vm MBBiwiBB5Bff nBEBBtrvriBP cSnH IBus V ah Lome Gordon Wanamaker of Prince George was the pilot of this Cessna 172 which crashed in a grove of birch trees about one quarter-mile west of the Quesnel airport Thursday afternoon Wana Wanamaker ¬ maker father of five was killed instantly and his passenger Ger- Old Socialist Gadfly Dies Crippled Deaf HUNTINGTON NV AP Norman Thomas 84 the old So i clalist who forged a notable ca 1 reer In the rough-and-tumble I arena of United States political dissent died Thursday A oncevibrant gadfly to American capitalism at the end he was crippled nearly deaf al but blind bedridden by a vari i ety of ailments with little left but spirit Thomas ran six times as So Socialist ¬ cialist party candidate for presi dent between 1928 and 1948 He also was twice a candidate for mayor of New York and twice tried for the New York state governorship He never won an election and Ontario Holds Probe Into Vancouver Firm TORONTO CP An On tano Securities Commission hearing into share trading ia Charter Oil Co Ltd ofVancou ver resumed today The hearing is being held to decide whether an OSC ban on trading In company shares by its president Hans Willi and Kurt Gratwohl of Zurich Switz Switzerland ¬ erland should be continued The two men control the com pany through Canadawide In vestments Ltd They were at tending Charters annual meet- ing in Vancouver Thursday and the OSC hearing was adjourned until Mr Willi could be present Mr Willi told Charters an nual meeting he was confident problems surrounding trading in its shares will be solved Char ter is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange but has been suspended from trading on the American Stock Exchange in New York Charter had a net loss of 375000 for the year ended July 31 19G8 j vais Clarke of Kamloops was also killed The motor was thrown 30 feet and Wanamaker was ejected from the plane a plane he had just purchased -Terry Steinke Photo never really expected to Thomas lived to see a nation wherein his once radical ideas came in part to be accepted But still he looked ahead to ward new goals especially that of universal peace among man kind He was a pacifist most of his life In the final years of his life he gave up world travel because its too much embarrassment to drop dead abroad To all our friends and Customers 5anta is busy spreading Christmas cheer and once again its our time to thank friends and customers for their lojal patronage PHANTOM JAILED FOR 15 YEARS HAMBURG Reuters - West Germanys phantom railway bomber who terrorized commu commuters ¬ ters in the Hamburg and Bremen areas for a year was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment Alexander Hembluck 41 was convicted on charges of attempted murder in three cases black blackmail ¬ mail and dangerous attacks on the railway system Hembluck terrorized travellers with threats to blow up stations and derail trains until he was caught in October Hembluck held responsible for six explosions on railway property regularly threatened new at attacks ¬ tacks if the railways didnt pay him cash sums mmmr Cmsam ht TOn v j 0qr senrf ll IJOtl the eawiii t JY wmM enioij V plemlor HMBEJESKZf iitau uA in the love of dear ones mul the warmth of iiritiial well bclni tor Best Wishes from the Management and Staff ACTIVE AUTO PARTS 380 Second Avenue Prince George 13 OUTBOARD MOTORS PIONEER POWERSAWS Quality Saw Outboard Ltd 407 Third Ave Phone 563 1588 THE CITIZEN sw n Monday December 23 1968 13 US Filibuster Debate Has Canadian Parallel WASHINGTON CP - The Ottawa controversy over possi possible ¬ ble limits on House of Commons debate comes Just as some United States senators again are rallying forces for their biennial assault on the infamous filibuster rule the Instrument j by which a minority can talk i proposed legislation to death Except when the filibuster rears its head however thero are few instances in the US Congress where the limiting of debate becomes a heated issue as It has from time to time in Canada Even in Britain the mother of Parliaments has a system under which time for debate on any given issue is usually worked out in advance by agreement among the various party lead leaders ¬ ers Still the governing party in London has the power to Impose closure If it desires to do so and the present Labor government has done so on a number of oc occasions ¬ casions The system that prevails in Congress bears little compari comparison ¬ son with Canadas parliamen tary system For a start any delaying tac tactics ¬ tics come when proposed legis legislation ¬ lation hits the House of Repre Representatives ¬ sentatives rules committee which decides whether it will even be presented In the House Once in the House the Speak er and the majority and minori minority ¬ ty party leaders agree in ad advance ¬ vance on any limitation of de debate ¬ bate if It appears likely debate may be prolonged Although they generally are liberal In al allocating ¬ locating debate time no filibus filibuster ¬ ter is permitted in the House But in the Senate It takes a Polish Shuffle Foreign Experts WARSAW Reuters The Polish government decided today to relieve Adam Rapacki of his post as foreign minister and to replace him with Stefan Jedrvchowski until now chief economic planner Rapacki became foreign mln lster in 195C and achieved inter international ¬ national prominence a year later when he put forward what became known as the Rapacki Plan for an atom free zone in Central Europe The switch was part of a gov- I ernment reshuffle In which two I Monnfv nrpmlprs 7pnnn Nnwnk and Franciszek Wanlolka were dropped from their posts vote of two thirds of the 100 Sen Senators ¬ ators to close debate It would take the same proportion to change the filibuster rule and so far the anti filibuster forces have been unable to gain such support The last attempt came In Jan January ¬ uary 19G7 when 03 senators voted for curtailing debate and 46 against 13 short of the re required ¬ quired margin In effect those desiring to kill legislation by filibuster simply hold the Senate floor indefi indefinitely ¬ nitely speaking In shifts and around the clock if necessary At the outset they usually direct their remarks to the substance of the legislation under discus discussion ¬ sion but eventually they may read from the Bible or the dally newspaper discuss a movie they saw recently or any other subject so long as they keep talking reelings Mmm Heres to a holiday pL dMPyCm81I merry and bright with CcSVIWH bells ringing carol ifiliilllBOIlil singing greetings TSSmIIS and treatings gilts VMMWM and gladness galore jPK And heres to you We CSWBHH sincerely wish you AMBiH the seasons best and itfiVvSSS gratefully express our TSS35ij28 appreciation for your LS0JM friendly patronage -VvoSCmIS Management and Staff aM Thrift Market 9 tu rinn Avenue Knone 364 4516 r SPECIAL HOLIDAY HOURS We will be closed Christmas Day For the convenience nf our customers we will be open BOXING DAY from 12 noon to 8 p m and NEW YEARS DAY from 12 rtoiin to 8 p m THIRSTY DAYS HATH DECEMBER rtW liJVTfer sjw pmgfH actually it hath thirsty one so youll need even more thirst quenching LUCKY LAGER on hand during the holidays For free home delivery and bottle return phone 562 29 1 9 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia I J