22 THE CITIZEN W B HAUGHAN unique firm In describing the Grosvenor Laing organization President Wallace B Ilaughan said An nacis Industrial estate coupled with other projects is being de developed ¬ veloped by the Grosvenor Lalng organization a unique partner partnership ¬ ship combining centuries of ex experience ¬ perience The Grosvenor estates had their beginning more than 900 years ago and have developed many large commercial In Industrial ¬ dustrial residential andagrlcul tural estates in various parts of tho world Development Acclaimed John Lalng and Son Limited have more than 100 years of experience In every field of con construction ¬ struction from houses to atomic plants Their Canadian sub subsidiary ¬ sidiary is one of the leading construction companies on the West Coast of Canada friday August 5 1966 HUBS II VyNllRViHHilHHIIiHr f Grosvenor Laing and Woodwards co operation is exemplified in Prince Georges newest and la rgest shopping centre Parkwood Big Construction Company And Woodwards Chain A Long Story of Co Operation It has been a long story of co operation between Wood Woodwards ¬ wards Stores Ltd and Gros Grosvenor ¬ venor Lalng D C Limited Parkwood Centres developer and contractor Woodwards and Grosvenor Laing have now co operated on six shopping complexes In Brit British ¬ ish Columbia and Alberta Shortly alter Parkwood Cpntre Is open another major complex will be opened in North Surrey Guildford Town Centre will con contain ¬ tain Woodwards as tho principal tenant In phase 1 of the overall G5 million development Grosvenor Lalng had Its beginning as a Canadian Com Company ¬ pany In 19SG I mm Annacls Is comprised of 1200 acres of level land located in the heart of the Greater Van Vancouver ¬ couver area on the Fraser Riv er and adjacent to the port of New Westminster Tho de development ¬ velopment has been widely ac acclaimed ¬ claimed Every physical detail of tho Estate Is carefully planned in accordance with the most modern planning and architectural con cepts Custom built factories are provided in a variety of ways and a full range of all indus trial services is available Tho Grosvenor Lalng organ lzation Includes personnel well qualified to undertake every as aspect ¬ pect of property development in including ¬ cluding design and construction During tho ten years that Grosvenor-Lalng has been active In Canada many different phases of development and construction have been undertaken Certainly the relationship with Woodwards has been one which utilizes tho talents of every phase of tho successful company Some of the projects under undertaken ¬ taken by Grosvenor Laing with Woodwards have been as de developer ¬ veloper and contractor while others have been complete de development ¬ velopment and financing of shop shopping ¬ ping centres where Woodwards is tho principal tenant Company Acts For Woodwards Parkwood in Prince George Is an example of whore Grosvenor Laing has acted for Woodwards and Northgate in Edmonton and the Kamloops Store were under taken on the same basis FRANCIS DONALDSON chief architect Cascade Enterprises Trenching - Excavating - Backfilling joins in congratulating Parkwood Shopping Centre DEVELOPERS and TENANTS WE WERE PLEASED TO DO TRENCHING FOR THIS FINE PROJECT 1825 - 12th Ave Ph 564 8511 Mayfair Shopping Centre in Victoria and tho Guildford Town Centre are examples of tho com combined ¬ bined talents of Grosvenor Laing and Woodwards where the lat latter ¬ ter is the principal tenant in the overall shopping complex In these Instances the shop shopping ¬ ping centres are owned by Cana Canadian ¬ dian Allied Property Investments Limited through which Grosvenor-Laing funds arc channelled and in which there is also pub public ¬ lic participation Canadian Allied Proporty In Investments ¬ vestments also lias other attrac attractive ¬ tive property interests As tho leader in department store merchandising in Western Canada Woodwards liave found that Grosvenor Laing is able to combine tho necessary ingred lents of successful development along with strong continuing man agoment of the completed centres Trancis Donaldson ARIDA MRAIC chief architect of Grosvenor-Laing lias been respon responsible ¬ sible lor these projects and his imaginative interpretation hai led to these highly successful projects Keen Interest In New Centre As shopping centres bocome moro and moro a part of our Canadian way of life Grosveni Lalng has recognized the vital part which they play in our e conomy Tho first centre developed was in Victoria The advent of a regional shop shopping ¬ ping centre including a large department store hadbeen keen keenly ¬ ly awaited by the residents of Greater Victoria particularly so because the tenant of the depart department ¬ ment store was to bo Woodwards Woodwards contains approxi approximately ¬ mately 200000 square feet in including ¬ cluding a two story department store food floor a complete automotive service center along with parcel pick up facilities Tho 5 million development also contains space for 22 In Individual ¬ dividual rental units with an ef effective ¬ fective merchandising combin combination ¬ ation of national regional and local tenants The conception and construc construction ¬ tion of this project was under undertaken ¬ taken for Canadian Allied Prop Property ¬ erty Investments by Grosvenor Laing Development Company of Canada Limited a subsidiary of Grosvenor Laing DC Ltd At tho time the centre was opened the management arm of Grosvenor Lalng assumed dir ection of Mayfair This combines the talents of experienced per sonnel in all pluses of shop shopping ¬ ping centre administration in or der that the maximum effective ness may bo gained from in vested capital Town Cenre Due Aug 31 Tho second major regional shopping centre to bo develop developed ¬ ed by Grosvenor Lalng will bo tho Guildford Town Centre This complex Is duo to bo opened August 31 and Is tho first phase of the creation of a downtown core for Surrey Some time ago tho municipal- lMi 1 G J HARDMAN Project 200 planning in Older to give co coordination ¬ ordination to the forecasted ma major ¬ jor growth of this area At this time Guildford was designated as a township within the municipal municipality ¬ ity and this has now been official officially ¬ ly approved by the provincial government The overall plan for Guildford will see 150 acre development on the four corners of Hjorth Ave and Johnston Road At the end of the 10 year plan uuuoforu Town centre will con tain adequate department store TAXIDERMIST extends Best Wishes in PARKWOOD I 9314- 111th Ave Edmonton facilities with food services many specialty stores high rise medum riso and garden typo apartments a hotel medical dental building and related mun icipal and commercial office space This will in fact become tho downtown core for Surrey in tho future and will provide all tho amenltios required for this fast growing Municipality Another interest of tho Grosvenor-Laing companies was re revealed ¬ vealed in tho recent announce announcement ¬ ment of Project 200 in Van Vancouver ¬ couver At tho ond of Juno this year Gilbert J Hardman the president of Grosvenor LaingDcvelopmont Company of Canada appeared before Vancouver City Council to unvoil tho plans for this vast redevelopment of tho Vancouver waterfront Council had previously passed a motion in August of 1905 ask asking ¬ ing tho Canadian Pacific Rail way to appear with respect to any plans that they might havo with reference to their proporty along tho waterfront Mr Hardman stated in his pre sentation to council that a con sortium had been formed with Marathon Realty a CPR sub subsidiary ¬ sidiary Woodward Stores Grosvenor Laing and others in order to glvo the most com prohensivo picture possiblo of this oight city block area Exciting Elements As part of Project 200 Mr Ilardman said that a major wa waterfront ¬ terfront roadway was essential to the full development City council endorsed this pro project ¬ ject and plans are now pro proceeding ¬ ceeding with tho city to do the necessary studies required before actual construction can begin In approximately two years Some of tho exciting elements contained within Project 200 are a major Hotel a now department store a possible 14 high rise office building apartment ac accomodation ¬ comodation retail facilities other than tho department store an enclosed pedestrian plaza linking many parts of tho pro joct and adequate underground parking i J4 HISHHBhHI nv i4Twamx miimrxiBtammmvmxm ass grassy sta Consulting Team Aided in Design Phillips Darratt and Partners provided the consulting team which assisted chief architect Francis Donaldson and Wood wards technical staff in the de sign and construction supervision of Parkwood Centre One of tho Initial major piob lems was transformation of the swamp like site so It could sup port building and car parking loads Unstable soil was removed from the site and tho area was preloaded with gravel equivalent to about 1000 pounds per square foot Less than a month later all signs of soil settlement had dis disappeared ¬ appeared and foundation con struction began Some 3000 tons of precast beams columns and floor slabs were Installed in mechano set fashion in a matter of months after being precast in Vancouv Vancouver ¬ er The entire facility was en enclosed ¬ closed and heated befoie the win winter ¬ ter of 19G5 GG The electrical Installation for the department store Is fed by a 1200 kilowatt load which is sufficient power to supply more than 80 average homes The entire complex is serv served ¬ ed by a natural gas fed engine generator which is capable of providing emergency lighting and heating in event of a power failure All mall and exterior lighting is controlled by photo electric cells and time switches The complete development Is fully air conditioned More than a mile of duct work carries both warm and cool air to ev ery part of the complex More than a half mile of steel piping carries water throughout the buildings and a sprinkler system recessed in the ceilings protects against fire Impossible Not Quite Humo and Rumble Prince George Limited lad little more than a year to wire Parkwood Centre but the seemingly impos impossible ¬ sible task has been accomplish accomplished ¬ ed With the plan to work through the winter the task became more feasible sounding and Phillips Darratt and Partners provided details that allowed material or orders ¬ ders to be placed In time to meet the tight schedule Meanwhile on the job Hume and Rumble electricians were installing the rough wiring In concrete floors walls and cell celling ¬ ing areas in preparation for de delivery ¬ livery of electrical equipment ranging from a massive switch switchboard ¬ board and standby emergency generators to fragile lamps and lighting fixtures Electrical installation was un under ¬ der the direction of district su supervisor ¬ pervisor Myron Sambad The electrical system that pro provides ¬ vides the desired comforts of illumination power and control features 2500 lighting fixtures with 7500 lamps and enough wire and conduit to stretch to Vanderhoof 63 miles from Prince George We are pleased to have been selected to supply all the chairs for customer seating in WOODWARDS PARKWOOD Pedham Sales Agency Ltd 234 Smltho Street Vancouver BC CONGRATULATIONS to Woodwards Parkwood We were privileged to supply the food service equipment and custom built fixtures If 1 VwELL Food Equipment Ltd Ufcv I Metal Works Ltd 871 Homer Congratulations MImJhM 685 6241 and BEST WISHES To STORES LIMITED PRINCE GEORGE BC We are pleased to have supplied the carpets for this important new branch Vancouver 3 CARPET TRADES LTD 119 WPender St Vancouver BC