rw h ffi- iw sponsorship This time however with the lessened expense of the South Fort George location they hope to make a few dollars for needy children The controversy between the Elks and the council is the second problem in three months the Shriners had licence fee prob problems ¬ lems on the Victoria Day week weekend ¬ end and wound up by playing the West Coast Shows at the South Fort George location instead of the Exhibition Grounds Wave Trap Un Jams Telephones BC Tel is spending more than 32000 to build a mountain top steel box designed to foil mav maverick ¬ erick radio waves which have been Interfering with micro microwave ¬ wave long distance calls The box with a floor area of 594 square feet will contain shielding device for the com pany s Bear Mountain station near Dawson Creek The steel box is necessary be because ¬ cause radio frequencies emitted from a nearby 10000 watt tele television ¬ vision transmitter have been raising havoc with long distance calls Basically what has happened is this waves originating with the television station have been swinging in and out of phase with waves used by the micro wave system This has produced a fluctuating effect on phone transmissions The shielded room will enclose radio equipment at the Bear Mountain station Any BC Tel employee who enters the box will have to go through an ante antechamber ¬ chamber a type of airlock so that radio equipment will never be unshielded Contract of 32G50 for the project has been awarded to Rayshield of Vancouver V Circus Midget Cliff King and Piper Jack Smith 84 Returning New Site For Circus The Prince George Elks Lodge is sponsoring a return engage engagement ¬ ment of the Carson and Barnes Circus at South Fort George Thursday with shows at 230 and 8 pm In the shows last appearance at the Exhibition Grounds there was a storm of controversy over the fact the City Council refused to waive or decrease the 200 a day trade licence and rental fee for the Elks who were spon sponsoring ¬ soring the show to raise money for the lodges needy children fund The lodge had been under the impression the council would waive the fee Exalted Ruler Stan Stanley and circus chairman Dave Seymour said The Elks said they made a profit of slightly more than 100 on the last appearance and only agreed to the second appearance because they had committed the lodge in advance to the second I Alderman Carrie Jane Gray served notice to the council last Monday she intends to do some something ¬ thing about the subject of cir circuses ¬ cuses in September when she will submit a motion on the mat matter ¬ ter By that I mean on a place to hold them and the price we charge she said The council passed a bylaw CPR Freight Jumps Track VANCOUVER CP - Eight cars of a westbound Canadian Pacific Railway freight train were derailed Tuesday night at Beavermouth about 300 miles northeast of Vancouver A CPR spokesman at Van couver said early today no one was injured in the derailment but the accident will delay ar arrival ¬ rival at Vancouver today of the Canadian b about 10 hours Cause of the derailment is not yet known WAC Must Pay KELOWNA CP - All Invited guests including Lieut - Gov Governor ¬ ernor John Nicholson and Pre Premier ¬ mier WAC Bennett will be charged 1 admission to the four day Kelowna International Regatta which opens Aug 7 The regatta committee abolished passes for this years show to raise revenue to meet higher costs last year setting the price of fees and rentals for the per perform ¬ form nee of circuses and car carnivals ¬ nivals at the Exhibition Grounds The bylaw also stipulated that circuses and carnivals playing in Prince George would have to play there instead of in the Civic Cen Centre ¬ tre area or elsewhere in the city The Shriners case was the first test of the bylaw NWT To Host Scout Jamboree OTTAWA CP - About 700 boy scouts from Canada Green Greenland ¬ land and Alaska will hold an annual jamboree in Y-llow-knife NWT Aus 3 10 it was announced today It will be the first jamboree held in northern Canada and the first time that Indian and Eski Eskimo ¬ mo scouts have mixed with an equal number from other parts of Canada Expected attendance will In elude 320 bojs from Canadas northern territories 320 from the 10 provinces 10 from Green Greenland ¬ land and a small contingent from Alaska Works Minister Laing former northern development minister will open the jamboree Aug 4 at Prelude Lake 20 miles north northeast ¬ east of Yellowknife Participants from northern areas will be flown to the jam jamboree ¬ boree in armed forces Hercules aircraft by special arrangement with the defence department Featured at the jamboree will be archery and rifle marksman marksmanship ¬ ship contests visits to gold mines the Museum of the North and the Bush Pilots Memorial In Yellowknife Brig Gen W K Carr director-general of force objectives with the armed forces Ottawa will act as camp chief He is also chairman of the national committee on Arctic and north northern ¬ ern scouting the organization sponsoring the jamboree Child Health Conferences Tuesday August 6 1968 Vanderhoof Health Unit 130 - 330 pm Wednesday August 7 1968 Stony creek Kindergarten 130 330 pm Wednesday August 7 1968 Fort St James Drs Office 130- 330 pm Hr- m 9V VT VJLifllH li v l CONTACT LENSES HORTUUCT t LA 1150 3rdAv OVTICaL 564 5089 The complete professional service T v c v 1iVY p h fr FIVE COAST IWA LOCALS ACCEPT 36 CENT OFFER Five locals of the Intei national Woodwoikeis ofAmerica representing about half the 26000 coast membeis have voted in favor of accepting a pio posed contract that gives them an extra 36 cents an houi over a two year period Duncan voted 70 per cent in favor of the con contract ¬ tract Haney 74 per cent Poit Alberni 73 pel cent New Westminster 69 per cent and Courtenay 61 per cent Results for the whole coastal legion are expect expected ¬ ed to be known by Wednesday night The proposed contract gives the coast IWA members an 18-cent-an-hour increase letioactive to June 15 making the base rate 294 with a fuither 18 cents next June Club Has Package To Aid Strangers7 Stranger in the province The Associated Canadian Tra Travellers ¬ vellers Prince George club are going out of their way to make sure tourists dont staystran gers for long Visitors to the City whether they are just day trippers do doing ¬ ing the North or people planning a longer stay are liable to be accosted by club representa representatives ¬ tives and presented with litera literature ¬ ture on the province This literature includes comic books for the kids road maps literature on BCs forests the BC tourist directory a hunting Peach Fair Features Industries PENTICTON CP The 21st annual Penticton Peach Festival starts today with a new look Instead of the traditional ag agricultural ¬ ricultural flavor for the five day event a large industrial exhibit will take Its place Festival president Phil Locke said the agricultural part of the festival will be held when the city holds its first Harvest and Grape Fiesta In September One of the biggest events of the festival will be held tonight when Judy Stokes Peach Queen Val Vedette XXI is crowned with beauty queens from 84 other Pacific Northwest centres looking on The annual three day rodeo vhlch offers 6000 In prize money to competing cowboys will begin after the crowning RCMP Sentences Said Too Light month sentence Magistrate Ross Culver gave Kenneth Shaw and the nine month definite and 12 month Indefinite sentence he gave Kenneth Glass The Crown said the sentences were inadequate because of the circumstances and the men were police officers Shaw and Glass have since been removed from the force and fishing map a brochure out lining the provinces points of tourist interest as well as brief details of Prince George This service by the ACT is spontaneous and every member of association participates of offering ¬ fering one of the kits to anyone who appears to be a stranger wherever they encounter them Our hope is that you will come back again If your trip has been pleasant tell your friends IF NOT TELL USIap peals a letter accompanying the free information parcel A postcard is enclosed for the purpose Union Official1 s Sentence Stands VICTORIA CP Attorney General Leslie Peterson indi- j cated Tuesday that he will not interfere In a decision by pro vincial prison authorities to re reduce ¬ duce the time off allowance for union secretary Homer Stevens The United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union a week ago appealed to the department to overrule a decision cutting 15 days from Stevens allowance as a prisoner serving a one year term for contempt of court He was Jailed last September It was alleged the punishment resulted from an Intercession by Mr Stevens on behalf of a fel fellow ¬ low prisoner denied the opportu opportunity ¬ nity to phone a hospital where his wife was being treated for an injury Mr Peterson said a differ different ¬ ent reason was given in a report after his department investi investigated ¬ gated the disciplinary action Mr Stevens has been a con continual ¬ tinual agitator since coming to Mount Thursday a prison for estry camp in the Chilliwack area said the attorney-gen-eral He apparently feels he has to speak for all prisoners on all matters no doubt because of his previous position as a union leader Apparently he has found it difficult to accept that at the present time he Is Just another Inmate Mr Peterson said the discip disciplinary ¬ linary action was not taken for a single Incident There were a number of incidents which culminated In the action being taken He has been a negative In fluence at the camp with state ments on food policy staff and general matters that caused dif difficulty ¬ ficulty for the maintenance of order and discipline Cariboo Prince Gt orge and Bulkley Valley Mostly sunny to today ¬ day and Thursday Little change In temnerature Winds llehtLow queen tonight and high Thursday at Prince George 45 and 73 Wil liams Lake 45 and 75 Quesnel 42 and 75 and Smlthers 45 and 72 Sunrise 521 Sunset 912 Peace River Region sunny and wirm today cloudy and a few showers overnight mostly sunny VANCOUVER CP A crown and a little cooler tomorrow appeal filed Tuesday said Jail winds light Ioa1 tonight and high terms for theft given two RCMP tomorrow for Fort St John and officers in Penticton earlier this month were too light The attorney generals de department ¬ partment Is appealing the 18- Giand Prarle 50 and 75 LAST 24 HOURS Hi Lo Pr Prince Gt orge 72 45 Nil Terrace 85 55 Nil Smlthers 80 49 Nil Quesnel 76 43 Nil Williams Lake 71 41 Nil Kamloops 84 53 Nil Whltehorse 62 54 Nil Fort Nelson 77 52 Nil Fort St Jhn 72 52 Nil Vancouver 75 58 Nil Victoria 72 55 Nil BOOOOOOOOOOOO seeing ghosts Find TELEVISION SERVICING fast in the YELLOW PAGES Where your fingers do the walking LU Weather Restricts Logging VICTORIA CP Vancouver Island logging camps have started to shut down forest oper operations ¬ ations after two days of rising temperatures and lower humid ity readings The fire hazard however Is not regarded as critical by the British Columbia Forest Ser Service ¬ vice We dont have any serious fires burning but hikers and campers should be careful with their fires a forest service spokesman said Tuesday All logging camps are now operating on an automatic clos ure formula based on local tem temperatures ¬ peratures and humidity This restricts logging to early morn morning ¬ ing hours when humidity is higher Some operations are completely shut down MacMillan Bloedel shut down Its Sproat Lake division Tues Tuesday ¬ day and Crown Zellerbach was to close its Nitinat operation west of Duncan today Its Bea Beaver ¬ ver Cove operation went on early shifts Tuesday Wednesday July 31 1968 Prince George Pipeline Commissioners were told that It is urgent to get the pipeline built and serve the two indus industrial ¬ trial customers that anchor the project These are the new Columbia Cellulose pulp mill at Prince Rupert and the projected Euro can pulp mill at Kltimat Ser Services ¬ vices to 13 municipalities along the route wjuld be installed in 19G9 The project has been delayed changed hands redesigned and cut down incost from 34000000 to 20000000 The original developer Great THE CITIZEN 3 Gas Firm Requests Payment Exemption VANCOUVER CP- Spokes Spokesmen ¬ men for Pacific Northern Gas Ltd told the Public Utilities Commission Tuesdaj that It needs relief from revenue pa ments to municipalities if it is to serve industrial customers bv November The company which has started a 20000000 432 mile natural gas pipeline from Sum mlt Lake north of Prince George to the ocean asked the PUC for relief from a three per cent revenue payment to muni municipalities ¬ cipalities the line serves D A Duguld a director of Pacific Northern told commis commissioners ¬ sioners that the project could be set back a jear and Its costs inflated if the PUC does not give the company an early and fav orable decision Northern Gas gave it up be because ¬ cause of high design costs Westcoast Transmission a gas carrier Invited Great Northern to develop the project In its area because the company was expe experienced ¬ rienced in the distribution field Pacific Northern took it over when Great Northern ran Into high capital costs and high In terest rates R J Harvey counsel for Great Northern said municipal Hies are not entitled to three per cent of residential and In dustrial gas sales as a matter of law Restaurant Men Try CRA Route Prince George restaurant owners took the first steps to form a branch of the Canadian Restaurant Association for this area About 25 people met to dis discuss ¬ cuss the matter last night at the Inn of the North The area for this branch will reach south as far as Williams Lake east to Mc Bride north to Fort Nelson and west as far as Smlthers The restaurateurs formed a founding membership committee at last nights meeting Henry Duchscherer of El Ran- term end exams an Increase In the discretionary power of pro professors ¬ fessors and opening up of the university government to public scrutiny and student participa participation ¬ tion The proposals are an expan- Falling Tree Kills Quesnel Resident At least five persons died ac accidentally ¬ cidentally In British Columbia Tuesday three in traffic A Quesnel BC man was Two Face Trial In Kidnapping VANCOUVER CP Wilfred Edward Redlac 37 of Port Moody BC and Charles Wll Ham Godfrey 52 of Coquitlam BC were formally committed for trial Tuesday on a charge of kidnapping Vancouver social lte Mrs Dallls Boultbee with Intent to hold her for ransom Magistrate James Bartman delayed committal after last weeks preliminary so the pair could make arrangements for ball which he set at 15000 each Both are free on ball killed and two others hurt when a falling tree hit theli pickup truck near Mitchell Bay on Quesnel Lake In the Cariboo Frederick Elmer Klnakln 13 of Dewdney BC died after the car In which he was riding hit a power pole at nearby Mission in the Fraser Valley Valerie Outorum 17 of Lady smith BC on Vancouver Is 1 md died when the car she was ving left the road and hit a 10 miles south of Nanalmo so at Nanalmo RCMP found body of Robert Bob 59 mgslde railway tracks near Oit harbor foreshore He was believed hit by a train Clary Cranger 50 died when the tractor he was driving over turned In a waterfllled ditch at Pitt Meadows BC in the Fraser Valley WANTED LOGGING CONTRACTORS Stump to mill and stump to truck contracts are available in the vicinity of Prince George for logging contractors irterested ir small wocd logging Ple3se reply indicating equipmert available experience and other pertinent details WANTED LOGGING CONTRACTOR Logging contractor to log approximately 10 M M FBM stump to mill in the vicinity of Fort St James B C during the forthcom irg winter Please reply indicating equipmert available expert ence and other pertinent details Apply Citizen Box 3 16 A cho was named chairman Ofher committee members are Ken Alfke of The Rod Carpet Jick Lee of the Oatrlgger and Ken Watts of Woodwards Doi Bellamy managing di director ¬ rector of the CRA British Columbia region and Dirr ell Kent of the associations national headquarters in Toronto addres addressed ¬ sed the meeting They discussed the new CJA Guide to eating out In BC and the problems facing the food service industry section of Prince Georges rapidly ex expanding ¬ panding hospitality industry Negligence Ruled In Island Blaze VANCOUVER CP A forest fire that swept through Tahsls Co Ltd timber holdings on northern Vancouver Island in September 1965 was caused by negligence of Canadian Forest Products Mr Justice Alan Mac farlane ruled Tuesday He made his finding In the British Columbia Supreme court after a lengthy trial In which Tahsls Co and Canadian Forest able damage to the Tahsls tim ber stands also damaged adja cent Canadian Forest Products holdings court was told CFPs claim that Tahsls was responsible for the fire was dismissed Damages to Tahsls will be awarded later Mr Justice Macfarlane ruled the damage to Tahsls holdings was caused by the failure of Canadian Forest Products to Products Ltd accused each use reasonable precautions to other of negligence in slash control or prevent the escape burning of fires onto the plaintiffs The fire which did consider I lands Sweeping Revision Sought At University of Victoria VICTORIA CP University of Victoria faculty committees were presented this week with specific student proposals for re remaking ¬ making university life They Include an end to com compulsory ¬ pulsory courses abolition of slon of a student manifesto de delivered ¬ livered to the administration in June The June declaration sim similar ¬ ilar to others written at UBC and Simon Fraser University called for restructuring the uni university ¬ versity Frank Frketich 23 president of the Student epresentatlve Assembly said the detailed pro proposals ¬ posals were presented at a meet meeting ¬ ing with the universitys aca demlc planning and government committees The students propose creation of a group of professors who would act as counsellors and ad advise ¬ vise them on how to plan their course of studies In the area of examinations and evaluation students say professors should evaluate stu dents on the basis of reseaich papers and class participation rather than by exams University government should be revamped the students say and department heads should be elected from among the faculty for three year periods sub subject ¬ ject to ratification by the stu dents The senate should be com composed ¬ posed of half faculty and half students and the board of gov ernors should be an economic advisory body with no govern ment appointees PRINCE GEORGE SATURDAY AUGUST 3 Shows 230 8 pm Radio Tower Show Lot South Fort George Sponsored by Elks Lodge UNDER BIG TENT raJ i hNiPi HH RBffl