1 2 THE CITIZEN Monday April 20 1964 - Guest caller Ken Oakley of Vancouver is presented with a large replica of a Spruce Dollar by the regular caller for the Spruce Dollar Square Dance Club Doug Munro Oakley was guest caller for the clubs break up dance Saturday in the St Marys Auditorium Over 100 per persons ¬ sons including some from Quesnel Williams Lake and Lac La Hache attended the last dance of the season RUGGED RAILROADERS Fort Fraser or Finmore Historians proved wrong Old - time railroaders who were at Fort Traser when the last sple was driven on the Grand Trunk Pacific have proven the CNRs historians wrong Col G R Stevens In his History of the CNR volume 2 said the ceremonies were held April 7 1914 at rinmoore a tiny halt half way between Prince Rupert and Wolf Creek But the railroaders who should know they were there are emphatic that the last spike was driven at Tort Fraser J E Paschal of Prince George was one of them and he recalls that the ceremony took place three quarters of a miles east of Fort Fraser There was a crowd of 2500 present Pictures taken at the occasion show a man watching the goings on from the top of a pole Hes Charlie Olds who has lived at Prince George for many years But If Col Stevens account is correct this is what is sup supposed ¬ posed to Jiac happened The link up at rinmoore was consummated without cere ceremony ¬ mony Contemporary opinion held that top hats golden spikes magnums of champagne rear vestlbuled oratory and other tokens of pomp and circum circumstance ¬ stance were to be out moded Col Stevens says the final 50 miles of track were laid between Prince George and Fln moore in one month In his book he recalls that the first 100 miles of the rail railroad ¬ road east of Prince Rupert requited the excavation of 12 million tons of earth and four Ww million tons of rock Even in the days when there was no high powered earth moving equipment the grade cost 80000 a mile The bridge was ready when the tracks arrived at Skeena Crossing 174 miles east of Prince Rupert However at Sealey Gulch 11 miles further east an unusual delay occurred A bridge when assembled proved to be five feet too short for the bridge seats The eastern mountain section of the railway also was a for formidable ¬ midable Job Navigating the Fraser Iliver with supply boats was next to Impossible and it was reported that DO men drowned in one season Tour large bridges had to be built over the Traser and cross crossings ¬ ings had to be thrown across 28 creeks At Prince George the provin provincial ¬ cial government and the GTP fought over the height of the bridge and on Jan 27 1914 a rail layer crossed the river on a temporary structure which was destroyed the next day by an ice Jam The eastern mountain section cost more thai 88 million or approximately 105733 for each of tie 8325 miles Ten thousand men had gone out against well nigh impreg impregnable ¬ nable terrain Said Col Stevens The bohunks the ground groundhogs ¬ hogs the terriers and the men of the pick and shovel brigade had paid the price of conquest By their incredible endurance they had tamed the swift rivers and had broken the backs of the high mountains f - jr 1 WSs 1 -3tf r Installing officer Albert Shiels left presents the Governors gavel to William Feyer at the Moose Lodge installations held Saturday in the Civic Centre Moose install officers Installation of officers for the Loyal Order of the Moose were hold Satuiday In the Civic Centre with Albert Shiels acting ati installing officer Installed were William Teycr govuinor fetanley U Feren Junloi governor fcteyu fapicer prelate Holla llogan past gov governor ¬ ernor John A Noonan first year tiuslee Mylo Sandlwrg socond year trustee and Percy Bracken third year trustee The new secietary is James L We si I e treasurer Is Harry Stevens sergeant at arms is William Greenley inner guard Is Hans Eberherr and outer guaid Is Alfred Wilson The ceremonies were followed by a paity and a buffet supper at midnight t A ft HOLE SERVES PURPOSE IT SLOWS TRAFFIC Donald Johnstone of Norwood Street can be for forgiven ¬ given today if he has a low opinion of Prince George streets He told city RCMP he drove into a large hole at Twentieth and Larch Thursday evening and caused 400 damage to his car Mr Johnstone reported the hole was some sort of an excavation police said and that there were no warning signs posted PEANUTS UMHhM T- - SCp SoMV n JAUtJA L7 flriWJ Olflsr LARRY DRANNON Uaj iWKErtUEY IVE BEEN YOUBccN MEDITATING J ALL PAY - if- I DONT THlNfei IT HELPED VOt m don r look any different 1- ffKrJT7i By Charlei M Schulz jM NEu AT IT J H By Win i low Mortimer I Uproarious AduUSopht Comedy mBlff JMW f mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt ivuislroiWTiOMl KUUI I IHP Tonight -Wodnetdoy I YJ ARE DlS6USTiM tfU LOOK REPULSIVE wHAT WORSE N I r 1 I w 1 I Door 6 30 Show 7 and 9 AND REPULSIVE- AND 6U ACT REPULSIVE VoU HAVE A nJZrA fhMnMMMB I Repuiciup Tomaup I lis come PSYCHO jM e T SHOCKER1 llBw ZsSL J2f Jt gjl3SB P9 Vk HIh K w 1 siiinrTri m I 4 te m M fi mB - s w t n 1 11 ITililv IQ V HfcJ HAVE A THEVRE SAYiNS I Don- SEE J U1 M jSSii ysjij yEacy smonoa pi j sMm am 4tms zpml4 STAR TIME DRIVE IN I IjJ2 uZ r 2SSiSlSXijjjriWJ Jvj 5SSS i v LS H you BIT TOO J -i I 4 20 i jty5 1 TonlgM Tuday - Oot Opon 7 pm Show 8 pm SwTV WyML V m kmQlwA nW- Sn A klfrT alilMSfeiMi JHE HEART OF JULIET JONES By San Drok Wl BRHBHiB lJllflRVlACSPENCEWELLISALLlJ llVE MADE INQUIRIES APOUT S I I VtnN WONDER IFVDU l W H KwHJB KTr JwLflrC EVEP DBEAMED n J Arthur jonesheS the one i i yjL si aaight sparer jfffiSJO CHILL WILLS WBJ DICK TRACY By Chitr Gould BINGO in the Sacred Heart Auditorium 1 5 BIG GAMES LARGE CASH PRIZES LAST GAME 200 CASH WONDERFUL DOOR PRIZES DOORS OPEN 7 PM GAME TIME 8 PM ADMISSION ONLY 150 extra cards available Spontored by Sacred Heart Hoi Name Society l LOOK I DEMONSTRATED VOU KNEW THIS MOON B 3 DICK MOURE KunfViTuaWPDijSatf IT AS I WOULD TO ANY MAID WAS SMART STILL W iCETTIMG OUT OF VTrVDrtw -SiB VTUP M CHILD YOU WOULD HAVE YOU SHOWED HER HOW M ff CONTROL IT FVICE COUPE DONE THE SAME TO FLY AWAY- QJk Z T lgfTUEYOa BLONDIE By Chic Young HSMa flTTpilMilininjlT BUTDAVOCOTHATSniIIIr MTI II V It lL WEUIF HE KEEPS UXir nl JUSTA LITTLE POVE f THATS HIS I 0 f 1 MAKING A RACKET THAT SILLV DinD t COOING TO HIS J MATING all I V LIKE THAT - OUTTHCRE IS yS rffo -f LAPYU3YE fiT V CALL J Sh i N CTl HELLDEA MAKING SO JS VtYi VX JZ V y WV J C3ACHELOR - MixHNoiserJ TS Dj pJjJ3 SuSAALt his life rVJ jaHMi V y MMI te rSJiV fcNlN70