NORTHERN TIAE t RUBBER CO LTD PfMMCa ftVMM jrnXfrifcalbi OUTSTANDING MUSEUM OF NORTHERN BC Wrathall photo Visit our modern one stop food market for i ixa j SHOP EASY fresh meats vegetables and groceries af Where Quality and Scvice are always part of the bargain 316 3rd Ave West Prince Rupert THE CITIZEN Rainbow Lake Lodge Cafe ON HIGHWAY 16 tn the Heart of the Northwests Finest Fishing Country Fishing Tackle Fishing and Hunting Licences Tourist Information Delicious Meals Spe Specializing ¬ cializing in Blueberry Pies Rainbow Lodge Cafe GENERAL DELIVERY PRINCE RUPERT BC IWM WMmE TIKE SERVICE SERVICE LIP UP pwittc mom 1 - s -v Prince George BC Slate carvings offered by talented craftsmen The most outstanding native artifacts with tourist appeal in Prince Rupert are argil lite or slate carvings of to totem ¬ tem poles made by the Hai Haidas ¬ das These glistening black to totem ¬ tem poles intricately carved and highly polished are fash fashioned ¬ ioned by Haidas joung and old and sell for as much as 15 an inch Several Prince Rupert stores which buy di direct ¬ rect from the carvers feature them The argillite itself comes from a mountain quarry high up Slatecauck Creek on the Queen Charlotte Islands The quarry belongs exclusively to the Haidas In recent years a number of manufacturers elsewhere in BC have been turning out 41 Coast city one of most unique in Canada There arc a lot of things about Prince R u pc r t that make this coast city unique in Canada but jou wont find many of its most unusual as aspects ¬ pects in a tourist guide or Chamber of Commerce book booklet ¬ let For one thing Prince Rup Rupert ¬ ert has the highest percent age of native Indians of any urban community in Canada One in every 12 of the citys residents is Indian descend descended ¬ ed from the Tsimpsean Hai da or other native peoples of the northwest They arc rabid participants and fans of organized sport particularly basketball Most Spellings translations of Indian names vary In the language of the Gitsanf a branch of the Tsimpsean people jou will run into a var- iety of spelling of place names on the maps etc The samcf applies to the translation of names The following spelling and translations should suffice the average traveller If jou are interested in delving into the history and legends of the people of the Skeena there aref a number of books and pamph pamphlets ¬ lets available Gitsan means people who live up the Kshian Skeena Kit or Git means People of Kitamaat People of the snow Kitselas The deep gorge or narrows Gitermake tourchlight Kitwanga rapids Hagwilget Kitwancool place Kisgegas Spearing fish by The place of the The quiet people The narrow Place of the sea- gulls Kuldo Back in the Kispiox The hiding woods place native settlements such as Kincolith Kitkatla and Met lakatla have hoop teams Should a visitor happen to be in Prince Rupert when a fu funeral ¬ neral is being held for a prominent member of one of the district tribes he will see something quite unusual in North America Cars with mourners form a cortege that extends for blocks along the citys main street other traffic comes to a standstill and onlookers stand silently while an all native brass band plays Cho Chopins ¬ pins Funeral March For a half hour the Indian asserts his right to honor his dead in impressive solemnity Prince Rupert gets a heavy annual rainfall 107 inches last j ear and gales but most residents of long standing pre prefer ¬ fer their soft mild and almost snow free climate to harsher weather of the B C interior Subtle colors that the eye takes a while to get accus accustomed ¬ tomed to can be found in the landscape On the other hand the glo glorious ¬ rious sunsets that glow over I BB7 BBl SBHMMx0BBBBfeMBBBBBjC BBBBBEX BH sV JalBBBStvJBBBSMBBBBBnhSBBBBK9l Bi HI BBBBBBHBBBBBBaBBBBBKhBBBBBBPsJ BB I Bl BflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHPIg BBBBBBBBlaB7tFjBl iBBBBBBBB23BBf rf- tm mTrn nZ iyMJfffhWlfrJ BBBBBBBB HHHtfMBMtMHPwmMKSIB SBBBBBKTBBBBjBi -L i r u spsffiHEMT4vfiUiHPI BiBmJBflPPTT i2iUftfwSa Prince Ruperts deep shelt sheltered ¬ ered harbor strike the behold beholder ¬ er with a tremendous impact These technicolor spectacles which cast purple and mauve reflections onto harbor wa waters ¬ ters have been compared by world travellers with sunsets east of Aden On a fine sum summer ¬ mer evening joull see pho photography ¬ tography fans lined up click clicking ¬ ing color camera shutters at Roosevelt Park overlooking the harbor Roosevelt Park with its public trailer grounds was named for the US President because American troops were stationed there during the last war Prince Ruperts far wester westerly ¬ ly position has endowed it with long hours of daylight in summer You can read a newspaper outdoors at 11 p m in late June Prince Rupert is not only the stepping stone to Alaska via the new Alaska-state-operated Marine Highway fer ferry ¬ ry system but also the jump jumping ¬ ing off point for the Queen Charlotte Islands most west westerly ¬ erly part of Canada 100 miles away Fringed by sweeping beach beaches ¬ es on their east coast the Charlottes are the home of the proud smiling Haidas whose civilization lies in ruins in a score of villages on Gra Graham ¬ ham and Marseby Islands the two main islands The Charlottes can be reached by boat and by both regular and charter plane service from Prince Rupert imitation argillite totems These are made of a pulver pulverized ¬ ized moulded material Since they sell for much less than the genuine prod product ¬ uct these imitation poles have been making big inroads into traditional Haida markets The real Haida craft is aji ancient one dating from the days of pioneer trade Early carvings from such famous craftsmen as Chief Edensaw comprise the worlds great collections Each carver de develops ¬ velops his own style as be carved his totemic emblems Early works included dishes and candleholders sometimes inlaid with abalone shell However today the Haida carvers concentrate on totem poles anywhere from four to 14 inches high One of finest museums in province at Rupert Rated as one of the finest museums in BC for a city the size of Prince Rupert 12500 pop the Museum of Northern British Columbia is a modern home for examples of ancient craftsmanship of north coast peoples before the white mans arrival Ceremonial costumes and regalia outstanding argillite carvings by the Haidas of the Queen Char Charlotte ¬ lotte Islands and hundreds of other fascinating exhibits make this museum one that draws visitors RAINBOW LAKE LODGE The only stop for gas between Terrace BC and Prince Rupert BC LOCATED IN TOP FISHING AREA Modern Cabins Complete Facilities For reservations write Box 106 PRINCE RUPERT BC WM Tire Service Ltd Serving North Central and North West British Columbia with Top Quality GOODYEAR TIRES Think and youll go Goodyearl