12 THE CITIZEN WASHINGTON AP - Two beetle like satellites a string of eight communications satel satellites ¬ lites and a reactor-in-the-sky will be sent aloft by US space scientists Plans for the projects were revealed in three separate an announcements ¬ nouncements last week The space beetles with an antennae ¬ tennae extending almost a third of a mile are designed to Tuesday February 1 1965 NORTHERN MOUNTAIN FLYING HIGH Airline Born Six Years Ago Dy JIM WILLOUGHBY CITIZEN STAFF WRITER They began with one plane six years ago Now there are six aircraft covering Northern BC and the Northwest Territories thats the story of Northern Mountain Airlines It all started in March 1959 when Merv Hesse for formerly ¬ merly of Jollet Que and Bill Smith of Prince George went together with John Niel Nielsen ¬ sen and Heinz Kallweit to buy the first plane Merv and Bill are former bush pilots Bill flew out of Prince George with Russ Baker and Walter Gilbert and later got experience in the early days of Canadian Pacific Airlines They have more than 7000 air hours each The venture was a success during the first three months it was in business In June 1059 the new company bought a second plane and based it at Fort St James You name it and weve probably carried it said Bill Smith Our main busi business ¬ ness is operating by charter air freighting and miscel laneous jobs for the federal government departments More expansion Joilowed and early in 19G1 NMA pur purchased ¬ chased a federal government hangar at Prince George Airport from Crown Assets Corporation THE RECORDS SHOW seek the source oi mysterious celestial radio signals from the Milky Way galaxy its planets and the stars The National Aeronautics and Space Administration says the first of the 280 pound space spacecraft ¬ craft is due to go into orbit some 3700 miles above the earth sometime in 1967 at the earliest The two satellites willmeas- iTTT Letter ftqites Hems From Francois Lake Jake Knelson of the South bank Store left Saturday for a trip he won as a salesman for the Massey Ferguson Co He also won a generous bonus lie goes to Vancouver first then by jet to Mexico The road over the lake is heavy since the thaw as the snow is deep and there is water on the Ice One man told us that he took an hour and a half to cross the two and one quarter miles Now that it is cold again the ice will probably tighten up and travelling im improve ¬ prove The Francois Lake PTA held a regular meeting Tuesday ir the school It Js sponsoring an another ¬ other crib tournament this win winter ¬ ter as the last years tourna tournament ¬ ment wassuccessful Proceeds will go toward paying for the school piano - When our son Hugh was work ing in his hay barn a moose strolled up and stood watching He could not have been more than 30 feet away from the barn so Hugh threw him some hay over the fence When ho went back to look later on the hay was gone Jim Ray and Nels Thomas are staying in the Ferry Cot Cottage ¬ tage at the Landing They are working clearing trees from the telephone right of way and are finding the work hard with the snow so deep and of course it has been terribly cold to work in the open The whole Neave family has been busy this week end alter altering ¬ ing our store and making it more modern and convenient The counter has been moved from the back of the store to beside the front door so it will be easier checking goods out as folks leave Later the same year the company bought a single engined Beaver which Joined the second at the Fort St James base A mall carrier licence was issued after this and the company now carries mail twice a month out of Fort St James to such places as Takla Landing Germanson Landing Fort ware and Fort Babine It was in the fall of 1963 however that expansion be beyond ¬ yond BC began At that time Northern Mountain purchased all the shares of Hay River Air Ser Service ¬ vice Ltd and now operates three bases in the Northwest Territories Fort Simpson Missile Gap Huge Myth By EVERETT ALLEN WASHINGTON AP Four years after its climax the non nonexistent ¬ existent missile gap born of unsubstantiated fear that the Russians were ahead of the US emerges as one of the most dramatically significant myths In American history Although official opinions on the subject vary greatly this Is the unmistakable conclusion to be found in examining views of present and former military and civilian leaders of the Ei Eisenhower ¬ senhower - Kennedy - Johnson administrations which have been made available to me Initially I asked Dr Jerome B Wiesner former advisor of President John F Kennedy and now dean of science of Massachusetts Institute of Technology whether the Ken Kennedy ¬ nedy forces had knowingly ex exploited ¬ ploited in the 1960 campaign a missile gap that did not exist Dr Wiesner who assisted the missile effort in major degree during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations denied this I have talked with or been given the authorized views of more than a dozen persons whose positions offered them some first hand knowledge of the events involved As a re result ¬ sult I have concluded that despite the fact there never was any such thing the missile gap produced these results among others 1 It stimulated a US USSR missile race In which the United States maintains a 4 1 lead as a result of a 17 000000000 program initiated by President Eisenhower and accelerated by President Ken Kennedy ¬ nedy 2 Caused both nations to approximately double their missile arsenals so that as ad advocates ¬ vocates of gradual disarmament are quick to point out our relative positions remain the same despite the expenditure of billions By early 1965 the Soviet Union will have 200 In Intercontinental ¬ tercontinental Ballistic Mis Missiles ¬ siles ICBM double the num number ¬ ber of a year earlier By the time the US will have 925 ICBMs compared with 475 a EIGHT GOING year earlier 3 Provoked nationwide fears that marred unjustly the rec records ¬ ords of both the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations and provided one of the major issues that defeated Vice President Richard M Nixon and elected Kennedy to the White House The Eisenhower administra administration ¬ tion was not delinquent in its preparedness program as Sen Senator ¬ ator Stuart Symington former Democratic air force sec secretary ¬ retary and other charged and some Republicans in govern government ¬ ment believe it too The Kennedy team was not deceitful when it claimed that a missile gap threatened the U S during the campaign months of 1960 and announced after the election that it did not exist The shift was due to more and better intelligence and to the fact that Kennedy as a campaigning senator was de denied ¬ nied missile Information pos possessed ¬ sessed by the White House Two incidents in this historic drama hitherto unpublished il illustrate ¬ lustrate poignantly the role of the psychological on both sides of the Iron Curtain in the de development ¬ velopment of the missile gap impact As Democratic candidate for president of the United States Kennedy was barred in August 1960 from receiving a full scale briefing on US USSR missile strength at Strategic Air Command headquarters in Omaha The briefing had been promised to him by the Re Republican ¬ publican administration ir m H li m Russian missile top on display during Moscow parade bears striking resemblance to Nike US Armys guided missile shown at bottom AP photo Space Beetles Next ure the intensity and frequency of the signals the time of emission and within limits will seek to pinpoint the regions of space from which they come The eight communications satellites are to be launched simultaneously and used by the defence department They are to be sent sky skyward ¬ ward In 1966 by the Communi Communications ¬ cations Satellite Corp using a launch - vehicle provided by the Pentagon They are to be sent skyward in 1966 by the Communications If the launch is successful the defence department would pay only for communications services If the launch fails Comsat would be responsible Three such launchings are planned Comsat revealed as it filed with the Federal Commu Communications ¬ nications Commission a notice of intent to purchase 24 of the satellites from the Hughes Air Aircraft ¬ craft Company The project is separate from Comsats efforts to develop an international commercial com communications ¬ munications system The reactor a small chain reacting nuclear reactor device fuelled by Uranium 235 is scheduled for a spring launch the atomic energy commission says It reported that a land based version of the reactor began to produce electricity in tests last Friday Called the Snap lOA reac reactor ¬ tor it will be fired aloft by an Atlas Agena rocket and Is designed to furnish auxiliary power for a satellite includ including ¬ ing power for radio transmis transmissions ¬ sions If the launch is successful it would be the first known nuclear reactor carried aboard an earth satellite Hay River and Fort Smith Business Increased and so did expansion Last spring a two engined Grumman Goose an amphi amphibious ¬ bious machine and a Cessna 180 were bought lequiringa capital outlay of 100000 This years proposed ex expansion ¬ pansion will involve among other things 85000 for ad additional ¬ ditional equipment for the territorial bases The company at this time includes six pilots three mechanics and an office manager Merv Hesse is vice president Bill Smith is secretary - treasurer and general manager and John Nielsen is president Expansion for the future Certainly says Bill EXPO ALSO VARSITY SITE MONTREAL CP -The seed of an idea for a future univer university ¬ sity on the site of Expo 67 planted by a Montreal city councillor is gradually begin beginning ¬ ning to sprout across Canada Whether it ever comes to fruition may depend on the re reaction ¬ action to tentative efforts at interesting various groups in raising the money The proposal originates with John N Parker who is also principal of the Lome and Riverside schools tn Point St Charles Last March Mr Parker sug suggested ¬ gested at a Montreal city coun council ¬ cil meeting there should be a bilingual university on the Expo 67 site when the worlds fair is over The idea was that it would specialize in social sciences to prepare students for work in government and civil service rPXSyW3 wiijsw ww- Hector Wright commissioner of the BC Workmens Com Compensation ¬ pensation Board will be in Prince George Feb 19 when hell be guest speaker at BC Hydro employees annual safety dinner ART RENTED IN TORONTO TORONTO CP - An art rental service in which works may be rented from the Art Gallery of Toronto for prices starting at 2 a month has been inaugurated More than 200 works of art will be available to art gallery members They include paint paintings ¬ ings sculpture and graphics In styles ranging from realistic to abstracts Works will be rented for a month with the option to renew for a second month Late re returns ¬ turns will be penalized by extra charges When a person buys a work of art during or at the end of a rental period the amount paid will be deducted from the purchase price Mxyfvn A -an r4 4j I mil miii mm C lP I Is 3 r A4 I J i3 Cr SLIPPERY WEEKEND 1200 Loss in Accidents The most serious traffic ac accident ¬ cident in Prince George during the weekend resulted in 1200 damage and a charge of driving on the wrong side of the road being laid against a driver Stanley Fairclought ofChilll wack was charged after his car collided with one driven by George Webster 1565 Oak St The accident occur red at 740 pm Friday when the two cars were travelling in opposite di directions ¬ rections on Fifteenth Ave Police blamed icy road con conditions ¬ ditions for several rear end collisions Damage was esti estimated ¬ mated at 500 in an accident at Seventh Ave and Victoria St A 10 year campaign to eradi cate venereal syphilis from the US was described in Vancou Vancouver ¬ ver recently to public health officials from across the pro province ¬ vince including Dr James Rob Robinson ¬ inson of Prince George The campaign was described by Ken Latimer an epidemiolo epidemiologist ¬ gist from Atlanta Ga Their problem In the US is exactly opposite to the one we have In Canada said Dr Robinson describing the talk Our problem is gonnorhoea Their incidence of it is by far lower than their incidence of syphilis One half the syphilis report reported ¬ ed in the US is at a teen teenage ¬ age level he explained We realize syphilis is spreading north from the States and already some of our south southernmost ¬ ernmost health units are ex experiencing ¬ periencing a rise in the num number ¬ ber of cases of this disease Their plan for eradicating it follows what Is known as a at 750 pm Saturday Police said cars in the accl dent were driven by Richard Gravllle of Calgary and Elmer Roland Sanden of 1953 Laurier Crescent Cars which police said were driven by Victor Esopenko and John Frederick Norman colli ded at Fifth Ave and Edmonton St at 745 Monday causing 300 damage Another rear end collision at 2 pm Saturday at Seven teeth Ave and Victoria St caus caused ¬ ed an estimated 225 damage to cars driven by John Ganshorn of 1101 Cuddle Road and Thorn as David Nelson 2630 Pine St VD Problem Fought In 10 Year Campaign cluster technique In this they attempt to sep separate ¬ arate those who have the dis disease ¬ ease already and Inoculate them Then they try to find out who the carriers friends are and treat them Finally those who have les lesions ¬ ions similar to syphilis are treated Our own campaign against VD is going ahead step-by- step said Dr Robinson uWWMJMMMZzr77Z7n R H CLARKE DOS optometrist Telephone LO 4 4 142 Suite 6 Prudente Bldpj PRINCE GEORGE MffMJm Damage was estimated at 250 in an accident at Third Ave and George St at 8 pm Sunday police blamed ice and snow for the crash which in involved ¬ volved cars driven by C K Tasa R R 2 and EdmondR Rose of Edmonton ley road conditions were blamed for an Intersection col collision ¬ lision at Edmonton St and Fif Fifteenth ¬ teenth Ave at G pm Sunday Damage was estimated at 350 to cars police said were driven by Adina ThonyR R 1 and Evan A Short 615 Carney St Another intersection colli collision ¬ sion at Eighth Ave and Evert St caused an estimated 250 damage to cars driven by Gugllelmo Ponozzo and A M Hlckerty at 225 pm Sunday NIAGARA HOTEL 435 W Pender VANCOUVER BC MU 1 5548 Rooms with Private Bath ond Rooms without Private Bath Slngie 325 500 Double 450 600 Twin Beds 525 650 Special rates for families Rooms with 2 Double Beds and Roll away Cots Weekly Rates Free Overnight Parking 3 and 4 Star Rating ws ftws 4 V jAa A- twv vUjWhWX s AUMSi -NSWWKWiv -AWrtiifcSSi Made-to-Measure SUIT SALE a use 1 IfH trArr ytou - y e Wk h w- yi 2 pee suit 58 10 Monthly on CDP Vest 8 Extra Trousers 20 CHOOSE YOURS FROM OUR 1965 STYLE BOOKS HAND PICK THE FABRICS THEN RELY ON EXPERT TAILORING IN FASHION STYLES Whether you like a suit thats at the front of fashion with a lean fit slanted flap pockets natural shoulders slim pleatless trousers or a more conservative model you can order just what you want from our latest Spring style books CHOICE OF FABRICS Light and medium wool worsteds worsted flannels novelty weaves iridescents terylene and wools choose yours in checks overchecks plains and other patterns in current shades PARTICULAR TAILORING No matter what style you choose youll find the detailing fit and finish everything is tailored to make your 65 suit rank with the best Smart shoppers know it coat a o more at the Bay SKizi 1ftrTt Sumpmtn INCORPORATED MAY 1670