CLASSIFIED RATES The Cltl/irn. Boxe, 7rc >l month) 111 advertisement charm undrr 1'i.Wi jtrlctlr e»«h MIXIMDM S LINKS 25c per line per daj 20c per line per day ( 3 days) 15c per line per day (32 days) Put Your Goods on Display Here, Where There's Responsive Reader Traffic 6 THE CITIZEN Wednesday, October 7, 1959 PHONE LO 4-2441 AND ASK FOR CLASSIFIED Legal Advertising Rates insertion 18c C*»'.»™ Deadline— 12 noon dov onor to oublicatior. CLASSIFIED DEAOLINI 4:30 day pnoi ro run 4. Notices 21. Help Wanted Female J3. Furnished Rooms '¦it House* vo» Sale $50.00 REWARD for information leading to 22-ft. canoe, fibreglas bottom, lost from Forman Flats on Fraser River. Ton-tact Slim at. Sportsman's Shop. Th. LO 4-4310. CD419! 6. Coming Events KNOX W.A. (three circles) are holding their Annual Tea am Sale on Saturday, Oct. 10, in the Knox lower hall. CM 10- 10. Lost and Found LUST — Slip-on coil overloar spring. Blacktop ami Hansard Ferry. Reward. .\'<_>. 18 Trailei City Court. C21f)~ 12. r>ur»o«al» ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — l009-3rd Ave,, or pli Lu -i-i PERSONAL Products 73-3rd Ave TF207 24. Equipment For Hire VJR COMPRESSOR FOR RENT By Day, Week or Montn Reasonable Rates lJhtmc LO4-5088 or . ,>piy 1442 Burden Street ItENT-A-PUMP—Pumps tor ail iHirposes. Tom Mar tell Ltd., Phone LO4-7644. 25. For Sale or Trade WILL TAKE small tractor or small down payment for my '59 station wagon. Phone LO 4-8162. C2194 SELL OR TRADE 1950 Dodge C.O.E. Tractor. 24 ft. Fruehau stock trailer. Air brakes. Excel lent condition. Write K. G Greene, Francois Lake, B.C. DI'JIO- BOARD and room for gentle nan within walking distance from downtown, but close u bus stop. Ph. LO -1-7082. D121191 ROOM and board for two. Apply 1458 -7th Ave. or ph. LO 4-8292. D151 i) 1 ROOM and board for one or two gentlemen in nice homo with cosy rooms and excellent meals 2 minutes from Government Bldg. and 5 minutes from new hospital. Garage. Ph. LO 4-4777. DI1195 BOARD and room or room. One or two girls. Ph. LO 4-5078. DI5195 36. Suites, Furn. & Unfurn. FOR SALE OR TRADE — Foi lumber, Wl International trac tor on rubber. PTO wood saw Phone LO 4-5089 or apply 144i Burden St. DM'94 27. Offices for Rent JNE OFFICE room in Calne Building, 245 Quebec Street Enquire phone 4-6130. TF4- OFFICE SPACE available in new Bon-Accord Building. Apply A. M. Clark, 2247 Laurier Crescent. Phone LOgan 4-2615. TF67 MODERN new office on street evel. Area 800 square feet. Good ocation with ample parking facilities. Apply 1563-2nd Ave. Phone LOgan 4-7296. TF67 28. For Sale Or Rent WILL take small home as down Payment for large home. Phone LOgan 4-5998. DI7195 29. For Rent 'A BIN for rent in Cache. 801 Joorge Street. SKC219S 2 AND 3 ROOM cabins for rent, hone LO 4-2017. 1)13194 ONE cabin, furnished, water & lower. Winter rates. LO -1-7844. DI5191 n C. CKMENT CONSTRUCTION Your Concrete Specialists. For I/ee Estimates, phone LOgan ,4-4231, K. E. Halluni, 2189 Me-Bride Crescent, Prince George. 18. Salesmen — Agents SINGLE man with automobile to do work in Northern B.C Ph LOgan 4-8004. TF189 19. Help Wanted, M'le, Fm'l CASHIERS, senior grocery and produce men, part-time and student employees. Apply at Co-Op Store, 1046 Fourth Ave. D13193 20. Help Wanted Male 3RM.ANENT home for a non-drinking pensioner in exchange light caretaker duties. 953 fo Second Ave. TV, Furniture and salesmen. See Mr. Dominion St. C319S Appliance 'racy; 351 DK111J5 A CLASSIFIED AD TAKES LITTLE SPACE DOES A BIG JOB The Citizen Established 1916 W. B. MILNER Publisher W. GORDON CROCKETT Assistant Publisher Authorized 01 Second Clasa Mail by the Port - Mower General. A member of The Canadian Prest. PHONE LO 4-2441 National Advertis-Ing Representative: CIom "A" O Nawfpapers C1 /ancouver, Toronto Montreal By MAIL I year 5 months 3 month* Jubscnpriom Single copies 7c by Carrier 5 days per wk. Mon. thru Frl. 35c per we«k B.C. OTHER (12.00 $15.00 6.50 8.00 3.50 4.25 -BEDROOM house at 080 Doug-as. $75 per month. Phone LO •4971 after 5 p.m. C4194 1-BEDROOM duplex suite with stove. Centrally located, Phone LO 4-7905. TF191 2-R00M MODERN house for rent. Semi-furnished. Apply Box 84C, Citizen. C3194 FURBISHED 2-room cabin. Water & lights. Apply W. Spencer, Mile 7, Hart Hwv. C5191 FOR RENT — 38' house trailer. For information phono LO ¦I-75SS. DI3194 FURNISHED house for rent. Sec Wing Chow at Shasta Cafe. C3193 IMMEDIATE possession owing to misunderstanding — L-becl-rooni duplex and stove, $70 per month. Phone LO 4-4294 after i) P.m. C5193 TWO fully modern 2-bedroofn houses. One furnished, one unfurnished, l miles Hart Hwy. Phone LO 4-2517. TF189 CAH1N FOR RENT on North Ncchako Hoad. Ph. LO4-4831). TF185 ONE and 2-bedrodm units now on winter rates. Apply Queens-way Motel. TF-183 FULLY MODERN 2 bedroom cabins. Gas heat, gas cooking facilities, fridges. Weekly or monthly rates. River view Motel, Mile 0, Hart Hwy. Phone LOgan 4-7626. TF170 FURNISHED o r unfurnished cabins. Phone McCormick's Cabin, LO4-5378, Souh Ft. George. TF132 CLEAN QUIRT CABINS. Children welcome. All laundry facilities available. Evergreen Auto Court, ]7th and Queensway. Ph. LOsan 4-2220: TF1221 32. Housekeeping Rooms SLEEPING room for rent. Ph. LO4-4947. TF190 HOUSEKEEPING room'for 1 or 2 girls. Close in. LO -1-7674. ^____________ DI20187 LIGHT housekeeping room for gentleman. Apply '1942 Upland. _________________ If"'['5 MODERN room, kitchenette, electric cooking, bath. Couple or gents. Reasonable price. Apply 2108 Tamarack St. Phone LOgan 1-7M5S. C3195 HOUSEKEEPING mi. for rent. Elderly couple preferred or elderly lady. Phone LO -l-2;!0!) not later than & p.m. D131U5 AVAILABLE immediately self-contained unfurnished 2-rooiii suite in Millar Addition. Propane stove provided. Phone LO 4-4865. DI4194 3-ROO.M suite, fully modern. Apply 953 Harper St. or LO 4-2870. DI5193 3-HOOM furnished basement suite, separate entrance. Apply 1914 Tamarack St. L'4193 BASEMENT suite for rent, suitable for working couple. Reasonable. Ph. LO 4-6992. D15193 FULLY furnished 3-room apartment. Private entrance & bathroom. Use of laundry room. Apply 909 Freeman. C6192 MODERN SUITE, partly furnished in duplex. 1 large bedroom, breakfast nook lined in red cedar. Apply Moran's Trailer Court. South Fort George. Ph. LO 4-2317. TF187 FURNISHED 3-room self-contained basement suite. Phone LO 4-6032. TF1S6 2-ROOM suite, fully furnished, newly decorated. 231 George St. TF185 LARGE unfurnished basement suite at South Fort George. $80. Phone LOgan 4--1324. TF179 3-ROOM suite, furnished. Apply 1720 Larch St. after 5 p.m. TF175 UNFURNISHED suite, working couple preferred. Ph. LO4-G343 after 6 p.m. DI3166 IN iMODERN apartment block, one-bedroom suite, $110; bachelor suite .$99. Stove, fridge and heating included. Apply Suite No. 4, 1GU1 Queensway. Phone LO4-4822 or LO4-5565 evenings. TF174 FURNISHED bachelor suite in downtown apartment block. Rent 9125 per month. Available October 15. Phone Crestwood Apartment, LO 4-4647. DUiVJo UNFURNISHED basement ste. for working couple. Phone LO 1-551U or apply 1449 Fir St. D13195 SUITE for rent, furnished, heat, ights supplied, $75 per month. I'lionu LO 4-7948 after 0 p.m. DI3195 2-BEDROOM unfurnished suite. Jil stove. Ph. LO 4-U52I3 after 5. D 1111)5 FURNISHED 2-rm. suite. Adult ionic. Ph. LO 4-0109 for partlc-ilars. C2195 37. Wonted to Rent URGENTLY Require one or wo bedroom house or duplex. Reliable couple. Phono LO I-4215. C2194 41. Houses for Sale MODERN HOUSE for sale. 2-ledroom home on 3 landscaped Ots. Reduced for immediate sale. Apply 1410 Burden. Phone X) 4-5524. DI3194 1-ROOM house for sale. Batb-•oom and furniture. 35,500. Ap-ily 1171 Sth Ave., Cache. C91S5 NEW 3-BEDROOM NHA home n Ncchako subdivision. Fireplace, hard wood throughout, •arport, full basement. $16,300 ull price. $3300 down. Phone .0 4-4277. DI5194 L-BEDROOM duplex for sale, hone LO 4-6280: C5192 tEVENUE or large family house in ideal location. Phone Ogaji 4-5574. TF176 NEW 2-fjedrooin home, full base-nent, garage attached. Hardwd loors and tile. Apply 1844 Juni oer St. Ph. LO 4-S073. TF175 SMALL furnished house for ale. Full foundation, quiet lo-ation on 2 lots. Fenced in. 1000 th Ave. East, Island Cache, or ihone LO -1-G019. For cash sale mly. C5195 CITIZEN CLASSIFIED Phone LO 4-2441 GOLDEN HOMES for QUALITY. All FIR construction, HUMPHRY & TWIN SEAL windows, LENNOX forced air heating, WE1SER lifetime locks, B R 1 G G S bathroom fixtures. Ribbon Grain MAHOGANY doors and kitchen cupboards, Ceiling height FLKX rlnnrc 'in clothes closets. THREE BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT. $2,650 DOWN PAYMENT. Ph. LO 4-6217 days, 4-7747 eves. TF183 3-BEDROOM House. $3,000 down. To inspect phone LO 4-4 J 50. TF189 43. Forms ond Acreage ACRE LOTS, registered, near school, store, and power. Apph C. S. Edwards, 9 miles on Quesnel Highway. TF144 46. Timber ond Mills FOR SALE. RESAW plant on the.P.G.E. complete and ready to saw, air and electric. Leave your slabs in the bush and ship the squares to this modern high speed plant for reduction to the exact dimension you want. Apply Citizen Box 81C. DI11194 FOR SALE. GOOD used Geriin-ger fork lift. 8-ton capacity. 54 inch forks 17'6" lift. Model LD16. Term arrangement possible. Phone LO 4-4212 or call at 144 George St. M. A. Moore Sawmill Ltd. C5194 stoves and Furnace* FOR SALE — Deluxe Iron Fireman automatic coal stoker. Can be seen in operation at 1S8S 10th Ave. Phone LO 4-7S28 days. LO 4-5990 evenings. DI5193 USED COAL, WOOD. Electric and oil ranges and heaters R.C. Propane, phone LO 4-6133 57. Appliances, Radio ONE new blonde Flcctwood TV, radio & record player combination. One large Duo-Therm heater, like new. Ph. LO 4-5913 D12195 J9. Musical Instruments HAMMOND Solovox, late model. Imitate many instruments. $225. Phone LO 4-6466. DI3195 60. Pets tor Sale SMALL part-chihuahua pup. 0 months old. $20 or best offer. Apply Apt. 11. Northern Lights Motel. Ph. LO 4-4863. DI2195 For Sale Miscellaneous Surplus Sale Sears farm steel wagon trailer. 750xK! rubber tires. $250. 8-ft. electric fridge, excellent condition. $50. 3,000-watt Onan light plant, ready to operate. $250. Farm tractor on rubber wheel-weights, dozer blade equipment attachment. $295. 2 plywood cartop boats. $40. Available Until Saturday See BELFO.RD, Summit Lake Lodge CD2195 WANTED by operator, ¥j million feet of timber. Reply Citizen Box S2C. C4194 FOR SALE: Allis Chalmers caterpillars, rebuilt and guaranteed, HD-11 and HD-15. Late models. At times we have HD-6's and HD-9's, and HD-16's, all complet-ly overhauled and guaranteed. On attractive terms with lumber cut. We pay top prices for Green Spruce and Fir lumber. National White Spruce Ltd., Andy Morris, Prince George, B.C., phone or call LO4-2218. TF155 47. Business Opportunities LOGGER WANTED to log fir peelers only from existing timber sale. McLeod Lake area and load on P.G.E. Price $30.00 per M. Enquire Box 80C Citizen. DI4194 PROFITABLE retail bread delivery run with 1956 Meteor sedan 'delivery. For further information phone LO 4-7026 after 6 p.m. C3193 FOR SALE — Modern cafe in icw combination service station & truck stop, Prince George. Thirty seating capacity. Located m main highway in city. Grossing approximately $4,500 per nonth. $9,000 cash or $6,000 dn. ind balance on terms. Mrs. E. Williams, P.O. Box 190, Prince corge, or phone LO 4-2025. DI5193 50. Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY: Wood furnace. Write Box 667, Prince George. C3181 56.- Stoves and Furnaces PAYNE 90,000 BTU gas-fired lir conditioning unit with thcr-nostat and humidifier. $229. Also used, two years, oil floor furnace, 50,000 BTU. Price $90. lucid Bros. Ltd., 1238 Fifth Ave. LO 4-6812. TF192 )1L heater with bell for sale. Very good condition. $35. Apply 1215 LaSallc, South Fort George. 1)1 -IIDo REMINGTON RAND adding machine, used (i months. Phone LOgan 4-6325. C2195 4 SETS (51 books) Grolier Encyclopedia, with bookcase (new). Worth $345, will sacrifice for $150. Apply Cabin 18, Evergreen Motel. C4195 WATCH cleaning special—$4.00. Any type. G. Genles, 1S57 CJorse. m.'P7 l t;7 7 Gbrse. SKC7187 GOOD LADIES' clothes for sale. Cheap. Apply 511 Johnson. C2194 WHITE ENAMEL kitchen heater and garbage burner. Phone LO 4-5559. C3194 1 ZEIGLER oil heater. 1 glass-lined electric hot water tank. 1 electric rangette. 1 Beatty electric washer. 1 bed spring. 2 gas lamps. ¦ Enquire at 1841 Gprse St. after 6 p.m. C4194 ELECTRIC hot water tank for sale. Apply 722 Irwin St. after 6 p.m. CM 194 A FUR LINED man's coat. Fin-hat and gloves. Medium size. Phone LO 4-7366. DI3194 FOR SALE — Green and grey chrome breakfast suite, $40. Rollaway cot $15. Apply 1450 River Road. Phone LO 4-4291. DI31IM VARIOUS ITEMS ladies' clothing. Seldom worn dresses, jackets, coats etc. Small size. Phone LO 1-2774. DI3194 WRINGER washer for sale. Reasonable. Ph. LO 4-2827. D15193 PIANO AND bench, excellent condition, $100. Wiley Poultry Farm, 2410 Pine St. PJi. -1-2763. TF190 .300 SAVAGE, new. Phone LO4-27C3. TF180 UNPAINTED chest of drawers. Phone LO 4-2342. Apply Home Furnishers, 119Q-3rd Ave. TF COAL Booker furnace with new grate. Also 2 hot water tanks. One with electric immersion heater. Phone LO 4-4150 or call at 409 Wainwrlght. TF191 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Dirty, as furniture 6. Approached 10. Harden 11. Smells 13. Confection . 14. Undershot waterwheel 15. Harem room 16. Shrill outcry 17. Raised 18. Exist 1'J. Close to 20. Tardy 22. Arabian garment 25. Fragment 27. Wind instruments 29. Needle aperture 30. Army vehicle 32. Nickel (sym.) 33. Statute 34. Carbonated drink 36. Business place 39. Malayan coin 4.0. French river 41. Grieves 43. Couch 44. Make amend3 for 45. For fear that 46. Siberian river (poss.) DOWN 1. Underworld god 2. Not deserving1 3. Kind of leather 4. Part of old-fashioned sewing machine 5. Still' 6. Solid 7. Worship 8. Additional 9. Assam silkworm 12. Mr. Snead 16. Perched 17. Foundation 21. Bordering; 22. Jewish month 23. Large, colored handkerchief 24. Continent 26. Music note 28. Northern New York, e.g. 31. Female sheep 33. Coins (It.) 35. Constellation Yesterday's Anrwer 36. Ancient 3T.Balk 38. Number 41. Chum 42. Southeast b; south (abbr.) 1 2. A S 7 9 to it 12. 13 V/, 14- % n % 18 V/, % 19 ZO at 22. 13 25 % 17 is *9 so 31 ^t 32. % 33 3+ 35 J» S7 J8 % 39 i 41 AZ. 43 •44 «" 4* 65. Livestock and Poultry MILK COWS for sale. Phone Tabor Creek 1U. C4193 66. Machinery for Sale 23 USED TRACTORS! Here's a list of 23 used In-lernational and AUls-Chalin-ers tractors, all traded in on new Caterpillar equipment. They're all equipped w i t h blades, most with winches. There's even two HD5G front end loaders! They are "As Is" fnl) location. Try them and buy them! INTERNATIONAL TD-24 Chilliwack $11,200 TD-21 Vernon S TD-24 Vancouver $ 6,500 TD-24 Chilliwack $ (i.5(i() TD-24 Vancouver $17,500 TD-24 Vancouver S 0,500 TD-18A Prince George S 0.250 TD-1S Prince George $ I 950 TO-14 Chilliwack $ 5,500 TD-l-lA Vernon $10,500 TO-1 i Vancouver S (i..'j.")0 TD-14A Vernon $ ,s.5!)() TD-9 100 Mile House $ 4,250 TD-6 Terrace S 5,250 TD-6 Vancouver $ .'1,750 John Deere I'r. George $ 2,150 ALLIS-CHALMERS HD-20 Chilliwack $17,250 HD-111? Dawson Creek S11.750 1ID-H Vancouver $ 9.750 HD-5G Chilliwack S 0.200 ITD-5G Nelson $ 7.250 HD-5 Prince George $ 4,950 HD-5 Vernon • $ 4,450 23 Used Tractors from your "CATERPILLAR" DEALER FINNING TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. "Where used equipment is a business —Not a sideline" 1922 First Avenue Phone LO 4-4477 Prince George 69 Farm Products READY NOW — $3.00 for field run potatoes. Briny bag. C. E. Anderson, Vanderhoof Hwy., 1st right turn past Peterson Esso, "' mile in. DI6192 POTATOES for sale. $3.00 per bag or dig your own. 4 miles out on Giscome Road. Watch for sign. C6192 POTATOES—Dig them yourself, $2.00. Wiley Poultry Farm, 2110 Pine St. TF180 76. For Sale—Cars, Trucks 56 FORD FAIR LA NIC, V-8 Thunderblrd engine. Automatic transmission, power steering, radio, etc. Phone LO 4-5360. DI3194 WILL TAKE $600 or your old-r model car for my equity in 37 Ford 2-door Station Wagon. Phone LO 4-SlOti. C4194 MUST BE SOLD. Top shape. 51 automatic Pontiac and '50 Ford. Phone LO 4-25.'33. TF104 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, 15,000 niles. See at Esau Texaco Service. Phone LO 1-4511. D13104 1950 FORD FA1RLANE, automatic transmission. Thundcrbird notor. Radio, good rubber. Apply 1150 Elm between 5 p.m. and 8. DII191 51 STUDEBAKER, V-8, easy winter starting. Reliable transportation. What offers? Make it reasonable. Ph. LO 4-7131. DI5193 1959 SI.MCA Super Deluxe. Save $500. Accept suitable trade. Ph. LOgan 4-6943. C7191 1050 PICKUP, 23,000 miles, very goo.J condition, one owner. See $85 Winnipeg. TF187 195G VOLKSWAGEN. 30.000 miles, (i tires, 2 winter. Good shape. Can be financed. Phone LOgan 4-8016. C4195 1956 DODGE Club Sedan 2-door. Auto., radio, new tires, sports-tone, spotless. Will accept older model truck in trade. LO -1-8129. C4195 1950 STUDKI3AKER Sedan. Ciood mechanical condition. $25 down. Phono LO 4-G5S7. C3195 1958 FORD V-8 sedan. White. very good condition. LO 4-6466. D13195 '55 VOLKSWAGEN. Best reasonable offer. Can be financed .Must sell. Phono LO 4-1028. DI3195 77. Trailers for Sale CHAMPION', 8x45'. Apply No. 40, Fraser Bridge Trailer Court. Easy terms. C4192 1957 42-ft. 2-bedroom Uollohonie house trailer. Apply trailer 54, Fraser Bridge Trailer Court or phone LOgan 4-6483. TF1SS BOB'S TRAILER SALES — Rollohome and Great Lakes mobile homes. Corner Victoria and 20th. Phone LO 4-8331. DIGS1S2 FRANK'S TRAILER SALES. Angelus, Coronet and McGinnes Mobile Homes. Located lA mile south of Prince George Airport. Box 819. TF9 USE CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS for FAST Results Phone LO 4-2441 Terrace Telephone Terrace residents will enter a new era of telephone communications at precisely 11:01 p.m. Saturday, October 17. At that time, a modern automatic telephone system and its dial tone instead of an operator's "number please," will replace the common battery type switchboard and operators who have served local residents for years. C, J. Finch, B. C. Telephone Company district commercial and traffic manager, in explaining the almost instantaneous conversion, said, "The new a u t o m a t i c telephone equipment has been installed parallel to the old system and it is only a matter of "killing" the old and . activating the new. In Che following weeks, the old switchboard will be removed." To date, about. $328,000 has been spent on Terrace's automatic conversion. This involved construction of the new telephone building, $47,-000; installation of complex dial switching equipment, $207,000; extensive additions and improvements to outside cable plant, $31,000; now voice trunks and associated long distance circuits between Tor- Hollywood Reporter JJy HOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Notes and comment on the Hollywood scene: There are plenty of tricks left in Alfred Hitchcock's bag, even though some of his fans were afraid he had expended them all in North by Northwest. That was the film he wanted to make for 15 years; it included many of his long-cherished stunts, including the chase over the famous faces of Mount Rushmore. ¦; "I've- still got some other things I want to do," he commented at a party to salute the start of his fifth television season. "One of my favorites concerns an assembly line at Detroit. The beginning of the picture shows a car being assembled from the very start. We watch it through various stages until it rolls off the line. There is a dead body in it." Hitchcock was delighted that North has been the country's No. 1 moneymaker week after week and is not the least hurl by the New Yorker magazine's comment that he is parodyzing himself. "The Now Yorker is a magazine that takes its humor too seriously," he quipped. . . . MONROE IN TOWN Marilyn Monroe was in town briefly to discuss some picture deals. She'll be making more films now, she says. The first is one with George Cukor in October, then she'll do another with John Huston in March. Huston is the lad who provided her first big break in Asphalt Jungle. . . . Li/. Taylor ant! Eddie Fisher were' greeting their buddies .-it the Khrushchev luncheon, though not Debbie Reynolds', who was also present. . .'. Bob Hope says there is nothing to be alarmed about with his vision problem. It is the same thing that has been bothering him for a year. His main problem is finding the right balance between work _and rest without overdohig either. . . . Henry Fonda is a fan of the San Francisco Giants and he was a little worried about his appearance at the lunch for the hoad Russian. He was carrying a pocket radio with an ear attachment so he wouldn't miss the Giant-Dodger game. 77. Trailers for Sale SALE! SALE! LET'S GET MOBILE! WHY PAY RENT? BIG SAVINGS ON NEW & USED MOBILE HOMES TO CLEAR— 4 - 25'. 27'. HOMES OFFICE LOW DOWN PAYMENT Interior Mobile Homes Ltd. race and Kitimat $12,000: and provision of new dial telephones, about $17,000. Introducton of dial service will not mean complete ab-sense of operators in providing service to Terrace subscribers, sard Mr. Finch. Long distance calls, information and assistance calls with be handled by Kitimat operators—Long distance by; dialing "O" (for the operator); information and assistance calls by dialing "O" (for the operator); Repair seiv vice Is obtainable by dialing "14." A major highlight of the new automatic system will be the new telephone numbers starting with the- prefix Viking :s, followed 'by four figures. After the change ever the new prefix will bo necessary when placing both local and long distance calls. For example. When calling Viking 3-1234, subscribers must dial: •V-I-3-1-2-3-1.' S u bsc r i hers must give their full Viking 3 telephone number whenever the operator requests it. All new telephone numbers are contained in the new directory which has been issued to all subscribers. Anyone who lias not received the new directory should contact the telephone office. On Your Radio Dial * WEDNESDAY 2:30 p.m. News 2:33 p.m. Musical Mike 2:45 p.m. Olub Calendar 2:50 p.m. Musical Mike 3:00 p.m. News In n minute 3:01 p.m. Musical Mike S:1S p.m. Messiirc Time 3:20 p.m. Musical Mlko 3:30 p.m. News FOR ALL YOUR READY-MIX CONCRETE Sand and Gravel CALL Central Sand & Gravel Ltd. LOgan 4-2193 3:35 p.m. Chapel In the Btj 3:50 p.m. Musical Mike 4:00 p.m. News In a Minute 4:01 p.m. Musical Mlk.j 4:15 p.m. Kiddles' Korner 4:30 p.m. News 4:35 p.m. Musical Mikfl 4:4& p.m. Club Calendar 4:50 p.m. Musical Mike 5:00 p.m. News In u Minute 5:01 p.m. Who's New In the Nursery 5:02 p.m. 550 Calllnit 5:15 p.m. Message Tlmn HOMELBTE Tom Martell Ltd. 5 20 p.m. fiMi CalllnK 5: 30 P m. News 5 35 p m. 550 Callln* 5: •15 p m. Message Tli... 5 50 p m. 550 Calling 5 BS p in. Jeannies 8hop Talk fi: 00 p in. News In a Minute 6: 01 p.m. Sports 'Scores 6: 06 P m. 550 Calling C IE I) m. Message Time 6:20 P in. 550 Calling 6:30 p m News Licensed Gas Fitters Plumbing & Hearing Your Anthes Heating Dealer RUDD BROS. CO. LTD. 1238 FIFTH AVE.—LO 4-6812 i!.35 p.m. d50 Calling "• jf- p.m. Club Calendar 6:50 p.m. 550 Calllnc 1:00 p.m. National News 7:30 p.m. CBO Wndnosday Nlcht 10:00 pm. Nnws 10:15 p.m. Talks by Fred Ford lu:30 p in. The Way 1 Sc *5. 10:35 p.m. Spinners Sanciuui 11:00 p.m. News 11:05 P.m. Sports Scores 11:10 p.m. Spinners Sanctum 12:00 p.m. News and Sisn Off THURSDAY