BISiMH Mvla ivJBHUV hv AHfmSi HflBHr -CHB mhhk BlHlH What wouldnt a boy or girl enjoy more on a sunny day than a few hours in a park The city has had a super supervised ¬ vised playground program underway all summer teach NORTHWOOD MILL Full Scale Buying Of Chips Underway Northwood Mills Ltd has a full scale chip buying program underway in the Prince George area the com pany s president says Adam Zlmmermanof Toronto salU the chip buying program along with letting contracts for clearing and grading of the pulp mill site are the two most important recent developments in the companys plans to build a mill here Last week Den G Inter Con Construction ¬ struction Co Ltd started Weather Hit Log Work Seriously9 Wet weather during July seri seriously ¬ ously curtailed employment in the logging industry says Ilugl Waller manager of the Prince George office of the National Employment Service The rainy spell also slowed work on various road construc construction ¬ tion projects the airport ex extension ¬ tension program and the PGE railway extension from Summit Lake to Fort at James The bright side of the em employment ¬ ployment picture is the con continued ¬ tinued building up of employ employment ¬ ment in the construction trade led by the Prince George Pulp and Paper Mill project now un under ¬ der construction Also bright is the picture presented by the service trades The opening of several new stores has created some sixty to eighty new Jobs in the city said Mr Waller There were 1184 men and414 women registered for work at the end of July compared t 782 men and 250 women at the same time last ear clearing and moving 1 million cubic yardsf earth and gravel at the proposed pulp mill in the Fraser Hats area Mr Zimmerman said In an interview there were a zil zillion ¬ lion details to be settled in the project but he hoped an announcements ¬ nouncements would be made this week of two senior staff appointments The major equipment for the 111111 Is being ordered he ex explained ¬ plained and the company has nothing but optimism over its development The C00-ton-a-day mill Is planned to go Into operation in 19CC Leak Blanks Teletypes A faulty electrolytic conden condenser ¬ ser Monday morning interrupted telecommunications circuits In Central BC for four hours The trouble occurred at Canadian National Telgraphs repeater station In Prince George knocking out telex pri private ¬ vate wire and other services between 730 am and 1130 am Teletjpes as far away as McDrlde Prince Rupert 100 Mlle House and Summit Lake were out of use There are 140 teleprinters on the Prince George Telex exchange A spokesman for CNT said the condenser probably started leaking electricity about 330 am but it was not until four hours later that the failure became total Because it was a rare mal malfunction ¬ function it took considerable time to Isolate and correct TODAYS MARKETS MONTREAL - Stocks traded In a norrowly mixed range Trading was extremely light Chemcell picked up 18 Newfoundland Llglrt and Power rose 58 and Interpro vlnclal Pipe Lino 12 West coast Trasmlsslon eased 18 Royal Bank lost 14 and Ca Canadian ¬ nadian Imperial Bank of Com Commerce ¬ merce 18 Abltlbl and Domtar edged up 18 each Price Bros fell 14 Falconbrldge climbed 1 14 and Noranda 14 Inco slipped 38 Distillers Seagrams lost 14 and Canadian Breweries 18 Walker Gooderham improved 18 Massey - Ferguson picked up 38 and Canadian Marconi five cents Pacific Petroleum declined 14 Husky moved ahead 18 Canada Iron Foundry was up 12 Dofasco J4 and Aluminium and Dominion Bridge 18 each Loeb dipped 14 and Domin Dominion ¬ ion Stores 18 IAC advanced 18 Band Ore MtAdain and Transterre fell two cents vjch Bateman Bay picked up a Lent TORONTO - The maiktt made an impressive Katn in moderate trading Stetp Rock clliubod 55 centu to a 1004 lilxli of 0 25 lludvm Bay at 00 12 and FttltoiibrilHO at 7 J 14 wi m ahead J4 uaUiOjMiiiiisk iti ml 15 cntx in HA sunl Co rn lnco 18 to 30 78 Chrysler rose 12 to 55 12 and Dofasco 38 to 24 l2 BA Oil at 33 34 and Bell Telephone at CG 14 were up 14 each Gains of 18 went to Alberta Gas at 35 18 and Ca Canadian ¬ nadian Breweries at 11 14 Raglan was down seven cents to 248 while Canadian Dyno eased nine cents to 1 81 Mac Donald lost six cents to 32 cents and Windfall one cent to 72 cents Dickinson rose 10 cents to 480 Canadian Delhi was up 10 cents to 850 On index Industrials gained 22 to 15850 golds 22 to 13318 base metals 53 to 65 02 Western Oils 17 to 00C4 and the exchange In Index ¬ dex 24 to 147 09 Earlyvolume was 005000 shares compared with 708000 filiates tiaded at the same time Monday NEW YORK -The maiktt mov moved ¬ ed a little higher In moderate trading Sales during the first hour totalled 010000 shares Ainoni hlghei stocks Xoiox 108 78 up 08 US bmUtlnK U0 14 up 2 14 Allied Chemical 53 12 up I Intel national llaivestei 78 up 78 Low r IBM 448 down 1 Coiibolldatml ldlson 80 18 down 1 08 Dujiont 201 12 down Miunlud Oil of In llnu HO 14 down 14 ing children games and reading Here instructors Cathy Merchant standing at left and Heather Bowman read reading ¬ ing in the front row keep the children occupied ALL NIGHT DANCE ENDS CALEDONIA CELEBRATION An all night dance ending with a breakfast at 5 am will be the climax of Cale Caledonia ¬ donia Days celebrations at Fort St James Friday A parade pageant and sports events will be held Friday along with celebra celebrations ¬ tions In which Bert Leboe MP for Cariboo will par participate ¬ ticipate The Tire mens Ball takes place In the evening and If everything goes according GET SCHOOL LAND to schedule therell be danc dancing ¬ ing all night A pancake breakfast will be served on the shore of Stuart Lake about 5 am about half an hour before the canoes leave In the North Northwest ¬ west Brigade Race The 139 mile course will see canoeists arive in Prince George about 8 pm Saturday climaxing the Simon Fraser Exhlblton festivities Second Look Helps New Water District Trustees took a second look and changed their mind Monday in favor of the Nechako Improvement District Monday After turning down the or organizations ¬ ganizations first request the School Board voted in favor or providing land for the organi organizations ¬ zations water supply system Nechako Improvement Dis District ¬ trict will get a small slice ol school reserve on the Nechakc North Road for a well and an another ¬ other on the Hart Highway re reserve ¬ serve for a water storage tank A month ago trustees refused the same request because they didnt want school land used for an j thing but schools But the perserverlng band oi settlers along the Hart Highway re submitted their request and CKPG TV TODAY 430 pm Vacation Time 030 pm Space the New Ocean 000 pm Telescope Simon Fraser Days 030 pm News Sports Weather 700 pm Lawman 730 pm Lockup 800 pm Patty Duko 830 pm Ben Casey 930 pm The Plane maker 1030 pm Nature of Things 1100 pm CBC News 1110 pm Showtime Lets Live A Little WEDNESDAY 1130 am Test Pattern 1233 pm Encore 200 pm Simon Traser Days Parade 400 pm Mile de Paris 430 pm Vacation Time 530 pm Forest Ranger 000 pm Nations Business 030 pm News Sports Weather 700 pm To Tell The Truth 730 pin Colt 45 800 pm Camera West 830 pm Perry Mason 030 pm Susnse Theatre 1030 pni Pointing a Province 1050 pm CBC News 1103 pm Nitecap final detailed drawings of the land they want Both pieces of land are crowded into the corner of the school property far away from the buildings or playing area Besides the storage tank will provide fire protection said Trustee Bob Range If the Improvement District quits using the land It will revert automatically to the Board A third well located off school property will provide water for the Kelly Road School a trustee added CABLE TV TUESDAY August 11 430 MovioEncoreTlmeMr Winklo Goes to War 0 800 Western Movie Time Man of Action 0 700 My Tavorlto Martian 0 730 To Tell The Truth 4 8 00 Patty Duke 4 830 Ben Casey 4 030 Teature Movie Her Husbands Affairs 0 1100 CBC News live 4 1115 The Untouchables Arsenal 4 WEDNESDAY August 12 430 Movie Encore Time Her Husbands Affairs 000 Western Movie Time Lone Prairie 700 Best of the Post 7j30 The Web 0 4 0 800 George Saunders Mys tery Theatre o 830 Perry Mason 4 930 Suspense Theatre 4 1030 News Magazine 4 ll00 CBC News live 4 1110 Startlme Theatre Slavo Ship 4 USE CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS DONT FORGET CALEDONIA DAY Friday August 14th 64 at Fort St James BC THE CITIZEN Slice 170000 From Plans for Two Schools Cost Weary Trustees Cheered Up Under orders from the School Board architects cut 170000 off the price of two major projects Monday Approximately 100000 was pared from the 400000 Kelly Road School Estimate of the 000000 Blackburn Road School was reduced by nearly 70000 Cost weary trustees nearly cheered when they saw the product of their cut-all-costs program Then they put the revised plans under the magnifying glass eye of the building com committee ¬ mittee If approved both projects may be fully underway In two months One stage of the Black Blackburn ¬ burn Road School Is already under construction Trustees have been wrestling high costs all jear Points In case are Blackburn and Kelly Road Blackburn was estimated at 47500 and tendered at 007 000 Kelly Road was estimated at 300000 and tendered at 400000 Trustees called an Investi gation into the cost spiral Flatly staling that the budget couldnt stand such buffeting throughout the 2 34 million building program trustees or ordered ¬ dered architects to cut cut cut Architect Desmond Parker reduced his Kelly Road addition by 100000 square feet and ap approximately ¬ proximately 100000 He didnt touch classrooms but the home economics gym gymnasium ¬ nasium and administration area shrank Ditto for architect Allan Greenwell planner of the Blackburn Road School He was told to bring the cost down to 500000 Mr Greenwell told trustees the rea reason ¬ son he could only get down to 530000 was that a 125000 portion of the school Is already under construction and cannot be changed now The board had ratified con stiuctlon of the elementary por portion ¬ tion of the Blackburn Road School to provide much needed classroom space by fall He suggested plans for the two remaining portions ot the school be re tendered If plans of the tvo schools are approved worklngdrawings will commence Immediately MATH LESSON DICTATES MOVE FOR SCHOOL TOO Practical mathematics means that not only the pup pupils ¬ ils will have to travel from Aleza Lake to Upper Fraser this yearj the school is going too To save the cost of two teachers trustees decided Monday to move the port portable ¬ able class room at Aleza Lake to Upper Fraser and bus the pupils there This way the board can save 6800 after bus costs are deducted The reason is the ratio the Education Department sets for teachers and pupils Aleza Lake has 30 pupils thus needs two teachers Upper Fraser has 08 pupils thus needs three teachers But it Is also legal for three teachers to have 98 pupils so the two were combined The Aleza Lake school costs 10300 annually The bus would cost 3500 annually HIRE OWN PLANNER Board Looking West To New Class Sites School trustees are looking west to future school sites for a growing Prince George One of the first sites under consideration Is In the multi- million dollar privately-developed Highland Park Develop Development ¬ ment topic of a school board discussion Monday night Trustees met wiUi develop development ¬ ment planner Desmond Parker to Initiate a school site study for the area Later they voted to hire a planner of their own to study WEATHER As weather Improves in Prince George Saskatchewan centres experienced frost last night Prince Alberts low of 32 broke the former low for the the date of 34 degrees set in 1951 while the 32 low at Regina set a new record there former low of 35 was set in 1916 Sunny Wednesday except cloudy in the northwestern sec section ¬ tion Little change in temper temperature ¬ ature light winds Low tonight and high Wednesday at Prince George 45 and 75 Quesnel 45 and 80 Smlthers 48 and 70 PEACE RIVER Sunny Wednesday with In Increasing ¬ creasing cloudiness In the afternoon Continuing warm Winds southeasterly 15 Low tonight and high Wed Wednesday ¬ nesday at Vancouver 52 and 73 Victoria 55 and 70 LAST 24 HOURS HI Lo Pr Prince George 71 47 Terrace 74 53 Smlthers 73 45 Quesnel 74 40 Williams Lake 70 48 Kamloops 78 48 Whltehorse 78 54 Fort Nelson 74 51 Fort St John 73 49 Village conference is held by Lieut Mike Perreten 23 of Williams Iake HC second from left who discusses local problems with Greek Cypnots m n enfe in the vil lage of Ayios Krmolaos near the Kyrenian Mountains in tenso Cyprus Lieut Jerreten is head of a 20 man de tathment of Hoyal 22nd Regiment forces beiving with the United Nations peace keeping foicc on Cypius Can Canadian ¬ adian Press coirebjiondent Petei Huckley left accoin pained Peireten to the meeting -CP Photo REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Receptionist Typist DICTAPHONE EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Permanent petition Applicant mutt be of neat appear once and able to meet public Salary commenturate with ability MbA Group life and Sickneu Inturance APPLY MRb O NEILL THE CITIZEN 150 BRUNSWICK STREET the Highland project and other school site needs Whoever they hire will be a checkmate for Mr Parker who represents both Highland and City Council as a town planner Owners of the development Highland Resources Ltd have offered the board eight acres for a school site To make sure the site is large enough for future needs the board referred it to the Board executive Highland Park and the wooded area surrounding it will some someday ¬ day be home to about 10000 persons Mr Parker told the board He estimated the area could support five elementary and one Junior secondary school The board Is preparing to put reserves on land In the area for future school use In addit addition ¬ ion they are preparing to nego negotiate ¬ tiate over one reserve In the area that the city wants to turn to Industrial use The 174 acre Highland Park would contain approximately COO families in residential homes said Mr Parker Street Work Gets Approval Smlthers Smlthers City Council has been given full auth authority ¬ ority by voters to continue with any further street Improve Improvements ¬ ments in the North Central BC village In a bylaw voted upon yester yesterday ¬ day 191 of 203 votes were in favor of giving council this auth authority ¬ ority Tuesday August 11 1964 3 CLASb NOTES Name Three To Schools Land Group Three trustees were named to a negotiating team that will meet with aldermen to discuss school land reserves Trustees Bob Range Harold Moffat and Jack Rohoes will represent School Board on the joint liaison committee Fifty of 58 students passed the secondaiy summer school course District Superintendent D P Todd told trustees rive otheis failed and three withdrew from the month long class for students who missed a subject during the regular ear District Superintendent D P Todd told trustees there are still eight teacher vacancies in School District 57 Normally the figure is more like 20 at this time of the summer Ap Approximately ¬ proximately 200 teachers are employed in the district Twenty - one students have registered In the Prince George dormitory for the next term and nine more are pending School Board secretary-treasurer Bob Gracey said at the School Board meeting A 4700 modernization job on the Stone Creek teacherage has been completed School Board sect etary treasurer Bob Gracey told trustees School property manager Bill Ditmars outlined progress on five school projects He said exterior walls are going up on the first portion of Blackburn Road School the roof is going on the Harwln Addition King George V addition has reached the second floor stage block laying Is undei way on South Fort George Addition and roofing Is complete on Salmon Valley School Board Buys Typewriters More than 5000 worth of typewriters were purchased by Prince George School Board A 5470 tender for 53 new typewriters was awarded to Bar Wick Stationers The typewriters will be used In Duchess Park Junior Second Secondary ¬ ary and the Senior Secondary schools Trustees also awarded tend tenders ¬ ers for electrical work at Isle Pierre School and teacherage and for maintenance materials Winner of the electrical tend tender ¬ er was Strobl Electric with 740 The only other bidder asked 1033 Mclnnis Building Supplies won the maintenance material tender with a bid of 890 Three others bid at 953 969 and 1002 Also Insurance policies on School District 57s 0 million worth of assets were re newed Trustees ratified nearly 17000 Insurance premiums without discussion You can relax about your home when youre covered by jZ 3F SAFECO INSURANCE Nobody Settles Claims Faster and More Fairly W G BARTON LTD Real Estate Insurane 650 George M Tel LO 4 5197 4 H SALE OF CHOICE BEEF LAMBS EXHIBITION GROUNDS Fri August 14th 4 pm Here is your chance lo get lop show beef for your freezer