Willow River News Ivan Briggs and Jean Edwards won cups at the Willow jtiver school picnic. Ivan took the junior room cup over Cor-rine Kuchurian while Miss Edwards took the senior room cup over Terry Welch. Judith Pennington and David Asliton won proficiency awards from Giscomo Superior school. Judith is in Grade Nine and pavid is in Grade Seven. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Edwards and family motored to Kelowna to visit Mrs. Edwards' relatives. Jim and Joan Brown are attending the Ness Lake Bible School. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bragg of Surrey are visiting their daughter, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wilcox and son of Tisdale, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mclntyre of Prince George visited Mr. and The Lady Goes West {Following is another in a series by Mrs. William Starr on her first visit, as a young woman, to the Lakes District which her former husband, the late Jacob Henkel pioneered. The article was written after Mrs. Starr was more than 80 years old). By MRS. WILLIAM STARR The 'building had been built in four parts into one unit. To the 1^'lit from where I sat was the first section, which was of logs with one door. The second pant was of rough lumber with one door; the third al.so of lumber with a double door; and the fourth of logs which looked well with a good-sized window. All had galilc ends to the frpn.it. 1 was soon to Find out what each section was to be used for. The first lumber shack door opened and out stepped a younger 'Chinese. I asked about breakfast. Soon he called me into ithe first log room, which was large with a fireplace, a couple of easy chairs, a counter and a row of seats1 all of rough pine where one .sat for meals. The Chinese served a very good breakfast and while I sail there a white man eaine into the kitchen, helping'himself to woman to be travelling alone in this man's county. The 'third part of the unit was a store. Gayer and Connelly, General Merchants, and 'the fourth the Gravers' private home of two rooms. It had a very attractive sitting room with a lovely Mason & Risen piano which I enjoyed 'tire tw clays I stopped (there. (Thei were only 'three trains a week I learned Burns Lake -static) was the only point on Ifoe rai way where I could contac Francois Lake. At 2 a.m. Tuesday I went of again and arrived botwee-n and 4 at Burns Lake station As there was no slut ionmasu> 1 spoke to a man yvflio wa piling mail sacks into a wagon He told me ho was the mai driver 'between t'he station ant Francois Lake 'bull he had 'to bring 'the mail sacks to Jin McKenna who lived a milp west of itlhere on a farm. He pointed out a trail be tween willow bus'lies. If I walked along it I would come to a white bridge and he would meet me there. Here I was 'all alone in the wilderness, looking suspicious ly among the willows, 'but no wild animals appeared and I reached 'the bridge intact, Mr. Henderson, tine mail Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mr. Erbs' brother and family visited here and then they all motored to Lillooet. The Penningtons spent the weekend at Fort St. James. Mrs. M. Jorgenson has returned to Nelson after teaching here for a year. Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Columbe of Salmon Arm are visiting Mrs. Columbe's father and brother and families. Mr. Stanley Keiler has returned home from Kelowna. Mr. and Mrs. George Keiler have returned from Vancouver to live here. , Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rivett have taken up residence here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Berard anc family of St, Paul, Alta., have taken up residence here. Douglas Pruden cut his hand in the planer while working ai Shelley Sawmills. LOOKOUT DRIVE-IN OPEN DAILY 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. WEEKENDS 12 noon to 2 a.m. Take first road right up Hart Highway and first road right 3A mile down Hoffer Camp Road, CLASSIFIED ADS DO GET RESULTS some porridge, or mush as Jit driver, soon appeared and we is called here in the West. crossed t'he long bridge over I learned Jailer that it was Mr. Gayer Who came for his wife's breakfast. He wenit and 'told 'her, "There's a worn an," an expression I was to hear often. It seemed unusual for t< LEGALS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be accepted until July 20, 1961, for the con struction of wooden buildings required to house the machin cry, furnace and fuel storage of a double tunnel Coutts dry kiln. Plans and details of construe tion may be obtained from Lloyd Bros. Lumber Co. Ltd. at 144 George Street or by phoning LO 4-9303 in the evenings. A. L. McDonnell. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1. Sealed tenders in duplicate on special forms supplied for the General Contract; including all trades endorsed Tender for McBride and District Hospital and Nurses' Residence, McBride, B.C., will be received by the Architects Gardiner Thornton Gathe and Associates at or before 2:00 p.m. the 8th day of Aiif*., 1961. Contractors wishing to lender on the Nurses' Residence only will submit their tenders in duplicate on special forms supplied at tiie same time and date and endorsed Tender for McBride and District Nurses' Residence. Working drawings and specifications will be available to General Contractors only, on Monday tin- loth day of July, 1901, at 12 noon at I he office of the Architects, Gardiner Thornton Gallu! and Associates, 1520 Alherni SI reel, Vancouver 5, B.C. A certified cheque for Five (5%j Percent of the Tender submitted iiiu^l accompany each Tender and shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter into the Contract when Called upon to do so. Before awarding and Bigning of the Contract, the successful tenderer shall furnish if called on to do so, a surety bond oqual to Fifty <.r>0'; ) Percent of the Contract price. On receipt of (his ltond, the Certified cheque submitted with tlu1 Tender will be returned. The Hoard of Management of MiT.iuIi- und District Hospital, HcBride, B.C . and the British Columbia Hospital insurance Service reserve the right lo re j»'ct my, or ;iii tenders without explanation, No Tender havinj: qualifying clauses will be considered. A certified ch< quo to the amount of One Hundred ($100) Dollars will be required lor each B(.| of plans and sp< cifu-:i>ioiis and will be returned upon receipt uf same coinplelo and ul good condition, within -\x hours after close of lenders, ciieiiue payable to Gardiner' Tbornton Gatho and Associate Applications for approval of | iiKiin iai» <>i methods as cqulva-i,.ni id those ipeclfled must be Submitted in writing in duplicate to I lie Anliiteil . on nr before Inly Mi W\, anil must do ¦(conipanlcd v\ 1111 KubMuntlat-jM1. information Sill* < 'Ofitl ,n Imi ', nil' nd Ihiit I lie Hid l>e-|>imllor> ipplloi io tho following Pluuililm:. ht'iiliiiK, vcir Bums Lake 'to Gerow Island where Rob Gerow operated a store und inn. Everything was so strnnjre, I did not remember what I ate for breakfast. A'bouit n a.m. we started our trek to Francois Lake. 1 sat in irhe seat beside Mr. Henderson, and his son, who was about 11, sat on top of the mail sacks. MTTLF3 KOCttf Being only a liprlit wagon with not much room, every onco, ,in a . while Henderson would turn to assure 'himself the mail and 'the boy were still on board. We crossed a long bridge-like structure which was called a corduroy and landed on the mainland again, up a very long stoop hill. It took from 9 a.m. to 0 p.m with only a one-hour stop, ibe travel the 14 miles to Francois Lake. At Deep Creek. aPLor circling a high rock with just enough narrow ground around to fit 'the wagon, I lookoc down into an abyss, Stopping at Doe)) Creek, wo fed the horses, made a camp fire for tea and shared Ihr sandwiches. Continued tomorrow Last Time Tonight Gates Open 9 p.m. Show Starts 10 p.m. JEFF CHANDLER DOROTHY MALONE WARD BOND PILLARS OF An action-packed Western . he story of a tattered troupe hat stemmed the tide of fury and arrows that day . , . film-d in Cinemascope and Techni-olor. Don't miss this fine performance! Coming Wednesday NEVER SO FEW Starring FRANK SINATRA GIN A LOLLOBRIGIDA A saga of the war in Burma. STRAND Theatre Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Show Starts 7 & 9 p.m. Wednesday - Friday AHtheFlRE.T.PASSKJNand £XC1T£MENT of the GREAT NOVEL! JULIE HARRIS RAYMOND MASSEY • JAMES DFAN RICHARD DAVALOS LAST TIME TONIGHT The Magnificent Seven starring yul brynner eli wallach steve McQueen Coiur by Deluxe E.C. By Johnny Hart the citizen Tuesday, July 11, 1961 7 LARRY BRANNON By Winslow Mortimei OH, I PONT THINK Y PELIEVE W GO, NOT REALLY. DR.SiALZER /Ss JUST ROUTINE 15 IN ANY \7 SECURITy...THEOLP ¦PANGEFT, { CHAP ISA BIT INSPECTOR? k JITTERy THOUGH. HEATH OF SCOTLANP >AKP. ¥M TO TAKE you TO MR.BRANNON. &N0I-ANP LCNPQN AIRPORT. PECENT OF>OU TO MEET BLONDIE By Chic Young SAME OLD COWBOVS AND GANGSTERS SLUGGING AND SHOOTING EACH OTHER I'M Tl RED OF WATCHING TELEVISION THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By Stan Drake Gates Open 9 p.m. Show Starts 10 p.m. Wednesday - Friday THE DRAMA OF A GIRL TORN BETWEEN CIVILIZATION AND IHE CALL OF HER NATIVE INSTINCT! JibnsuL mil THE UNCIVILIZED Jitnuut in. ^olfft ici triitU*: Plm, n, i iiiiMf r»*»nt«l,»n i A DC A R«I»«» ...... ... I LAST TIME TONIGHT THE PRIVATE WAR OF MAJOR BENSON ttarrlno CHARITON HESTON nun ADAMS Omp ol Hfa'i hoppicit PH' I......... I IM.IM I.IM.J > .11 way, RINCESS Theatre ONE SHOW NIGHTLY, 7:30 p.m. Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Tonight 11 ACADEMY AWARDS PICTURE"! HI, FAMILY. EVERYTHING O.K. AROUNP HERE- SEE YOU TOMORROW-IF I'M NOT BEHEADED py MY SCANDALIZED FAMILY STOP FUSSING SO MUCH, EVE. IT'S NOT THAT! OPJECTTDYOUR. OOIMGOUT—YOU KNOW THAT—BUT DON'T "iOU THINK YOU OUGHT TO LET US KNOW WHERE VOU ARE ? AMP LOOK HOW THEY Y DEIRDRE-YOU TURNED OUTji NOW I / BETTER KNOCK (T lZ OFF BEFORE YOU -CALM EVE INTO A NERVOUS PREAKDOWN.' NAPOLEON WASOTTTEfiy BEFORE WATERLOO...ANP CLEOPATRA POSmVElV HAP THE SHAKES PEFORE SHE CAAAE UPAGAINSTV /*AeffAD - 111-**"*^ ii 1 ADMIT fT-MY BLOOD'S TURNINGTO WATER. ITS ONLY NATURAL JEFF BUCHANON & CO. By Johnston & Dewai In OTTAWA. JEFF STARTS. SEARCHING FOR HIS FAMILV. AIDED By AL McNALLY Prices for This Production Only: Adults $1.50 Students 90c Children 75c Matin** WoiliM-tduy and Saturday SHOWING FOR TWO WEEKS JULY 10TH to 22ND THAT'S JULIE'S HANDWRITING.' MAYBE r GET SOME ANSWERS/ THIS SHOULD ALL BE IN OUR NEW HOUSE BY NOW.'.' I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT AT AH.! SHE'S YOUR WIFE! I GUESS THE CHIEF FIGURED . YOU KNEW.' SHE APPARENTLY LEFT 3 WEEKS AGO — WHY DIDN'T DANTIN TELL ME?? LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE ALL READY TO MOVE / JEFF/ WHAT'S THAT ON _ THE CHAIR? HEY/ WHAT ARE YOU DOING ? WELL, YOU MUST ADMIT YOU HAVEN'T BEEN HOME IN MORE THAN Z MONTHS/ AND YOU'RE NEVER HOME VERY LONG/ CALLING DANTIN 10 JELL HIM I QUIT.'/ SO EVERYTHING' READY TO GO EXCEPT ME • I'M TAKING A HOLIDAY UNTIL I PECIDE WHETHER I CAN STILL TAKE THIS KIND OP LIFE/ DICK TRACY ATTWIft MOMENTA 6TATB FOLICB DRAGNET 15 OUT FOR TUB SPEEDING TRUCK WITH TJ3U5TV HUBBUB AND THB TWO PANTHCRS." By Chester Gould FOLLOW THAT CARHAROff. THIS COULD M AWG6TORV. FOLLOW •niATCAR? WHV. MAX, I THOUGHT YOU WERE ON A FORMtt?ANIMAL TRAINER IS CHAD MARGB, LOOKf ON OUR LEFT.' L-L-LOO* HEAD INSIDEf HtS A DEAD GIVE AWAY! AND 4100,000 IS MISSING-'