12 THE CITIZEN Friday, December 9, 1960 Peace Oil to Coast Plan 'Going Nicely—W.A.C. VICTORIA (CP) — Premier Bennett says negotiations with the I'GE concerning the delivery of oil from the Peace Kiver area to Vancouver are "j;oing along nicely." Trans-Prairie Pipelines is building a crude oil pipeline to the railhead at Dawson Creek. Oil companies arc currently negotiating with the PGE over costs to transport the fuel to Vancouver refineries in PGE tank cars. UIC MAN SAYS: 382 Winter Work Jobs Underway in Province Hart Community Club Comes to Life Again L'p to I he end of November, a total of 382 projects had been approved in B.C. under the municipal winter works incentive program, Horace Kcelch, regional director of the Unemployment PILLS CAUSE DEATH VANCOUVER (CP) — A mixture of liquor and barbiturates has killed 50 persons in Vancouver this year, coroner Glen McDonald said. lie said many of the victims apparently weren't aware of • he danger and paid no attention to the amount of liquor and' barbiturates they were using. However, many oilier deaths had resulted from drug addicts using-the mixture because they couldn't afford heroin or heavy drinkers trying to yet a bigger kick from liquor. Mr. McDonald said a dose of eight pills taken with beer or liquor can he fatal if treatment isn't given immediately. Vanderhoof News VANDEIUIOOF (Correspondent) — Marten's Lumber Mill put the first load of lumber into its new dry kiln Tuesday. Construction is not completed on tho Vahdcrhoof anil I'ark Brothers dry kilns, The village is siding the hockey rink. A crow of men started on the job Tuesday. (ierald Charlcsbois was arrcst-cd in Vahdcrhoof when he returned from a spending spree in Prince George. lie got two years in jail for robbing the Vander-hoof Hotel last Sunday night. William Urquhart was sentenced to one day plus a $50 fine for stealing a tool chest from a parked truck. Insurance Commission, Vancouver, announced today. "This is only slightly less than the total of 405 projects approved during the entire period of the previous year's program," he stated. Estimated total of tiie projects already approved is approximately $29,142,000. It is expected they .,.,, , , , , ,, • , . . . I ,. , I Mr. Cameron said, and we would will provide winter jobs lor close j ,,„ nMo .......... The Hartway Community Club which, except for a small core of loyal supporters, has long been dead is being revived. And to celebrate its rebirth the club is not only sponsoring plans for a water district but is also pushing for construction of a community hall. START DRIVE "First thing we'll do is start a drive to increase our membership to 300 or more," Bill Cameron, part of the faithful core, said Wednesday night. The chartered club only has 30 signed members now. "We'll charge .?2 a family per year membership fee," Mr. Cameron said. "In a community of over 3,000 we should get the 300." Several of the present club members are looking over the area hoping to find property on which the community hall could be built. HAD OFFERS Once this is done, and the membership increased, construction on the hall would be planned, j "Already we've had offers of donated lumber and materials," "but it's a step in the right direction." Money for the hall, and fire equipment, would be raised by raffles, bingos and dances, he explained. "If everything goes alright," he stated, "'we could have il ready in plenty of time for next winter. "Then." he said, "people out here would have their own meeting place and wouldn't have to go downtown all the time for dances and bingos.'.' .morl: steam In the past five years nearly half of the generating capacity installed by the Canadian electric power industry has been ste2m powered. $27,000 CONTROL FOR DOUKHOBORS VICTORIA (CP)—The provincial government is spending an extra $27,000 this year for guards in the Sons of Freedom Doukhobor areas. The cabinet has approved the supplementary e x p e n d i ture from the consolidated revenue fund because the S75.000 allowed in the budget for Doukhobor affairs proved insufficient to meet wages for guards in the Kootenays. Attorney - General Bonner said civilian guards are employed by the province on railway crossings, bridges and at school sites. "We had been hopeful we could reduce the extent of guarding." he said. "But this was not nossible at this time." Borderline Banking Killed By New Delivery System TORONTO (CP) — A speedy, panel truck delivery service may soon make things tough for Canadians who write a cheque one clay and rush to the bank to cover it the next. Starting Monday, Toronto branches of the Bank of Montreal will be using the services of Bankers Dispatch Corporation to rush cheques from one bank to another. The service will cut the clear- Us* CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS ing lag from two days to one. The bank expects the system to be operating in its 130 Ontario branches within three months. Bankers Dispatch trucks will operate all night to move cheques from one bank to another. Drivers will make their pickups from specially-installed outside wall safes. ATIONAL ACHINERY fX Limited Oran'lllr Island • V»ni"on»#r ». H i NEW and USED EQUIPMENT Sales - Service - Rentals Please With Ease GIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY J. IAN EVANS D.O.S., F.A.A.O. OPTOMETRIST Optical Wing, Fane Bldg. 401 Quebec Street Phone LOoan 4-2330 Regular Eye Examination is a good health habit to 5,200 workers. This compares with a total cost of $13,168,000 and 4,053 jobs during the 1959-60 campaign. "Judging from reports received of the current winter works program, and considering the relatively short time it has been in effect. I feel confident that B.C. can look forward to far greater results than those achieved during the two previous campaigns," Mr. Kee'ch said. be able to do most of the construction ourselves." Current plans call for the community hall to also house the fire department. Mr. Cameron said. And, "a couple of our members are looking into buying some equipment." The area now has no lire-fighting equipment. "We would have to use a truck with its own water supply until we got piped water out here." Mr. Cameron explained, PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY Condensed Passenger Train Schedule READ DOWN No. 1 Daily 8:00 o.m. 9:25 a.m. 10:33 a.m. I 1:14 a.m. 12:55 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:32 | 4:56 | 6:45 [ 10:40 p.m. LV. AR. North Vancouver Squamiih Alia Lokc Pcmberton • Shalalth Lillooct Clinton [ixclcr Williams Lake Qucbncl Prince Goorgc AR. LY. READ UP No. 2 Daily 9:55 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 7:19 p.m. 6:37 p.m. 4:54 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 2:21 p.m. 1:01 p.m. 1 1:40 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 7:15 a.m. ToaslmastersfoHoid Ladies' Night Here II will be Ladies' Night at the semi-annual meeting of the Prince George Cariboo Toast masters' Club Monday at 6:15 p.m. in the Motel Simon Kraser banquet j room. Following the dinner, two-minute impromptu talks will be given by members. Under the chairmanship of Kill .(ones, the prepared portion of the program will include speeches by Bob Warlenbcrg, Kurt Kolterhoff and Harvey Milne. No. 7 Mon., Wed., Fri. 7:00 a.m. LV. 4:00 p.m. AR. Prince George Chelwynd No. 8 Tues., Thurs., Sot. AR. 6:30 p.m. LV. 10:15 a.m. Connecting Bus Service to and from Dowson Creek and Fort St. John 4:30 p.m. LV. Chclwynd AR. 9:55 a.m. 6:10 p.m. LV. Dawson Creek LV. 8:15 a.m. 7:25 p.m. AR. Fort Si. John LV. 7:00 a.m. Lillooct - Shalalth Motor Service LV. Lilloocf 8:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. AR. Lillooct 10:10 a.m., 4:10 p.m. All Times Pacific Standard RECLINING LOUNGE SEATS - VIEW WINDOWS INFORMATION AND TICKETS PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY More Canadians buy than any other nir on uU by thu Liquor Control Board or t>y thu Qovvrmmint ol British Columbia Buy Quality RODUCTS at No Extra Cost From Your ONLY Local Prince George Dairy "The Most Modern, Sanitary and Up-to-Date Dairy in the North" Sour Cream ONE-HALF HNT • PASTEURIZED MILK & CREAM • COTTAGE CHEESE • NORTHERN DAIRIES' ICE CREAM • GREEN SPOT ORANGE DRINK • PASTEURIZED CHOCOLATE MILK • HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN D MILK • DELNOR FROZEN FOODS • BUTTER • PASTEURIZED BUTTERMILK • PASTEURIZED WHIPPING CREAM We Feature CELLOPHANE PROTECTED TOPS For Your Family's Protection Switch Today — Be Safe Tomorrow Only Available at Northern Dairies Ltd. 1377 First Avenue FOR HOME DELIVERY PHONE LOgan 4-7255 Prince George, B.C. KIDS Northern Dairies'Big Contest Ends Soon Keep those entries rolling and vv/n BIG Prizes