rViF 9Hk 9H fc BP aaaaar aH aaaBJT v TlBaaaaaaB aaaaaaaaw fmHRTB aaaH aaaHK 4 Iaaaaaaafaaaaaaaw 3jfISafflaaw - HPH BBaaii J xBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiMBVBBWTi bbY w WvU fBMfBMfBMWBMfl tri 1 vT ST VVmYCmYCmYCCVflBVxVfl u--- -y fi Ltf irV sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHFvBBBBBBBBB rK 9L s Hi s i WhmwSmwSmwSmWimwSmWJ p H r mVSMWSMWSMWSMWSMVi A FRONTIER STYLE WELCOME AWAITED THE MORE THAN 130 COUPLES who arrived here Thursday for the four day Gj ro convention Whooping it up at the registration desk in the Hotel Simon Fraser were Mrs Connie Hatch left and Mrs Jean Bennett with a stuffed bear cub Roy Fujikawa photos i N - Jbbbbbbbbbbbbb 1 K vN I r JIHbbbbbI 1 tk VVvl l ItBBBl f -fBxsjiBBMML sjlSH tlL- i- 111 AMONG THOSE ATTENDING THE DISTRICT GYRO CONVENTION HERE ARE Howard Ees left ofrSeattle immediate past president of Gyro International and George N Steinhauer of Denver Colo second vice president They were greeted by Mrs Rosemary Hollingshead of Prince George The convention is for the district which includes Western B C Washington and Oregon Main event will be the governors ball Saturday night in the Civic Centre RESPONSIBLE IN CANCER DEATHS Ruling shakes tobacco men NEW YORK LP The tobac tobacco ¬ co wiliMrj faced another battle toda in the cancer s cigarct smoking controversy with the hope that it can bounce back as well as it usually has before Prices of tobacco issues on the New York stock exchange fell as much as 2 38 a share Thursday after a Honda State Supreme Court ruling suggested cigarct makers can be held liable for deaths from lung cancer if caused by cigarct smoking Info for the curious The wording of the Queen telegram to Granny Seymour sent by the Queens private secretarj was The Queen is much inter x ested to hear that ou are cele Crating our 111th birthday and smds iou warm congratula tions and good wishes on this remarkable occasion Dig black headlines and un unpleasant ¬ pleasant ceremonies are apt to be in store if the little tykes who play under the brow of the hill on Twelfth persist in their dangerous games Riding tn cjclcs and running back and forth across the street they are tempting fate Drivers com coming ¬ ing down the hill cant see the tots until its too late to stop Its only by chance that at least one liasnt been hit Most amaz ing is that their parents do not seem to care enough to find them some other place to play Visitor to town yesterday and expressing amazement at IN THE CITIZEN Betty Conner t- 1 Book page -- 15 Church notices -- 11 CUsufied 12 14 Comic - 13 Coming events 14 Editorial page 9 District news -- 2 Here and there 7 Markets 3 Sport -- 4 5 Tv 2 The Florida case is an adws ory opinion inolving one states statutes and the final outcome still is in doubt But it causes alarm to the industry because it seems to Tun counter to an earlier decision that smokers assume any risk voluntarily To the industrj the Honda decision raises two threats 1 there could be a flood of ex expensive ¬ pensive suits 2 sales might be hurt The case involves the Amer American ¬ ican Tobacco Co makers of Lucky Strike and other brands and Mrs Mary Green of Miami Now hear this our growth and progress was Howard Bonnell of Chicago Canadian zone manager for World BookChild Craft Ltd Another welcome isitor is Ken Lift who reps for John Begg Johnny Walker Haig and Haig et al Memo to the Leigh ton Ford Crusade people Dont miss sending an mutation to Aid Spike Enemark who was quite enthusiastic about having attended his first such event three ears ago when he was Liberal candidate in the provincial election Cash prizes are awaiting those who land tne three biggest char in Cluculz Lake between now and Sunday evening but only if jou first enter he char derby Theres even a 20 buck prize for not catching a fish at all Costs a buck to enter and pro proceeds ¬ ceeds go to Aurora School build building ¬ ing fund Sacred Heart car bingo slat slated ¬ ed for Satuiday in the Coliseum has had its times changed Doors will now open at 1 pm and pa begins at 8 30 The RCMP alvas get their man and all that jazz but they are having a heck of a time finding houses to live in The force here is pushing the panic button because at least two married members are being transferred here and they need three bedroom homes If you have one or know of one a phone call to LOgan 4 2141 would be greatly appreciated Just ask for the housing de department ¬ partment She had sued for 250000 charging that smoking the cig cigarct ¬ arct s caused the death of her husband in 1958 The U S dis tnct court ruled in favor of the tobacco firm and so did the U S Fifth Circuit Court of Ap Appeals ¬ peals in New Orleans But Mrs Green obtained a new hearing and the Appeals Court asked the Florida State Supreme Court for guidance in interpreting the Florida statutes on implied warranty This is the advisory opinion that was handed down by the Florida court Wednesday The advisory opinion is not conclusive but if its reasoning is accepted by the federal courts it would be an import important ¬ ant precedent The Florida court held in effect that makers and distri distributors ¬ butors guaranteed by implica implication ¬ tion that the product is safe for human consumption and that they are liable for damage the product causes This applies even though the maker couldnt know beforehand whether effects would be bad ACTRESS DIES OF CANCER HOLLYWOOD Cfl Zasu Pitts the w a very -voiced comic whose career spanned from silent movies to television died today of cancer at the age of 63 k Phone LOgan 4 244 Vol 7 No Ill 2 MILLION VIEW BODY Requiem mass is being said each day at the Vatican ba basilicas ¬ silicas great bronze canopied central altar a few feet above the subterranean crypt where the humble pontiff was removed from the ccs of an admiring mourning world For two das and a night an uninterrupted stream of 2000 000 persons moved through the basilica to look in silence upon the face of Pope John as he lay in state Thursday night the bod was placed in a triple coffin and brought below into the ba basilicas ¬ silicas grottoes to a place near the tomb of Pope Pius XI The nine - day mourning pe period ¬ riod extends through June 17 with two dajs out for major religious feast days of joy Tnnit Sunday next Sunday and Corpus Christi next Thurs Thursday ¬ day On the final day of official mourning June 17 the most solemn of the requiems will bring presidents princes and prime ministers to St Peters Basilica Bishop Vladimor Kotliarov will be the first Russian Ortho Orthodox ¬ dox Church representative at a Pope s requiem since the East West church split of 1054 Archbishop Pcriclc Felici chosen to say the first mass was secretary - general of Pope Johns ecumenical council which was suspended automa automatically ¬ tically when the pontiff died last Monday night The arch archbishops ¬ bishops role as the mass cele celebrant ¬ brant like his giving of obsolu- tion at Pope Johns burial was because of his position as vicar of the canons of St Peters Ba silica JflOO home development being falked A 7000 home integrated de development ¬ velopment may be in store for Prince George The Citizen learned today on good author authority ¬ ity A local government official who asked that his name be withheld said that nonlocal interests arc considering the giant development for the city or immediate area The development would ap apparently ¬ parently be fully serviced and would include its own parks shopping facilities extensive school sites and other ameni ties However the source pointed out plans are apparently still in a very preliminary stage This wont happen overnight he said and development would probably occur over a period of time Developers are believed to have approached the provincial government for land It is be believed ¬ lieved the city has not yet been asked by provincial authorities for its opinion Demand for sawmill workers drops here Labor requirements m the sawmill industry here are levelling off according o Hugh Waller manager of the National Employment Services Pnnce George office There is still some demand for men with special skills in mill work he said today But there has been a general drop in the demand for sawmill wotkers following a high demand for several weeks as the industry recuperated from the spring breakup Applicants for unemployment insurance benefits totalled 1570 at the end of this week 1327 men and 243 women This is a drop from last years figure of 2233 e FORMER BUILDER GOES TO JAIL The former operator of a city construction firm was sentenced to a year in the provincial jail Thursday for fraud John Bernard Prozeller was found guilty of the offence which involved false state statements ¬ ments concerning Central Mortgage and Housing Cor Corporation ¬ poration funds At the time of the offence Mr Prozeller was operator of Bernard Construction a city firm specializing in home building It has since gone into bankruptcy Doctors fees io be increased VANCOUVER CP Doctors fees will go up six per cent next January Dr W G McClure president of the B C Medical Association said today He said he could nol detail the increases for particular services but said the overall effect would be a six per cent hike OF CHAMBER Mr PG to The giant Mr PG which stands beside the chamber of commerce office at First and George will soon be duplicated on the front doors of business establishments of many cham chamber ¬ ber members Don McKinnon chairman of the membership committee said today dccals showing Mr PG and announcing member membership ¬ ship in the chamber are be ing prepared for distribution about the end of this month IN DISTRICT itlzen The only daily newspaper serving Central British Columbia Liberal leader making brief stop on Sunday B C Liberal Leader Ray Perrault will attend a coffee party for Liberals and others at the Prince George Hotel banquet room Sunday at 9 p m Mr Perrault is on a tour of the province and will arrive in the city Sunday from Vanderhoof He will leave Monday morning for Qucsncl Nine days of mourning for Pope starts today VATICAN CITY AP The Roman Catholic Church began nine days of official mourning today for Pope John whose body now lies at rest beneath the floor of St Peters Basilica PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA FRIDAY JUNE 7 1963 7e a Copy 11 50 per Mont hi UAKRtm Two mills kiln go up in smoke Two district planer mills and the dry kiln of a third were destroyed in three separate fires early today The Northwest Interior Lum Lumber ¬ ber Co planer milt at Cinema about 33 miles southwest of here was burned to the ground Damage was estimated at about 50000 Sale of the mill by Gintcr Construction to Swanson Lum Lumber ¬ ber Co was completed only two days ago It had been shut down for the last two weeks but was sched scheduled ¬ uled to reopen on the weekend Cause of the fire had not been determined although it was be believed ¬ lieved to have started in the en engine ¬ gine room The second major fire des stroyed the Carrier Lumber Co planer mill about 50 miles southwest of here It employed about 25 men on two shifts W W Kordyban the firms managing director was in Van Vancouver ¬ couver and other company of officials ¬ ficials could not be reached to today ¬ day No estimate of damage was available Damage was estimated at more than 40000 following a blaze which destroyed a dry kiln at Lloyd Brothers mill at Isle Pierre about 40 miles northwest of the city A company spokesman said today cause of the fire had not been determined About1 120 000 board feet in the kilo and another 10000 board feet iothc yard was destroyee Water was played on nearby buildings preventing the fire from spreading The dry kiln was burned down once before in January 1962 Members are expected to stick the dccals more than 10 inches high on doors or windows of their offices to show they do their part to support chamber work for the city and district Both Mr PG and the cham chamber ¬ ber have done a great deal to bring prosperity here through tourism conventions new busi businesses ¬ nesses and other means Mr McKinnon said Drop of four reported in forest fire total Ihere has been a drop of four since Thursday morning in the number of fires burning in the Prince George Forest District Forest service spokesmen said today there are seven fires burning All are under control DECISION EXPECTED SOON BBG gets application for Smithers station OTTAWA CB Ron East of Prince George radio director of CKPG applied to the Board of Broadcast Governors here Thursday for authority to start an AM radio station at Smithers Mr East who would become president and general manager of the station said it would be a small operation but was necessary because the Bulklcy Valley has no daily local media serving it The station would ooerate on a frequency of 1230 kilocycles with a daytime power of 1000 watts and a nighttime output of 250 watts he said in his application At Prince George Bob Harkins general manager of UMU radio and tv and one of four principals in the Smith era station aaid he would ex pect a BBG recommendation by the end of the month An application was filed by CFTK TV Terrace to set up rcbroadcasting outlets at Smith Smithers ¬ ers on Channel 5 and at Burns Lake on Channel 2 ify members These conventions new busi businesses ¬ nesses and tourists dont just happen he said They are the result of work by many organizations including the chamber and many volun volunteers ¬ teers The chamber is expected to have its 100th new member of the year by mid June there have been 90 new members so far this year and he will be honored at the June 20 general membership meeting j H MILD Cloudy with sunny periods Friday Little change in tem temperature ¬ perature Winds light occasion ally reaching northwest 15 Low tonight and high Saturday at Prince George and Quesnel 45 and 63 Smithers 40 and 60 Sunday outlook Sunny Low tonight and high Satur Saturday ¬ day at Grande Prairie 40 and 65 LAST 24 HOURS Hi Lo Prec Prince George Terrace Smithers Qucsncl Williams Lake Kamloops Whitehorse Fort Nelson Fort St John Dawson Creek CI 55 59 CG 64 77 59 63 65 CG 43 01 37 33 45 16 41 09 60 trace 36 49 41 40 PRAIRIE WEATHER Winnipeg 62 cloudy calm Regma 54 west wind 13 cloudy Saskatoon 53 west wind 8 overcast Edmonton 42 clear wind WNW 6 Calgary 51 cloudy wind SW 11 ij r c BVasHHIkflHBBHaAajajMHM IPk JSkJ BPHVaBflKBaValSBHiBHBHlHH BbakJE pS aBBUWmaaig B ilrjKfIBPPrTfffjfaaaaaBBaaajaBja I m 1 1 JtS ML MfrtZRlM6S Jf i HrliEisIsrllB THE LAST HALF DOZEN PIECES OF STEEL OH the new Fraser River bridge are being placed by Dominion Biidge crews which are expected to finish up within a few days Poole Construction the general contractor on the job is preparing to start work on 4 the decking shortly and Jock Crawford chief resident engineer on the project said the bridge should be completed by the end of September Hal Vandervoort photo