THE CITIZEN. Wednesday, June .28, 19.61 7 Woman s Viewpoint Home again! wonderful feeling it is. Not that I didn't appreciate the splendors of city life; the hectic racing hither and yon. The friendly telephone calls: "Heard via the grape vine that you're in town; how's about paying us a visit?" And my reply, which I managed to put across in my most hang-dog, life' kind of voice: "Oh, gee whiz! You know I'd love to. But honestly I've never been so busy; or so By EVELYN LEES And what a completely fagged out!" I could only hope their sighs of sympathy and understanding were genuine. I did, however, manage to squeeze in one all-too-short afternoon at Cultus Lake. My far-sighted hostess—a wonderful cook—had brought everything with her but the kitchen sink and, well, you know how it is . . . Flicking your baby blues greedily over that assortment of goQdies, you simply forget when or where to draw the line. We'd Better Keep Reading I shoukl've quit cold right after the fried chicken or, preferably, before that. But so help me—I'm sure I must have hid in a closet when willpower was handed out. Besides, the chocolate cake looked so downright delicious. And the watermelon! But suffice it to say it has always been my belief that picnics are meant to be enjoyed, no matter what the consequences. Sort o£ "What's the good of a picnic if you can't eat until you're sick" philosophy. Cultus is a. rather pretty place, although the beach is not as smooth, and uncluttered as one might wish. The litter- bugs there, as everywhere, are never idle it seems. Still, we had fun. What a mob! People of every size, shape and description, and such gorr geous tans! And there, sat yours truly, the only paleface in that vast sea of bronzed gods and god-esses. It gave me a feeling of being utterly alone, a curious feeling of ISeing stared at. "Wonder why I feel this way," I said to my hostess, "almost like something from outer space." To which she replied — somewhat pityingly, I thought —"You do look a bit peaked, now that I think of it. Perhaps you should've brought a bottle of Man-Tan with you." Coming Events Crowning of Queen Aurora IV will take place in Fort Georg Park Friday at 8 p.m. The ce remony will be followed by the Queen's Ball at the Hotel Simon Fraser at 9:30 p.m. • * * The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Rotary Pipe Band will mee today at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. D. Ross, 1692 Tenth. Fol lowing a short business meet ing, the group will move to the Prince George Cafe for a Ghi-nese dinner. • • * The Prince George Art Socie ty will exhibit paintings July 1 in Fort George Park from 2 to 8 p.m. Any non-members who wish to enter works in this dis play are asked to contact Mrs. Lorita Larson at LOgan 4-7512. • • * X-ray tests for adults who reacted positively to tuberculosis skin tests last year will be given today through Friday from 1:30 to 5:30 and 6:30 to 9 p.m. B.C. Tuberculosis Society's mobile vans will be Or Perhaps Just Talking Naturally, being me, I forgave her the slip of the tongue. I'm not even thinking of paying her back. Life's too short for stuff like that. However, should she decide to spend a few days in Prince George sometime—during the mosquito season, say — and should she neglect to bring her insect repellent with her . . . well, can I help it if I forget to remind her of it? But enough of that. As I said, life's too short. Besides, I have more interesting things on my mind. Like for instance, the individuality of some of my friends in the Vancouver area. Not too many years ago, as with each other on who could afford the biggest television screen. Why then are they relegating these precious 21-inchers to the rumpus room? "Couldn't stand it any more." "Spoils the decor.of the living room." "Can't seem to enjoy it any more. TV is not what it used to be." Must be food for thought there. Perhaps we'd better stick to reading or the occasional gab fest with our neighbors. 'Drunken Sailing' Not An Offence in Germany FRANKFURT, Germany W — A barge captain and his pilot, accused of being drunk when their craft collided with a tanker, were acquitted. , ..The judge ruled that "in our penal code there is nothing said about drunken sailing." parked in the City Hall parking lot. * • • Princeton Theological Seminary Choir will present a widely varied program here Thursday at 10:30 a.m. in Knox United Church. The choir is enroute to Alaska following a tour of the U.S., Japan and Korea. • • * The last meeting of the Simon Fraser Day Committee will be held at City Hall today at 8 p.m. • • • Teachers are reminded that school exhibits for the Fall Fair may be left at the home of Mrs. Bert Noakes, 1721 Central. Deadline for these exhibits is Aug. 20. * • • Bessie's Orchestra from Burns Lake will play for the recreation commission dance to be held in Rose Lake July 8. The third annual Water Sports Festival will be held the following day beginning at 1 p.m. with swimming and diving for all age groups. Trophies and crests will be provided for the prize winners. Entertainment will be water skiing and walking a greased pole. • • • Baby-sitting service will be available at Fort George Park Simon Fraser. Day, offered by members of Jtjie^ob's D ters. FILM FESTIVAL FUN Wine Party Turns into Orgy BERLIN (AP) — Uninhibited Mickey Hargitay, at arms length goings on at an early morning wine party had officials of the 11th Berlin Film Festival in a tizzy Tuesday. Tabloids gleefully proclaimed the "film festival scandal" and related juicy details on what made the hotel owner turn out the lights. What caused the panic was a dress-splitting leap for grapes by Lay a Raki, a toothsome German-born Eurasian beauty. Bosomy Jayne Mansfield, also at the party, was carried around by her muscular husband, Fall Fair News "Membership in the Prince George Industrial and Agricul-ural Association is down this vear but interest is high and every effort is being made to assure the public a top notch exhibition this year," a spokesman for the association said oday. Admission will remain th& ame at this year's Fall Fair espite rising costs. Entry fees b g y lave been raised slightly but lany of the prizes Tiave been ncreased and more classes have een added. A junior halter class in the lorse section will be sponsored >y the Saddle Club. Judging will )e on performance and showmanship of the exhibitor rather than on the merits of the animal shown. Last year's entries in the purebred Holstein class numbered second largest in B.C. and indications are that entries will be even more numerous this year. Two new barns are to be erected and meetings are now underway to decide on their location. New gates for the front, rear and middle entrance have also been budgeted by the finance committee. Meetings are also underway to formulate race plans. BACKACHE? not me! For relief from backache or thai tired-out Feeling I depend on— Dodd's KIDMEN- Pills over his head. Miss Raki's leap was the climax. Urged on by photographers, she mounted a chair and sprang for a bunch of grapes dangling from the ceiling. The zipper down the back of her dress flew open and much lively debate ensued as to how much of Laya had met the public gaze. Hotel owner Wolfgang Ger-hus switched off the floodlights and ordered Miss Raki to leave. A statement approved by festival director Albert Bauer said the film get-together "is not a bosom festival and such nudity ambitions should be ruled out." Miss Raki contended her mishap was an accident, and her husband, Australian actor Ron Randall, said "reports she was half-naked are absolutely untrue." "If the organizers don't want well developed girls at the festival they shouldn't invite them," Randall added. "After all we all know what Jayne Mansfield is famous for and she' is an official guest." NOTICE CLUCULZ UKE AREA Lloyd Bros, will have a Cat working on the north shore of Cluculz Lake Commencing June 26 Anyone having work to he done, contact operator or phone LOgan 4-2681 filter 7 p.m. )ing alorg MthTrlE PDUR OPENERS V \ WVANSSDUUSlCC0RP.U5a»«rf>ERMISSig«f -^ IPCKV DAYS ARE HERE AQAffil YES.A MICE COlP, ICE COlP BEER AQAIIM LUC T H 6 ' free home delivery: phone ( to 4-2919 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. LOOKING For a Home of Your Own? THEN BE SURE TO VISIT 3080 FIRST AVE. during the PEN HOUSE Mgr., June 26 to Sat, July 1 Planning a Change? Are you considering improving your home or selling same? We offer you a sincere planning service. Yes .. . large or small, we have plans for all. Other house plans on display at Open House. 2—9 p.m. IREE! FREE! ABSOLUTELY FREE FAIRBANKS-MORSE GAS RANGE One 30" Fairbanks-Morse gas range with every new contract signed during Open House Week, June 26th to July 1st. 3080 First Avenue, Nechako Subdivision Here's why you should buy an Upham Construction Home: • Builders' -family firm are noted for their con- • All homes are fully plastered to stand up • Fully insulated and planned carefully for strudion for the last half-century for prestige under all weather conditions. local climatic conditions, homes. • Extras Included: Roughed in basement fire- • Oak floors throughout. place, laundry trays. * Ample heating guaranteed with 130,000 • N.H.A. mortgages . . . conventional mort- B.T.U. furnace. Always ample heat. aa«es ' ' ' unli™»ed *^s available for 1 r 2nd mortgages to approved purchasers. • Upham Construction is "Famous for Fairness" in all its dealings. Exclusive selling agents: B. C. LAND & INVESTMENT AGENCY (P.G.) LTD. Day$, phone LOgan 4-7235 Evm., phont Lon Buhr, LOgan 4-2297 N. B. UPHAM CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. PHONE, DAYS, LOaan 4.8166 1132 THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE GEORGE EVES., LOaan 4-5793 We wish to thank the following firms for their participation in this week-long Open House: Central Sand & Gravel Ltd. Mclnnis Building Supplies Ltd. McBride Timber Co. Ltd. Bater Electric Service Ltd; Dave Rackham Plumbing Dave Rackham Heating Prince George Plaster & Stucco Northern Floor Co. Ltd. Prince George Sash & Door Co. Ltd. Central B.C. Enterprises & Roofing Ltd. Art Borsi Bricklayer S. J. Braun Cement Work W. & H. Painting C. Bellamy Excavating