tf By PETE MILLER Citizen Staff Writer Right in the middle of the lake on an island that appeared no bigger than a button the big bull moose stood silently obli oblivious ¬ vious of the Northern Mountain Airlines Cessna 185 humming through the clouds 500 feet above Even the throbbing of the float planes 260 horsepower engine failed to make him raise his head to watch the intruder He was obviously used to hear hearing ¬ ing the charter flights buzzing overhead He just stood there in the middle of Stuart Lake The pilot Bruce Hallock smiled when I pointed out the animal You missed the other four that were standing in the field on the lakeshore he said The plane banked on the right over the scores of islands that punctuate the long body of water and then aimed in the direction of ojr destination Cunningham Lake Some of the islands below us bad been logged off and a net network ¬ work of rough roads divided their MILLER FISH onnt enough surfaces so that they looked like someone had thrown a huge chicken wire net over them The pilot followed a narrow channel and soon had his plane skidding into a smooth landing on Cunningham lake He taxied toward a sandy spot on the shore of a small bay and said Thats where the fish are He was right I did catch one a twelve pound char but visions of fighting my waj back to the plane though an aggres aggressive ¬ sive squadron Of leaping fish didn t materialize But that didn t matter The isolation clear air and perfect silence more than made up for the reluctance of the Cunningham giants to impale themselves on Pilot Bruce Hallock with Cessna 1 85 at Cunningham Lake Freedom is a Northe my over size fishing hook Within inches of the shore the water was broken almost con constantly ¬ stantly by brilliant red Kokanee that had moved into the sand and gravel beds to spawn You could have picked them up with your hands There were hundreds of them All too soon I heard the drone of the returning Cessna float plane faint at first and then becoming louder as the tiny speck became more visible It was all over too soon The ride back to Fort St James seemed shorter And the big moose had gone Solitude Maybe But for how long Back in Prince George pulp Misse By Tiny Bennett Toronto Telegram A few hours spent at a sight-lng-in range for big game rifles recently quickly showed me how some hunters can miss easy smell and all I called Northern Mountains chief Ed McPherson His company he told me has nine aircraft and one helicopter operating in this area and up in the cold Northwest Territories The Fort St James float plane base boasts the lone whirlybird along with the companys largest aircraft a Grumman Goose Also a Beaver considerably larger than the five passenger Cessna I flew in The Fort St James base was established in March of 1959 and has been carrying sportsmen lumbermen and mining people all over the north ever since Six or eight flights in one day from there is routine As Northern Mountains ter shots at moose and deer The scene was the heavy cali calibre ¬ bre range of a local Rod and Gun club who decided to throw open to all hunters their sight in fa facilities ¬ cilities as a civic project I went along to shoot a little rn Lake ritory is dotted with lakes all but one of the firms aircraft are equipped with floats The lone wheeler Is based at Prince George Airport But what happens when the lakes freeze We put wheeled skiis on them says McPherson Well the big char is cut up into steaks and is safely stored in the freezer The Kokanee are finishing up their love making along the edge of Cunningham Lake Pilot Bruce Hallock probably has one more month before his plane is equipped with skis Life goes on But its more beautiful in some places d Shot It Coul full bore stuff and spent all my time there helping bewildered shooters The first man to seek assist assistance ¬ ance was firing a low cost but serviceable rifle with a good scope New Fishing Retreat Is Mission of Priest COLVILLE LAKE NWT C P M e m b e r s of the Roman Catholic Oblate order have been described as speci alists in the most difficult missions Rev Bernard Brown is engaged in just such a mission It Is not building a church or taking the gospel to the In Indians ¬ dians and Eskimos of the Arctic Thats routine for Fa ther Brown after 18 years in Canadas Far North and any way he has his church He built it himself His mission Is out-and-out promotion of a fishing lodge the most northerly In North America Father Brown wants to lure tourists preferably well heeled to this barren land only 200 miles south of the Arctic Ocean Its a land rich In natural resources Father Brown says it also is teeming with fighting game fish al- Bright Objects REGINA CP - Police con continued ¬ tinued to investigate the sighting of a Inilliant object in the sk Tueda night RCMP constable Lome reigtison sjUI he watched the object foi time minutes A group of teen ageis lepoitedthe object as 33 to -10 feet in dia diameter ¬ meter ANNUAL MEETING Hospital Improvement District No 10 Notice is hereby given of an annual general meeting in zone No 3 of Prince George and District Hospital Improvement Dist No 10 as required in the regulation governing the dis district ¬ trict meeting will be for the purpose of 1 Election of one nw trustee 2 Trustees report on years activity and financial report 3 General discussion Meeting will be held Monday October 30th 1967 in the Blackburn Rd School at 800 pm most asking to tie on to a fishermans lure This Is not a story about the big one that got away or you should have been here last week The fish are here now and says Father Brown a prolific letter writer in addition to many other ac PFfilA complishments Colville Lake Is overpopulated and needs to be thinned out Three fellows from Am herstburg Ont took 75 trout between them one day Anoth Another ¬ er fellow hooked 50 grayling on consecutive casts then threw them back Special pair 1 499 OUTDOORS WfTH SAIMO v10l6 I really hate to admit it but for all Intents and pur purposes ¬ poses the fishing season is Just about over for the year Of course there will be steel head trips and a bit of ice fishing but the time has ar arrived ¬ rived to put tackle away for the winter And so this will be the subject of our column this week With glass fibre rods there Is little you need do to keep them in good condition over the winter months A light coat of wax and possibly a check of the ferrules to clean off any dirt and they can be stored away Incidentally never leave a rod set up for any length of time The fei rules can oxidise and It is the very devil of a Job to get them apart Steel rods If there are any left should be well dried and rubbed over with an oily rag Split cane rods in turn require the most care never store them in a case and ifaf all possible do not leave them standlngup in a corner they can take a set If you do REELS TOO Fishing reels are all too often neglected and are much easier to clean before the dust gets really hard A drop or two of oil does not really do much good if the reel is still dirty And Incidentally if you use your steelhead reel for heavy trolling as many people do novels the time to get rid of the grease you put in last spring In cold weather this will congeal and make it vir virtually ¬ tually impossible to even turn the handle Fishing lines are not too easy to handle The monofila monofilament ¬ ment types do not need any precautions but linen steel After six shots all of which failed to hit a four foot target at 30 yards he came over and asked for help The trouble was apparent The scope mounting system for his weapon was a series of grooves in which the scope blocks fitted and when In were set up tight by screws that cramped in the blocks But when he had set the blocks into the grooves he had fixed them close together Instead of extending them as far apart as possible This short base mounting of the scope allowed it to sit at a wild angle to the line of the bore You could see the offset by eye by merely looking down at the lie of the scope in relation to the barrel So we loosened everything pushed the blocks to the front and rear ends of the grooves and L PURCHASE Ell 1 SIMULATED SEAL APRES SKI BOOTS Regular 2195 pair or fly lines are a different matter All three should be removed and stored on large circumference drums Cer Cereal ¬ eal boxes are ideal FLY LINES Fly lines should always be dried and if they are the type that requires dressing this should be washed off and a light dressing applied Nothing induces rotting quicker than fish slime whether it be on lines or nets More than one good net has been ruined because of Fish Protein Expensive OTTAWA CP Want to gel In on the ground floor of a new industry that looks like it might go places The experts say youll need about 18000000 The industry is fish protein concentrate manufacturing conference on the topic heard the economic facts of life in a paper presented today by Re sources Engineering of Canada Ltd It estimates a manufacturer would need about 3500000 to establish a plant to handle 100 tons of raw fish daily 2400000 for related costs and 12000000 for a supporting fleet Assuming a cost of three cents a pound for landed fish and not allowing for profits and taxes on the plant unit produc tion costs would be 38 cents a pound Cost to the consumer would be 49 cents a pound al allowing ¬ lowing four cents a pound for profit and taxes A comparison shows that FPC is potentially a very eco economic ¬ nomic source of animal pro protein ¬ tein brought up everything tight again Now the eye could see the scope and the barrel In fair alignment and all it took to get the rifle zeroed in was a few shots and adjustment for centering with the Internal sighting movements In short order the rifle was on target and our man was getting some decent shooting practise Friday October 27 1967 being left dirty It doesnt take a minute to wash them out in soap and a warm water and will pay dividends when you net the first big one next spring Lures are subject to more abuse than most articles in the tackle box usually they are stored away while wet and even a slight rust spot will grow like Topsy over the winter Some anglers I know especially those who troll the saltwater store spoons and spinners in a Jar full of kerosene or coal oil If polished beforehand this stunt will keep them bright until next season WADERS My own fly box is usually quite a mess after the season Neighbour m THE CITIZEN 9 Your Gear Carefully Coud Gef Ruined Over the Winter is over and requires a lot of careful sorting Flies make a wonderful dinner for moths also If you store your fish fishing ¬ ing files in a loose state a few moth balls will keep the little devils away from your pet trout getters Waders take an awful beat beating ¬ ing It is much easier to remember now which foot leaked during the last trip and get it fixed If you have trouble finding the holes try holding a lighted flashlight inside the boot while in a darkened room You can usu usually ¬ ally spot the tear easily And as a last reminder do not leave waders or for that matter any rubber art articles ¬ icles folded up Hang them in some dry place and they wont crack Heres Whats New for the 68 Season Increased Lift Capacity New 70000 Day Lodge Dining Room Cafeteria 4 Lunch Room Wash Room Ski Shop Rentals Alpine Hut 1 New Run 4 New Trails Bigger Parking Lot Season Tickets At Alpine Hut Northern Ski Outdoor Equipment Ski Club Members 25 Reduction on Lift Rates 13 Miles East on Highway 16 Ph 963 7542 Adams Gold Stripe is a smooth whisky that delivers a full rich rye flavour Adams Gold Stripe Canadian Rye Whisky THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD TORONTO MONTREAL VANCOUVER Hi I Gifll HI I o lH iiH dTW liB iiH WX3tfl ffiK This advertisement i not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or the Government of British Columbia