Tou get a barrel of flavour In Carling Pilsener BEER say Vol 10 No 101 case I Jc rICi MEft Stafford Only Labor Can Stop Boom VICTORIA CP British Co lumblas economy is developing with an intensity that can be hampered only by current labor negotiations Attorney General Donner said Tuesday night Mr Donner made the asser assertion ¬ tion in a speech to the closing session of the annual meeting of the Detter Business Bureau of Canada Provided not too many peo ple are out on strike in the mid dle of 19CC he said an unem unemployment ¬ ployment figure comparable to the last boom period of 1950 less than two per cent can bo expected Mr Bonner said there are a number of economic factors in Canada that should be consider considered ¬ ed on both sides of the bargain bargaining ¬ ing table Tight money and United States business guidelines have made more difficult the borrowing of money In New York and are producing a withdrawal of Am erican Investment in Canada and elsewhere No one will argue he said that a high wage structure is essential in a period of high productivity But what has to be borne in mind are the pressures on bus ness due to restrictions of cred it and payments to compulsory programs such as the Canada Pension Plan Mr Bonner then detailed for delegates a bright economic pic ture for BC He said they could believe much of what they had heard the province will make the greatest capital expenditure of any region this year Meanwhile Industry Minister Loffmark said that economic ac activity ¬ tivity in BC continued to rise in most major fields The mining industry continued to report good gains except in gold production which fell 185 per cent in January Oil and natural gas recorded gains of 38 and 26 per cent dur during ¬ ing rebruary over the same month in 1965 Also Increasing production was the forest industry Logging showed gains of 18 per cent over the first three months of 19C5 Plywood manufacture rose 13 per cent and pulp 10 per cent Aurora Schools objective for its flowers of hope cam campaign ¬ paign was 5800 Though the as association ¬ sociation has fallen shoit of this objective 2704 was received from the residential campaign the business canvass is not yet in Open house will be held at Aurora School between 10 a m and 12 noon Wednesday to show donors the progiam which theli donations go to support All In Interested ¬ terested persons are welcome to drop in a Toothache sufferers take note city dentists will be tied up at their annual convention last three days of this week at the Inn of the Noith In event of anemor gency they suggest phone the office of your own dentist or 564 7023 a The citys newest enteitaln- ment spot opens Friday night when a recently formed folk group opens its Bent Ear coffee house at Fifth and Bruns Brunswick ¬ wick In the basement wheie else The 18 -member organi organization ¬ zation is financing tho effort by its own donations and opens its doors with local entertainment W This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control BoardorbytheGovernmentof British Columbia 28 Pages v LEONID BREZHNEV INSIDE TODAYS CITIZEN The Congolese govern ment lias united tliegcneial public to attend the hanging of former President Kitubn and three cx cahinet minis ministers ¬ ters in the main square of Leopoldville on Wednesday Page 5 Commons gives general approval to collective bar bargaining ¬ gaining and right to strike for civil servants Page 6 New Buddhist viokmu threatens in Saigon aitei a leading Monk wax wounded by a grenade Page 4 Canadas rugged heavy heavyweight ¬ weight George Chuvalo who has never been knocked off his feet says hed be willing to engage in that classic of ring battles a fight to the finish Pago 7 Foi the gals a stoiy on the kitchen the noisiest room in the house Page 22 Russias Lionid Breihnev issues a warning to the United States Page 27 Airline Awaiting Helicopter Northern Mountain Airlines expects anlval of its first heli helicopter ¬ copter eai ly next week following approval of an application to operate on a chatter basis fiom Toit St James Manager Bill Smith said tho firm has not yet received tho licence but appioval has been given and the licence should bo hero shoitly We went ahead and got the helicopter anyway so we could get into seivice as quickly as possible said Mr Smith Tho pros come latoi says oi ganlzer Gary Feins Tho spot Is in tho basement of the old Knox United Chuich latler a unique location for a coffee house Bud Butler newly appointed regional protection offlcei with the game depaitment has arrived in Prince Geoige Ho takes ovei a position left open with the lecent tetiiempnt of inspectoi Waltei GUI Mr But Butler ¬ ler was foimoily stationed at Salmon Ann Plenty of Vancouvei fin financial ¬ ancial biass foi Inland Na tuial Gas June 8 Heie for the official opening of the new Vic toiia St office will bo direc directors ¬ tors John MfMuhon Fred Brown Cyrus Mc Lean Noiman Whlttall Donald McPhail and John Tag gart Executive visitors In town will include vice piesldents R B Stokes Hon Ruthorfoid and Trauk Wilson Aid HilllaidClaie will cut tho ribbon as city lep resentatlvo which should bo a comfoitablo job even In this un seasonal weather undei tho out dooi ladlant heateis Inland has installed Jte Citizen The daily newspaper for Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY JUNE 1 1966 Space Walk Now Slated For Friday By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CAPE KENNEDY Fli The hanMuck Gemini 9 Might was postponed two duys today because of last mituite piobliins that pievenled the Titan II locket fiom being launched The space walk and lendevous mission was le- stheduled foi Fiida The flight was called off at 1240 pm with the astronauts Thomas P Stafford and Eugene A Cernan sealed in their cramped Gemini 9 spacecraft atop the nine store tall Titan rocket The target satellite which tho astronauts were to chase across the sky had been fired into space at 11 am from another launching pad 0000 feet away I just cant believe It said Cernan a 32yearold spaco rookie disappointed for the sec ond straight time In his goal to take the longest space walk In history There was also a hint of trou trouble ¬ ble with the target satellite even though It entered a near perfect circular orbit Ground stations were unable to confirm that a shroud covering tho docking colar had fallen away as planned If tho shroud has not como off the astronauts will not bo able to link up with the target but will bo able to carry out rendezvous missions Until they get within eyesight of tho target they will not know whether the shroud Is off The guidance problem In tho Gemini 9 spacecraft was not discovered until less than two minutes before It was to blast off on a threeday mission Tho countdown on the Titan II proceeded smoothly down to one minute 40 seconds before scheduled liftoff Then a hold was called and the count was recycled to three minutes and holding when a new signal was rejected by a computer In tho spacecraft The guidance signal was de designed ¬ signed to adjust the computer so that it would steer tho Titan into the proper path to begin the pursuit of tho target The count was resumed twice in hope of sending the signal through but each time It was rejected In order to have caught the target today tho Titan should have been launched In a six minute period ending at 1244 pm When It became apparent tho condition could not be corrected In time Mission Director Wll 11am C Schneider called tho launch off for two days The reason Is that the target satellite will not be in position for a pursuit until Trlday morn lng The space agency will have six minutes to get the Gemini off the ground the first tlmo Friday morning If that doesnt work It will have 35 more mln utes beginning at 1115 am the same day Tor Stafford and Cernan it was the second disappointment In 15 days On May 17 their flight was scrubbed when an Agena target satellite failed to go Into orbit For Stafford It was the fifth trip up to a spacecraft cabin to await a launch and tho fourth time he has been frus tt ated Electricity Cut Off - UNION f- REJECTS LATEST L OFFER J VANCOUVER CP BC Carpenters have rejected a con tractors association offer of a lScent hourly Increase over three years and are continuing with a governmenUsupervlsed strike vote The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners CLC in a statement Issued Wednes Wednesday ¬ day said the Issue Is not wages but a shorter work week They seek a sevenhour day Instead of eight with the same take home pay Basic rate is 349 on hour The contractors offer has cut down on our work conditions considerably said Arthur Learn secretary of the carpen carpenters ¬ ters provincial council He said a 15 cent hourly pay hike given to the carpenters as of June 1 Is deliberately cal calculated ¬ culated to provoke a walkout thus giving tho contractors an excuse for a general lockout The contractors offer stated in a release Wednesday said some 275 contractors have put Into effect an arrangement whereby carpenters will work under terms and conditions pro proposed ¬ posed earlier as a basis for settlement They said the putting Into effect of the wage Increase is to show our employees that the basis for settlement offered ear Her to the Union doesnt have any tricks Perry Goes To Top Jim Pony has gone to the top to complain of school board ex pioprlation piocedures Mr Pony who has complained to tho board the eight acres of his land the boa id plans to ex piopiiato Is not tho land secto-tary-nnnagei BobGiacey offei ed to buy nor is it the land offered the board When this complaint failed to sti a response Mr Peri y de decided ¬ cided to go to Vlctoiia to meet with Education Minister Leslie Peterson Mr Peiry said the boaids offei is less than half the 1 100 pei acie he could realize by soiling the property by the block He said Mi Gracey had of offered ¬ fered him 850 per acre In a telephone conversation but the boatd Is only willing to pay 405 an acio Mr Peiry maintains the ex expropriation ¬ propriation will cut Into 40acies of already suiveyed land divided Into 90 lots Phone 564 2441 Second Disappointment For Astronauts GEMINI FLIGHT POSTPONED H H V9 Hfl N ii J This Was The Bear That Was Labor Congi ess took sharp Issue Tuesday with statements by Labor Minister Nicholson that compulsory arbitration might be helpful in reducing strikes Mi Jodoin said compulsory arbltiation and laboi couits have not provided and are not likely ever to provide a mean meaningful ¬ ingful solution to industiial dis disputes ¬ putes The laboi minister told a press conference Monday that tho gov government ¬ ernment has been looking at the Idea of legislation that would es establish ¬ tablish compulsory arbltiation thiough labor couits Mr Nicholson said the system had been lntioduced In Australia and on tho whole had worked well Mr Jodoin said the opposite was tiue The amount of time lost duo to strikes in Austialla had Increased after the establishment of labor courts The expeiienco of labor HOME OF THE KNIGHT TRAILER iwfl I BB ESIiaSDBl Mile 6 Hart Hwy -CP Photo Fied Lypka 60-year-old Edmonton piospector stands beside hide of a black bear that stalked him foi seven houis acioss the tundia and through the bush 250 miKs north of Yellowknife When he happened on the beai Lypka couldnt scare it off by yelling at it Armed only with an axe and yelling continually to keep it at a distance Lypka letieated for miles walking backhauls for feai of being attacked if he turned around He finally leachec his tent giabbed his nfle and chopped the bear with what he called a lucky shot Compulsory Arbitration Is Not The Solution OTTWA CP - Claude Jo doln piesldent of the Canadian courts In both Australia andl likely to produce a meaningful Britain has been such as to sug- settlement of such disputes gest that the free collective bar- the head of tho 1286000-mem-galnlng process is much more ber labor body said BC Lawyer Raps RCMP Prosecutors VANCOUVER CP Vancou ver lawyer J Raymond McLeod wants AttorneyGeneral Robert Bonner to stop RCMP officers from acting as prosecutors in magistrates courts If Bonner doesnt put a stop to it I feel it is my duty to do it Mr McLeod sold If he doesnt accept his re sponslbillty probably there is another way to stop the pxac tice and I will be looking Into that this week he said He de declined ¬ clined to say what action he could or would take Mr McLeod who discovered RCMP officers acting as prose cutors a week ago in North Von couver savs the practice is 11 legal under the Legal Profes Profession ¬ sion Act which says lhal with minor exceptions only barrls ters and solicitors may practise law He wrote to the Attorney Generals department and was told that the Act does not re strict other people from appear ing lrt court on behalf of an informant or the Crown Mr Bonner also contended that the practice Is both his tor ical and correct At Spruce City Gardens TENANTS CHARGE POWER PLAY Spruce City Gardens ten tenant ¬ ant Olde Vohanka says he has a years lease claims his power was cut at mid midnight ¬ night and he charges he has not been permitted to let a Hydro man check the reason Mr Vohanka and other tenants all of whom have been served eviction not Ices claim it is a move to oust them Mr Vohanka said he call called ¬ ed BC Hydro district man manager ¬ ager Bill Best during the night and was promised a man would look at tho equip equipment ¬ ment Our main concern is to see if our equipment has been tampered with said Mr Best Power also went at mid- HYDRO TO CHECK EQUIPMENT night in tho apartment of Mr and Mrs riank Braithewalte who earlier last month sparked a public protest among tenants who were being evicted The Braithewaltes were to have left Tuesday Mrs Braithewalte said the family is still living in the unit and the rent due has been mailed through a law lawyers ¬ yers office Complex manager Jack Carlson said as far as he is concerned nothing has changed since the eviction notices were served Two of the families that had been asked to leave have complied with the or order ¬ der but Mr Braithewalte says he is leaving the com complex ¬ plex in July anyway and would like to stay until then Mr Vohanka said his lease expires in August Mr Carlson said it is up to the complex owners LAWYER MAILED DUE RENT whether the Braithewaltes will be allowed to stay The dispute in early May involved digging in the yard by childxen and dogs not allowed on the premises Mr Vohanka said tho management was aware of the fact he had a pet when he signed his lease Mr Vohanka says his law lawyer ¬ yer has suggestion he ob obtain ¬ tain a court injunction to have his power returned He also says his lease stip stipulates ¬ ulates six months notice rather than 30 days At one point in the ori original ¬ ginal battle membeis of the International Brother Brotherhood ¬ hood of Pulp Sulphite and Papei Mill Workeis estab established ¬ lished a picket line Phone 962 7549 MONIM 4p ICkCopy tl cl jfll WORDS FLY AT REZONING HEARING School board secretary manager Bob Gracey keptup an insistent battle Tuesday night against relocation of Central Sand and Gravel Ltd plants on tho south side of the North Nechako Road Mr Gracey speaking at the final session of a hear hearing ¬ ing into rezoning the prop property ¬ erty surrounding the con concrete ¬ crete products firm took more than an hour to regis register ¬ ter his final objections He said the school board has no objectionsio the com company ¬ pany continuing operations on the north side of the road but said move to the south side would force the board into considering mov moving ¬ ing the adjacent four room elementary school OVERSIGHT Mr Gracey told the hear hearing ¬ ing that since four separate land purchases had been In Involved ¬ volved in company holdings he could not see how com company ¬ pany counsel II A Hope could claim oversight in apparent company Ignorance of the zoning laws governing it He said Central Sand and Gravel had bought out one land owner adjacent to its property but had not ap approached ¬ proached the school board will a view to buying the land on which its school sits Mr Gracey said he had toured the companys op operations ¬ erations Tuesday morning and found that the noise generated would be detri detrimental ¬ mental to school operation if plants were moved clos closer ¬ er to school property The school board official doubted a statement by Mr Hope that opposition to re zoning the Central Sand and Gravel land Is fading WITHDREW If tho companys business continues to expand at the rate It has enjoyed in the past two and a half years conditions are going to be intolerable if the develop development ¬ ment Is permitted to move over to the south side of the road Mr Gracey maintained Central Sand and Gravel ad admitted ¬ mitted failure of its appli application ¬ cation when Mr Hope and company manager Buzz Taylor withdrew from the hearing During the meeting there was a sharp exchange be between ¬ tween Mr Taylor and North Nechako resident Carter Hanbury Mr Hanbury called Cen Central ¬ tral Sand and Gravel parent company Ocean Cement and other companies Involved In a proposed cement plant for Prince George a combine Asked by Mr Taylor to clarify his remark Mr Hanbury said he felt any change In plans was prob probably ¬ ably due to a healthy legaid for anti trust legislation WORDS FLY Rejoined Mr Taylor later He Is very eloquent very naive and very stupid Mr Hanbury accused Mr Hope of employing prop propaganda ¬ aganda or fairy tales In presenting tho companys case for rezoning Lawyer Steve Hardinge counsel for several Nechako residents said Municipal Affairs Minister Dan Camp Campbell ¬ bell must make his decision on the basis of public in interest ¬ terest not on the Interests of a private firm such as Central Sand and Gravel He said similar applica applications ¬ tions to the one being heard had come up earlier and weie refused but the bare barely ¬ ly changed application was before residents once more It comes up to the sug suggestion ¬ gestion that someone is in somebody elses pocket he said Lawyer L E BlundeU said it was an Insult to the Intelligence of everyone in this room to say as Mr Hope had that the applica application ¬ tion was made only so that tho company could make it itself ¬ self more amenable to rest dents