-v umn Iff iMi ii i wWT il Wife kH vHkl M bpI cBI smBA BBHI Heavy transformers rcduco tho primary voltage irom BC Hydro system to 440 volt secondary systems used at Lloyd Bros mill Below general view of the plant is a dramatic departure from traditional sawmill where theres usually a large burner or waste heap OVERNIGHT TRIPS Highway Freight Trains row o rod by2100liorspowor Ulosels highway freight trains are hauling big ton nagos over tho long road be between ¬ tween Prince Ceorgo and Vancouver Tlioy are tho new carriers Drydock Liner Future Unknown NEW YORK AP- Tho 30 000 -ton passenger liner America a Jilted old lady of 24 is headed for drydock and an uncertain future She arrived from Europe with 800 passengers Tuesday on what probably will be her last voyage under tho red-white-and-blue house colors of tho United States Lines After nightfall the America second -largest passenger ship in the US merchant marine slipped quietly out of the har harbor ¬ bor with a skeleton crew bound for Newport News Va There are reports in shipping circles that the company has been negotiating to sell the America to the Chandris ship shipping ¬ ping interests for operation under the Greek flag in the Mediterranean cruise service STOPPING POWER Under full break a modern jet airliner absorbs enough en energy ¬ ergy to stop almost 075 automo automobiles ¬ biles travelling at 50 mph put on the road by Carson Truck Lines Ltd Tho tractors are Kenworths powored by Cummins engines The sleek 24 foot insulated vans were supplied by Canadian Car Trailer Sales Each train comprises a trac tractor ¬ tor and two vans with a gross vehicle weight of 70000 pounds and a net payload of 44000 pounds Carson a firm which has grown because it stays on top of new developments was founded 30 years ago by Tred Carson He went into business with a single three ton truck and served Quesnol on a sched schedule ¬ ule that brought him Into the Cariboo town two and a half days after leaving the the Coast Today it is overnight service from Vancouver to the Central Interior Carson operates semi trailers as well as the new trains but tho firm is re retiring ¬ tiring the last of its three solo vans mounted on tandem straight truck chassis long a familiar sight to Cariboo residents President and General Man Manager ¬ ager of Carson Truck Lines is George R Wood who operates out of the companys Durnaby headquarters rounder Tred Carson died In an accident in the Fraser Canyon in 1938 while driving one of his own trucks The company employs some 50 people and has branch ter terminals ¬ minals at 100 Mile House Wil Williams ¬ liams Lake Quesnel and Prince HEAVY EQUIPMENT D9 CAT 19A tenet equipped with CAT No 30 c cu cable angle dozer CAT No 9 hydraulic ripper full canopy completely re reconditioned ¬ conditioned D9 CAT 18A teriet equipped with CAT No 30 ecu cable angle dozer full canopy Large attortment of D8 CATS 36At 46At 14Ai 15A 13A and 2Ut will be equipped at needed WRITE OR TELEPHONE ED MILLER CONSTRUCTION LTD 16413 1 10 Avenue Edmonton Alberta Phone 4894951 24 Antwering Goorgo Tolotypo links all tho branches Carson is operated on a democratic basis with for in instance ¬ stance tho opinion of all em employees ¬ ployees being sought beforo the now trains wero purchased and put Into operation Train typo transportation of freight provides specially engineered facilities for fast and reliable handling of cus customer ¬ tomer requirements It is a far cry from Tred Carsons first three ton true- but the same spirit of service and determin determination ¬ ation to meet day-to-day de demands ¬ mands prevails today as it did 30 years ago Myron Sambad district supervisor of Hume and Rumble and electrician Bud Nooan look over the electrically powered barker which Is being installed at tne Lloyd uros Isle Pierre mill Pete Miller photo 10 Lumber Plants Convert to Hydro The arrival of hydro clcctrlc power in tho Prince George area marks a historic stop for many district sawmill and planer operations At least 10 sawmills and planers arc converting or plan planning ¬ ning to convort to electricity from D C Hydros system Many already uso electric mot motors ¬ ors which aro powored by their own generators Dill Dost district managor of DC Hydro said It would not have been possible to supply tho hoovy Industrial demand If power from Drldgo River had not bcon avallablo In Prlnco Goorgo this fall Tho generating facilities on tho south sldo of tho Trasor Rivor bndgo could not havo handled tho load Tho oxtension of major powor linos to Dear Lako and Upper Trasor also lave madoposslblo tho conversion to oloctrlclty at covoral plants In that aroa Ono of tho largost conver conversions ¬ sions Is taking placo at tho Lloyd Dros sawmill at Islo Plerro 30 miles wost of Prlnco Goorgo whoro Humo andRum blo Ltd lias a contract for an all oloctrlc Installation Lloyd Dros which has built a now plant will havo approx approximately ¬ imately 40 oloctrlc motors In tho onoratlon ranging in slzo from two to 100 horsopowor Dill and Donnio Lloyd aro spondlng closo to 300000 on tho now plant which has been Child Health Conferences MONDAY Wright Creek 130 pm in tho school Dlackburn Rd 2 pm In tho store TUESDAY Wagon Wheol 2 pm Island Cache 130 pm In tho school WEDNESDAY Peden Hill 130 pm Mennonlto Church Airport 230 pm Mrs Kor brats THURSDAY North Nechako 130 pm in tho school FRIDAY stoner 130 pm in the school LOOKING FOR PRODUCTION VERSATILE ffein Wmr Jf Offers Lorgtr Lift On man Optrotion Spctd Quickir Cycli Tim Potitiv Control Grarr Reach and Hdght Crawler or carrier mounted dual purpose loader and excavator from 38 to 34 yd capacities FEATURES INCLUDE Standard reach without extension 28 3 Lilting capacity 10 000 lb Log or pulpwood gropple all hydraulic 280 rotation Standard lilt height 19 2 Optional lift height 25 0 to bottom of grapple t SAieS AND SERVICE M T EQUIPMENT CO LTD Xlr Rood Richmond IC CR 0233 or 861 J built near their former opera operation ¬ tion Carrier Lumber already Is one of the major clcctrlclty uscrs In the local Industry Also scheduled for conversion to DC Hydro powor arc the Netherlands Overseas plant at thr new PGC yards Sinclair Mills Upper Fraser Church Sawmills at Hansard richtnor Lumbor at Nowlands Summit Lako Sawmills Nlolsons Saw Sawmill ¬ mill at Dear Lako Tho Canada wiro and Cablo plant at tho PGC site also Is a major olcctrlcal Installation which soon will bo added to tho DC Hydro system THE CITIZEN City Boundaries To Be Expanded More than 60 per cent of the homeowners In District Lot 777 want to come within the munici municipal ¬ pal boundaries The area is south of the Van derhoof Highway just across from the Super Valu store and two drive in restaurants Municpal ratepayers will be asked to approve the boundary extensions in a referendum which will be presented at the same time as the December municipal election There are 78 resident home homeowners ¬ owners in the area 51 of whom signed a petition favoring the move The petition required approval from CO per cent of the homeowners If the area comes within the city the municipality will pro provide ¬ vide sewer and water services to homes Friday October 30 1964 5 SEE W G BARTON REAL EbTATE INSURANCE 650 George St LO 4 5197 WSi SAFECO M yUNSURANCE The Finest Most Complete Roof of Protection at the Lowest Possible Costl GALBRAITH and SULLEY Ltd offers a complete stock of BALL ROLLER 4 PRECISION and SPECIAL APPLICATION BEARINGS and National Oil Seals for all industrial requirements IH At sea and ashorel H H Lams RUMS 1991 First Ave PRINCE GEORGE Phone LO 4 2431 -2-3 m f Mi dvtrtlitmtnt li not pubiiiNd or displayed by th Liquor Control Ooard or by IM Covtrnmtxil of Brltlin Cetumbk Hotel Simon Fraser PRESENTS BEEF WEEK November 1 st to 7th Above is a picture of the prize steer Terry purchased by the Hotel Simon Fraser during the 4H Club sale at the Simon Fraser Das and Prince George Exhibition The purchase not only allowed the hotel to support the 4 H Club but also to bring you the best in beef This prize steer has been finished over the last two months at a local farm butchered under a provin provincial ¬ cial veterinarians supervision and is now aging to enable the Hotel Simon Frasers catering staff to serve you a superb menu in Pfince George during their Beef Week BEEF WEEK MENU NOVEMBER 1st to 7th 1964 DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP AND ROOM SERVICE A MINUTE STEAK OF BC BEEF 285 For the Calory Conscious Person CHOICE BEEF T BONE STEAK 425 Cut and Prepared for the Hearty Eater NEW YORK CUT SIRLOIN STEAK 375 14 oz Steak Broiled to Your Liking FILET MIGNON AU CROUTON 425 With Fresh Mushroom Heads EUROPEAN STYLE SAUERBRATEN 245 With Creamed Whipped Potatoes SALISBURY BEEF STEAK 235 Smothered in Onions HUNGARIAN PAPRIKA GOULASH 245 With Egg Noodles SUKIYAKI WITH BUTTERED RICE 250 Mushrooms and Green Peppers All meals are served with bouquets of vegetables and potatoes of your choice Our a la carte meals the Simon Fraser Hotels International Menu as well as a variety of fish and poultry are daily prepared for your eating pleasure in the Coffee Shop and Dining Room at popular prices During this BEEF WEEK ONLY our regular Wednesday night Smorgasbord will be cancelled Hotel Simon Fraser Phone 564 5191 for Reservations 600 Quebec Street