Vol 10 No 91 INSIDE TODAYS CITIZEN DE GAULLE whats in cards Five die in Squamlih fire Page 16 Oppotition Leader Diefen baker gets another chance today to move a non-confidence motion against the government Page 11 A political poker game has started over De Gaulles pull out of French troops in West Germany from the NATO command Page 4 South Vietnamese comman commander ¬ der of northern area Is re removed ¬ moved as troops opposing Premier Kys regime seize Hue Airfield Page 16 Brit Seibv 21-vear-old Toronto Maple Leaf left-winger beats out Kamloops Bert Marshall for NHL rookie-of-the-year honors Page 9 Edmonton Oil Kings be become ¬ come first western club slnco 1948 to win the Memorial Cup on eastern ice Page 10 Gagardi Lets Act Mature9 The growing rift between labor and management has only one solution both sides must act like mature people says High Highway ¬ way Minister Gaglardl Addressing the technical sec section ¬ tion of the Pacific Coast branch of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association he said as both sides are tearing down the house theyre building Mr Gaglardl said it seems people have a difficult time cop coping ¬ ing with prosperity with labor asking for higher and higher wages and management wanting bigger and bigger profits Turning to the pulp and paper industry he said both technical skills and faith are necessary to ensure continued progress Technical know how by Itself was not enough He Illustrated his point by saying his govern government ¬ ment was told it would lose at least 1000000 per year for the first five years if it attempted to build and operate its own ferry system The experts had been prover wrong and the government had made 800000 profit the first year it operated its own ferries and for the first time in the his history ¬ tory of ferry transportation de depopulated ¬ populated an airline He said if this type of faith were to prevail in the pulp and paper Industry present fears of over production in the future would prove unfounded Who says one needs fishing rods and stuff to catch the big ones One gal spending a chilly afternoon at Six Mile Lake Sunday came home with a 12 lnch trout which she caught bare handed Judy Slattor Public Health Nurse for Prince George saw the fish flip out of the water and land on a wharf She Imme Immediately ¬ diately pounced on the trout and after a brief struggle caj rled it off victoriously Thieves made off with 230 In a break In at Blue Star Delicatessen on 15th Avenue sometime late Saturday or early Sunday Police discovered the break In about 530 Sunday morn morning ¬ ing A rear door was forced and 90 taken from a cash register Another 140 was taken fiom a cash box police said t H This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control BoardorbytheGovernment of British Columbia 16 Pages Jie Citizen The daily newspaper for Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA MONDAY MAY 16 1966 Initial Stages Very Promising PARKER DOWNTOWN PLAN TO BE BARED WEDNESDAY By SCON HONEYMAN Citizen Staff Writer A plan to better down town development guaran guarantee ¬ tee its future and prevent further deterioration will be outlined to the Downtown Business Association Wednesday by architect and planner Des Parker This is the culmination of thiee years of work comment commented ¬ ed DBA president Alex Bowie Its very promising If we grapple with the prob problems ¬ lems now we will have a down downtown ¬ town section to be proud of Mr Parker said the total study includes a population forecast to mcasuie future demands on the downtown business community an economic review to determine the extent of unsatisfied demand for business space and the future need for business space and a detail study of vehicular and pedestrian traffic Wiien the economic base study is completed by Joseph B Ward International Ltd next Sep September ¬ tember a physical design will be prepared by Central Interior Planning Consultants showing re allocation of space proposed building types locations densi densities ¬ ties parking road and pedes pedestrian ¬ trian ways The plan after presentation to the city would be of benefit to city planning and that of mer merchants ¬ chants said Mr Parker The architect -planner said six major items in the study have been completed The population study traffic rrd parking studies assessment of land and building use shopper surveys business establishment questionnaire and household questionnaire Also on the agenda at Wednes Wednesdays ¬ days dinner meeting are election of a new board of directors and executive officers Mr Bowie said the director directorship ¬ ship will be enlarged for the heavier work load being under undertaken ¬ taken by the association SPARES BRIDES BLUSHES LONDON AP- The thing that worried Londoner Mike Smith most about getting married was writing Mr and Mrs Smith In a honey honeymoon ¬ moon hotel register So to spare his brides blushes he changed his name to Noble his mothers maiden name Mike 22 -year -old ma machine ¬ chine operator saidSunday There are too many Jokes about Smiths and hotel reg registers ¬ isters It always causes a raised eyebrow by hotel re receptionists ¬ ceptionists Mike and June Averre his 21 -year -old bride -to-be will wed June 4 Pulp Arrives at Coast VANCOUVER CP -The first shipment of unbleached sulphate pulp from the Prince George Pulp and Paper Cos new mill was shipped from here Friday after arriving by train from Prince George a Woman called the news desk this morning and asked if wo could spare a little space in this cornertothankallthe fathers of the girl guides and brownies for the time and effort they put in at the clearing project at Ispa Lake 30 miles east of Prince George The contractors Asso Association ¬ ciation who built the big cabin out there fret will also be out this week to do some work on the foun foundations ¬ dations a Congratulations to Dolores McConachie of Prince George recent winner of a 1966 World Year Book on the CBC television show RazzloDaz zle The youngstei won the prize during part of the show in which contestants take part in a quiz iJ - VTj8 i 1 iiiihTi i mwMu7itV i111 -- j r I ftffiMMflKSsBifflMETw - rjESzs2xzi 9i9liiliilBiiHsiiiiiii9iililsHiiiH DSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHSaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHACWi SSSSSSSSSSSSSpSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHS4Vv w HIiV TsW bhwbmhiibmiii Clyde Gives Buddy Heaton a Rough Ride t Weekend Snowfall Didnt Last Long Snow in May is not exactly a drawing card for tourists And if the snow did not stay on the ground It nevertheless snowed In this area as close as the Prince George airport last night Bear Lake was reported to have a fairly heavy fall but not the six Inches as some reports indicated The weatherman said a cold front from the north west passed through the Interior on the week weekend ¬ end bringing snow to such varied places as Williams Lake and Barkerville At Wells 55 miles east of Quesnel It snowed all day Sat Saturday ¬ urday Infant Death Rate Said High in North VANCOUVER CP There are places In northern BC where the life expectancy is 23 to 24 years says United Church medical missionary Dr W Don aid Watt Tho main reason is infant mortality and the main problem is geographic Isolation he told the annual meeting of the BC Conference of the United Church of Canada at the weekend Dr Watt called on laymen to help staff mission hospitals an outlets We expect ministers to spend several years In mission work he said Why cant we expect laymen in the church to do the same He said a chronic shortage of staff hampers church attempts to provide hospitals In isolated spots across the country The church runs nine hospitals five of them in northern BC A picket line of a different sort formed up outside the meet ing carrying signs which read BC Green But Greedy and Gracious Living Grudging Giving to emphasize the churchs need for money The picket line was organized by officials of the conference Rev Dermott Mclnnes of Richmond was elected presi dent designate He will take office after the conferences next meeting in 1967 Indecent Assault Hearing Opens A man charged with indecent assault of a nine-year-old girl went on trial this morning In Supreme Court Appearing before Mr Justice II W Mclnnes is Samuel Simin off of Prince George He Is charged in connection with an Incident which Is alleged to have occurred at the girls home In February 1965 Among Crown witnesses at this mornings session were the girl and her mother Siminoffs trial is third on the spring assize list for the Su Supreme ¬ preme Court of BC In Cariboo County His defence counsel is G R Hebrlk of Vancouver NOTHING UNUSUAL EXCEPT By MIKE McDERMOTT Citizen Staff Writer What sort of man Is Buddy Heaton Well outside of being anactor horse breeder a world famous rodeo trick rider and a bit of a philosopher he isnt unusual except that ho rides a buffalo Clyde the eight-year-old buf buffalo ¬ falo trained and ridden by Hea Heaton ¬ ton is the main attraction of a string of trick horses and riding ponies that make up the rodeo troup This Is the second visit to Prince George for Buddy who estimates his world famous rodeo troupe at over 300 colts and 60 head of buffalo most of which are kept at his ranch near Dewinton Alberta The 39-year-old rodeo star began training buffalo for rodeo performances in 1954 after In heriting many of his skills from his father in Kansas Buddy decided to make the move to Canada several years ago after visiting the Calgary Stampede This is really wonderful country you have up here com commented ¬ mented Heaton In his slow Kansas drawl I wouldnt go back to those crowded communities Both Clyde and Buddy are seasoned veterans of television and moving pictures with Clyde having played In the television series Wagon Train while Buddy played Buffalo Bill In the movie How The West Was Won in addition to a part in Bus Stop A great idol and friend of chil dren Heaton has six of his own the oldest ofwhlchhopestoenter the field of rodeo entertainment in the near future 1600 Damage on District Roads Accident Injures One An estimated 1600 damage resulted from two accidents on district roads during the week weekend ¬ end In one involving cars driven by Kenneth Wayne Wilson of Quesnel and Jean Barton of Danns Road damage reached 1000 The crash occured near the intersection of Highway 97 and Buckhorn Road when the Barton vehicle attempted to make a turn onto Danns Road The other ve vehicle ¬ hicle struck the left side of the Barton car which was towing an unladen horse trailer In the other crash which oc occurred ¬ curred early Sunday morning damage reached 600 The mis mishap ¬ hap occurred two miles east of Highway 97 on the GlscomeRoad when a car driven by John West rand of Glscome went out of con -trol and hit an embankment Westrands companion in the vehicle Geri Richards was hos hospitalized ¬ pitalized Two Dams On Fraser Proposed VANCOUVER CP - Two dams should be built on the upper reaches of the Fraser River to produce power and provide flood control Dr Gordon shrum said Friday The co chairman of BC Hydro told a meeting of the Elec Electric ¬ tric Club that major migrations of salmon would not be affected by dams at McGregor and Clear Clearwater ¬ water He said that if the suggested projects are left too long they would become uneconomic in the face of cheaper nuclear power At the moment the projects are economic because of the combination of power genera generation ¬ tion and flood control through the Fraser Valley Dr Shrum said dams on the upper Traser are not economic from the standpoint of power generation alone Two Firms Seek Gas Franchise VICTORIA CP The Public Utilities Commission has been asked to choose between two companies seeking the right to distribute natural gas to a new northern town and pulp mill The commission is holding a public hearing on the applica applications ¬ tions by Inland Natural Gas Com Company ¬ pany Ltd and Northern Gas Ltd a subsidiary of Canadian Indus trial Gas and Oil Both seek an exclusive fran chise to deliver gas to the new town of MacKenzle where Alex Alexandra ¬ andra Forest Products has be begun ¬ gun construction of asawmllland housing facilities 120 miles north of Prince George A pulp mill will be constructed at the site later The company - owned houses are equipped with gas furnaces and other facilities The two gas companies want the right to build a pipeline from a point on the Westcoast Transmission Company line from the gas fields to the new town Prince George Men Sentenced Three Prince George men re received ¬ ceived heavy prison sentences in Cranbrook for a robbery which netted them only 150 Simon Norman Stensrud 24 got four years Hiriski TakasakJ 4 12 years and Allan Frederick Markel 19 two years definite and two years Indefinite They robbed a 50-year-old hitchhiker last May and were charged with robbery with vio violence ¬ lence Phone 564 2441 IP W Ira uB if xm HOME OF THE KNIGHT TRAILER 7 ii nnsiu Vtrfit ttformfu Mile 6 Hart Hwy Phone 962 7549 MONTH ti j tt IUt U0Py irCMDIM i pi SLSS s Sw ssn Bee MAJ THOMAS P STAFFORD LT EUGENE CERNAN ASTRONAUTS GET TOUGHEST JOB CAPE KENNEDY AP Healthy and eager on the eve of a bold space adventure Gemini 9s two astronauts boned up on Intricate details of their complex assignment today as launch preparations sailed along without a hitch Air force Ltd -Col Thomas Stafford and navy Lt Comdr Eugene Cernan have the toughest Job ever handed an astro astronaut ¬ naut crew one official said Only theweathercastaglimmerofdoubtabout a 939 pm PDT launch of Gemini 9 an hour and 39 minutes after the scheduled liftoff of Its Agena target rocket Tuesday Weather observers eyed a weak east wave in the Atlantic creeping toward the area 575 miles south southeast ¬ east of Bermuda where the recovery aircraft carrier Wasp will be stationed in event of an abort In three action packed days 70 hours and 40 minutes the Gemini 9 crew plans to catch and latch on to an Agena rocket In the quickest rendezvous ever In space conduct mans longest orbital walk and try tricky rendezvous exercises vital to efforts to send men to the moon Stafford 35-year-old native of Oklahoma is fresh from the pilots seat of Gemini 0 the hunter craft that rendezvoused with Gemini 7 last December Cernan a 32-year-old Chicago native who never has taken a space flight has been handed the worlds longest space walk 2 l2hours during which hell become a human satellite Cernans promenade around the world due the morning of the second day will be highlighted by his use of a 166 pound back pack equipped to propel him where he wants to go It also feeds his oxygen At one point Stafford is scheduled to simulate rescue of a disabled astronaut driving Gemini 9 up to Cernan about 40 feet away Name Withheld Rivers Claim Third Victim A young German immigrant is missing and believed drowned after a boating accident in the flood swollen Mud River west of Prince George late yesterday Police are withholding his name until next of kin are notified The missing man 22 was canoing on the river with a Prince George man Alfred Ehses of Tamarack Street when their craft hit a tree and tipped over Both men managed to make shore but they were unable to retrieve their canoe and began to walk back to Highway 16 from where they are believed to have launched At one point they had to swim the river and although Ehses made the opposite shore with lit little ¬ tle difficulty his friend was caught in the current and swept down downstream ¬ stream out of sight Searchers recovered the canoe near the iunctlon of the Mud and Nechako Rivers early today but there was no sign of the missing man It is the third such accident this spring Nicholson To Hear Two Briefs At least two briefs will be presented to Labor Minister Nicholson next Monday when he comes to Prince George to dis discuss ¬ cuss the mortgage shortage sit situation ¬ uation Presenting a Joint brief will be Prince George Home Build Builders ¬ ers Association Prince George Construction Association Carl boo Real Estate Board and the Chamber of Commerce The city Is expected to present an individual brief I PLAYERS SUSPENDED I Assault Charge Pending After Soccer Fighting Charges of assault caus causing ¬ ing bodily harm will be filed this afternoon against two soccer fans as a result of a fight during a game Sunday says North Cariboo Soccer Association President Jim Togye Several minor skirmishes broke out during the game between Prince George Pulp and the Nationals The game was finally called off when fans rushed onto the field and allegedly attacked one of the players The North Cariboo Soccer Association held a meeting Sunday night to determine what action it would take In the wake of the violence They set down a ruling suspending two players Tony Chris of Prince George Pulp and Carlo Mauro of the Nationals Chris re received ¬ ceived a one game suspen suspension ¬ sion while Mauro will sit out three games The suspensions came as a result of a fight between Chris and Mauro Chris was walking away from the scene of the fight when he was at attacked ¬ tacked by two fans and sus sustained ¬ tained injuries to his back The two fans In question will be charged the league president said Its the only way we can stop this nonsense com commented ¬ mented Togye Players are fed up with being in danger from the fans Some of them have even been talking about quitting he added We have warned all the teams to inform their fans that they have to behave If they continued viola violation ¬ tion of the rules they will be treated accordingly Togye added that if such an event occurred again that they would call In theRCMP during the game to put a stop to it Thats the only way to deal with hot heads he concluded