CLASSIFIED RATES in j 7,he Cltll«»' Bo«« 75e <1 month) All advertisement charcea uader 12.00 strictly eaeh. MINIMUM 3 LINES 25c per line per day 20c per line per day ( 3 days) 15c per line per day (22 days) The above rates aDul> ,„ -.,n,..-.,,!,,.. !„. —w Put Your Goods on Display Here, Where There's Responsive Reader Traffic 6 THE CITIZEN Tuesday, November 10, 1959 PHONE LO 4-2441 AND ASK FOR CLASSIFIED Legal Advertising Rates insertion ................................ 18c P^jJJf* Deadline— 12 noon day prior to publication CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 4:30 day prior to run 3. In Memoriam IN memory of Mrs. May E. Wedemeyer, who passed away November 8, 1957. "Not forgotten." —Donald Stevenson C1218 12. Personal* AS of this date I will not be responsible for any debt of Mrs. K. G. (Juliet) MeLeod, medical or otherwise. November 9, 1959. Yours truly, Earl G. MeLeod. DJ1217 ni-UVlNG to Mexico, would like company. J. Wiley, LO 4-2763. TF203 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — 1009 3rd Ave. or ph. LO 4-7605. PERSONAL Products (male or female) will bfe discreetly wrapped and mailed to you should you care to drop a line to: 5lh AVE. PHARMACY LTD.. 1209 Fifth Ave., Prince George. 13. Busmen Personal* CHRISTMAS Santa Claus and Reindeer decals for cut-out use with plywood. Prince G<2brge George Builders Supplies Ltd., Ml George St. Ph. LO 1-2447. TF218 GARDNER Secretarial Agency PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER DUPLICATING BILLING — PAYROLL In addition to the above services; we have on call an experienced staff of Clerks, Typists, Receptionists, Switchboard Operators, Stenograph-ers and Bookkeepers that are available for occasional or part-time office help or for temporary replacement. Phone Business Hrs. — LO 4-681G Evenings — LOgan 4-8482 OD3218 J-'OU cabinets and odd jobs, call LO 1-K100. Fully experienced workman. 1)110217 WILLSON DENTAL LAB. Dentures repaired while you wait. 1772 7th Ave. Phone LO 1-5222. D120212 NORTHERN Plumbing & Heating. Installations, alterations, repairs, hot water, hot air beating, sewer connections. 24 hour service. Call LO 4-6519 days, LO 4-5552 evetnings. L'22205 MID-WEST EXCAVATING — Bulldozing, land clearing, trenching and hackhne work. For reliable service bail days, L,O 4-7602; nights. LO -1-8181. TK18-1 20. Help Wanted Male New Opportunities as Radio & Teletype Technicians with the Canadian Army Because the Canadian Army has been assigned additional responsibilities in National Survival, there is an increase in career opportunities, particularly in The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, for young men interested in becoming: Operators (Radio and Teletype) Technicians (Radio, teletype, terminal equipment, generators, motors and other electrical and electronic equipments) Linemen (Constructing and maintenance of line, cable and antennae systems'), Think of all these advantages: (1) J '"oil-paid job wit'h a future (2) Opportunities for advance; merit, travel & adventure t'.i) Many additional benefits You must be 17 to 3.">, fit and able to meet Army enrolment standards. You can get full details by calling, or mailing this coupon to your local Army Recruiting Station o\7 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. Telephone: Ml'. l-«04« Please send me full details on The Hoyal Canadian Corps of Signals. Name.............................. Age ...... Address ........................................... City/Town ..................................... Province ............. Phone ............ Last school grade successfully completed ....................................... PGC75 K39-1G 22. Situations Wanted WILL look after child in my home while mother works. Ph. LO I-R'170. D14197 24. Equipment for Hire AIR COMPRESSOR FOR RENT By Day, Week or Month Reasonable Rates Phonp 1,04-5089 or i.pply 1442 "Burripn Strpet ,\ i n-ri ivVH—?'limp* ior nil purposes. Tom Mar tell Ltd., Phone LO4-7644. WANT WORK for 630 CMC arch truck. Phone LO 1-2:!17. C5213 27. Offices for Rent ALL typos of carpenter work Kree estimates. Phone Tabor Creek, 1U. TF16C PIONEER JANITOR SERVICE! Have your windows, floors, etc done by us. — Ph. LO4-0317. STF10C RENTALS Jameras — Projector! — 8 mn 16 mm and 35 mm. Screens — Tape Recorders W. D. WEST STUDIOS LTD 1395-3 rd Ave. LO 4-5848 TF135 NORTHERN SEPTIC 1 AMK SRHVlTF! For sepLlc tanks cleaned, cal LOgan 1-7S71 or 4-2037. TKIGlh 14. Construction Services CULL LUMRER for sale, lx-and wider S4S, shiplap and ceii tre match, 2x4 and wider, S4t-Lvierior Spruce Mills Ltd., R> ver Ave., Phone LO 4-25W11 TF51 rVP f>; .IENT CONSTRUCTION Your Concrete Specialists. For V ree Estimates, phone LOgan 4-4231, K. E. Ilallum, 218!) Me Bride Crescent, Prince George 18. Salesmen — Agents OPPORTUNITY for .-ingle man with auto in west and north B.C. Phone LO4-S004 for appointment. TF2K 21. Help Wanted Female W.W'TKI) — housekeeper foi modern home, family of I Hiil clren. Apply 2120 Laurlei' Crese Phono LO 4-2623. TF21S 22. Situations Wanted JANITOR job wanted. Large or small, by experienced couple. Can give role re inc. LO 1-2330. C321S EXPERIENCED steno. available Immediately, lull or part time. Shorthand. Ph. LO 4-S144. 1)11217 The Citizen Phone LOgan 4-2441 National Advertising kepresenrativ* Clou "A" Newspaper* /•ncouvei, Toronto Montreal Subscription! Single copies 7c by Carrier 5 days per wk. Mon. thru Frl. 35c per By MAIL 1 year 6 montht 3 month! I.C. $12.00 6.50 3.50 OTHER % 15.00 8.00 4.25 ONE OFFICE room In Calne Building. 245 Quebec Street, •inquire phone 4-8130. TF44 MODERN new office on street level. Are;i 800 square feet. Good location with ample parking facilities. Apply 15632nd Ave Phono LOKan 4 729ft. TFfi7 29. For Rent 28. For Sale Or Rent KOUR-hedrodm house, ¦"> blocks from downtown. Available ap-proje. Dec. 15. Ph. 1.0 1-5G26. TF2 29. For Rent U-HKDROOM house with garage. Oil heater and oil range. Located m Central area, $95 per month. Phone l.o 1-5-1 IS. DM218 l-ROOM Salic St. house Sth. for rent. S20 La Foi't George. ('2218 MODERN cabin for rent, $13 a work. Apply I'iiu; drove Mo't< 1' -j miles an llnrt Highway. I-BI3DR00M house, fully modern, auto, heat ;md cooftTng". Only responsible persons need apply. Call al lSSS Elm for rip piiiulinent or plume LO 4-4790 TF218 s\lAl.l. cabin, partly I'urnisbei $30 per month: Lights and w ter extra. Apply I). Richet; 900 La Salic Ave.. Sth. Fort George! DI321S TVVO-bcdroom house at (512 Ewert. I'h. l.o I-C01 I. D[.".217 BUILDING with 1,000 s.q. it. warehouse and office space. ivailable Immediately, LO l-5(i2ii. TF217 LARGE modern 3-bedrin. house, wired for electric stove. Stoker furnace. Apply 2M!i Tamarack or phone LO 4-2955. Available November 15. C1217 FOR RENT:; house. Apply 107 phone LO4-4203. 3-'bedi'oom Upland or SICC1213 i-BEDROOM HOUSE. Millar Addition. Propane kitchen stove. Available immediately. Phone LO 4-2639. DI4215 J-HKI)ROO.\i home, newly dec-('rated, No pets or dogs. CM it .ViO Central Street Saturday ir Sunday: at other times at :orner house. C5215 I WOO.M HOUSE. Unfurnished. Apply 201!) Tamarack Street or phone LO 4-6948. C3214 P U L'L Y modern one- bedroom ¦Housekeeping unit for rent. Suit-ible for c oil p 1 e. L'it\, C?ntre Motel, 1G1U Queensway. TF212 CLEAN QUI1CT CABINS. Chil-dren welcome. All laundry facili-ies available. Evergreen Auto Court, 17th and Queensway. Ph. LOgan 4-2220. TF1221 FULLY MODERN 2 bedroom cabins. Gas heat, gas cooking facilities, fridges. Weekly or monthly rates. Kiverview Motel, Mile 0, Hart Hwy. Phone LOgan 4-7626. TF170 32. Housekeeping Rooms NKJE big housekeeping rooms for couple or polite gentleman in comfortable home. 792 20th Ave., corner of Hemlock. Dl 121 LIGHT housekeeping room with kitchenette. Phone LO4-7G01. Apply 12G8 5th, suite No. 8. C3216 33. Furnished Rooms AVA1LABLK — downtown furnished rooms with kitchen. Men. Apply 385 Winnipeg St. TF218 ROOM for rent in a quiet, modern home for gentleman with or without kitchen privileges. Enquire after 5 p.m. at 495 Burden St. DI3218 TWO sleeping rooms for men only. Apply 1347 Sixth Ave. C4218 34. Room and Board ROOM and board or room. Ph. LO 4-0400. sleeping D1321S ROAR!) and room suitable for working man. Close in town. Apply 137.'5 O0 rse. D1421 ROOM and board available. Ph LO 4- 2980. 1S25 Spruce St. DI3217 ROOM AND BOARD for gentle man. Apply 1j33-SL1i Ave. DI5215 BOARD and room for girls private home. Close to hospital Phone LO4-7682. D120212 KOOM and Doard for men, ph. LC vfl470. applv 573-3rri Ave. TF207 35. Accommodation Wanted WANTED to rent or buy — Small Cat. with front end loader, winuh arid blade. Phone LO 1-77U1 or write Box lit), Citizen TF218 36. Suites, Furn. & Unfurn. NKW 4-room suite for rent, un-furnis'hed. Located at 1380 2nd Ave. Gas healer supplied. (! Bartoletti, or phone LO 4-4897. TF217 SUITES for rent. Phone LOgan •1-71(35 morning, noon or eves. 1)1321 ONE bedroom unfurnished suite in duplex. Oil heat, near but and hospital. Available Nov. 15. Phone LO 4-K417. TK2K; :mw-:i>iuh)M fuml«hcd buUc, in-cludlnK bath mid stove. I'lmnc LOgan 4.-4978, (>-7 p.m. C2218 ONE and 2-bedroom units now on winter rates. Apply Queensway Motel. TF-183 UNFURNISHED one-bedroom duplex apartment, close to bus and school. Phone LO4-4070. TF200 3-R00M unfurnishi'd basement suite with bath. Wired for electric stove. Heal & water sup plied. l"h. LOgan 1-7D17. C"!21S MASKMKNT suHe for rent, furnished. Phone LO 4:5223 or LO 1-013!). TK21 FOR RENT: Furnished 2-room suite; .ua.s heated. Ph. I ,<>¦>-188-1 or apply '174 Burden Street. TF21G 3-ROOM modern suite. Apply Burroughs, across from Shell Station, Hart Highway. C(i2H ONE AND TWO Bedroom units with everything. Phone LOgan 1-2220. TF215 IN MODERN apartment block cine-hedroom suite, $110: baehc lor suite $0!). Stove, fridge and heating included. Apply Suit> NTo. I. 1601 Queensway. Phone LO4-4822 or LO4-5565 evenings TF17 37. Wanted ro Rent CNR EMPLOYEE would like i<> rent furnished house. 2 or more bedrooms. Apply Box 101) Citizen. DL121.1- COUPLE would like 2 rooms & private bath by Nov. 15. Close to downtown urea. Write Box 9D, Citizen. 03211 39. Land for Sale TWO ACRES on Hart Hwy. with small house. I miles out. $3,000 Contact Joe Bergeron, LO 1-5(517 TF211 41. Houses for Sale i-MOXTHOI.l> 2-bedroom home for sale. Apply l-'.li K.-k-Ii. IVtit i;nh Ave. or ph. l.o i-s:u>7. D1321J $100 DOWN takes 330 sq, ft, liouse and ••j acre in Wilson subdivision, G miles on Mart Hwy. 52900 lull price. See it. then phone LO 4-6351. CD1218 FOR Fully Modern Quality Homes MIA TERMS THREE BEDROOMS FULL BASEMENT LOW DOWN PAYMENT Contact G. W. Golden Construction Ltd. (150 Ceorge Street Phone: Days 4-6217: Eve. 4-771", .SKCDTF210 tEVENUE OR large family louse in ideal location. Phone LO 4-5574* TF215 J-BEDROOM NHA home. Auto-natic heat, wired for range and Iryer. Near hospital and schools. To inspect phone LO 4-401:3. DI3217 41. Housei for Sale HOUSE and lots, 4 miles out on Hart Hwy. 9G0 sq. ft. floor space. Phone LO 4-4015. DI4217 NEW modern 5-room bungalow. Water & electricity. 4 miles out on Hart Hwy. $9,00*0. Some terms to responsible party. LO 4-7753. TF217 LARGE attractive family house. Located on bus route, near the swimming pool. Call LO4-4198 or at 249 Burden St. TF142 46. Timber and Mills NO. 2 COUTTS sawmill with slit belt & edger. Cheap for cash without power. Apply 1082 Irigle-dew. Phone LO 4-2044. C3218 ALWAYS in the market for Gi'een Spruce and Fir lumber— and timber." Will rent or sell reasonable — big rebuilt Cats., both Allis Chalmers and Caterpillar. Also, one new Cat. Also, one 671 CMC Power Unit in good condition. Call Andy Moris at National White Spruce, Ltd.. at LOgan 1-221S or home phone. LOgan 4-75!>5. TF213 WANTED: Logging contract for r)H Cat. Phone LO4-4GG2 or write Box 8D, Citizen. C4216 17. Business Opportunities FOR SALE at Marguerite. B.C. Service Station, 2 bay garage, fully equipped; hoist, overhead lube, etc. Two pumps handling Shell products. Low down payment, terms arranged to suit buyer. L. Krause, Box 64, Williams Lake, B.C. Phone 111-H. D1321S Petroleum Co. is pleased to announce that applications are now being • accepted for Lessee - Operator for the new Phillips (J(i Service Station In Vanderhoof, B.C. Applicants must be prepared for a minimum stock and equipment Investment or $1,000. Interested parties please contact Mr. F. W. Warren. P.O. Box 052, Prince George, B.C., or call LOgan 4-4344 or 4-5915. SKCDTF218 55. Furniture for Sale 'INK junii.r bed, one child's crib, me high ohair, one Kclvlnator vasher, 111; yrs. old. Applv 125 Waihwright; Phone l.o 4-S27I: after Wed. ph. LO 4-5320 D-:i:'M). C3218 I-PCE. bedroom suite. $S0; kit-•hen chrome set, $30; Beatty ivashlng machine with Irone'r, 525; 2 table lamps, new. $15; 1 loubjc bed c/w spi'ing & mat-ressj ^15; I (ink chairs, $4; one rilile, $10, All in good shape. \n\ reasonable oilers consid-ircd. ('. Glimmer, Airport, 2nd turn to the left, 1st duplex. C2218 36. Stovei and Furnaces '¦"OR SALT: — 30'.' electric range. XM'feet condition. S150. I.() 1-7175 Di:i2is '"OR SALI3 — McClai-y wood & •oal stove, good condition. Ph. .O 4-4300 or call at 43S Burden. C2217 COAL, WOOD, Electric nd nil ranges and heaters '..C. Pronane. phone LO 4-6133 37. Appliances, Radio •'OR SALE — One 36-lnch Kel-/inator electric range; 1 months >l(l In excellent condition, Cheap or cash $lo0. Call LO 4-5G5G. 60. Pets for Sale FOR SALE — Male Lab. pups, $23. 2041 Laurier Cresc. Phone LO 4-7371. C321S PUREBRED German boxer. Cheap. Phone LOI-2512. C3210 63. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR sale — 11 cu. ft. propane refrigerator, $225. Write Box 423. Prince George. C3218 LARGE Fawcett oil heater. Also Westinghouse washing machine. Both in like new condition. Reasonable. Apply 1G43 10th Ave., evenings. D1521G PORTABLE tube tester and volt ohm-meter. Apply Trailer No. 6 Fraser Bridge Trailer Court. D14215 WASHING MACHINE. Good condition. Phone LO 4-S58S. D15215 SELF-FEED BOOKER heater. Apply lUi)ij-12th Ave. after (>:3() p.m. 1)17214 PIANO AXD bench, excellent condition, $350. Wiley Poultry Farm, 2410 Pine St. LO 4-2763. TF190 UNPAINTED chest of drawers. Phone LO 4-2342. Apply Home Furnishers. i!P0-3rd Ave. TF 65. Livestock and Poultry ONE brooder sow and S feeder pigs, o months, for sale. Phone LOgan 4-7382. C3218 76. For Sale—Cars, Trucks 1956 CHEV. station wagon, excellent condition. $ 1595. Phone LO 4-7858 or see at MadiH's Mobile Homes. 1)13218 '47 PONT1AC, radio, winter tires, etc. Phone LO 4-8357 after 5 p.m. CI215 1954 PONT1AC, 6 cyl. good shape! $800. Can arrange finance. Can ne seen at P.G.E. Trailer Court, Trailer No. 3. 1)15215 '56 VOLKSWAGEN, $750. Stanc ard. Good condition. Will bring car to you. Phone LO 4-S()()(>. C52 77. Trailers for Sale 1055 35' GLENDALE 2-bedroon trailer. Phone I.OI-IOOI. c:i21( BOB'S TRAILER SALES — Rollohoine and Great Lakes mo bile homes. Corner Victoria an< 20th. Ph. LO 4-8331. TF21J 35 FOOT two-bedroom house trailer. Also 1958 Mercury hard top coupe. Apply Salmon Rivei Garage. C10211 FRANK'S TRAILER SALES \ngelus, Coronet and McGinnct Mobi.'e Homes. Located Va niik -;outh ol'.jPrin*.* George Airport Ho\ R19 TF9 LEGALS AUCTION UV TIMIMCK SAIjK ,\ 827:10 There will be offorcd Tur srile at public auction, at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, November 21), lyjjy in the office of the Forest Ran ger, 1705 Third Avenue, Prince George. B.C., the Licence X«27:!!i lo fin 75.000 cubic feet of Lodge pole Pino and trees of other spe cies (except Spruce and Fir), on an area situated on the West '¦_¦ of the South-West Va of Lot :!7S!», Cariboo Land District. Two 121 years will be allowed for removal of timber. Provided anyone who is unable to attend the auction in person may submit a sealed tender, to be opened at the hour of auction ami treated as one bid. Further particulars may be obtained from the District Forester, 1G00 Third Avenue. Prince George, B.C., or the Forest Ranger, 1705 Third Avenue, Prince George. It ('. THE CITIZEN WANT AD For Fast Results Phone LO 4-2441 DAILY CROSSWORD ACKOSS 1, Placed 5. Cicatrix 9.------con carne 10. German river (poss.) 12. Soupspoon 13. Brag 14. Custom 15. Flock 17. Father 18. Spoiled 19. Rosary 20. Part of an inch 21. Macaw 22. Disraeli's title 23. Country-dances 27. Merit 28. German spa 29. Streets (abbr.) 30. Friar's title 31. Pronoun. 34. lam (con-traded) 35. Final 36. Number 37. Cold 39. Relieves 41.UnsophistI. c&ted 42. Extreme 43. Dregs 41. A support DOWN" 1. Buddhist sacred city 2. Helped 3. Sick 4. Stubborn one 5. Cavalry sword ». (var.) f 6. Lump of earth 7. Wing- 8. Breathe 9. Driver or brassie 11. Postpones 16. Escapers bead 20. Prefix to Scotch names 21. Girl's name 22. Half ems Yciterday'a Answer 35. Dwell gf entertaining 38. Fib M 32. Inactive 40. Malt S? 33. Flat-topped bev- hill erage ' I 2 3 A- PA 5- 7 a 9 12. 13 1^ 15 Ifa 17 18 VA 19 % % 2.1 22. li Vr 26 27 Ya 29 % 31 ¦3S Y/< 3b 3T 36 39 A3 Yd All are Bibliophiles In Book Lovers Dream Uy Garry Cleveland M.vors, PhD It's hard to appreciate how much schools are doing to encourage children to read for fun. Especially in the elementary grades, children are urged to borrow books from the public library, or to buy them. A 1 1 h 0 li g h students of the upper grades and high schools often read extra books as part of their required nvork, many teachers Inspire them to read simply for pleasure. Parents' Assistance How much more eCfective the school influence would be if children were stimulated at home to read many books and if the parents were also eager, constant readers. Aunt Molly had a dream. In this dream nearly every person of our nation was reading a book — a worthwhile book, a book that had lived for many, many years or would live for years to come. All \Vcre Heading Alone In a room, d u r i n g leisure hours, or in a family, or public library, this person was reading. In homes entire families spent hours reading good books, silently" and sometimes to one another. Often there was an older member reading to a child under five, six or seven. Parents didn't feel they had to hide the 'books they liked best because of some spicy pornographic paragraph in them. The books they read they hoped their children also might read as early as possible. Shelves Of Good Books In every home were shelves full rtf good books that were put. there because several members of the family either read them or w O u 1 ci read them. Friends who dropped in very frequently talked about these books and other "books 'they themselves were reading. In every hamlet, town and city 'there was a public library. The reading rooms were always crowded. Often persons stood waiting for a (place, as if In a restaurant. Adults and children stood In line to speak to the librarian and to borrow books. Sometimes these waiting lines reached to the outside door of the library; occasionally there were long queues outside the library. Drove To Libraries Entire families in scattered, remote areas drove for miles to one of these libraries, or to a closer place to meet the bookmobile regularly coming that way. Children, even in the grades, said they were going to be librarians -when they grew up. One of the most popular and best paid professions was that of a librarian. Mm that was all in Aunt Molly's dream. (My bulletins, "Why llcud To Baby And Young Child?" and "Home Helps For poor Headers 1 & II." may be had by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to me In care of this news paper.) Answering Parents' Questions (J: Is the study of a foreign language for one or two years in high school of much value? A: No, says D\\ .lames Conan't, former president of Harvard University. A student, shou have four years of a forei language. LA MI) KICGISTKY ACT •Section Hi!) IN1 THE MATTER OF: 1: Lots 10 and 20. Block 3 -2: Let 111, Hlock 1 All of Districl Lot 1501, .Cariboo District, Plan !K! 1 l'KOOK having been filed in my office of t'he I'oss of Certificate of Title No. 36839M to the above mentioned lands in the namJe of Ferdinand I'anter and Isabella Paniter as Joint Tenants, both of Prince George, B.C., and bearing date Juno Oth, 1D53. HEREBY GIVE NOTICE of l.v i'htbn'fcion at. the expiration f one calendar niortth from tJie first publication iherteo'f to issue ii th(.> said Ferdinand Painter nd Isabella Banter, a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of the said lost certificate. Any erson having any information with reference to such lost, certificate of title is requested to tmniunicH'te with the under-gned. DATED at. the Land Registry Office. Kamloops, British Colum-. this L'Sth day of October, 1059. C, J. S. FARRAXD, Registrar, Katnloops Land Registration District PHONE _ LO 4-2441 _ On Your Radio Dial CKPG IN PRINCE GKORGH TUESDAY 2:00 p.m. School Broadcast 2:30 p.m. News 2:35 p.m. Musical Mike 2:45 p.m. Club Calendar 2:50 p.m. Musical Mike 3:00 p.m. Newa In A Mlnuto 3:01 p.m. Musical Mike 3:15 p.m. News 3:20 p.m. Musical Mlko 3:30 p.m. News 3:35 p.m. Chapel In The Sky 3:50 p.m. Musical Mike 4:00 p.m. Newa in a Minute 1:01 p.m. Musical M'ke 4:15 p.m. Kiddies' lijruer 4:30 p.m. Nevi 4:35 p.m. Musical MlKo 4:45 p.m. Club Calendar 4:50 p.m. Musical Mike 500 p m. News In a Minute 5:01 p.m. Who's New in the Nurser> 5:02 p.m. 550 Calling 5:15 p.m. Message Time 5:20 p.m. 55b Calling 5:30 p.m. News 5:35 p.m. 5MI Calllnc 5:45 p.m. Message Time 5:50 p.m. 550 Calling 6:00 p.m. News In a Minute 6:01 p.m. Sports Scores 6:06 p.m. 550 CnlllnR 6:15 p.m. Messnge Time 6:20 p in. 550 Calling 6:30 p.m. News 6:35 p.m. 550 Calling 8:45 p.m. Club Calendar 6:50 p.m. 550 Calling 7.00 p.m. Natlonnl News 7:30 p.m. Panorumu FOR ALL YOUR READY - MIX CONCRETE Sand and Gravel CALL Central Sand & Gravel Ltd. LOgan 4-2193 8:00 p.m. Reach for the Sky fl:30 p.m. Project 60 9:30 p.m. Music of Eurupc 10:00 p.m. News 10:15 p.m. Critics at LarKe 10:30 p.m. The Way I Spp It 10:35 p.m. Portraits In Music 11.u0 p.m. News WKDNKSDAV 11:05 p.m. Sports Scores 11:10 pro. Spinner* Sn>'.<-tum 12:00 p.m. News nncl Slen Off 6;D(I am. Sign on. News nnd Weather 6:02 a.m. 1st Cull lo Brcnkasl 6:15 a.m. Ncwr In a Mlnuv« 6:18 a.m. 1st Call ¦> Brcakust 6:55 a.m. Pnrm Broaooast 7:00 a.m. News 7:05 a,m. Volcn of Morning Worihlc 7:15 n.m. WrnHirr Report 7:20 a.m. March Past 7:30 a.m. News 7*3* o.m Pnnrp ^nnrri 7:37 a.m. 2nd Call Lo Breakast 8:00 a.m. News 8:10 a.m. Sports Scorns 8:15 ii.m. Last Cull to nrrnkiist nnn a.m. Wenrhpr nnrt Rnpri n»nnr 8:35 n.m. Last Cull To BreiikfrtH HOMiLITi Tom Martcll Ltd. 3 00 n m. 9:U> n.m. •J:30 a.m. 9:55 a.m. 10:01 ii.m. 11:15 a.m. u.ju a.m. 11:35 n.m. 11:45 ii m. 2:00 p m. 2:01 p m. 2:05 p.m. :mo p.m. 2:15 n.m. 2:25 p.m. 12:30 n m. 13:55 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. I .hi u in 1:35 p.m. t 45 p.m. 1 :f>0 p.m. 2:on p.m. line News rirllo This Houso News llclln Till.' nmiw Pom. Ohservatory Time Slg Remembrance Duy Program Musical Mike Newa Miislc:il Mike Club Calender New.s In A Minute Luncli Hour Herea The Scoro Lunch Hour CBC News Lunch Hour B.C. Farm Uroiidcant Losl and Found News In a Mlniitr Vanderhoof Hour Vimderhoof Hour Club Calendar Vnnderhonf Hour Musical Mike WEDNESDAY 3:30 p.m. News 2:35 p.m. Musical Mike 2:45 p.m. Club Calendar 2:50 p.m. Musical Mike 3:00 p.m. Ni-w.s In a minute 3:01 p.m. Musical Mike 3:15 p.m. Message Time 3:20 p.m. Musical Mlko 3:30 p.m. News 3:35 p.m. Chapel In the Sky 3:50 p.m. Musical Mike 4:00 p.m. News in a Minute 4:01 p.m. Musical Mik. 4:15 p.m. Kiddles' Korner 4:30 p.m. News 4:35 p.m. Musical Mike 4:45 p.m. Club Calendar 4:50 p.m. Musical Mike 5:00 p.m. News In a Minute 5:01 p.m. Who's New In the Nurser* 5:02 p.m. 550 Calling WE CUT KEYS While You Wait ROSE RENT-ALLS Quebec & Second Ave. LO 4-61H j:1d p.m. Mcbsnee Time >:20 p.m. :im> Calling i:30 p.m. News ):35 p.m. 550 Calling . i:45 p.m. Message Tin.. IJRO p.m. 550 Cilllng 5:55 p.m. Jeannles 8hop Talk 6:00 p.m. News in a Mlnuie • :01 p.m. Sports Scores 1:06 p.m. 550 Calling ii:15 p.m. Message Time 8:30 p.m. 550 Calling 1:30 p.m News 1.35 p.m. 650 Calling '•'.£ p.m. Club Calendar '1:50 p.m. 550 Calling 1:00 p.m. National News 7:30 p.m. CBC Wednesday Night 0:00 pm. News 10:ID p.m. SPCA Talk 0:30 p.m. The Way I S«r '4. 0:35 p.m. Spinners Sanctuui 1:00 p.m. News 1:05 p m. Spurts Scores 1:10 p.m. Spinners Sanctum 2:00 p.m. News and Sign Off THURSDAY :¦"(' am Sinn on. News A. Wcntiix G:02 a.m. First Call To Brcakfii: fi:lfi u.m. First Cu .11 To Breakfast 0:40 n.m. Rhythm Ranch Time 1:55 a.m. Km in Broadcast (:00 a.m. News 7:05 a.m. Voice of Mnmlng Worship 7:15 a.m. Weather Rcpoit T:20 a.m. Mr\rch Pi ast ':30 s.m. News Tin 7:37 n.m. 1:00 a.m. •in a.m 15 si •IE in. St'i-ond Cull To Breakfast Ni-ws Snnrtn nmr« Last Call Tn Breakfast Wentlirr nnd Rnafl Report Last Cnll to Uirnkfast Brio N'-wi Hollo This u«u«b McssniiP Time Hollo This House Hello This House MnrnliiK visit Tommv Hiinl"'- Show Bwitl Money Mini 00 a.m. News Of. a 111. Cllll) Clllc'Hlnr 10 a.m. Swnp and Hhup IS a.m. Musical Mike HO a.m. Nowa Musical Mli-i-Club Ciilendar Musical Mike 00 Noon News In A Minnie Sparky's Music Store for all your Musical Instruments 406 George St. LO 4-4913 12:01 r> in. 12:0', p.m. 12.'10 p.m. I»'IS nm 12:2f, p.m. 12:30 p.m 12:55 n.m 1:00 p.m. 1:01 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:35 n m. I.iim-li Hour II. Tlie Scnro lunch Hour CHC News Lmicli Hour no Fiirm Broadcast Lost And Found News 111 ii Mlnnir Vanderhoof Hour News Vnnrierhnof Hour EVERYTHING IN WIRE ROPI • Giue Loc ^trting> • Main Lin* • Splic*— • Choicer Worms 796-4th Ave LO 4-601 I For Winter Months Must have complete line of equipment For Further Particulars Phone DAYS—LO 4-5525 NIGHTS—LO 4-7374 Hart Highway, Prince George offers Aberdeen Angus Cattle at Dispersal Sale Prices Animals may be inspected at any time. ^HNWS