CLASSIFIED RATES The Citizen. Btm 75a (1 month) AD atTerUsemmt cbarsrs under 1.1.00 itlietlr «ufc. MINIMUM • UNES Wo per Une per day We per Une per day (I dara) Ifie per Une per day (2! dart) The above rate* apply to eoaieeatlTe ln«. only. New Office Hours for Your WANT ADS . . . Now! 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Mon. to Fri.; 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.. Sat. a tuc riTi7Cki T,.«ejJ., a.,_.,«* oQ lo/in PHONE LOaan 4-2441 — ASK FOR CLASSIFIED 6 THE CITIZEN Tuesday, August 23, 1960 Legal Advertising Rate Insertion .................................... 18c per lira Deadline — 12 noon day prior to publication CLASSIFIED DEADLINI 4:30 day prior to run 24. Lost and Found LOST: Set of five keys, including Volkswagen key. Phone 4-7207. DI3162 31. Persona) WILL ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Mr. David John Tomblyn please advise Mr. Grant, Four Provinces Investment Co., 332 Main St., Winnipeg 1, Man., or ask Mr. Tomblyn to do so for his own advantage. ________________DI1164 YES, KEN will meet you at Bob Strachan's meeting, Civic Centre Friday, Aug. 26", 9 p.m.—Betty. D15163 72. Employment Wtd-Women i 130. Machinery LADY wants daywork or job as chambermaid, 5 days a week. Ph. LO4-2006.t C2163 88. Building Materials uULL LUMBER for sale, 1x4 and wider S4S, shiplap and '•entre match, 2x4 and wider, S4S. Interior Spruce Milis Ltd., River Ave., phone - LO4-2939 or LO4-8111. TF84 REAR double drum PCU, mod HD10CU2; or trade for winch t fit HD10. Box 306, McBride, B.C DI516 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — 1009 Third Ave. or phone L04-7941 or LO4-8292. TF1 32. Business Personals PIANO Tuning and Repairs — Edmond R. Charles wishes to announce that he will be in Prince George and district during August and September. Will customers wishing to have work done please leave orders at T. Eaton and Co., phone LO4-7244, or Prince George Electric, phone LO4-7201. SKTF154 MIDWEST Excavating — Bulldozing, land clearing, trenching and backhue work, basements and sepuc tanks. Phone LO4-7692. Residence, 2310 Pine St. TF66 FOR septic tank cleaning, call Northern Septic Tank Services, LO4-7871 or L.04-2637. TF64 40. Help Wanted, Men"" FOR expansion program from local firm: Retail Driver Salesman with own vehicle, needed for Vanderhoof district. Apply Box 128A, Citizen. TK144 47. Help Wanted, Men-Women HELP WANTED — The CCF needs YOU every evening at 7:30 p.m. in the CCF Hall. We can't pay you in dollars and cents, but we can pay you in good government. TF163 50. Help Wanted, Women Clerk - Steno Grade I Starting salary $175. For the Civil Defence Coordinator, Northern /one, Prince George. All fringe benefits. Apply not later than Aug. 26, 1960. National Employment Service PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. CD116 89. Equipment For Hire AIR COMPRESSOR FOR RENT —By day, week or month; reasonable rates. Phone LO4-5089 or apply 1442 Burden St. TFl Construction Co.— Basements, backfills, sewer and water lines, septic tanks, landscaping and land clearing. For estimates phone LO4-6475; nights LO4-6775, LO4-4195. TF90 RENT-A-PUMP — Pumps for all purposes. Tom Martell Ltd., phone LO4-7644. TF1 • UK Compressor, Jack hammer, breakers, and dinall tools, drill .steel, spades. Phone L04-4110 Apply 1025 5th Ave. TF55 92. Ranges and Service FOR Sale or Hire: John Deer Cat. with blade and winch. P LO4-6573. C2215 145. Sleeping Rooms FURNISHED sleeping room close in. Phone LO4-5327 o apply 1589 9th Ave. TF16 ROOMS for rent in private horn close to downtown. Phone LO4 6747. TF15 FURNISHED sleeping room fo girls, close in. Phone LO4-7674 DI2214 SLEEPING ROOMS, men onlj Apply 1755 4th Ave. TF15 146. Housekeeping Rooms CLEAN, bright, with elec. range use of shower, wash facilities priv. entrance; immediate occu pancy. 1869 Kenwood. Phone L 4-6u30. TF1G FURNISHED sleeping room wit kitchen, close in; men only. Appl 385 Winnipeg. TF16 USED Coal, Wood, Electric and oil ranges and heaters. Canadian Propane, phone LO4-6133. TF1 93. Heating FOR Sale: (a) Wall furnace for propane or natural gas and 500-gallon tame witn approximately 165 lbs. propane, $400 cash and take over payments; (b) One coal and wood kitchen range, one year old, $40 cash; (c) One large oil heater, $30 cash. These articles can. be seen at Stone Creek Store, Stoner, B.C. DI3163 100. TV and Radio Repairing NORTH Star Radio-TV, guaranteed repairs. LO4-8332. DI22144 101. Store Equipment COFFEE bar, complete with all appliances and dishes; must be removed from present location immediately; can be seen anytime by phoning LO4-5413 or LO4-5628; all offers welcome. DI10155 106. Sporting Goods USED rifles and shotguns. Interior Sportsman's Shop Ltd., 1130 3rd Ave. DI22159 112. Refrigerators, Freezers CLERK-TYPIST Permanent good pay position with established National firm. Fine working conditions with congenial associates. Merit salary increases, plus all modern employee benefits. No experience necessary. Apply Household Finance Corporation 1368 Third Avenue Phone 4-7207 CD716 PAYROLL clerk required for modern office with good working conditions, 5-day week. Appli cants must have experience will a large payroll. Apply to Prince George Regional Hospital. DI3163 GENERAL housekeeper rcquircc for rooming house, live in. Ph 4-5331 between 10 a.m. and 10 P-m. DI4164 52. Salesladies and Agents $23 WEEKLY for wearing lovely dresses given to you as bonus. Just show North American Fashion Frocks to friends. No canvassing, investment or experience necessary. North American Fashion Frocks Ltd., 3425 Industrial Blvd., Dcpt. E-2502, Montreal 39, Que. 53. Domestic Help Wanted EXPERIENCED housekeeper for modern home with children live in. LO4-2623. TF164 70. Employment Wanted - Men EXPERIENCED finishing carpenter with power tools, available evenings. Phone LO4-5096. DI5160 LOGGING supt. or camp foreman with 25 years' experience in all types logging operations, seeking responsible position. Apply The Citizen Box 152A. C3162 Use CITIZEN Classifieds The Citizen Phone LOgan 4-2441 National Advertising Representative Class "A" Newspapers Vancouver, Toronto Montreal Subscription! Single copies 7c By Carrier 5 days per wk. Mon. thru Frl. 1.50 per month By MAIL B.C. OTHER 1 year $12.00 $15.00 6 months 6.50 8.00 3 montii* 3.50 4.25 USED refrigerators, $99; brand name, good working condition. Better Value Furniture, 1365 3rd Ave., ph. LO4-4243. TF122 113. Fruits, Vegetables, Meats EIGHT quarters baby beef, 35(J per pound; by whole or half. 2 miles cast and l\i> miles south of Alf's Corner Store. C2164 120. For Sale - Miscellaneous FOR Sale: Used quonsct steel building, 40ft.xl00ft.; included in building: 24 large lamp lighting units switch panel, 1 large Hale-Co furnace, 13ft.xl4ft. double doors at both ends of building. All steel galvanized siiceung ii excellent condition. For further information write Bob's Welding Ltd., Box 1044, Kitimat, B.C. C2164 MODERN room, kitchenette, elec trie cooking, bath, frig.; coupl or gents; reasonable. 2108 Tarn rack, phone LO4-7358. C316 BETTER living in large house keeping rooms, all comforts Apply 792 20th Ave., corner o Hemlock St., after 6 p.m. D1316 FURNISHED light housekeepin room, shower, etc. Apply 47 Moffat, phone LO4-4041 after p.m. D1316 TWO rooms for rent, close t school and downtown area. 158 8th Ave. or piione LO4-7835. C316 FURNISHED housekeeping room or two-room suite, close to down town area. Phone LO4-4224. C3164 147. Room and Board ROOM and board for two higl school girls. 2869 15th Ave., LO 4-7059. DI3163 BOARD and room for two girls close to Duchess Park High School. Phone LO4-6773. DI3163 ROOM and board for man. Ph 4-4384 or apply 474 Burden. DI3163 150. Furnished Suites 2-ROOM basement suite, partly furnished, everything included Phone LO4-8715; after 5 p.m phone LO4-6992. DI3164 SI2MI-furnished suite. Apply 137] 3rd Ave. C3164 LIGHT housekeeping two-room suite. Call at 1909 Tamarack St C3164 3-ROOM suite, unfurnished oi partially furnished, with bath anc private entrance; reasonable Apply 310 Carney St. or phone LO4-8471. DI3164 USED refrigerators, oil ranges coal and wood ranges, Chester field and many other used items must be cleared to make way for new stock. 1365 3rd Ave. Better Value Furniture, phone 4-4243. DI5161 ONE combination gas range, in new condition. Apply 1593 Elm St. TF163 122. Wanted - Miscellaneous WANTED to buy, forced air furnace, coal and wood. 11. Gerber, Box 207, Smithcrs, B.C. C3163 YOU—To hear Robert Strachan, next premier of B.C., Civic Centre, Friday, Aug. 26, 9 p.m. DI5163 123. Boats, Marine Supplies SALE 20% Off The bargain of the season: two 1960 Johnson Sea Horse out-boards. These two oulboards arc selling at 20% off regular price. Both motors include a 5-gallon non-pressurized mile master fuel tank. Johnson 10 h.p., rcg. ___ $395 Special, now .............__§397 Johnson 14 h.p., reg___$395 Special, now_______$316 At Hudson's Bay Company 3rd & Quebec St. Ph. 4-2171 CDTF164 129. Farm Implements FOR Sale: W4 International tractor on rubber, with saw; good condition. What offers? Phone "04-5089 or LO4-6722. D15161 130. Machinery FOR Sale: One only C-l Yatcs ilancr, complete with feed table, ;ood condition. Apply Box 130, Qucsncl, B.C. D13163 •'OR rent or sale: Big rebuilt 2ats and new Cats, both AUis-^halmers and Caterpillars par-icularly, for the summer season. Ve are always in the market 'or lumber. Call Andy Morris, Vational White Spruce Ltd., Box 87, Prince George, B.C. TF41 JSED grain rolling mill—Vessot Mo. 2, 14" rollers, capacity one on per hour; best offer; leave Hers at Co-Op, general office, 313 lilh Ave. D1516U 2-ROOM furnished basement suite and bath; no drinking, no children; quiet, working couple preferred. Apply 415 Watrous St or phone LO4-7456. TF161 TRAILER for rent, suitable for 1 person or couple. Apply Moran's Trailer Court, South Ft. Geo., or phone LO4-2317. TF161 FUL1A lurnished, iully modern 3-room apartment, electricity and fuel supplied, 3 miles on Hart Highway. Apply 1585 Elm St. TF99 FOR rent — Furnished 3-room suite with bath, all utilities paid, $90 month in advance; only responsible persons need apply. Inquire at 1766 18th Ave. DI5160 FURNISHED two-room suite with bath, all utilities paid; ideal for married couple or two ladies. Apply at 2435 Boss Crescent, phone LO4-4865. D15162 151. Unfurnished Suites 3-ROOM suite, auto, heat, gas range and gas supplied. Apply 1070 3rd Ave., phone LO4-2210. TF164 SUITES available at Fichtner Apartments lor $80 a month. Ph. LO4-4324. TF123 154. Furnished Houses CLEAN, QUIET CABINS. Children welcome. AH iaundry facilities available. Evergreen Auto Court, 17th and Queensway. Ph. LOgan 4-2220. TFl FULLY MODERN 2-bedroom cabins. Gas heat, gas cooking facilities, fridges. Weekly or monthly rates. Riverview Motel, Mile 0, Kart Hwy. Phone LOgan 4-7G26. TFl FURNISHED or unfurnished cabins for rent. McCormick's Cabins, South Fort George, phone LO4-5378. TF131 2-ROOM furnished cabin in ache. Apply 647 George St. after 7 p.m. C2164 2-ROOM cabin for rent. Apply 1160 Cuddie Rd. or phone LO4-4667. D14164 155. Unfurnished Houses TWO-room cabin for rent. Apply 1160 Cuddie Road. DI3161 TWO-room house on Hart Highway, $30. Phone 4-5983. DI3163 2-BEDROOM house, has base-nent room with toilet, to sub-et. Phone LO4-8326 mornings and evenings. DI3164 2-BEDROOM home has self-con-ainccl basement suite with private entrance, to sub let. Ph. 04-5786. TF1(J4 161. Business Locations 2 OFFICE ROOMS (adjoining) Caine Building, 245 Quebec St., Phone 4-fil30 TF106 ->EACIOUS offices available In Bon-Accord Building, Third anrl Rrunswlrk St. Apply A. M. Clark or A G. Bowie. Bon-Accord Building TF73 500 SQUARE ft. floor space, suitable for small business or office, heated. Apply Main Floor, 1070 3rd Ave., phone LO4-2210. DI4164 162. Wanted to Rent WANTED, 2-bedroom house; business couple. Phone LO4-2003. C2164 164. Houses • Wanted to Buy HAVE $2,000 to put down on $8,000 to $12,000 house in town. Phone LO4-65T2. DI3164 165. Revenue Houses 191. Farms and Ranches IDEAL land for ranch, dairy or farm: 320 acres, one mile from blacktop; also water. Phone LO4-7008. D13164 193. Property Wanted WILL buy large tract of wild bush land in Northern B.C.; specify in first letter roads, water, topography, price. Lee Hallberg, King Realty, 609 Brouehton, Victoria, B.C. DI3163 200. Business Opportunities True Life Adventures CURIOUS PROGRESSIVE young ranc couple desire ranching oppo tunity in Central B.C.; would lik to manage or lease; experiencec in cattle and ranch work. Tom Estis, RR2, Prince George, ph LO4-8514. C316 210. Trucks, Buses, Etc. SELLING —One duplex and private houses located on Free man St., all revenue bearing terms to right parties. Apply a rear of 559 freeman or phone LO4-6475. TF110 REVENUE property — 3 acres cabins, near school, drilled well power. Located 3 miles on Har Highway, across from "The Roundup." DI5163 170. Houses for Sale $1,800 down payment, $90 per month for a two-bedroom home, landscaped. Move in and start gardening. $1,000 down; $50 to $60 per, per month; THREE two-bedroom homes; you pay for only what you get ($4,600 to $6,500). $1,500 down; $60 per month— large rural, electric power, garage. $1,500 down; $80 per month; 3-bedroom wartime house. SEE RAY ATKINSON RON CARSON LTD. Real Estate 1424 3rd Ave. Insurance Ph. LO4-4434 CD3162 BARGAIN — 3 bedroom house 1876 5th Ave. Apply 1549 Taylor Drive, W. W. Houghteling or phone LO 4-5781. TF159 2-BEDROOM house, 5th Ave., arage, 220 wiring, $6,500. Ph. LO4-8453. C3162 NEW NHA home by contractor with 3 bedrooms, carport, full >asement, fireplace and vanity bath. Phone LO4-6228;1 eves., liO4-8146. • TF129 FOUR acres and 2-room cabin on iiscome Road; reasonably priced or quick sale. Write Citizen Box .54A. DI5163 OR sale or rent, 3-bedroom lome. Phone LO4-6704 or apply 130 6th Ave., Island Cache. C1164 MMEDIATE occupancy: 3-bedroom NHA, lease or sell; open or inspection Aug. 24 to 29. hone LO4-8007. DI4164 IX-room modern house, three ots, fenced. Apply 555 Alward t.j phone LO4-4666. SKDI3164 181. home Building Lots 1HOICE corner lots, close in. •hone LO4-4181. TF139 ONE-acre country lots at reduced prices, for a limited time only; asy terms available. Phone -6443. C3162 84. Apartment Property "HREE multiple dwelling lots, orner Tenth and Vancouver, hone LO4-6572. SKTF162 86. Industrial Property OR sale: Two industrial city orner lots; also two bldg. lots n Freeman St., price $2,000. Vpply Citizen Box 153A. DI5163 MODEL L211F Internationa truck with tandem loggin trailer; also lumber deck an some misc. logging equipmen Apply Jesse Franklin, Collej mount, B.C. C316 211. Mobile Homes, Trailers ORANGE and white trailer, 35' 8', two bedrooms, kitchen, bath room, and living room; can b seen west of Park Bros, at Vai derhoof. Contact Frank Clem mensen, Vanderhoof, or writ Box 472. DI1016 BOB'S TRAILER SALES—Rollo home mobile homes. Complet stock of trailer parts an supplies. Victoria and 20th. Ph LO4-8331. TF FRANK'S Trailer Sales—Angelus Coronet and McGinness Mobil Homes. Located Y* mile south o Prince George Airport. Box 819 Phone LO4-6868. TF6 218. Automobiles for Sale '59 PONTIAC hardtop, 2-door, J tone, auto, trans., excellent cond will trade for pickup, preferabl '56-'57 model, remainder in cast Apply Melben Auto Court, RR No. 2, Pr. Geo. C316 1949 DODGE sedan, excellen running condition, $275. Phon LO4-6379. DI316 1954 BUICK, extremely good cor dition, new rubber; older mode pickup as part payment. Phon LO4-5013or see at 474 Moffat St C316! 1951 AUSTIN A-40 sedan, radio heater, electric wipers, 2 new snow tires, body in A-l condi tion. Phone LO4-3809. C3162 LEGALS LAND ACT Notice of. Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land Recording District o Foi't George and situate on thi southerly shore of Purden Laki West of the east boundary o District Lot 6675, Cariboo Dist rict. Take notice that we, John Leontowich and John Henry Ger litzki of Stc. 116, 1531 Davie St. Vancouver, B.C., occupation pros pectors, intend to apply for lease of the following described lands:— Commencing at a post planted 73 chains west and 18 chains north of the S.W. corner of Lot 6675, Cariboo District; thence east 113 chains; thence north 37 chains; thence west 17 chains thence north 10 chains; thence >vest 49 chains; thence south 15 chains; thence west 9 chains thence south 5 chains; thence west 38 chains; thence south 27 chains and containing 424.6 acres more or less, for the purpose oJ quarrying. John Leontowich J. II. Gerlilzki Dated August 8th, 1960. Get Fast Results Use Classifieds Phone LO 4-2441 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Silent G. Ice--- 11. Cne'3 dwelling 12. Belgian commune 13. Male adult3 14. Doctor's assistant 15. June bujj 17. Kitchen appliance 19. Polynesian drink 20. A remnant 21. Compass point (abbr.) 22. Robin--- 26. Oak or maplo 27. Long-eared rodent 30. Kind of military bombing1 34. Music note 36. Macaw 37. Tree 38. The Devil (colloq.) 41. One of 13 popes 42. World fashion center 43. Self 45. Frenchman's name 46. Sonata movement 49. Heavy cords B0. Pudding starches DOWN 1. Tantalum , (sym.) 2. Jewish month, 3. Pals 4. Fish 5. Cloth-stretching frame 6. U. S. neighbor 7. Eskimo knives S. Diamond fragments 9. Location of Krupp Work3 10. Cubic meter 15. Flit 16. Across 18. Single unit of curved line 33. Bettors 34. Cantcrer 35. T-.xas i..is3ion. Yesterday'! Anctrer 30. Fall in dropg 40. Shade of green / 44. Tibetan A gazelle i 47. Perform i 48. Bone I (anat.) 1 2 3 4- 5 % Or a •i 1° II % (Z 13 % |4- IS 16 % 17 It* 19 % u 22 24 is % V/A 1-1 TO w, 3O 31 31 33 34 3S- % 36 36 -41 +2. 43 44 % f//A 45 i 4B 4? % 5O £-23 ©I960 Walt Disney Productions / World Rights Reserved L-1ON KSJOWS A BEARS TAKE HOT SULFHLJR BATHS. THE S53& AN A1UMO ^S& LYNX HIMSELF WITH Distributed by Kin* Features Syndicate. -4-21 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Labor Sitters Needed For Child-Bearing? Dear Mary Haworth: I was glad to read in P.B.'s letter abou labor-sitters" in obstetric cases How desperately I needed such a sitter when our latest child was born!" P.B. imports that these sitters are experienced married women who have learned the techniques of natural childbirth; and willing iy serve as volunteer com panions and coaches to womei in labor; and thus reduce or obviate the need for risky obstetric drugs. I have three children. The first iwo were delivered by very en ightened doctors, in up-to-date lospitals that provide excellem facilities and every consideration prospective mothers. The third child was born in vastly different circumstances—a dread ful experience, the memory of which is a horror, an ordeal the ike of which I hope I may never lave to repeat. For my first child, the doctor suggested that my husband be with me, if at all possible, in preference to a female relative. Ic was my companion in labor he whole time, except for a half lour during the actual delivery. Using the Dr. Grantly Dick-Read method ("Childbirth Without ^ear"), I had no need of drugs, and have a wonderful memory of the baby's arrival. The second child was born in similar atmosphere, in a LEGALS LAND REGISTRY ACT (Section 161) n the Matter of Lots 11 and 12, in Block 181, Map 1268 Proof having been filed in my ffice of the loss of Certificate of Title No. 906M to the above mentioned lands in the name of Algernon Sidney Norton (the Younger) and Curtis Lacy Nor- on, in Trust, sec filing 8306B, nd bearing date November 15, 921. I Hereby Give Notice of my ntcntion at the expiration of nc calendar month from the irst publication hereof to issue o the said Algernon Sidney Norton (the Younger) and Cur-is Lacy Norton, a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of the aid lost certificate. Any person aving any information with eference to such lost certificate f title is requested to communi-ate with the undersigned. Dated at the Land Registry ffice, Kamloops, British Colum-ia, this 3rd day of August, 1960. C. J. S. Farrand, Registrar, Kamloops Land Registration District. TENDER FOR SALE Tenders arc invited for the urchasc of Block 1, District Lot 356, Plan 2486, Cariboo District, lore commonly known as the Id Isle Pierre School Site, enders close at 3 p.m. Thurs-ay, September 15th, 1960. urther particulars and form of ender obtainable from the un-ersigned. R. GRACEY, Secretary-Treasurer, Board of School Trustees, School District No. 57, 1835 Oth Avenue, Prince George, B.C. different city. As before, I used the natural method and no drugs; had a very short labor and my husband was with me for the delivery. He was helpful to the doctor and it was a very happy experience for all of us. On the third occasion, I wa: shown intp;;.stark and empty labor room in slill another hos pilal. My knitting, purse and books were taken away. Thereafter 1 was largely ignored while nurses gossiped down the hall. In desperation I went to sleep. Because of pills I was required to take, and my highly nervous state during 10 hours of labor, I was unconscious but thrashing around when the doctor returned tardily; so more drugs were administered. Six hours after the baby was born, I learned from my roomatc that it was a boy. The doctor saw me the following day, before I had yet seen my son, and brought bad tidings. Later the baby's condition improved quite a bit, but I was in tears for the first day and a half. An experienced labor sitter might have spared me all this. I wish the group well, and a great future. Sincerely yours, —G.B. Dear Mary Haworth: After having my second child by "natural childbirth" I feel qualified to jump into the controversy of whether husbands should be allowed to stay with wives throughout labor and delivery. I think the nub of the question is: what is best for the mother-to-be? It may not be the same for each and all. At the beginning of labor, my liusband was with me. But as labor progressed I asked him to leave. I couldn't concentrate on relaxing while he was present. Even the nurses checking-up on me were distracting; and my doctor was the most distracting person of all. I had no fear of acing left alone; in fact I really did prefer it. The one thing that everybody seems to overlook is that you, and you alone, arc having the baby. You do the work, and no matter how many people are standing around full > of moral support, you are "on your own." But there is nothing to be afraid of, either. Just go into childbirth prepared to do the hardest work of your life. You CAN do it alone—and be proud of it. —B.G. Dear Correspondents: It seems constructive to let interested parties have their say on this vital topic. It happens that, I know several couples in the new crop of parents who swear by the Dick-Read obstetric routine. But the most astonishing news I've had so far was phoned to me the other morning before breakfast, by one "natural childbirth" enthusiast who wished to let me know that another such couple had just produced their third baby with only the husband in attendance this time. This particular household is accustomed to top drawer advantages, so it wasn't a case of economic pinch. —M.II. Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail or personal interview. Write her % The Citizen, Prince George. VICTORIA (CP) — Police announced the number of radar speed' traps on B.C. highways will be increased, and that they are out to catch the slow as well as the speeding driver. OPPORTUNITY For Young Man as Sales Clerk Must be personable, neat, able to meet public, some typing ability, high school, education, willing to work. PRINCE GEORGE BUILDERS SUPPLIES LTD. 144 George St. LO 4-2447 EVERYTHING IN WIRE ROPE • Splicing • Choker Hooka • Blue Loc Fitting* • Main Une 796 4th Ave. LOgan 4-6011 We wish to express our appreciation to the many people who are contributing to our CCF campaign fund. To those who wish to contribute, we ask you to contact the following: Fred Scholz at 4-2310 till 5 p.m.; Frank Snowsell at 4-6432 after 5 p.m.; or write to P.O. Box 373. DAVE MARSHALL, CAMPAIGN MANAGER, . . . FORT GEORGE CCF CLUB.