question
being
asked
In
Ottawa
Is
whether
the
Is
taking
Canadas
peacekeeping
efforts
for
granted
Earlier
this
week
Secretary
General
Thant
announced
a
two
month
extension
of
the
observer
mission
inYemen
which
Is
com
composed
posed
almost
entirely
of
Can
Canadians
¬
adians
officials
In
Ottawa
say
there
has
been
no
formal
re
request
¬
quest
from
the
for
continued
Canadian
participation
in
the
observer
mission
Reports
from
Ottawa
say
the
repeated
renewal
of
the
mission
In
Yemen
is
one
of
the
factors
which
is
giving
the
Canadian
government
pause
before
agree
agreeing
¬
ing
to
Canadian
participation
In
a
force
for
Cyprus
University
of
Toronto
pro
professor
¬
fessor
says
Western
society
is
In
danger
of
having
too
many
government
and
business
de
decisions
¬
cisions
based
on
advice
from
what
he
calls
a
rising
cult
of
scientific
high
priests
Prof
Arthur
Porter
says
this
priesthood
Is
comprised
of
essentially
overgrown
school
schoolboys
¬
boys
fanatically
involved
In
their
researches
He
says
the
cult
exerts
influence
because
senior
administrators
In
gov
government
¬
ernment
and
industry
are
scientifically
and
mathematic
mathematically
¬
ally
illiterate
Dritish
Overseas
Airways
Corp
has
dropped
Gand
er
Nfld
from
Its
Trans
-Atlantic
flights
to
Montreal
Toronto
Detroit
and
Chicago
And
a
record
temperature
for
March
has
been
set
in
Mont
Montreal
¬
real
The
thermometer
hit
degrees
today
the
highest
pre
previous
¬
vious
reading
for
this
date
being
recorded
In
Else
Elsewhere
¬
where
In
Quebec
reports
from
the
maple
syrup
territory
say
the
sap
Is
running
the
earliest
opening
of
the
season
In
mem
memory
¬
ory
The
season
usually
starts
about
March
Canadas
Trade
Minister
Mitchell
Sharp
said
in
Wash
Washington
¬
ington
today
that
agriculture
protection
measures
in
the
European
Common
Market
could
reduce
Canadian
and
wheat
sales
to
Europe
and
create
new
competition
in
world
Prime
Minister
Sir
Alec
Douglas
Home
today
described
as
a
curious
performance
a
speech
by
Opposition
Leader
Harold
Wilson
on
Britains
fu
future
¬
ture
role
in
United
Nations
peace
-
keeping
operations
Tuesday
Wilson
made
a
speech
In
the
proposing
that
the
Royal
Navy
be
made
available
for
such
operations
which
was
reported
in
some
press
reports
to
mean
that
he
intended
to
hand
over
the
Royal
Navy
to
the
world
or
organization
¬
ganization
if
he
should
become
prime
minister
in
the
next
gen
general
¬
eral
election
due
this
year
Vol
No
Contract
extended
contract
for
the
supply
of
tons
of
paving
materials
negotiated
last
year
with
North
Northwest
¬
west
Paving
Co
Ltd
has
been
extended
by
the
city
to
cover
this
years
paving
program
markets
from
subsidized
Euro-
pean
wheat
He
said
Canada
and
the
United
States
must
work
illUlterS
lugeuier
in
ine
appruacmng
Kennedy
round
International
tariff
negotiations
to
prevent
this
dangerous
trend
Lockheed
Aircraft
Corp
of
Saucus
Calif
unveiled
a
model
of
a
2000-mlle-an-hour
plane
It
calls
the
fastest
entry
In
the
competition
to
design
a
supersonic
transport
The
needle
nosed
model
was
put
through
wind
tunnel
tests
Wed
Wednesday
¬
nesday
Designers
say
the
craft
which
has
double
Delta
wings
could
carry
passengers
and
fly
up
to
feet
Total
cost
of
the
program
which
will
include
repaying
of
some
sections
of
the
downtown
area
and
in
scattered
areas
throughout
the
city
amounts
to
approximately
City
council
was
advised
Wednesday
that
the
paving
pro
program
¬
gram
will
start
as
soon
as
weather
permits
which
will
likely
mean
sometime
in
May
At
the
same
time
works
superintendent
Dill
Jones
re
reported
¬
ported
that
per
cent
of
the
water
mains
required
to
service
the
Seymour
Subdivision
have
been
installed
within
percent
of
the
time
allotted
under
the
winter
work
incentive
program
paid
fines
Forty
four
persons
paid
pen
penalties
¬
alties
for
violation
of
fish
and
game
laws
In
the
Prince
George
area
last
year
Fines
totalled
The
most
frequent
offences
were
loaded
firearms
in
a
ve
vehicle
¬
hicle
no
licenses
possession
of
gamo
during
closed
seasons
and
trespassing
on
private
property
The
provincial
total
of
fish
and
game
prosecutions
during
the
year
was
Fines
totalled
In
the
most
common
violations
were
no
licenses
transporting
animals
of
the
deer
family
without
evidence
of
sex
and
falling
to
properly
lock
game
tags
Meanwhile
the
Fish
and
Game
Branch
has
announced
that
the
residents
ordinary
and
general
firearms
license
has
been
abolished
and
a
basic
license
fee
introduced
The
residents
firearms
li
license
¬
cense
will
enable
the
holder
to
carry
firearms
and
hunt
game
birds
and
black
bear
Now
hear
this
How
come
somebody
was
The
well
monled
prefer
Africa
asking
youre
slipping
the
old
because
they
can
shoot
any
num
needle
into
that
fine
upstanding
ber
of
animals
providing
the
radio
station
In
Now
Hear
trophy
Is
larger
than
the
one
This
these
days
Well
we
shot
before
In
the
law
werent
going
to
admit
it
but
is
one
animal
to
every
non
its
psychological
warfare
in
resident
hunter
preparation
for
the
annual
Watch
for
the
announcement
press
radio
hockey
game
slated
very
soon
of
a
tour
to
Mexico
for
March
designed
mainly
for
lumbermen
Tom
Walker
who
operates
during
the
break
up
period
he
a
100-a-day
resort
atColdiish
Hawaiian
tour
was
such
a
re
Lake
in
the
Spatslzi
Country
sounding
success
in
January
is
In
Prince
George
making
that
travel
people
In
town
see
arrangements
to
fly
a
farm
a
big
Interest
growing
in
the
tractor
Into
his
hideaway
It
will
southern
warm
spots
be
taken
by
road
to
Cassiar
Farewelllng
his
buddies
where
It
will
be
dismantled
and
around
town
is
freelance
news
put
aboard
a
Beaver
Incident-
man
Dory
Thacker
who
leaves
ally
Tom
has
just
come
back
Prince
George
this
weekendfor
from
Chicago
Portland
and
a
a
position
on
The
Vancouver
few
other
big
cities
where
Times
the
new
sheet
which
ex
he
promoted
northern
as
a
pects
to
be
publishing
this
year
hunters
paradise
Dory
has
been
around
about
four
Speaking
of
hunting
travel
years
and
has
been
active
in
people
are
wondering
how
the
many
community
endeavors
In
fabulous
opportunities
in
north-
eluding
the
Chamber
of
Com
ern
can
ever
compete
merce
and
Simon
Fraser
Days
with
Africa
for
trophy
seekers
Kinsman
Harold
Minn
was
won
by
Pat
Doyle
at
the
recent
slave
auction
He
Is
paying
off
Thursdjy
night
when
he
will
conduct
the
ladies
keep
fit
Classified
-
-----
-1011
class
at
at
the
Civic
Centre
Hickory
Wing
Ski
Club
Juniors
Comics
-
-
-
-
-
-
-
-
-
Coming
events
will
get
an
extra
day
of
skiing
District
-
-
this
winter
thanks
to
the
Editorial
-------7
teachers
convention
being
held
Entertainment
here
The
bunny
tow
will
be
in
Markets
operation
tomorrow
to
take
ad
Sports
--
vantage
of
the
day
off
and
the
excellent
conditions
---------
---6
Th
Boys
discover
loot
near
highway
Two
youngsters
hunting
bottles
in
a
ditch
hnve
un
uncovered
¬
covered
nearly
loot
from
an
unsolved
robbery
in
Quesnel
three
years
ago
The
buried
loot
consisting
of
non
-
negotiable
government
cheques
licence
plates
docu
documents
¬
ments
and
change
was
discovered
Tuesday
by
two
nine-year-old
boys
when
they
were
collecting
bottles
on
the
Cariboo
Highway
neat
Alexand
Alexandria
¬
ria
miles
south
of
Quesnel
Missing
from
the
canvas
sack
was
some
cash
taken
in
the
robbery
of
Quesnel
government
offices
Feb
19G1
Quesnel
and
govern
government
¬
ment
officials
are
taking
inven
inventory
¬
tory
of
the
loot
to
determine
if
any
other
stolen
Hems
are
missing
The
boys
Donald
White
and
Bruce
Hayward
of
Alexandria
uncovered
the
Hems
after
they
noticed
a
scrap
of
canvas
bag
protruding
above
a
mound
in
the
ditch
An
officer
said
the
bag
contained
non
-
negotiable
cheques
of
unknown
value
worthless
documents
change
worth
and
some
19C2
licence
plates
At
the
time
of
the
robbery
officials
said
loot
consisted
cf
government
treasury
advance
cheques
C000
per
personal
¬
sonal
cheques
cash
other
cheques
and
money
orders
licence
plates
and
documents
The
treasury
cheques
were
made
out
to
the
government
agent
Payment
on
all
other
cheques
was
stopped
Immedi
Immediately
¬
ately
after
the
robbery
Thieves
entered
the
govern
government
¬
ment
agents
office
by
smashing
a
hole
through
the
rear
wall
They
opened
the
vault
with
an
electric
drill
They
were
never
caught
clash
of
opposing
Interests
occurred
at
city
hall
Wednes
Wednesday
¬
day
when
council
meeting
in
committee
was
had
to
decide
on
the
final
disposition
of
the
St
Glles
Presbyterian
Church
building
It
was
a
question
of
which
group
needs
it
the
most
The
Prince
George
Theatre
Work
Workshop
¬
shop
or
the
Simon
Fraser
Days
and
Exhibition
Both
organizations
have
peti
petitioned
¬
tioned
council
for
its
use
Involved
In
a
mild
debate
were
Aid
Harry
Loder
who
Is
ex
exhibition
¬
hibition
president
and
Aid
Dick
Yardley
who
has
never
been
known
to
pass
up
an
opportun
opportunity
¬
ity
to
advance
the
cause
for
cultural
pursuits
in
the
city
Aid
Loder
who
made
It
clear
he
disclaimed
any
personal
in
interest
¬
terest
in
the
building
said
it
would
be
better
located
on
the
fair
grounds
where
it
could
be
used
weeks
out
of
the
year
e
by
the
theatre
group
Aid
Yardley
was
opposed
to
the
fair
grounds
and
argued
the
city
should
accede
to
the
theatres
request
for
a
long
term
lease
on
land
adjacent
to
the
curling
rink
on
the
bypass
highway
The
city
recently
agreed
to
pay
the
Presbyterian
Church
for
the
land
and
the
building
in
order
to
clear
the
way
for
the
proposed
relocation
of
Fifth
According
to
estimates
pre
prepared
¬
pared
by
works
superintendent
Jones
It
will
cost
the
city
approximately
to
move
the
church
and
an
additional
to
prepare
foundations
at
the
fair
grounds
Mr
Jones
also
reported
It
wUl
cost
to
move
a
house
from
the
Fifth
Ave
re
relocation
¬
location
project
which
the
exhi
exhibition
¬
bition
requires
for
a
care-
intended
to
shoot
policeman
quotes
Ruby
tP
-
police
officer
has
testified
that
with
in
minutes
after
shooting
Lee
Oswald
Jack
Ruby
said
intended
to
shoot
him
three
times
The
testimony
was
by
officer
Archer
He
said
that
three
to
five
minutes
after
the
shooting
when
he
was
inside
the
jail
with
Ruby
he
told
the
defendant
think
you
killed
him
Archer
quoted
Ruby
as
replying
intended
to
shoot
him
three
times
Archer
also
testified
that
when
Ruby
was
pinned
to
the
floor
after
the
shooting
he
said
he
hoped
he
had
killed
Oswald
Meanwhile
District
Attorney
Henry
Wade
prepared
today
to
show
the
jury
in
Jack
Rubys
murder
trial
and
Ruby
himself
the
film
of
the
wild
moment
when
Ruby
shot
Lee
Harvey
Oswald
Nov
The
film
was
recorded
by
television
cameras
in
the
base
basement
¬
ment
of
the
Dallas
city
hall
seen
live
by
some
viewers
and
In
re
runs
by
countless
others
But
Ruby
will
be
look
looking
¬
ing
at
it
for
the
first
time
said
his
lawyer
Melvin
Belli
Wade
is
asking
the
jury
oi
eight
men
and
four
women
to
return
a
verdict
of
death
in
the
electric
chair
for
Ruby
charged
with
murder
with
malice
Os
Oswald
¬
wald
had
been
accused
of
as
assassinating
¬
sassinating
president
Kennedy
when
Ruby
killed
him
Rubys
lawyers
contend
he
was
tempor
temporarily
¬
arily
insane
Wade
said
he
expects
to
com
complete
¬
plete
the
states
case
today
Then
the
defence
will
have
its
turn
Testimony
from
witnesses
Wednesday
developed
some
major
points
e
Toboggans
were
dusted
off
again
this
week
as
winter
decided
it
wasnt
through
yet
and
laid
several
inches
of
snow
over
city
Enthusiastic
about
its
return
Vic
Schoening
pilots
a
friend
down
toboggan
run
near
Fif
teenth
and
Victoria
-Pete
Miller
photo
Exhibition
theatre
groups
clash
over
church
building
takers
residence
The
theatre
workshop
re
requested
¬
quested
the
use
of
the
building
which
it
would
pay
to
have
moved
and
at
the
same
time
requested
a
lease
on
land
that
is
reserved
for
recreational
purposes
near
the
Junction
of
the
Vanderhoof
Highway
and
the
bypass
Aid
Yardley
said
the
church
building
could
be
adapted
to
building
plans
already
conceiv
conceived
¬
ed
for
the
construction
of
a
theatre
the
group
planned
to
build
on
property
recently
do
donated
¬
nated
to
It
by
Ben
Inter
He
contended
the
fall
fair
grounds
were
out
of
the
way
for
theatre
use
the
access
road
is
poor
and
that
the
general
area
is
not
lighted
Aid
Loder
suggested
that
the
building
would
only
be
used
for
one
week
of
the
year
by
the
exhibition
and
that
the
theatre
group
would
be
free
to
use
it
for
the
other
weeks
The
exhibition
board
applied
for
the
building
last
week
and
plans
to
use
It
for
an
admin
administration
¬
istration
building
during
the
week
of
the
annual
Simon
Fra
Fraser
¬
ser
Days
and
Exhibition
Further
discussion
regard
regarding
¬
ing
the
buildings
disposi
disposition
¬
tion
was
postponed
until
next
week
when
council
will
be
given
an
opportunity
to
see
archi
architect
¬
tect
sketches
of
the
proposed
new
theatre
building
and
howthe
church
could
be
integrated
with
It
The
Eskimo
co
operative
unable
to
produce
the
owl
In
massive
quantities
agreed
to
let
commercial
firms
make
them
under
lic
licence
¬
ence
itizen
The
only
daily
newspaper
serving
Central
British
Columb
la
Health
Minister
Eric
Martin
said
that
under
the
act
the
operation
of
existing
provincial
facilities
would
be
turned
over
progressively
to
mental
health
societies
He
said
that
the
act
which
was
Introduced
but
not
debated
was
the
product
of
three
years
study
including
active
research
Into
modern
mental
legislation
in
England
the
United
States
Ontario
and
Saskatchewan
He
said
that
under
the
pro
proposed
¬
posed
act
operation
of
existing
provincial
facilities
would
be
turned
over
progressively
to
mental
health
societies
putting
mental
health
treatment
on
the
same
basis
as
physical
health
Mr
Martin
said
the
govern
government
¬
ment
would
extend
a
very
full
measure
of
co
operation
and
assistance
to
any
public
society
formed
tor
this
purpose
which
wishes
to
establish
mental
health
facilities
The
health
minister
said
the
proposed
community
-
level
operation
similar
to
that
of
public
hospitals
is
In
line
with
the
modern
concept
of
decentra
decentralizing
¬
lizing
mental
health
facilities
Mr
Martin
said
most
of
the
pressure
for
decentralization
has
come
from
the
Canadian
Mental
Health
Association
He
Indicated
the
act
will
not
be
proclaimed
In
full
until
the
fa
rt
Aral
-
m
i
Health
Services
within
tlonal
health
plan
He
said
the
provision
of
a
hospital
Insurance
program
similar
to
that
now
protecting
Meeting
set
for
parking
City
council
will
meet
with
representatives
of
the
citys
business
comunity
intwoweeks
for
a
round
table
discussion
of
downtown
parking
problems
City
council
meeting
incom
mittee
Wednesday
scheduled
a
meeting
for
March
at
pm
with
representatives
from
the
Chamber
of
Commerce
the
In
Industrial
¬
dustrial
Development
Commis
Commission
¬
sion
and
the
Downtown
Busi
Business
¬
ness
Association
The
meeting
was
requested
by
the
which
advised
council
Its
members
have
devised
a
plan
and
will
submit
a
number
of
proposals
regarding
parking
for
the
downtown
area
In
a
letter
to
council
the
declared
there
is
a
great
and
imminent
urgency
for
the
need
of
a
meeting
between
the
city
and
the
Interested
groups
Expected
to
attendthe
meeting
are
chamber
president
Art
Murray
and
chamber
repre
representative
¬
sentative
Ron
Anthony
Alec
McGregor
and
Patten
den
on
behalf
of
the
and
Alex
Bowie
and
Bill
Best
for
the
Under
the
agreement
signed
here
Wednesday
Canadian
Handicrafts
and
Fur
of
Montreal
received
the
right
to
produce
Ookpik
in
fur
while
Reliable
Toy
Once
there
was
only
one
Ookpik
made
of
real
sealskin
by
Canadian
Eskimos
Now
two
others
similar
to
the
The
original
Ookpik
is
above
are
being
mass
produced
worth
from
to
-v
Phone
LOgan
residents
against
the
costs
of
physical
illnesses
would
be
fundamental
to
the
acts
smooth
operation
The
minister
said
that
at
present
the
province
pays
half
the
capital
and
operating
costs
of
hospitals
Ottawa
pays
be
between
¬
tween
and
per
cent
and
local
groups
the
remainder
He
said
it
would
be
Impossible
to
predict
the
eventual
division
of
mental
health
costs
but
he
said
any
Increased
federal
con
contribution
¬
tribution
would
go
toward
re
reducing
¬
ducing
local
costs
The
new
act
would
also
pro
provide
¬
vide
for
a
panel
of
psychiatrists
to
review
the
release
of
per
sons
from
mental
homes
The
present
Mental
Hospital
Act
came
under
fire
recently
when
Charles
Heathman
the
central
figure
in
a
child
slaying
was
released
on
the
approval
of
two
ordinary
physicians
The
act
would
also
ensure
against
overcrowding
of
schools
for
retarded
children
and
would
leave
the
power
of
admission
up
to
the
Institution
superintendent
taking
it
away
from
the
courts
Under
a
recent
Judgment
in
Vancouver
It
was
held
that
the
courts
had
the
power
to
order
admission
of
any
child
to
an
institution
on
the
receipt
of
sat
satisfactory
¬
isfactory
medical
evidence
that
the
child
should
be
in
an
institu
institution
¬
tion
At
the
end
of
this
month
Fire
Chief
August
Dornbierer
will
retire
after
years
of
continuous
service
with
the
city
The
chief
who
during
that
time
has
achieved
an
outstanding
record
in
fire
prevention
and
control
as
well
as
a
firefighter
will
retire
on
pension
under
the
citys
municipal
superannuation
plan
He
will
be
succeeded
by
hi
son
Deputy
Fire
Chief
Harolc
Dornbierer
In
recognition
of
Chief
Dorn
Dornbierer
¬
bierer
s
service
to
both
the
cltj
and
district
city
council
meet
meeting
¬
ing
in
committee
Wednesday
instructed
city
manager
Arrar
Thomson
and
comptroller
Chester
Jeffery
to
proceed
wltr
plans
for
a
suitable
ceremonj
to
mark
his
retirement
Technically
the
chief
was
to
have
retired
last
year
but
council
at
that
time
agreed
with
the
administration
that
the
city
would
be
better
served
If
the
deputy
chief
were
to
undergo
an
additional
years
tutelage
under
the
senior
Dornbierer
Low
High
-
Mental
health
bill
stresses
local
clinic
new
Mental
Health
Act
to
re
replace
¬
place
six
existing
statutes
and
allow
the
province
to
withdraw
gradually
from
active
operation
of
mental
health
facilities
was
introduced
in
the
legislature
Wednesday
Good
news
for
city
double
dose
of
good
news
for
Moss
came
up
with
the
Sun
this
morning
The
president
of
the
Prince
George
Canadian
Mental
Health
Association
learned
as
he
was
starting
breakfast
that
city
Manager
Arran
Thomson
is
re
recommending
¬
commending
a
gift
of
land
to
the
for
its
planned
White
Cross
Centre
Minutes
later
he
was
in
informed
¬
formed
that
the
government
plans
to
withdraw
gradually
from
active
operation
of
mental
health
facilities
and
let
volun
volunteer
¬
teer
groups
take
over
Mr
Moss
heartily
welcomed
both
revelations
The
land
proposal
came
up
at
a
committee
meeting
of
City
Council
Wednesday
The
city
manager
recommended
giving
the
two
lots
of
city
land
on
the
northeast
corner
of
Ed
Edmonton
¬
monton
Street
and
13th
Avenue
The
land
Is
reserved
for
hospital
use
at
present
The
recommendation
will
go
be
before
¬
fore
city
council
Monday
The
has
requested
city
land
as
site
for
construction
of
a
White
Cross
social
rehabili
rehabilitation
¬
tation
centre
for
victims
of
mental
illness
during
and
after
treatment
The
centre
would
be
an
auxil
auxiliary
¬
iary
to
the
governments
pro
proposed
¬
posed
mental
health
clinic
here
Fire
Chief
Dornbierer
fi
guJSjrsr
retires
after
years
live
ammunition
is
taken
into
hiding
The
Rocky
Mountain
Rangers
have
had
all
live
ammunition
taken
from
their
station
in
Prince
George
Militia
and
cadet
units
in
have
been
ordered
to
turn
in
their
stocks
of
ammunition
to
centrally
-
located
storage
areas
which
wlllbe
placed
under
hour
guard
Cf
The
Ookplk
Is
coming
thousands
of
them
Born
In
the
land
of
the
Es
Eskimo
¬
kimo
the
little
fuzzy
Arctic
owl
will
be
made
on
a
mass
production
basis
In
Toronto
and
Montreal
under
a
deal
signed
Wednesday
between
two
Canadian
manufacturers
and
the
Fort
Chimo
Eskimo
Co
Ope
rative
To
get
the
rights
to
make
Ookplk
the
two
manufact
manufacturers
¬
urers
agreed
to
pay
per
cent
of
their
selling
price
on
each
Ookplk
to
the
co
cooperative
¬
operative
Government
officials
say
the
agreement
could
mean
more
than
in
royal
royalties
¬
ties
this
year
for
the
Eskimos
in
the
co
operative
The
original
Ookpik
was
a
sealskin
creation
fuzzy
and
goggle
eyed
with
flat
feet
It
caught
the
fancy
of
busi
businessmen
¬
nessmen
at
a
Canadian
trade
fair
at
Philadelphia
last
year
and
orders
began
to
mount
Company
of
Toronto
will
make
it
as
a
plush
toy
Price
of
the
Ookplks
will
range
from
to
The
two
manufacturers
hope
to
sell
at
least
Ookpiks
from
plush
white
Ookplks
with
yellow
bills
and
yellow
flappers
to
dainty
little
possum
Ook
Ookpiks
¬
piks
smaller
than
a
mans
thumb
Northern
Affairs
Minister
Laing
said
businessmen
and
Industrialists
have
many
more
ideas
for
using
the
Ookpik
Idea
as
as
a
cartoon
series
comicbooks
games
Jewelry
party
fa
favors
¬
vors
books
childrens
clothing
ornaments
and
other
knick
knacks
Noting
that
the
federal
gov
government
¬
ernment
has
copyrighted
the
Ookplk
design
he
warned
that
unauthorized
manufac
manufacturers
¬
turers
will
be
openly
dis
discouraged
¬
couraged
Deputy
Chief
Harold
who
will
follow
In
his
fathers
footsteps
is
also
highly
regarded
as
a
firefighter
Jlgp
i
Fire
Chief
Dornbierer
An
army
spokesman
In
Van
Vancouver
¬
couver
said
today
the
Increased
security
measures
follow
recent
thefts
of
arms
and
ammuni
ammunition
¬
tion
in
Quebec
Joseph
Lavole
commanding
officer
of
the
Rocky
Mountain
Rangers
said
today
all
ammu
ammunition
¬
nition
is
now
in
the
charge
of
the
Ordnance
Corps
of
the
Army
and
Is
believed
stored
somewhere
in
Alberta
To
obtain
ammunition
the
must
send
a
requisition
to
headquarters
In
Vancouver
stating
how
much
Is
needed
and
the
reason
it
is
wanted
Meanwhile
in
Ottawa
the
of
official
¬
ficial
list
of
weapons
and
am
munlton
stolen
from
defence
department
property
since
last
Sept
was
tabled
In
the
Com
Commons
¬
mons
Wednesday
by
Defence
Minister
Hellyer
The
items
Include
From
the
Shawlnlgan
Que
armory
of
the
62nd
Shawinl
gan
Field
Artllleiy
Regiment
rifles
three
pistols
Montreal
armory
of
Les
Fus
Fusiliers
¬
iliers
Mon
Royal
submachine-guns
six
light
machine
guns
five
pistols
rifles
three
rocket
launchers
two
calibre
browning
machine
guns
four
mllllmetre
mortars
bayonets
rounds
of
callbre
ammunition
rounds
of
ammuniton
and
rounds
of
nillllmetre
ammunition
Noranda
Que
armory
of
8th
Field
Squadron
four
submachine-guns
pne
light
machine-gun
four
rifles
five
bay
bayonets
¬
onets