MINK, \Coiarcd MARTEN, Smoll Good Colored\Femole FISHER, for iflvfiediate delivory, and we are prepared toxray you TOP MARKET PRICES. ^ \^" Our' Markets ore Amongst Tn^. Best Obtainable^ Our Prices are Net To\You. Ship to Us Now and Ship-OftcrKfo take advantage while the demand is at its Height, A SQUARrx dEAL or NO DEAL. Ship with CONFIDENCE. FURS -¦perfofmed).___; Vancouver 3, b.c. Canadian Legion ne FRIDAY, FEBRUARY — •10:00 P. Ticket* $3.50 tpr Person Accommodation is limited to fifty cptfples sa-—tickets wilt: be reserved for Legion mernbej-s-'and one guest each until 5 p.m. Februar^-^O.-Tickets available at the Legion so ae^yours; early and avoid disappointments r--"r Entertainment^^^^Surpiises Refreshments 033 A SPECIAL RCAF OFFICER S'D :\C.G REG A T E .First, Lloyd Harper., QJuesnel— Cnrifywt sots, Prince Oeoi-fic Cith zcn. • ¦ '¦ ' ' '"" ' - ' ¦ Prince George RVENT j>^ Dilworth—Pen desk Europe Hotel. Presented by k" February 8 & 9 WHILE HE'S HERE SEE HIM ABOUT THE 7RAtf#rTRAINING AND CAREER OPFORTUNITTfStbPEN TO YOU IN c|^Aj&A'vS AIR-FORCE