CLASSIFIED RATES Ci the Loyal Order of the Moose 20 Cash Ramos. Jackpot prize J_ $125. • Admission $1.50 eacr D1240 CABANET INTERNATIONALE The Canadian Folk Society's In ternatlonal Extravaganza, to b hold in the Civic Centre on Sal u relay, November 15th. Watcl WmW.Q Vancouver, Toronto Montreal BY MAIL 1 year , 6 months 3 months Subscriptions Single copies 7c By CARRIER 5 days per week Mon. thru Frl. 35c per week B.C. OTHER $12.00 $15.00 6.50 8.00 3.50 4.25 14. Construction Services HARDWOOD FLOORS Supplied, Laid and Finished or , Materials Only Older Plcidrs Sanded and Refinished NORTHERN FLOOR CO. 1591 Fourth Ave. ». Ph. LO 4-5057 Eves. LO4-6650 BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION CO. Framing, interior and , exterlpr finishing, concrete block build Ings, concrete floors, steps* sidewalks. ' Expert workmanship at reason able rates., FREE ESTIMATES , j 1980 McBride Cre3c. LO 4-5290 B.C. CEMENT CONSTRUCTION Your Concrete Specialists For Fere Estimates Phone ,LO 4-4231 '.,. K. E. Hallura 110? - 20th A'Ve Prince George a. r. Watson fL and HEATING New Installation aid repairs. Oil burner, coal stoker service. Call LO 4-5089 for estimates. A. Tt. Watson Plumbing and Heating, 1442 Burden St. HALLUM CONSTRUCTION LTD. Building Contractors — Commercial — — Residential — — Industrial -Plan Now — Free Estimates Fhone LO 4-4231 1105-20th Ave. 20. Help Wanted Male BAKER WANTED — Musi be first class for Northern town. Apply Citizen, Box 3GD. 21. Help Wanted Female WANTED Woman, t jpreferrably, with proven .record of Celling Classified Advertising personally and by telephone. Excellent opportunity for right person. Apply "THE CITIZEN" TF201 jARGE basement housekeeping rodm for'rent. Partly furnished, inquire at 1841 Gorse. WILL CARE FOR children in my own hohie. Phone LO 4-6(538. D12406 HOUSEKEEPING, ROOM, married couple prefe'rrfed. No children . No booze Apply 1360 2nd Ave. RELIABLE LADY wants child care position. Will baby sit eve-n ings. Phone LO .4-2025. D1250G WANTED by reliable .person — lousework or any other work. Phone LQ 4-6948f , , C2305 CARPENTER ^WORK, cement remodelling, Do you want to complete that job in one operation. Phone 4-6802 or write P.O. Box 83G for free estimates. Cli 23. Trailer Space for Rent LARGE LOTS, 30 ft by 50 ft. Sewage and water, electrical lookup. New modern washroom, $20.00 per month. Apply Moran's Trailer Court, on the banks of the Fraser, South Fort Gedrge, or phone LO 4-2317. TF205 24. Equipment For Hire TD-18 TRACTORS for lbgglhg, etc., hydraulic angle dozers, winches and canopies on all machines, Apply Elis Ongman Ltd., 1875-5th Aye., Prince George, or phone LO 4-2375. TF182 RENTALS Pumps, space heaters, light plants, outboard motors, brush clearing equipment. STEELE'S SALES LTD. 1161-4th Ave. LO 4-6041 REl^T-A-PUMP. Pumps for all purposes. Tom Martell Ltd. Phone LO 4-7644. FOR A COMPLETE excavation service contact Bellamy Construction. 559 Freeman St., or phone LO 4-6028 or radio phone RM56. 25. For Sale or Trade 47 DODQIC or will trade for accordion. Phone LO 4-'4b49; C2306 27. Offices for Rent OFFICE SPACE to let in the Professional Centre. Phone. LO -1-5744. . STF189 28. For Sale Or Rent 2 ROOM CABIN, 16x20, with built-in ..porch, lights and. water next door. Phone LO 4-5359 or can be seen at 310 Gillette. St. C2306 29. For Rent FURNISHED and unfurnished cabins. Apply McCormlck's 'abins, South Fort George. TF202 CABINS FOR RENT. North Nechako Road. Plione LO 4-4839. TF202 3 BEDROOM house 2!4'x40' in good location, full plumbing, wired for electric range, hot air heating, laundry in basement, for rent immediately to respon-ible party, Phone 4-2560. C2305 2 ROOM CABIN, on llt,h Ave. Apply Mrs. Annie Melancliuck, 1534; 11th Ave., or phone. LO 4-203S. C2305 4 ROOM HOUSE with b'ath-room, baserrient, hot wafer, coal and wood furnace. Ap'ply 1528 11th Ave. Phone 4-7328. DI2305 JLEAN. QUIET dren wipp'e. & ties IrVallabTe. 'Evergreen Al, . Court, 17th and Queensw-aSi Eh. LO 4-2220. TF1»1 29. For Rent BUILDING for rent on Hart Highway. Apply TJick Cook, 5V miles north on Hart Highway DI230G 1 ROOM HOUSE with oil Heater and oil cook move. I'hone LO l-7:S0!> or call 512 Ewert. C230C F.URNIS.HEJp 2 room apartment. I'hone LO 1-5571. TF2()<» MODERN 3 room suite, fully furnished. Propane and light supplied. 3 uiiles on Hart Highway. Apply 1585 Elm. Phorje •1-1790. T.F2CJ6 7 ROOM HOUSE, 3 or 4 room duplex with bath, furnished or unfurnished. Apply at 705 Irwin or phone LO 4-50G7 between 4 p.m. and 5:30. C2306 ONE CABIN on Hart Highway. Water, lights. Children welcome. Phone LO 4-7844. DI2502 FULLY M.0DERN f?pUSE for rent. 'Furrilhecl or unfurnished. Phone LO ' 4-4839. . , TF200 FURNISHE.p._2 . ,house. Full plumbing, 4 miles on Hart Highway.. Phpne_.4-2517,/. ' C139J3 1 arid 2 BEDROOM suites ion Winter rates. Apply Qeensway Mbtel, 1656 Queensway, or.jihone LO 4-7858. . TF182 2 BEDROOM house for, rent on yearly lease. Ap'ply 559 Freeman St. or phone LO 4-6028. TF195 2 ROOM HOUSE, newly finished. Back of Fair Grounds; City lights and water. Furnished or unfurnished. Inquire at Sunny-side Store. Phone LO 4-7840. DI2502 32. Housekeeping Roomi LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, furnished: Apply 1869, Kenwood St., or phone LO 4-6680. C230G FURNISHED rooms,., lights, hbt and cold writer,'electric cooking, for 1 or 2 persons. Only $18 each per month. Apply 2108 Tamarack St. or phone LO 4-7358. , DI220G HOUSEKEEPING R0OM torrent. Also room for 1 girl to share, with kitchen priveleges. Apply 1988 Hemlock St. DI23ff4 33. Furnished Rooms SLEPING ROOM for 2 girls br boys. Kitchen privileges1. Apply 9C4-4th Ave., or phone LO A- 073. . C23b.r J3E.D SIT.TI.NG. ROOM for rent. Apply 310 Alward St. or phone LO 4-5294. DI250G 34. Room and Board ROOM and "BOARD for gentlemen. Apply ,.1651'5th Ave:, , or ph'bhe LO 4-2282. DI2502 ROOM and board for men. Ph. LO '4-6470 or apply 573-3rd Avenue. . . C12088 DOWNTOWN room 'tod bdard fdr men. $17.50 per week. Apply 1033-3rd Ave. TF190 ROOM an,d BOARD f,6r gentlemen $75.00 a month.. 2510'Ross Cres. Phorie LO 4-6476. C2405 ROOM and BOARD available for business person. Phorie LO 4-2355 or call at 1425 Ash. TF206 36. Suites, Furn & Unfiirn MODERN self-contained 2 room sdite, heat and laundry facilities Supplied. Centrally located. Phone. LO 4-4227. . TF184 2 ROdM SUITE wtth large sun pb'rch in duplex with oil cook stove, large Bedroom, large,kitchen and living room pombined. Reasonable rent. Ap'ply Moran's Tfaller Court, South Ft. George, or phone LO 4-2317. TF201 1 and 2 BEDROOM furnished suites. Ground floor. Fiilly ntodern. Now, on, wiijter rates. Apply in persdri—No phone calls —Allen's Motel, 1616 Queensway. TF187 2 AND 3 room suites, furnished. Toilets ancl fehowers on same floor. Apply Lee Apartltients, South Fort George. Phone LO 4-5823 before 5 p.m. Af^er 5 phorie LO 4-2G84. TF179 41. Houses for Sale NEW 2 bedroom home, additldn-al sleeping room in basement. Nice garden., Very good condition. Cafch Sale. Only. For Information 'photfe. £6330. ..SKDI4-127 2 4-room duplex, 14JQ0O ,-ea'ch; 1 3-room duplex, 12,000. Down payments 4000 tb 5000 each. Will sell for less for the lot. Phone 4-2903. TF192 NEW 4 bedroom N:H.A. home. Double plumbing, Rbughed t ih recreation room. T\vin Seal and Pearson windows. 'Patio. 66,,ft. lot. Near swimmirife .jibol. $3950 down payment. Phone "4:4150. TF20G NEW N.H.A. fully modern, 3 bedroom, LOW COST HdUSING As low a,s $9500.00, includes lot. Down payment.;$950.00. Monthly payment $75.00 in-eludes, tax^s.. No other charges. Contact • ~ CENTRAL ^ CONTRACTORS LTD." CD194 41. Houses for Sale 4 BEDROOM House, unfinished but liveable, 2, miles on Hart Highway. Phone LO 4;G307. DI230G 3 Bedroom n.h.a. Home with attached garage. Choice Millar Addition . location. Substantial down payment. Phone LO 4-5890. TF185 FURNISHED HOUSE for sale. Also GalbririelU accordion. Apply 1171 Island Cache after 5 p.m. DI240G 42. Building tots LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Property. 100 feet frontage on 6th neat-George $13,000 full price for quick sale. Owner transferred to ^Toronto. Please write H. Jone, 676 Keefer St., Vancouver 4, B.C. DI22206 43. Farms and Acreage F£, FOR SALE— or trade fdr city, property. Apply to ,y. Ktieey, jRejd La,ke._.._ . _r.C2306 . TrWber arid Mills W^ggg Coritractdr tb lcig 15,000 per day. Reply Citizen, Box 31D. WANTED — Logging contractor to log 2 million feet. LO 4-2332 DI2306 WILL PAY top cash prices for Green Spruce and Douglas Fir. Have RD-6 Cat with dozer and winch. Price cheap. Will trade for lumber. See Sandy Zaryski at National White Spruce, Ltd., across Nechako Bridge, Prince George. Write P.O. Box 487 or telephone. TF182 47. Business Opportunities LTD. Authorized Manufacturers aricl. Marketers ,6f Phillips GG Products in 'Canada Is pleased to announce that Applicaitons are 'now being taken for lessees for the fdildwlng .new business premises: Phillips 66 Service Station Patricia Blvd. and George St. fhillips 66 truck Stop 1&90 First Ave. Tp for any of these units must"-be prepared for a minimum capital investment of $5000;p00 and have adequate service station or cafe experience. Phone Wr. F. W. Warren ' E6 1-33H4'or 4-5915 or write P.O. Box 652, Prince George, B.C. CD24d6 53. Fuel for Sale SEASONED JACKPINE 4 foot lengths. Seaboard Fuel. Phone LO 4-2914. TF189 STOVE LENGTH dry jackpine, $11:50 a cdrd. -Phone 4-5494. DI2505 ANY LENGTH pine $12.50 cord. Seasoned pine 4 feet, $12.00 a cord. Ph'dile LO 4-2342. SCMJte 55. Furniture for Sale UNFINISHED Furniture. Home Furnishers Co., 1190 3rd Ave, SEE US fdr used wasners, re< frlgerators, ktoves and furniture. We-also carry a complete line of unpalnted i furniture, youra at !easy terma. Prince George Electric Ltd. 1495 3rd Ave It Victoria. 55. Furniture for Sale BEDROOM SUITE, bed ches te'rfield suite, bed, kitchen table chairs, etc. Phone LO -1-4201 oi apply 946 Harjier St. TF20r 56. Stoves and Furnaces USED COAL, WOOD, Klectrtc and oil ranges and heaters B.C. Propane, phone LO 4-6133 McCLARY ROYAL CHARM wood and coal stove. Good con ditidn. Phone LO 4-4109, or cal FOR SALE— One coal and wodc furnace, complete with pipes ant registers. Phone LO 4-6113. C230t 60. Pets for Sale REGISTERED LABRADOR re triever pups for sale. Ready to go. Phone LO 4-4839. TF200 COCKER SPANIEL puppies foi sale. Ap'ply 1589-9th or phone LO. 4-5327. . TF204 FOR SALE—-'Registered German ShepMerd pups. Apply 1977 Nor wood St. DI2505 63. 'For Sale Miscellaneous 1 LARGE Coleman oil heater 1M> ton Yale and Towne pull lift and one Maytag electric ironer. Phone LO 4-G307. DI2;i00 ONE Beatty washing machine one chesterfield suite, one coffee table, one end table, one pane! bed. Very good condition. Phone 4-4730. TF17" GALVANIZED twin steel laun dry tubs, complete with stand and hoses. Phorie LO 4-5765. DI230G REFRIGERATOR, 10^ cu. ft. capacity. Apply Suite 203, Til-con Manor, 1617 Queensway. DI2502 30' x 12' wooden building with chimney to be removed as is di demolished for lumber. Very reasonable. Phone LO 4-0082. D1230G SEVERAL GOOD used vacuum Cleaners. Phone LO 4-7380 DI2403 DOUBLE BED, table and chair sot, utility trailer, 1942 Ply mouth motor, guitar, single bar rel, shotgun. Phpne 'AL at LO '4 6293 betwfeen 6-8 p.fn. C2106 A SPEED GRAPHIC 4x5 camera in excellent shage. This camera has a 135 MM Graphex lens front and back shutters, range finder, spdrt,.'finder, solenoic lens tripping device. Phpne LO 4-2441 or write Citizen Box 32D BOX. SPRING and mattress oversize GVi x 5 ft. Top quality in good condition. Phone LO 4 G42G or apply 1G85 Taylor Drive DI2:iO( GOODYEAR BATTERIES Power packed, factory fresh Trained battery expert at your service. Guaranteed repairs. W-M Tire Service, Second and Dominion, phone LO 4-4426. MUST BE-SOLD Immediately 9x12 wool Wlton carpet. Neu tral leaf pattern. Cost $150.00 Sacrifice $ld0.00. Phone 4-232G ©12206 65. Livestock arid Poultry FOR SALE — 1 Short Horned bull, 4 years. Is very quiet. A. R. Bert§Hi, Shelly East Road. C3106 66. Machinery for Sale 1 54" ROBINSON band Re-saw, 1 next to, new U:D 14 International power unit. Terms to right party. Phdne LO 4-2375. TF182 6x6 INTERNATIONAL truck with logging bunks and side log loader. May be seen at station 410 Willow River Development Road. Or apply P.O. Box 764, Prince George. TF161 75. Wanted—-Cars, Trucks BRING IN your car and I'll sell it. Bill's Auto Sales, 1297-2nd. TF189 DAILY ACROSS 1. Court* 6. Shinto ' temples 9. Sudden fear 10. Cavalry weapon 12. Interjection 14. River (Engf.) 16. Tries knew 16. Vegetables 17. Salary 20. Destroyer escort BLExclama. lion of disgust 24. A size of CROSSWORD 6. Detests 7. Cuckoos 8. Scotch- . man . 9. Church seat XL Hair etna 13. Merit (oik) 16. Wager 17. Conflict 18. Moslem title 19. Merry 21. Undeveloped flower 22. Man's name 23. Garment border 25. Voice range 27. Rowing implement SO. Perishes 32. Mattress S3.Taka 8 Yciterday's Aniwe» Bs 30. Rocket's one's own . nose 34. Common S7. Assist | abbrevia. 38. Not tlon windward 35. The. ark 39. River (Fr.) ¦buiiaer 41- Springtime 2B.Dre encb 29. Sale notice 31. Cain's father 32. Kind of pipfe h 84. Enclosed 87. Man's . nickname 40. Palatably 42. Division of .along poem 43. Grows white . 44. Command (archaic) 45. Kind b 1. Viscid, 2. Formerly 8. Lubricate 4. Frighten 6. Like a Venetian Wind 1 a A s it 7 . 3 9 IO It IX ¦ - ¦-» ' i IS. % % % .... w n 16 i % 2% 23 i Vm 26 % % 71 % % % i % i 37 36 39 4O 41 4X • i 49 76. For Sale—Cars, Trucks 1956 CHEV. SEDAN 1953 FORD SEDAN 1958 FARGO 1-TON Central B.C. Trailers 19U Brunswick Street LO 4-5913 TF19S r»-4 nonnrc regent sedan, some customizing, lots of accessories. Phone l.O -1-7100. C2304 51 "METEOR COUPE, in good condition. New winter tires. Cheap for cash. Phone LO 4-6071 after 6 p.m. C2301 1953 FORD SEDAN in excellent condition for sale. Private owner. Apply Premier Hotel or phone 4-7517, Room 10. C230G A BARGAIN— One '53 Buick Roadmaster, now tires, radio, signal lights, power steering, 2 tone color, can be seen at 22'i George St., Prince George. DI2I0G 77. Trailers tor Sale 2 WHEEL TRAILER. Call evenings, 58C Douglas St. C2100 CENTRAL B.C. TRAILERS LTD. Prince George, B.C. i 190 Brunswick St. LO 4-5913 Sales - Service - Accessories and Hauling We have the Dealership for HUSKY An all Canadian trailer, Engineered for our roads and weather. This Mobile Home is custom built to fit your needs and budget. Agents for Rex and Prairie Schooners. TF195 FRANK'S TRAILER SALES 1959 MODELS ARRIVING — See the new 32 ft., ten wide, with bunks in back. Only $1425 down, trades welcome. Opposite Airport entrance. P.O. Box 819 Prince George. TF196 MOBILE HOMES New and used trailers, many sizes and floor plans to choose from. Trade-ins accepted. Mai: enquiries invited. Also trailer towing, Insured. Apply Box 723 or call at 1843 - First Ave., Prince George. LEGALS FOIt SAIiK Sealed tenders, marked "Es tate of Peter H. Mulder" will b received by the understand until noon, Wednesday, Novein ber 12th, 1958, for the purchase of a 2 room cabin wired fdi electricity. Upset price of $S00.00. This cabin must be moved by the purchaser. Land tax shall be paid by the purchaser. Further information may be obtained from the undersigned Ronald S. Munro, Official Administrator, Sle. 201, Gallo Bldg. 1685 Third Avenue, Prince George, B.C. SK2300 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF KNSEKV10 Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Onler-in-Couneil No. 22S8, approved October 11, 1958. the reserve on certain Crown lands in the Cariboo Land District, established for the Pacific Great Eastern Railway company pursuant to Order-in-Council No. 1277, approved June 9, 1954, notice of which appeared in the B.C. Gazette of June 21, 1951, is cancelled insofar as it relates to Parcel "7/' of Lot 2010, Cariboo District, Plan 817. E. W. Bassett, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria, B.C., October 11, 1958, S210G TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned, and marked "M E D I U M INTENSITY LIGHTING, QUESNEL AIRPORT," will be received up to 3:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Tuesday, November 18th, 1958, for the installation of medium intensity lighting and related work at Quesnel Airport, Ques-nel, B.C. Plans, specifications, labour conditions, tender form and related documents, and pre-addressed return tender envelope may be obtained on application to the Purchasing Agent, Room 405. 739 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. upon receipt of an accented cheque made payable to the Receiver General df Canada for the sum of $25.00. This cheque will be returned upon the return of the plans and specifications in good condition^ Each tender must be accompanied by a security deposit as stipulated in the tender form and any tender not accompanied by a security deposit as called for will not be considered. Any tender submitted by tele-ram will not be considered. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. T. G. How, Regioh&l Director, Atr Services. Department of Transport, 739 West Hastings Street, Vancotivbr 1, 'B.C. October 24th, 1958. S2206 A "CANADIAN FLAG" will be seen in 12 countries, including those behind the iron curtain, arid it will be design of Gerald Peters, 40-year-old English-born Canadian. He is president of the Piccadilly club, composed of British newcomers to Canada who ihteHd to tout1 Europe next year in their bus "Jenny," Which will fly the Peters-designed flag wherever it. "goes. "We're going to tell everyone we meet that this is Canada's flag," says Peters. "And if it hurts anyone's feelings, let him design one himself." Brother Finds Mine Victim SPRINGHITjij, N.S. (TO—The body of Ed Itobbic, one of the minors killed in a bump hero Thursday night, was found Friday by his brother •Archie who -went info (he pit as a hare-fa red rescue worker. Itobbic has a wife mid four children, the youngest live weeks old. Jailed a Year , A man who could not stand trial'.on a theft charge because he was in jail In Eastern Canada yesterday was sentenced to a year imprisonment. Grant Fortner was convicted in County Court of stealing, a camera over the value pi" $00 from Herman.Arand of Prince George 'in 1957. He will serve the term at the provincial mem's-jall herb. '¦ Northern Cable Service Ltd EVERYTHING IN WlltE ROPE • Blue Loc Fitting. • Mdin Una • Splicing • Choker Hboki 796-4th Ave. LO 4-6011 WANTED: ROUGH GREEN SPRUCE and ftR LUMBER LTD. PHONE LO 4-2218 WELDERS CONSTRUCTION AND MILL OPERATORS to be held 2-10 p.m. Location 1183 First Ayenue Competent welding engineers to demonstrate and answer your questions: Bring your goggles and helmet. SPONSORED BY: Canadian Liquid Air Co. Lid. and Hatch's Welding Supplies Lid. 1183 First Avenue Phone LO 4-2630