Gas fired diesels generate power for Print George region AT PRINCE GEORGE HYDRO AUTHORITY DC Hydro has launched a major construction program to meet peak power demands In Prince George this winter and to lay the foundation for an ex extensive ¬ tensive new power network to serve the city In future years A new 6000 kilowatt capacity generating set Is scheduled for operation at the Prince George powerplant before the December peak load Is reached Three 1000 - kilowatt gen generators ¬ erators mounted on rail cars are due for delivery to the station as supplementary power supply sources This will bring to 32 000 kilowatts the local power producing capacity The new Patricia substation near the corner of Ellison and Yew is due for operation by the end of November This station linked with existing power delivery facilities by a two mile transmission line crossing the Fraser River Just downstream from the new bridge will provide a second power dis distribution ¬ tribution centre for the city this winter It will assume major Im Importance ¬ portance as a distribution ter terminal ¬ minal for growing city needs starting next fall when hydro BIG BOOST power Is available over the ne Bridge River - Prince George transmission line Placing the new Patricia sub substation ¬ station In partial service this winter will relieve heavy loading on four existing power circuits extending from Prince George powerhouse Into the city across the old Fraser River bridge The 250 - mile power trans transmission ¬ mission line extending north to Prince George from the Bridge River generating facilities will terminate at Prince George main substation a major power receiving terminal under con construction ¬ struction In the Plnevlew area three miles east of the airport Here power will be trans transformed ¬ formed from 230000 volts and fed Into lower voltage lines for delivery Into the city BC Hydro engineers are studying alternative means of delivering the southern hydro power Into the city Plans are not firmly committed or approved but It Is likely 60000 volt transmission fac facilities ¬ ilities will extend from the main power receiving terminal over two routes one entering the city on the southeast side and term terminating ¬ inating at Patricia substation the other terminating at trans Heart of Central Interior power distribution system litizen staff photo Output increased to meet peak loads former facilities at the Prince George generating station Gas - dlesel generating equipment at the Prince George powerhouse will be held on standby duty after the hydro pow standby duty after the hydro power Is available next fall It may be removed from service entirely when Peace River power becomes available In Prince George scheduled for 1968 By next spring BC Hydro is due to complete a 60000 volt powerllne across the Fraser to the site of the new pulp mill This line will operate initially at 12000 volts to provide con construction ¬ struction power It will be converted to 60000 volt oper operation ¬ ation and Joined by a second 60000 volt circuit across the river when the mill Is ready for operation In 1965 Although further extension to power transmission and distri distribution ¬ bution facilities depend entirely on load growth in the Prince George area Hydro planners vis visualize ¬ ualize the ultimate need of a high voltago power ring around the area This ring would form a loop around the city Interconnecting all power facilities and providing a high degree of flexibility of service Hard to keep pace with area growth A rising demand for electrical energy is an excellent yardstick for measuring growth in any region As goes the community so go the fortunes of the local electric utility A search through recent rec records ¬ ords by BC Hydros district manager WA Bill Best reveal revealed ¬ ed tremendous growth In the Prince George area Number of electrical custom customers ¬ ers served in Prince George has Jumped over 50 per cent since the end of 1959 from 5300 to 8100 coustomers BIG BOOST Even greater growth has been recorded in power consumption which has more than doubled since March 1959 a boost from 32 million kilowatt hours to 77 million kilowatt hours the estimated sales by the end of BC Hydros present fiscal year next March Investment in electrical facil facilities ¬ ities to meet rising demands has resulted In the value of the Prince George electrical sys system ¬ tem rising from 11 million In 1956 to over 8 million today Value of electrical facilities has increased 56 per cent from 4t million figure In 1959 When BC Power Commission first took over service to the Prince George area In 1956 power generating equipment had a peak production capacity of 4600 kilowatts and about 45 miles of power distribution circuits over which power was deliver delivered ¬ ed to customers By comparison the generating plant In the city will have a power producing capacity of over 30000 kilowatts this winter and the power delivery system has been extended to a total of 350 miles TO BE BIGGER Mr Best told The Citizen that iiMi wm X m -- ib9 bbT Ti v vTfc bbbbbbbbbbmbbbbbH BHHiBliilBiiMeee h ibbbbBw iamwL bWJ B feBBVBMBBVBVHBVBVBBBBj PAKg ffl jjyjHWBBWMM1 a I iBflL fUPPH M jBU r m w r3 f iz 1 -11 lem BJ BBH IUi mIpIiI iH bBMHHbBHM kBWBM I Mv i i hf i BBBBBYLeBBBBi bbbH bVbbbbS MT i aTi i i i -uj jji i J j K bBbFjIiBBBJb1bBm BVv7EJBsBBWYrr BBKii l SMbY BBBBBrnBBBiBWBBABBBBI Brj YLjLLJ vJHHlBBBtTCBLHr eBBBBBI eBBBBBBBVVBBf BaBZ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHpj HBbBBTbiQBkv BBrBrBrBiBrBB IbtbtbtbtbtbDbbw BBBBBBBBP I BBBBBBBBBBBBBVK BBBBBB I SBBBBBBBBBBWfc flBBP- ILBBBBBBBBLA 4g growtn to date has been ex excellent ¬ cellent but will likely to vast vastly ¬ ly overshadowed by predicted future power demands He said the operation of Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd across the Fraser from the city are expected to have a power demand of about 20000 kilowatts early in 1966 a tremendous extra demand when it is con considered ¬ sidered that all homes business and Industry In the area will have a peak demand of Just under 30000 kw this winter Additional significant power loads will be added In the next few years as the BC Hydro extends power facilities In all directions to bring a cheap and efficient form of energy to dozens of sawmills Mr Best added that value of new general construction in Prince George this year could well equal or exceed the record set in 1958 NEW LINES City to be distribution centre Wlille giant power devel developments ¬ opments sometimes seem distant and remote from Prince George this city which will emerge as an Important power hub over the next decade Today the citys role In the provincial power picture Is one of taking care of its own needs and sharing production of its gas dlesel generating plant with Vanderhoof and Fort St James In future years Prince George will be a vital power distribu distribution ¬ tion center the heart ofapower line network extending many miles In all directions making electric energy available to help forest and mineral resources SOUTHERN LINK Backbone of the Initial stage of the new power network Is the 230000 volt powerllne now under construction to Prince George from BC Hydros Bridge River generating facilities near Lillooet This will link the Prince George area with Hydros Lower Mainland power network When completed next fall to the Prince George main sub substation ¬ station under construction In the Plnevlew area about three miles east of the airport the new line will make abundant hydro power available to the Prince George area for the first time SC Burnell manager of BC Hydros Central Interior regional operations said the new trans transmission ¬ mission line will make many times more power available In Prince George enough to meet demands of the new operations of the Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd and any major new Industrial load that can be fore foreseen ¬ seen at present Mr Burnell said the line will also permit extensions of lower voltage powerllnes In every dir direction ¬ ection to serve resource In Industries ¬ dustries NEW LINES One such extension planned for early construction Is a high tension powerllne to be built from Prince George north past Summit Lake A second high tension power circuit will connect with the new Summit Lake line near Willow River and extend eastward to Upper Fraser Mills Our future plans Mr Burnell said Include further transmission line extensions to areas north and east of Prince George Existing power transmission ties west to Vanderhoof will be strengthened Depending on load growth In the Bulkley Valley and Terrace area It Is expected transmission facilities will extend farther west and may ultimately hook up with the power facilities at Terrace Kltlmat and Prince Rupert MAJOR CENTRE In 1968 when power from the Peace River is scheduled to be fed into the provincial electrical network Prince George will be the major power distribution centre for most of the provinces Central Interior Peace power to be transmitted south at about 500000 volts Is to be delivered to Prince George substation and here transformed to lower voltages for delivery throughout the Central Interior and Cariboo The Initial northward flow of power Into the Prince George area over the 230000 volt Bridge Rlver Prlnce George line will then be reversed Peace power received at the Prince George main substation will begin flowing south over this line to serve the Quesnel and William Lake districts CUT CONTROL Significant progress has been made in implementing a prov ince wiJe sustalned yeld pro program ¬ gram In 1962 56675000 acres of productive forest mature and Immature land with a total annual allowable cut of 870 067000 cubic feet was under regulation of cut or 65 per cent of the total provincial cut The cut from 80 sustained yield units was 527054000 cu blc feet and from 38 tree farm licences 33705a000 cubic feet Rural extensions planned More than a hundred new cus customers ¬ tomers including two sawmills will be tied Into Prince George power distribution facilities this fall by eight rural power ex extension ¬ tension projects by BC Hydro Now In service is a new 55 mile powerllne extending to 15 new customers In the Buckhorn Lake area southeast of the city and a 30 mile extension toseivo 11 homes In the Foieman Flats area A 30 mile extension to seive nine homos In the Noitli Nechakci aiea is dm for completion this fall along with an 80 nillo ills tilbiitlou jliu extension to mi vi 17 eusloiiMis In th Uii Mm I IUvit aiej aboiil 10 miles wisl of Pi lure denize By the end of November 45 miles of new distribution line are scheduled for service to make power available to 13 residences and the Flchtner Lumber Co In the Otway area Also due for completion In November Is an eight mile ex extension ¬ tension from a new substation on the Vandeihoof highway Into Isle Piuire to meet powei de demands ¬ mands of 20 residential cus customers ¬ tomers and the Meridian Forest Products sawmill Const i net ion also Is scluilnUM for completion by liu end of year on a 20 mile extension to seive 11 homes In the Cale Cteek aiea and a slx mlle ex lenslou l siive 1C cuslomeis between the oinintinllles of Willow Klvei anil Uscome THE mfc CITIZEN CITIZEN SPECIAL SPECIAL SUPPlEMEr SUPPIEMENT Secfon 3 Page 19 - M mm t I POWER for the CENTRAL INTERIOR I j tm kWIB LBTBTBBmii IBM BTBTBTsi BBW3 tHP lJsr mlfl lfBHlBinfewrlr i l it J BBB BBaBBB mBIBBBBBeBBBBBBBv hp rB rBI3BBBBBf HHHr f lM ILBaBJ PIBBABj BBABAB BllfiBBBjB iBBBEBfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH S4J5 tiAitViirBBBH BHBBBl BhJBHHI BkHF ABHul tSdKJp HH H MJBhV BBBBlBBBBBB9BBBBMMr5vV vSyf 3s -Bl BBBH BBMBBa vMfl BBPjBJBJfepwjptsggfSay -ywjPBnBlBBBBBM BBwvHlF BBBlwpfJM ZLff m fi syJL yIffiaimiBBBBBBBr ilsBHBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BC Hydros mulfl mlllion dollar Portage Mountain dam project part of Peaco River power development scheme to provide electricity for BC Central Interior and Lower Mainland Black line shows approximate dam location Entire background will be flooded Fredric photo from Northern Mountain Airlines BBBBHiBBiSrsTTiMnyssdiHBHiMP- Trry- JBh bbIbHMHBIMIbbhBhSbsbbhHHbk PWPGKliX H-ti--v PIBKBllMBiBBvi0B9jpBBBBBBBjBl HBBBHBBBBBBBBViBBH HHHPC4nib4b1bbV BBBBBBBBBBBVI5wfkxiMijMBBBBBKBBlBFVI BBBBBBBBBBBlFkrsBiiBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBlcS fBBBBBBBBBlrSfrBflBHBW TPWBOBgBBBBBjl hBBk BBBHEnBESSatefcS2S5 SBBBHBBSBBlKnBHRSii bbtbtbtbtbbbtbtbtbtb jMbmbhBBbbbtpSE BBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBk CHBBRiiuHBBfiBBTB HbVHbbbbbV IBBHBBBBm MhBHHbIBBHI -BBbIbbhbbD HBnHBBlBBlBBTflBflBlillHHIJIHJIHI Peae River is diverted through three 2500 foot tunnels to dry up river bottom In location where worlds largest earth filled dam will be built Below one of the huge concrete lined funnels during construction BJBBBBBBBBgBjpaaa TfBMBleBBBBrBl KBPlBHiiiiSAZJAflVBWI FTnBBIBWiBBBfe t nfiiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBABBBBBBB9evBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj u iJHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfi BBBj8BlBBBBBBBI iBlBBBBBBBBBVlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBieBI iieBTBTBTBTBHBBHI POWER TERMS MADE EASY Ohms volts megacycles Common electrical terms are often explained by com comparing ¬ paring them with the flow of water in a pipe Electrical pressure meas measured ¬ ured in volts Is likened to water pressure In pounds per square Inch The amount of current flowing In amperes amps Is likened to the amount of water flowing in gallons per minute Electrical resistance measured In ohms is likened to the resistance to the flow of water In a pipe which Is dependent on the Inner slzt of the pipe Slmllaily a small wire offers moie ieslstmce to the flowiif electilctty tluu a larger one The amount f elcetiii il power Utng used or tims mltted is nuMsiiied lu witts A kilowatt equals lOOOvvilts The amount of eleetiU il iiuiiy Is meiMiieil in kilowatt-hours kxtli Tor i unili ten 100 walt light Imllis one MlowiUimulu for one hour villcouMiuuoiuMliuat hour Cower ran u liiiiMulllod using a high current and low voltage or low current and high voltage The latter case is used for transmission pur purposes ¬ poses because the amount of power lost Is dependent on the current squared The lengthofatransmlsslon line is limited because a loss of voltage is expei ienced be between ¬ tween the generation point and the utilization point Modern transmission lines are being built using alter alternating ¬ nating curient and direct cur current ¬ rent voltages of over 500000 volts wheie large amounts of power have to be trans transmitted ¬ mitted The higher the voltage the lower the line losses but there aie practical limits to which voltage can be raised Techniques are now being studied to nuke use of voltages up to one million Prince fieorge is the administrative headqu -u-- of BC Hjdros Central Interior region gcographicallj tho largest of the utilitys fie operating regions S C Burnell regional manager and his otaff of 15 located in the Spruce Capital Building on Third an4 res responsible ¬ ponsible for owrall management of ihht operations in the vast area bounded by Cache Creek on the south Fort Nelson on the north including the JVace Hiwr country and communities along Highway 1G betwwn Prince lieorge and Terrace C Hydro has a staff of handling operations in the Prinee eorge district largest ol a dozen districts in the Central Interior region W A illill Hetl has been head of Prince lliiu ge oivrit ions siiuv IVl