Vol 13 No 19 Blizzard Stalls Buses Winter tightened Its grip on the West today as blizzards con tlnued to cripple British Colum bla and the prairies were locked In temperatures ranging to CO below zero And as Ontarios sub zero readings moderated the province faced a new threat prolonged freezing rain Weather was relatively stable in Quebec and the Marltimes with seasonable temperatures forecast and little precipitation In British Columbia blowing snow early today isolated a number of farms in the Fraser Valley cancelling the work of snowplows which had cleared a path for supplytruck convoys At Sumas 45 miles southeast of Vancouver a convoy of trucks led by a snowplow was trying to reach several homes reported low on fuel and sup supplies ¬ plies Three buses were stuck overnight in drifts at nearby C h 1 1 1 i w a c k and taxis were called to take passengers to safety There was no sign of a break in the cold in normallyralny southwestern British Columbia A high of 20 was expected today in Vancouver with more snow Wednesday Prairies Freeze Arctic air was still entrenched over Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta today with no change predicted Prince Al bert Sask recorded DO below zero Saskatoon was 40 below Regina 33 below Lethbrldge Alta 40 below and Calgary 33 below Temperatures across Mani Manitoba ¬ toba were expected to dip to 40 below tonight Skies over the prairies are generally clear At Windsor In western Ontario temperatures had climbed to 26 degrees by mid morning and a storm moving northeast from Michigan and Ohio had already brought freezing rain to the city The cold hung on longer fur ther east with Toronto record Ing 21 at noon and Trenton only 5 It was mainly sunny and cold across the Maritlmes but cloud was expected to spread over the area by late Wednesday bring Ing moderating temperatures Newfoundlands temperatures hovered in the 20s and low 30s today under cloudy skies with isolated snowflurries and show ers Wednesday was expected to be colder with clearing skies Irish Defy Arrest BELFAST CP - Follow Followers ¬ ers of Rev Ian Paisley today defied a policemans attempt to take Northern Irelands militant Protestant leader into custody Paisley opened the front door of his Belfast home and the officer tried to enter to arrest him Three mensud denly appeared and a scuffle punctuated by the sound of breaking glass broke out The officer left the house and drove off The burly bull - necked Paisley and his chief follower Maj Ronald Bunting com commander ¬ mander of the Protestant Loyal Citizens of Ulster were sentenced to three months im imprisonment ¬ prisonment in Armagh Mon Monday ¬ day for unlawful assembly during recent civil rights clashes in this protestant dominated state Paisley is leading a cam campaign ¬ paign to oust Prime Minister Capt Terrence ONeill who is already fighting a leader leadership ¬ ship battle with former deputy premier Brian Faulkner who resigned Friday 25 on all TARtAN CANS TARTAN BOTTLES at North Nechako Royalite loo b Go nt I 16 Pages Forecast Very eoW ing up with the liberal leaders still iu control of the ruling Communist pajt Sources in the liberal camp said the conservatives assured oi the Mipixirt of the estimated f The frost has penetrated 8- ng to persuadt- 400 Make part in w 1 2 feet cjt engineer Ernie the fund drive Mothers free the Obst reports and now poses a veiy evening of Feb s can phone par- real threat to house Water set- bartt GlaVind 564 7114 to offer Vices Jlouseowners and tenants their sei vices on the opposite side of arodw4y There is 4 notice on theout- The Citizen The Only Daily Paper Serving B C s Third Largest Market The liberals have the solid backing of the trade unions the cultural organizations and the students Although the sources said the conservative feelers have drawn no definite reaction vet the liberals were said to be far from optimistic about the outcome of the power struggle A speech b conservative Deput Premier Lubomir Strou sal made public Mondaj night called on the militiamen to help the Communist party over overcome ¬ come hesitations disorientation and disintegration tendencies speaking at a militia rall from the water mam are to be w side of the girls washroom strougal urged all out efforts advised to run a tap continuously Jn the tln Indian day school atto weaken extremists espe while the cold weather lasts he Tachje which restricts the num cUU rightist forces He saida told council Monday bers of giijs using the facilities firm stand must replace an at f The Kinsmen are still short1 at any one time to four Appar- niosphere of hopelessness and omen t0 take lr I tne ently in the best female tradj skepticism within the party Mothers March Feb 5 to raise tions the Indian gils are using The p a i t s polio making funds for tht Kinsmen Reiubili- their convenience as a common presidium met until Monda tation foundation of pc io f4i room to catch up on all the latest night to assess the general po they have about 100 but ar ti gossip llltdl sltuatlon PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA TUESDAY JANUARY 28 1969 KS8 tc OSKj m ezmk TQSr yBEBsagmm mx House of Cards This plush home in the wealthy Tujunga suburb of Los Angeles looks like a collapsed house of cards but it is just another casualty in the Southern California disasters that have run up a property damaged bill of More Face Executioner 1 billion and claimed 100 lives The damage resulted from unprecedented rain storms and inadequate runoff methods the plague of the area The rain is abating See story Page 12 AP photo Jewish Spy Deaths Protested NEW YORK AP -Iraqs pub public ¬ lic hanging of 14 men including nine Jews on charges of spying for Israel drew widespread con condemnation ¬ demnation around the world to today ¬ day Coupled with reactions of shock and outrage was an Israe 11 report that another group of Jews was threatened with exe execution ¬ cution in Iraq an Arab partici participant ¬ pant in the June war of 1967 Iraq still has some troops based in Jordan near Israels frontier The Vatican City newspaper LOsservatore Romano deplored the hangings and said the cause of peace in the Middle East can only seriously suffer The newspaper disclosed that the Vatican had appealed to the Baghdad government through an envoy of Pope Paul for clem- ency The hangings and the cir cumstances which accompanied them the demonstrations which have taken place are not in harmony with those feelings of humanity which represent the safest foundation of nations and relations between peoples It said Israels Ambassador to the United Nations Joel Barroml told Secretary General U Thant that death threatened another group of Jews in Iraq Thant said he would look into the re port immediately After the Iraqi government announced that nine Iraqi Jews and five other Iraqis were hanged Monday for spying for Israel Iraqi Information Minis Minister ¬ ter Abdullah El Samarrai told a news conference in Baghdad that 63 other persons would be brought to trial soon on charges of spying for Israel and plotting against the Iraqi government SCHOOLS APPROVED Construction of two new schools in the Prince George area by local firm was ap proved by the Minister of Edu cation Donald Brothers Monday They will be the Hart Highway North Elementary and Westwood Elementary schools and will both be built from the same plans incorporating new Ideas in education Tenders were called for the construction of one school with additional quotes asked for du duplication ¬ plication H Erickson and Sons Ltd and Prince George Cabinet Craft were the low bidders ac accepted ¬ cepted by the school board Cost of the double construction will total about 413000 Both schools are planned for open area teaching a system In which classes are combined for teaching purposes and at times two or more teachers con conduct ¬ duct the same lesson Each school will be equivalent to a conventional eight room school in class area but will be arranged as two teaching areas each side of a central washroom -office unit Design of the two schools is such that the interior can be altered at any time with a mini minimum ¬ mum of effort and even the ex exterior ¬ terior walls of a girder con construction ¬ struction can be removed for expanding the building Reds Seek Allies As Clash Emerges PRAGUE CP - Leaders of 100000 Soviet occupation troops Czechoslovakias conservative are sounding out the Czechoslo Communist faction beat the I vak army and the workers mil woods for domestic allies today ma to find out where they in the showdown struzele shan stand Barroml in his warning to Thant possibly was referring to members of this group Israel denied that those exe cuted Monday were spying for her and said their only crime was being Jewish Israeli For elgn Minister Abba Eban In a statement to Thant said the Baghdad government has per petrated an act of barbarity which exceeds even what the world lias come to expect from a country in which violence and murder have become almost commonplace Regional College Uses Back Door Prince George city council is to seek an explanation of the Re Regional ¬ gional College Councils report reported ¬ ed determination to open the doors of the College of New Ca Caledonia ¬ ledonia In September despite the defeat of a December referendum authorizing Initial operating ex expenses ¬ penses Some mejnbers at Mondays council meeting expressed con concern ¬ cern of reports that college council member Moffat has sug suggested ¬ gested the plebiscite of June 1967 approving the college In princi principle ¬ ple could still be carried out by leasing the necessary equipment Council agreed on a motion by Aid Elroy Garden that the trus trustees ¬ tees of school district D7 be ask asked ¬ ed to explain Aid Garden said Im not against the higher education con concept ¬ cept but the majority of people in their good judgment said we are not prepared to fin finance ¬ ance this at this time I do not think the council should take this Moffats sug gestion lightly Accusing the Regional College Council of going in the back door Aid Garden said if we are going to honor the democra democratic ¬ tic way of life this is not the best way We are not going to pay a lump sum but the taxpayers will pay anyway wmKM ALD GARDEN seeks explanation 400 Expected There are an estimated 400 students who will want to enroll In the first year at the College of New Caledonia according to statistics calculated by the Regional College Council A total of 940 students are estimated to be graduating from high schools in the six partici participating ¬ pating school districts and of these about a third are expect expected ¬ ed to want to go on to post secondary education A further 100 potential stu students ¬ dents are expected to bj found in the area people who left school a few years ago and now want to return Presldjnt of the college Wolf gang Franke recently conducted a survey among high school stu dents In the area and found that 47 per cent of the 603 who filled In the questionalres want wanted ¬ ed to attend The quest iona ire asked Would you be interested In a two year course at the College of New Caledonia which can be continued at a univer university ¬ sity toward a degree A total of 285 students re replied ¬ plied yes to that question Franke explained that this could be regarded as being rep resentative oi the total number of graduates leaving high school this year Phone 562 2441 PRETTY CRUEL WEAR THAT 100000 Mlft VA11MN UMlLbJ ft y r s I V- W uai5uii r onto n ocwinc 125 DOMINION ssmsm 00 ft R MONTH 10c Copy BT CARRIER Councils Lawyer Was Scapegoat Gunfire Prelude 7b Pact PARIS AP - US and South Vietnamese officials an t i c 1 p a t e three developments from North Vietnam and the Viet Cong in connection with the Paris peace talks If they are right then the Americans and their South Viet namese allies can expect some difficult moments on the battle battlefield ¬ field and at the conference table But they believe North Vietnam also may be preparing a diplomatic retreat The US and South Viet Vietnamese ¬ namese sources give this as assessment ¬ sessment of the intentions of the North Vietnamese and the Na National ¬ tional Liberation Front 1 Hanoi and the Viet Cong will try to Inflict some form of military embarrassment on the US and South Vietnamese forces in Vietnam while the ne negotiations ¬ gotiations continue In Paris There are signs of such pre preparations ¬ parations in the field but the sources do not anticipate that the blow will be as heavy as last years Tet offensive They believe the attack will be aimed primarily at Increasing the American publics distaste for the war 2 Hanoi and the Liberation Front will use the Paris talks as a forum to enhance the NLFs status and its claim to be the le gitlmate power in South Viet Vietnam ¬ nam Court Orders Bond of 500 Leslie Robert Checkley 44 of Prince George was placed on a peace bond in County General Sessions Court Monday after he pleaded guilty to fraud He pleaded guilty to a charge of falsifying records and pay cheques to obtain a sum of money totalling 268810 in September 1967 from Ben Ginter Construc Construction ¬ tion Ltd Checkleys trial began Jan 14 then was remanded for a pre presentence ¬ sentence report on Monday Judge WD Ferry ordered Cneckley to place a 500 bond on his own recognizance to keep the peaie for two years As conditions of the bond the judge ordered Checkley to re report ¬ port to a probation officer once a month or as the probation officer directed and to return the money Involved The court hai been Informed that the accused who has been employed In the Prince George area almost continuously since 1929 was anxious to make res restitution ¬ titution and defence lawyer Allan Bate produced witnesses to testify that Checkleys present employers were prepared to help him return the money Lawyer Frank Perry appeared for the crown By Duncan Camming Citiien Staff Reporter An outspoken critic of the citys recently defeated business licence bylaw expressed indignation Monday at the public criticism of city solicitor Lawrence Pilkington by a member of the citys administration City realtor Gordon Bryant a former mayor of the city and a vigorous opponent of the licence bylaw said I am indignant at the whole thing and will be very disturbed if city council accepts this explanation He was referring to city man manager ¬ ager Arran Thomsons caustic report to a public meeting of councils general purposes com committee ¬ mittee In which he accused Pil Pilkington ¬ kington of an Inarticulate ill prehared and poorly presented defence of the bylaw before it was ordered quashed at last weeks BC Supreme Court hearing The administration should not be allowed to get away with this said an aroused Bryant who returned to the city Monday following several weeks holiday He Pilkington was only fol following ¬ lowing instructions City businessman Harold Mof Moffat ¬ fat who brought the court action described Pilkington as a scapegoate Moffat a Downtown Business Businessmens ¬ mens Association executive member said today I predict predicted ¬ ed this at the time of the action Pilkington was not asked to pro process ¬ cess the legality of the bylaw If he was responsible for this he would be due for criticism I think it is pretty cruel The council selected and hir hired ¬ ed him certainly he Is not the most agressive type he looks like a scapegoat to me Pay Refunds Moffat said the city should now pay back the money collected in licences to date and in excess of the charges levied under the old bylaw It should apply the old by bylaw ¬ law until such time as a new one can be drafted and looked over by knowledgeable people This idea that we are their servants is wrong he said hot ly They are our servants Newcomer to city council Aid Lome McCuish said Thomson had called a spade a spade Regardless of whether the con condemnations ¬ demnations should have been spo spoken ¬ ken In camera McCuish said he would have been far from pleased if there had been any attempt to cover up for Pilkington McCuish said Pilkington while not the author of the bylaw had considered it when it was made available to him from the early stages of drafting in July A week before the hearing Pilkington had given the adminis administration ¬ tration andacoupleof councillors an assurance that everything was under control The day before the hearinghe had all the answers at his fingertips but he bombed out completely when in chambers Meanwhile city council has agreed with Thomsons recom recommendation ¬ mendation that lawyer Gait Wil son be engaged to consider the question of appealllng the courts decision returning or retaining the money collected and future business licence policy m m wM tr m ARRAN THOMSON in crossfire Crash Victims Intoxicated9 QUESNEL BC CP Two men killed last month in a plane crash here were to blame for their own deaths Coroner C D Death said Monday Lome Gordon Wanamaker 42 of Prince George and Ger vais Thomas Clarke 34 of Kamloops were killed Dec 19 when Wanamaker s Cessna 172 crashed near the Quesnel airport The coroner said blood alcohol readings Indicate that both men were intoxicated at the time He attached no blame to any other person Wanamaker who was Northern Interior division manager of Electrolux Canada was new owner and pilot of the single engined wheel equipped Cessna He had gained his private pi pilots ¬ lots licence shortly before and was just taking delivery of the aircraft from Penticton Mother Family Killed in Fire GRANBY Que CP - A mother and six of her seven children died today when fire destrojed their frame farm farmhouse ¬ house on the outskirts of Granby GO miles east of Mont Montreal ¬ real Dead are Mrs Maurice Sylvestre 33 Thereso 14 Fran coise 12 Serge 8 Pierre 7 Rene 3 and II u g u o t t e 3 months Police said Mr Sylvestre 40 and his 10-year-old daughter Sylvlane were taken to hospital suffering from third degree burns SOCREDS SURVIVE FIRST TESTS VICTOm CP - TheN jw Democratic and Liberal lead leaders ¬ ers opened their attacks on Social Credit government policy Mindly third day of the British Columbia legis latlve session but the gov government ¬ ernment easily survived two non confidence votes Opposition Leader Robert Strachan who steps down as NDP chief In April present presented ¬ ed the first non confidence motion after delivering a wide - ranjj Ing 90 minute speech The motion expressing regret that the Throne speech failed to incorporate the prin principle ¬ ciple of public ownership of natural gas transmission lines was defeated 35-to-16 with the six Liberals voting with the Socreds against the NPP The second vote camo shortly before adjournment after Premier WAC Ben nett had introduced a routine motion to authorize sittings after 6 pm dally Gordon Dowdlng NOP Brnaby Edmonds moved an amendment calling for an 11 pm limit and Mr Ben Bennett ¬ nett declared this a confi confidence ¬ dence vote Tne amendment was defeated 29-to-22 and debate then resumed on Ml Bennetts original motion leading to an emlarrassing few minutes for the premier Apparently still thinking in terms of Mr Dwdlngs am amendment ¬ endment Mr Bennett wound up the debate by saying This government opposes this mo tloi Tills government Is against it Dosplte opposition laughter and Mr Bennetts announced opposition the motion was passed In a voice vote Mr Strachan who accused the government of kowtow ing to biew Ing and dis tillery Interests berated the government for Its Throne speech call for a royal com commission ¬ mission on liquor laws He said the Socreds were arald to bring such an investiga investigation ¬ tion into the legislature He said the government still hasnt implemented some major recommenda recommendations ¬ tions of a 1952 royal com commission ¬ mission on the liquor busi business ¬ ness and of other royal com commissions ¬ missions since l think we should have a royal commission to Investi Investigate ¬ gate the incompetence of this government and why it needs so many royal commissions lie reminded Premier Bennett that Mr Bennett had urged as a Conservative MM In 1947 a liquor royal com mission to find if ftinds were donated to political parties or individuals by brewers and llquur interests if 1 BOB STRACHAN confidence vote