You get a barrel of flavour In Garling Pilsener BEER Vol 10 No 129 wflMjl Sir jM ROBERT STRACHAN STRACHAN CHARGES INSURANCE BLACKMAIL VICTORIA CP - Oppo Opposition ¬ sition leader Strachan Mon Monday ¬ day accused automobile in insurance ¬ surance companies of black blackmailing ¬ mailing motorists He was commenting on a disclosure Saturday by a Victoria transportation company that dismissed drivers under 25 because its Insurance company would not provide coverage No insurance company should have the right to force a company to discriminate against young people Mr stracnan said He said he knew of doz dozens ¬ ens of cases where young drivers were first refused insurance then told they would bo covered if their parents switched compan companies ¬ ies and took out additional coverage The New Democratic party leader said the incident pointed out the need for gov government ¬ ernment car insurance It points up where the centres of power are and how only government can give a counter -balance The Victoria company C and C Transportation said five taxi drivers under 20 wore released last week India Raps i Malicious Propaganda9 NEW DELHI Reuters - Raj I a h a I r Information and broadcasting minister slid Monday reports about starving Indians selling their children or picking food from cov dun are malicious propianda He accused foreign news agencies In India of a dellber ate and perslslent attemp to give a distorted imago of In dla He told a press conference that If this practice is not stopped the government would have to consider what to do about it The minister claimed repot ts circulated by world news agen agencies ¬ cies In Africa i countrios ho had Just visited said staivlng In Indians ¬ dians woie picking food grains from cow dung and starving In dlan mothers were selling their children Could It be a case of as assault ¬ sault with a live weapon to wit an 1800 pound buffalo Famed bull rider and rodeo clown Buddy Heaton who visited Prince George a few weeks ago is in trouble with Calgary Police He was charged today after three spectators were injured slightly when his buffalo Clyde went into the crowd during the Cal Calgary ¬ gary Stampede parade Heaton pleaded not guilty to three charges of assault causing bodily harm and was remanded to July 25 Positions for 28 teachers in rural schools have yet to be filled in Prince George School District according to super superintendent ¬ intendent Dave Todd Although city elementary schools are staffed secondary schools re require ¬ quire eight teachers Mr Todd says staff turnover Is about the same as last year but the mush mushrooming ¬ rooming school population calls for a bigger staff It will also mean ho notes that a much greater number of pupils win be going on shifts this fall Newly formed Booster Club organis ed to promote minor H nlBTaniiK sa Tile please Hggji This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boardorby the Governmentof British Columbia football in Prince George will sink or swim tonight at the Clubs first general meeting slated for 8 pm at the Prince George Hotel banquet room Sup Support ¬ port of the public in the form of a good turnout will do the most towards assisting the Club in achieving its objectives Re Representatives ¬ presentatives from most of the citys service clubs and organi organizations ¬ zations will be on hand a CKPG has been granted per- mission to retain Its former 250 watt transmitter for a stand standby ¬ by unit in case of failure of the main 10000 watt tower The Board of Broadcast Governors which made public several de decisions ¬ cisions Monday has so far not ruled on three applications for broadcasting rights for another Prince George radio outlet Prince George will have a new 55 piece high school band this fall If all goes well School music director E A Eames says most of the in instruments ¬ struments can be obtained at a local music store and when they are placed in Duchess Park Junior High the band will be ready to roll In September 20 Pages Dt -OFFER i VICTORIA CP Premier Bennett Monday rejected federal aid for the Peace and Columbia power projects because of strings attached to the offer Federal Resources Minister Pepin earlier said Ottawa would be pleased to lend money to British Columbia but the funds would be earmarked for trans mission lines which would bo owned by the federal govern ment until loans are repaid Were dolnc verv well In deed the premier said In an Interview and were not In the position where we have to seek money if there are strings at tached Simon Fraser For Sale Hotel Simon Fraser is up for sale following declaration of bjikruptcy by Its parent com company ¬ pany Elgin Investments Ltd The hotel will continue to oper operate ¬ ate until its sale probably to a group of Prince George business businessmen ¬ men known to bo negotiating for it A company spokebman said that although Elgin Is in financial hot wi tor Its 20 subsidiaries are still in good shape Now director II S Sigurdson of James M Dunwoody and Co said Simon Fraser money has been used to finance other Elgin vontures It Is believed one of the lirgest recipients of Simon Fra sir money lias been an Elgin chain building in the Bahamas in trouble for some tlmo Mr Sigurdson said now that this practice has been stopped he expects the hotel to mako suffi sufficient ¬ cient cash to clear off any debts Two Unions Recommend Acceptance VANCOUVER CP Two of the three unions representing workers in the British Columbia pulp and paper industry will recommend their members ac cept a conciliation officers con tract proposal Members of the International Brotherhood of Pulp Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers and the United Paper Makers and Paper Workers Union are ex pected to vote some time this week on the suggested agree ment Union Leader Drowned SCHEFPERVILLE Quo CP A Quebec Provincial Police spokesman said the body of Ca mtlllen Gagnon president of the striking Scheffejvllle local of the United Steelwoikers of America CLC was found today in Lake Tyke 20 miles noith east of here Mr Gagnon was one of four membots of an USWA negotiat negotiating ¬ ing committee who had been re ported oveiilue on a weekend fishing trip e e itlzen The daily newspaper for Central British Columbia PRINCE GEORGE BRIllSH COLUMBIA TUESDAY JULY 12 1966 ntrt tmr ttwi tjtjHwfeKu aHP Wmm MlWSmB THHnrtJ v i IWMMk z rsk jrt The war is on Truck burn and the smoke and dust of battle float over usually quiet plain in airview of what appears to have been a heavy airstrike jrA- But it was a fraud A Japanese film crew was at work behind the scenes after arranging trucks and settling small explosive charges to give the realistic effect Scene was filmed in the heart of Tokyo and represents the result of a Japanese air attack on a US Pacific Island in the last world war INSIDE TODAYS CITIZEN A liiend ol the north Mi Justice John H Sissons letires rnge 15 Deferred election gives PEI its first Liberal government in seven year under 33-year-old Alex Campbell Page 20 Russia faces possiblo ban horn 1908 Olympics alter with drawing liom scheduled truck meet with the US Vhrv 11 Observers See MRs use supply bill as basis for debating governments posi position ¬ tion on Viet Nam Page 20 Influence of non aligned nations in International affairs faces test as Indian Prime Minister Ghandi visits Moscow Page 6 Ti Unites pour in following the death of Canadas famed soldier Gen A O L McNuughton Page 4 Four Escapees VANCOUVER CP Police In the Lower Mainland area were searching today for four escapees James Lawrence Cummings 18 escaped from Oakalla prison farm Monday night during a ball game He was serving two years for theft Three Inmates of the Gold Creek prison camp of Haney Correctional Institute escaped overnight Monday Phone 564 2441 Second Referendum Within a Year SCHOOLS ASKING TAXPAYERS FOR ANOTHER S51 2 MILLION By MARIAN BRUCE School ditnct taxpayers will be asked this summer to shell out another 5 4 million lor new property School hoard gave tentative approval Monday night to terms of a multi million dollar referendum the second in less than a year If passed it will bring to over 12 million amounts asked for by the boaid In a nine month period Last November taxpayers passed a similar referendum for 0783000 Referendum 14 wlllaskownor oluctois for permission to borrow 5588 COO for acquiring school sites and buildings The sum Includes 305000 for sites on the Hatt Highway Van derhoof Highway Pinevlew and West Prince George areas as well as land In pi oposod subdivi subdivisions ¬ sions such as College Ilelghtsand Western Acies NEEDS APPROVAL Buildings will account for 4 478500 and equipment 252000 with supervision and contingen contingencies ¬ cies requiring close to 500000 The school board had hoped to hold the leferendum Aug 4 same day as a city hospital ref j otenuum But first it must receive an approving nod from the provin provincial ¬ cial cabinet District Superintendent Dave Todd just icturned from meet meeting ¬ ing with government officials in Victoria said ho had been told government approval would not bo foithcomlng In tlmo for an Aug 4 vote BUILDING BACKLOG He said amounts of money asked for in the referendum were genoially approved by Vic toria Delay was mainly caused by a backlog of building progiams fiom other BC communities waiting to be piocessed by the government Ti ustees hope the government can be prodded into considering Prince Georges leferendum at an early date I put it to them in desperate terms Mr Todd said I told them if any town in BC was in an emeigency situation we were Meanwhile the city might be persuaded to delay Its referen referendum ¬ dum a couple of weeks board secietary Robeit Gracey sug suggested ¬ gested SPECIFICATIONS Should the government request changes In terms of the school referendum school boaid mav call an emergency meeting to approve an amended resolution flio boaid a so decided Mon day night to ask the government to specily tint d strict ellelblo for grants for school services at the new Mackenzlo townsite Total amount leauired for a new school at Mackenzie is esti estimated ¬ mated at 704200 of which 508000 will bo used In the building BENNETT REFUSES AID Queen Honors Gurka LONDON AP - The Queen today pinned the Victoria Cross Britains highest award for gallantry on the chest of L Cpl Rambahadur Llmbu a Gurka soldier Looking on was the corporals five year old son Bhakta flown from Nepal to London to see his father receive the honor Llmbu is only the third man to receive the Victoria Cross from the Queen in the last 20 years Ills act of heroism took place last November in Sarawak fighting Indonesian infiltrators After ho left the palace with his smiling son Llmbu said This has been a great day and one Ill remember forever I hope that one day after ho finishes his education my son will Join the regiment The corporals wife died ear Her this year The citation read In the grand ballroom of Buckingham Palace by the Lord Chamber lain Lord Cobbold said the corporal rescued two of his comrades while under heavy fire It said ho displayed hero ism self sacrifice and a devo tlon to duty and to his men of the very highest order Election Result Shows Trend OTTAWA CP Spokesmen for both the Liberal and Con servativo parties agreed today that the defeat of the Princo Edward Island Con servativo government points up an antl government trend across tho country Liberals were elated at tho victory of provincial Liberals in Mondays deferred vote and predicted that their party will score gains In the next Nova Scotia election expected next year Spokesmen for both parties said this is a bad year for gov ernments seeking reelection as indicated earlier by the defeat of tho Lesage Liberal govern ment in Quebec and tho re election of the Roblin Conserv ative government In Manitoba with a reduced majority Conservatives felt the trend was largely directed at tho Pearson federal government Liberals spoke only of provin cial trends HOME OF THE KNIGHT TRAILER Wrf ISmnmiZi ii w masm kf VjiW cm HHHSMT e Mile 6 Hart Hwy Phone 962 7549 MONTH J I M rM iuc Lopy ITCAjMMl PREMIER BENNETT NO JET FOR BENNETT THANKS VICTORIA CP - Tho provincial governments 000000 Lear jot isagreat airplane Premier Bennett sold Monday But when I fly I fly commercial I have nevor flown In a government aircraft not ovan a BC Government air aircraft ¬ craft and I dont expect to start now- he said in an interview When asked about the sug suggestion ¬ gestion the Jot could bo used to whisk cabinet ministers to a secret retreat in case of war the premier replied Tho premier of British Columbia is not about to be whisked off anywhere Cer Certainly ¬ tainly not to a bomb shel shelter ¬ ter Mr Bennett explained the Jot would settle gently as a feather on any landing strip in the province but he would not bo occupying any of the six passenger seats in the sleek passenger aircraft He also indicated the prov province ¬ ince would continue to pay the 0000 a month rental on the aircraft rather than ex exercise ¬ ercise its option topurchase it Dont these things be become ¬ come obsolete about every six months Do you think we would buy the thing while this possibility exists Helicopter Charter Granted OTTAWA CP - The Air Transport Board has approved an application by Northern Mountain Airlines Ltd to oper ate a commercial helicopter charter service at Fort St James BC serving the min ing and pulp developments of the mountainous area The board said that while Okanagan Helicopters Ltd and Northern Helicopters Ltd op opposed ¬ posed the application on grounds they were adequately serving the area establishment of a base at Fort St James was in tho public Interest In lowering charges for customers in the community Long Fight Ahead PEACE NEVER FURTHER AWAY WASHINGTON CP -Peace probably never has been further away in Viet Nam than right now This is the view of some qualified non American ob observers ¬ servers as the United States pushes President Johnsons official line that the military tide has tinned andtheNorth Vietnamese aie beginning to hint and lose hope The piesldent George Ball undersecretaiyof state Defence Secretary Robeit MiNamara and otheis have taken turns In what has been called a sustained celebia tlon of progress Yet no one here has seen anything to indicate that Noith Viet Nams 19000 000 lesldents are anywhere close to laying down their aims halting aid to the southern insurgents Bernaid B Fall the noted French authoilty on Viet Nam who teaches here and who visited the North last year looks at the Impact of the increased American bombing of the North He writes in the New York Times It will take a great deal more and no doubt something other than bomb bombing ¬ ing to convince such men that- their tactics may be wrong that the war they ate engaged in has become hope hopeless ¬ less Roving Ambassador Averell Harrlman said Sun Sunday ¬ day that increased Ameri American ¬ can bombing does not appear to have changed Communist Intransigence and that this was not the aim of the new attacks The latest public opinion poll by Louis Harris also shows that President John Johnsons ¬ sons popularity latlng has shot up In tho wake of the escalation Fifty four per cent of tho public now ap paiently suppoits his hand handling ¬ ling of thewarlnantlclpatlon of a shoiter one In any event thero is no conviction of any depth here that assoited diplomatic flurries are going to lead to meaningful new peaco moves or that these are be being ¬ ing conducted with any such hope Prime Minister Wilson of Britain Is deemed to be go going ¬ ing to Moscow before coming hero July 28 as a sop to his restive anti war left wing There also aie pressures of Prime Ministpr Indira Gandhi who has talked about Viet Nam with President Nasser of the United Arab Republic and President Tito of Yugoslavia and who also is going on to Moscow But External Affairs Min Minister ¬ ister Paul Mai tins candid statement to the Commons last Satuiday discouraged Indias call for a lenowed Geneva peace conference indicates tho lack of pios pects for any negotiation Both sides appear to have haidened President Johnson paitly for domestic leasons and partly to counter any doubts In Hanoi about American staying power stepped uptho bombing June 29 and lashed out anew at war critics Tho war has become fully entangled now in tho Ameri American ¬ can political scene with all the ramifications that means at least until the congies slonal elections In Novem November ¬ ber At tho same time says the Washington Post Noith Viet Nam has taken comfoit from wldespiead criticism of tho expanded American bombing It has stiffened Its leslstauce to negotia negotiations ¬ tions and Is now stiessing a theme that woild opinion will seriously Isolate the US Prof Fall In his latest at tide says the Noith Is glued together by the peoples anny a lou o of moie than 000000 flist llne 1 1 oops and 1000000 leseives which Is piob ably man for man one of tho finest infantry foicos in the woild today Compaiatlvely few have been committed yet in tho South Their leaders liavo been at war steadily since 1944 he notes and their record speaks for itself Ho says that on that basis It seems obvious that the anther escalation of the bombing of Noith Viet Nam has made it almost impos impossible ¬ sible for the Hanoi leglme to abandon tho South Viet Vietnamese ¬ namese llbeiatlonguori lllas In 1948 49 The Viet Vietnamese ¬ namese war now lias giadu ated Into a sacred cause The Inei eased bombing by the US may byaniuci ed edible ¬ ible iiony says Fall have fui the r uuilied the Commu Communist ¬ nist war effoit ami increased Hanois commitment to what it ugaids as a just settle settlement ¬ ment noi Hi mut south