The Citizen Established 1916 A DIVISION OP NORTHWEST PUBLICATIONS LIMITED A N KA Editor W I GRIFFITH Publisher A H KEITH Advertiiing Manager Published five days a week at 150 Hrunswick Street Prince George tiC A member of The Canadian Press the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department Ottawa for payment of postage in cash Change of address and undeliverable eopie to be mailed to PO Box 578 Prince George BC Return pottoge guaranteed PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA MONDAY FEBRUARY 24 1969 NEWS TO THEM It might come as news to most of the provinces municipalities to learn that they are in very good financial shape in the words of Municipal Af Affairs ¬ fairs Minister Dan Campbell Also that the financial relationship between Victoria and local governments is the best in the country as Mr Campbell stated in the Legislature last week It may be that by curtailing spend spending ¬ ing to provide for essential services only the municipalities may have been able to show reserves amounting to 35 per cent of their operating costs for the last year The reason for this may be that municipalities are unable to venture into many capital expenditure programs because in Canada today there is virtu virtually ¬ ally no municipal bond market Because most councils are reluctant to raise taxes capital construction pro programs ¬ grams out of current revenues are seldom initiated TRUDEAU OTTAWA TNS One of prime Minister Trudeaus slogans which has caught public Imagination Is par participatory ¬ ticipatory democracy The combination of the two words conjures up the Image of direct and constant In 1 volvement of fytt masses of people in tne management of public affairs irL y Implies that i ceases to be tiKStLt I the executive UtborZh Instrument of the ruling party whose program Is sub subject ¬ ject to scrutiny by the elec elected ¬ ted representatives of the people and becomes a sort of seismograph of hitherto undetected undercurrents of the formative process of col collective ¬ lective political will The whole thing may bean interesting theoretical pro- Lete Dear Sir I am sorry for you dis disillusioned ¬ illusioned if you are looking for sympathy According to your letter last Monday you had two counts against you Ap Apparently ¬ parently your dog was on the loose without a licence and minus a leash I believe two laws were thus broken As an ardent gardener I am all for hav having ¬ ing such dogs picked up How can parents expect their children to grow into law abiding citizens when they have such flagrant acts to guide them Just Wondering Dear Sir I just read Salmos report on his weekend wolf hunt as a sportsman which he claims to be I think he is painting a very poor picture of what a sportsman is sup supposed ¬ posed to be Im all for hunting and would very much like to collect a fine trophy life a wolf but there wouldnt be much satisfaction for me in hazing a wolf with an air airplane ¬ plane and then shooting him Salmos report says first of all we do not shoot wolves from a plonebecause It is Illegal and highly dan gerous Byh the way he writes it sounds us if it is too bad maybe if it were legal he could have run over the wolf with his airplane I just read BC Outdoors and it mentions a prominent Prince George outdoor writer who says and I quote the snowmobile really comes into its own in wolf and coyote hunting as soon as the rivers and lakes are frozen hard enough Does itsoundfamlliarSaK mo Im glad lie just calls his column Outdoors and not Outdoor Sportsman because It would be an insult to ml J tons of North American Sportsmen Ingo Meierhayer Prince George And because such community pro projects ¬ jects as swimming pools and other rec recreational ¬ reational facilities are regarded as non nonessential ¬ essential services by the institutional buyer they are set aside in the hope that the bond market will suddenly remedy itself A prime example would be this citys proposed covered swimming pool which may be a long way off from be becoming ¬ coming a reality unless conditions in the bond market change It may be that the only way we will ever get the pool is for the bonds to be sold locally If we want the pool badly enough we should all be prepared to invest in it would be a reasonable basis for argu argument ¬ ment Municipalities may be in fine finan financial ¬ cial shape providing they dont spend money much beyond the point neces necessary ¬ sary to keep the wheels turning But when it comes to financing capital construction the best that can be said it that it is a tough row to hoe The Theorist position for ivory tower con contemplation ¬ templation of revival of an ancient ¬ cient Greece but as a prac practical ¬ tical method of modern gov government ¬ ernment its a non starter With all the marvels of electronic communications and computerized data sys systems ¬ tems at its command the Government simply cannot conduct a constant plebis plebiscite ¬ cite and reflect in its actions from day to day and hour to hour the often haphazard variations of the ever changing pattern of public opinion Participation Democra Democracy ¬ cy is therefore a gimmick of political sloganeering which seeks to create the impression of exciting new approaches to the effective popular involvement in the self government of the present-day state Aware of discontent e spec lally among the alie alienated ¬ nated restless and impa impatient ¬ tient young activists with the sometime sluggish re responses ¬ sponses of the existing ma machinery ¬ chinery of representative self government to the changing public needs and demands the politicians constantly search for better transmission belts of the popular will Inbetweenelec tlons When they find that what we have in our parliament parliamentary ¬ ary system is in fact the best available equipment the shrewdest among them resort to creating illusions of exciting shortcuts on brand new concepts Unfortunately none of these alleged Innovations fcv- Rife Mm d K J -o fer Si TRUDEAU tloganttr amount to more than empty vote getting slogans which In some cases may be de designed ¬ signed to divert attention from attempts to short shortchange ¬ change or smother the dem democratic ¬ ocratic process for the sake of efficiency in govern government ¬ ment Tbe extreme example of this ruse is the peoples democracy slogan of the Marxist totalitarlans who while Initially creating the illusion of direct nuss par participation ¬ ticipation In their adminis administrative ¬ trative system ushered in the cruellest form of dic dictatorship ¬ tatorship When I am not suggesting that the participatory dem ocracy slogan may have future of Canada should not similar purpose I am dis disturbed ¬ turbed by Its use for di diverting ¬ verting attention from our Governments Increasingly prounounced tendency to downgrade and bypass Par Parliament ¬ liament Symptoms of this trend range from the temporarily stalled Rule 1G A an en endeavor ¬ deavor to turn Parliament into a mere rubber stamp of the executive to the exclusion of the House and the provincial legislatures from the process of consti constitutional ¬ tutional revision Surely a task of such fun fundamental ¬ damental Importance for the future of Canada should not and Indeed must not be at attempted ¬ tempted without full partici participation ¬ pation of the elected repre representatives ¬ sentatives of all political parties if genuine demo democracy ¬ cracy is to survive in this count ry Far from fostering any broader participatory de democracy ¬ mocracy the selection of the federal provincial sum summit ¬ mit conference for the con constitutional ¬ stitutional overhaul severely limits a meaningful appli application ¬ cation of the principle of representative self-government as It Is understood and normally practised under our parliamentary system While it may be argued that the first ministers of our 11 governments repre represent ¬ sent large segments of the voters they do not and can cannot ¬ not speak for the whole elec electorate ¬ torate How can they when to cite only the most obvious anomaly the New Demo Democratic ¬ cratic Party which polled 174 percent of the popular vote In the last general elec election ¬ tion has no voice In the federal provincial confer conference ¬ ence Whatever one may think about the NDP political phil philosophy ¬ osophy there is no justifi justification ¬ cation and no excuse for the exclusion of the partys elec elected ¬ ted representatives from the formative stages of the pro process ¬ cess of constitutional revi revision ¬ sion which affects all Can Canadians ¬ adians And there Is no excuse for excluding any of the op oppositions ¬ positions In the legislative bodies An hour after the conclu conclusion ¬ sion of the constitutional conference I asked Prime Minister Trudeau whether he had given consideration to bringing Parliament and the legislatures Into the ma machinery ¬ chinery of constitutional re review ¬ view at this stage of basic decision making lie said he had considered that but until now I wasnt one who was very anxious to doit Why notllow can this atti attitude ¬ tude be reconciled with talk about participatory demo cracy I hope the PM will change his mind W ti -y Sill For Petes sake eventually well have nothing but SATISFIED students enrolling BUCH- Thick WAIII J J9 MJW VI LSfcl lflln WASHINGTON I had We will still build our lunch with Gen Blunderbuss at the Army Navy Club the other day and I decided it would be a good time to ask him about the controversial antlballistic missile system General do we really need an ABM system Of course we do The military wouldnt push for it unless it was absolutely necessary the general re replied ¬ plied Would we Probably not But there seems so much confu confusion ¬ sion about it For one thing you call it a thin shield That In itself doesnt give you much confidence in it Of course it doesnt Blunderbuss said And thats the idea If we call It a thin shield then Ameri Americans ¬ cans will demand a thick If you ask for 20 billion to start with they might cut you down to 5 billion shield and thats what we wanted in the first place Why didnt you propose a thick shield to start with I asked Because it cost too much money Weve discovered from experience that if you ask for 5 billion you can always get 20 billion more But If you ask for 20 bil billion ¬ lion to start with they might cut you down to 5 billion But the critics say that the thin shield would have no effect as far as the Rus Russians ¬ sians are concerned The thin shield is not aimed at the Russians Its aimed at the Chinese When the Chinese have their ICBMs were going to need something to stop them Then the thick shield youll build after the thin shield will take care of the Soviet missiles Not necessarily Were not sure that by the time we build a thick shield it will work Why build it then My dear fellow the ob objection ¬ jection of the antlballistic missile system is not to knock down missiles Its to give us something to ne negotiate ¬ gotiate with If we announce were building an ABM sys system ¬ tem it will force the So Soviets ¬ viets to build one and were not sure they want to spend that kind of money So the announcement would make the Soviets come to some arms control agreement But If we agree with the Soviets not to build an ABM system how will that pro protect ¬ tect us from the Chinese NOTICE To The Citizens of the Village of South Fort George GARBAGE REMOVAL According to BLaw 9 and 9a Garbage Removal Will Start March 1st 1969 thin shield but the So Soviets ¬ viets will know that it has nothing to do with their mis missiles ¬ siles They obviously would have to build a thin shield of their own against the Chinese ICBMs but we would know the Soviets would not wish our missiles any harm Then we would have to come to some agreement as to how thin our shield could be Exactly How could we do this if we dont know If your antlballistic system will work The Chinese dont know If it will work either Thats the beauty of the ABM system If they were cer certain ¬ tain it worked they could figure out ways to evade it But If they dont know if it will work at all it will act as a deterrent That makes sense but what worries people is that If you build a thin shield and the other side knows where the antiballistlc mis missiles ¬ siles are located then those places will be the first ones attacked I must say I sympathize with the people in Boston for not wanting to be part of a thin ABM shield Youve got to forget about Boston in the overall defense capability picture We didnt select Boston because its Boston Heaven knows If anything hap happened ¬ pened to Boston wed all be terribly upset But If we didnt build it in Boston wed have to build It somewhere else Would you prefer we put it in Washington DC Heck no If thats the choice by all means put It In Boston I dont even have any relatives there BrH- Lf HCNRY C DRESUf It John Liersch President of Takla Development limited announces the appointment of Henry C Hank Dressier as Manager of Lloyd Bros lumber Co ltd a wholly owned subsidiary of Takla Development limited Uoyd Bros operates a sawmill and planer mill at Isle Pierre on the CNR approximately thirty miles west of Prince George The acquisition by Takla of Lloyd Bros lumber Co Ltd and Meridian Forest Products ltd was announced in January by Merl Lloyd the former President of the company Mr Dressier was formerly manager of A I Patcriett Sons ltd of Quesnel n Strikes All Canada The bomb explosion which yesterday wrecked the in lerlor of the Montreal and Canadian Stock Exchange building Injuring 27 of the occupants Is an episode that will fill all decent Canadians with repugnance and anger It follows other bomb ex plosions in the same city one on Monday whtchblasted a federal building contain lng offices ofthe Department of Defense and another the following day in which the heavy wooden doors of an armory used by military re reservists ¬ servists were blown to pieces The succession of these events along with the fact that there have been more than SO bombings in Montreal In the past year must cause the most grave concern to Mayor Jean Drapeau and to Premier Jean Jacques Ber trand Out the threat they pose confronts all Can Canadians ¬ adians This Is our country and we cherish every Inch of It Its affairs must not be shaped by the stealthy cowardly figures who creep away leav leaving ¬ ing their lethal packages be behind ¬ hind them whether they are certifiable or merely mis misguided ¬ guided There Is little tobe gained at this point by speculating upon whether this explosion was a product of Individual madness devoid of rational objective or a calculated plot to strike down an in stitution that plays a vital role In the economy whether 11 was the work of an anar chist or an extreme separ separatist ¬ atist The earlier bombings can not of course be dismissed as Inconsequential but the bombing of the exchange has additional dimensions oc curlng as it did in the heart Tha Glob t Moil Toronto of the city at a time and place where Injuries were certain to result It should be elementary of course that the financial equilibrium of a province or country cannot be destroyed merely by attacking the building in which its day-to-day transactions take place Human life is also threatened however and this more than anything lends urgency to finding those responsible A THOUGHT FOR TOD AY No en It vhIiii In Ihlt woHd who tighten the burden el It for temeene elie -Charles Dickens Presented as a public service every day by SchuHzWtttfrnSmiM 491 Corney Street Prince George Phono 563 2077 Seldom has a sports figure captured the hearts and imagination of a country so completely as Nancy Greene Olympic gold medalist World Cup champion and symbol of new excellence in Canada This exciting new book entitled bBSihI Nancy contains over 100 illustrations manyof them in color Its an affectionate look in pictures with accompanying text at the worlds greatest woman skier and one of its most charming girls Use the coupon opposite to order your copy now TO STAR READER SERVICE PO Box 806 Adelaide Street Post Office Toronto 1 Ontario Please send me copies of NANCY at 198 each for which I enclose NAME ADDRESS ZONE PROVINCE Also available through most book stores and ski shops Out of town cheques please add 15c exchange