ALEX MOFFAT IN BUSINESS HERE 42 YE APS 20 THE CITIZEN Wednesday, June 28, 'Be Fair, You'll Succeed/Pioneer City Businessman Advises •If you are fair to your cus- [20 miles south of Quesnel, June ALEX MOFFAT born in area -1 don't try to rob them, you'll succeed." The words were spoken by Alex Meffiit. They make up th philosophy that has made M Moffat and N'oi therh Har ware and Furniture Co. Ltd. a important part of Print George's history. The ElLory cf the two threat' through -12 years of the city •16-year history. It has lasted 'through goo years and bad—and there hav been many of the latter h says, nut 'the marriage i breaking up. Alex M of fat i quietly divorcing 'himself fron the store. Ill health is th reason. '•I'll step out 'gradually," he said. "Within a year I'll be out of flic store altogether." WOULD KEMAIN He 'has already sold 90 per cent of his interest in the store to his sons. "If my health was good, I would probably remain "here for it'he rest of my life." Alex Moffat was born at bis father's ranch 'near Alexandria, IN THE DAYS OF OLD JUTE AND HEMP WERE USED FOR ROPE SEE NORTHERN CABLE SERVICE LTD. Northern Cable Service Ltd. Distributors of Blue Strand Wire Rope; Esco Products; Skookum Castings and Forgings. • STEAM CLEANING • CARS - TRUCKS • CAT EQUIPMENT We lead the Held in wire rope products NORTHERN CABLE SERVICE LTD. 796 Fourth Avenue LOgan 4-6011 FOR FAST, VERSATILE TRANSPORTATION ' : Call Pacific Helicopters Ltd. Pacific Helicopter's pilot Bill Harvey making an aerial passenger drop, showing the versatility of the helicopter. Pacific Helicopters Ltd. Ideal for • PROSPECTING • TIMBER CRUISING • CAMP SUPPLIES • EMERGENCY SERVICE • HUNTING and FISHING TRIPS For further information, write, wire or phone Pacific Helicopters Ltd. LO(jan 4-9514 868 FREEMAN STREET ' 1G, 1891. Henry H. Moffat had home-steaded the ranch in 1871. For many yeaTS • t'he big ranrh hnuse served as a roadhou.=e for .-tn'-iecearhes travelling to and from Quesnel, much to the delight of 'the .nine children. Alex, 'being the oldest child, had vhe task of taking care of the stage horses for about five years. The ranch and t'he old house still belong to the Moffat family and (today are operated by Mr. Moffat's nephew, Henry Moffat. Alex at'tonded sdhool in Quesnel until 1909. Then, at the •ige cf 1S, be left for high ;chool in Vancouver. This rieant a 220-mile trip by horse o Asfhcrbift to catch 'the itrain o Vancouver. "It was in iUhe middle of vinter, just after Christmas," le recalls. "I ended up walking nost of the way. It was too old to ride." VAST 15 OP TIME The trip to Ashcrcft took 'eek As far as attending hi ehool was concerned, the tr as a waste of time. He on listed one day Subjects such as Greek. Ge nan anil French were requirec arning at the school. Tl a-n't. for Alex—I didn't s ny point in learning that kim 1 ."tuff"—and so off be we the Sprott-Shaw Busine )llege and signed up for si month courses in bookkoepin telegraphy and grammar. The facit 'he had only cnoug money for t'hrce months wa a little 'problem but nione from home soon solved it. " It was the best move I eve made." Mr. Moffat says lodaj "But I'm still a little weak o my grammar. Alex came homeito the ranc in 1010 and the following yea got. his first taste of commere when he went 'to work in Join A. Fraser's general store ii Quesnel. The job didn't last too Ion and, in the spring or 1912. 20 vear-old Alex Moffat arrivec in South Fort George as clerk to the road superintendent. 'About a year later be me Emma Cameron in Vanderhoof They were married in South Fort George in 1911. The year 1915 was an event ful one for Alex. His first son' Harold, was bom during the year, he lost his job and Prince George was incorporated. DIDX'T LAST Politics were responsible for iis losing his job, he says. A stoti't Conservative, he didn't ast long after .the Liberals >ame into power provincially. For .the next four years, 'he vorked at. any kind of a job he could find in an effort to t1ie Quesinel store to Willis and Harper. Two years later,'construction was started ito enlarge 'tbe furniture store so Ithat. (the two company divisions could be housed in the same building. In 1949, Northern Hardware and Furniture Co. Ltd. was under one roof. Renovations have been carried out in 'the store frequently since then in line with Alex's policy of keeping up to date, "You bave to keep up to date or you'll lose customers," he says. "We're planning more work, including a new store front, for the near future." "The store hn>s -come a long, way since 1919," Mr. Moffait mused. "Our mont'hly salary payroll is now 80,000, quite "a difference from the $75 a month Frank, and I paid ourselves for so long. ' PROUD RJECORD "Our business lias increased o 'the point fchajt we do as mudh, business in a day as we used :o do ,Jn a. montlh." - Alex Moffat has devoted much of his time to his city and "has a record any man can be proud of. He served five years on city council, a dozen years on the school lward and the sa«ie on ithe'hospital board. He was also a staunch member of the board of (trade and its president in 1933 and very active in the Rotary Club. When Alex Moffait retires, he'll be leaving 'his store in capable hands. All his children are shareholders in the company and. all the boys work in, the store. Harold is 'hardware manager and Keith, is furniture division, manager. Don, Earl, John, and orky also hold positions in bhe store. HiHiard Glare, wlho has been with itihe sfore for about 15 years, is the company secreta ry^treasurer. ATTENTION LUMBERMEN It's here now! The answer fo selective logging problems . . The fast-working Canadian-made tractor. SEE IT NOW ! :raser Native Of United States Explorer and fur trader imon Fraser was born in ennington, Vermont, in 1.77G. is mother broucht him to anada and in 1792 he went 0 work for (the North West ompany. Made a partner of ihe firm 1 1801, he explored beyond 10 Rocky Mountains, even-tally reaching the mouth of e Fraser River in 1808. Later, as leader of his com any's Red River settlement fought the rival Hudson's ay Company U'rftil the two rms were merged in 1821. e died In 1802. Drigin of Site Name s Unknown History Origin of the name Fort St ames is unknown . It was named by the Hud-n's Bay Co. shortly after 21 when the company amal-mated with the North West l'he Nor'w*sters who had viously been in the area I built tho original fort led it Stuart's Lake. Simon Fraser, who founded m 1S0G, called it Fort \Taka-sleh. Economy, low initial cost, low operating cost/ low maintenance, maneouvre- ability, power steering, oscillating front axle, centre body articulation, high speed skidding, 4-wheel drive, sure-grip traction tread rubber tires. Standard Equipment: Engine Lower Side Panels; Crankcase Guard; Muffler and Extension Pipe; Radiator Guard; Tire Valve Guards; Canopy; Gearmatic Hydraulic Controlled1 Winch (Model 8A); Hydraulic Brake Drag on Winch; Winch-Fairlead, Drive and P.T.O.; Logging Arch with Three (3) Roller Fairleads; Tool Box; Grease Gun; Wheel Wrench; Rear Wheel Weights. Demonstrations Arranged on Request Paragon Supplies ltd. 1079 Fifth Avenue LOgan 4-7311 car so lovely Id be Driceo >w One look at the Austin Cambridge and you know why people are calling it the most beautifully styled car In its price rlass. And there is much more to the Cambridge lhan its fresh, flowing lines ... it seats five people in deep cushioned comfort . . . cruises all day at top highway speeds . . . gives you up to 40 miles per gallon. But to discover the full beauty of the Cambridge, you have to visit your Austin showroom to see it in person and price it in person. You'll find it hard to believe a car so lovely could bo priced so low. Austin' Cambridge AUSTIN ANSWERS EVffRY DRIVING NEED-WITH A CHOICE OF SIX TIRE AT CARS No extrtw to buy! Matter, drfroMrr, turn ${gnalt, eparc tire, toola-umi 12-month written factoru ivamwty — ull inoludtd at Ihe prict. See it Today and Drive it at PAPPERT MOTORS LTD 202 Queomway Street Phont LOrjciu 4-7345