M f COME ON OVER ljgj TO UNCLE BENS Vol 13 No 224 said Mission Control d ptor4 b quo Con n bp tw Ool a BUI Paschal says a new coffee house venture opens In the basement of Knox United fhnrrh Frtdav nlrht Bill nhoned morrow for further details a Since it Is not exactly tent- lng weather outside AlCor dlner is as king the party who took his size 48 raincoat from the Vienna Schnitzel Tuesday night and left a mini model in its place to please return the coat to him at either the Chamber of Com Commerce ¬ merce office or the Vienna Schnitzel A Spruce City Lions are ready club 28 Pages Forecait Intermittent rain New age of discovery O ne of the few good pictures of last nights moonwalk was taken from his TV set by Citizen photographer Dave Milne Direct sunlight burnt Tube boobed so no joy HOUSTON AP - There was in the language of flers and astronauts no Jo on television from the moontoda It started fine when Charles Conrad opened a lower com partment on the lunar lander and exposed the camera It showed first Conrad then Alan Bean climbing down the ladder But when Bean moved the camera away from the space craft the picture suddenl went sour At the top there was a Jagged white area The bottom three quarters was solid black All the connections look good said Bean Take a good close look at the lens and make sure Its In the right configuration the ground suggested But It didnt help Mission Control suggested that a color wheel Inside might be stuck When I hold the end of the camera I can feel the wheels running Bean said He tried changing the setting but still no Jo Suddenly there were streaks 1 hit It on the top with my hammer Bean said I figured we didnt have anything to lose Thats skilled craftsmanship The ground suggested Give It one more light rap and also cut down on the F stop On a camera the larger the F stop the smaller the amount of light admitted b the lens Oka we did said Conrad Did It zoom down for you No Jo said the ground Oka Im going to pound It a bit Conrad said Streaks but still no picture Mission Control promised to get experts on the ground work lng to solve the problem and the astronauts b then far behind on their limited time schedule went about their scientific tasks The camera Is the same one that was carried In the com mand module on the Apollo 10 In May Its outside was coated with a special material to with stand temperature extremes on the moon and Its Inside was beefed up But today on the first walks there was no Joy presented hundreds of local fam families ¬ ilies with gifts from the toy drive A BC Tel wants all those The Citizen Aid Carrie Jane Gray said today she wished to clarify a statement she made at Mon Mondays ¬ days meeting of city council concerning an apparent in increase ¬ crease In that nocturnal oc occupation ¬ cupation Aid Gray said she was re referring ¬ ferring to bootlegging and not prostitution as implied in Tuesdays Citizen No skidoos on streets Skidoos are not allowed on streets or highways police re remind ¬ mind residents today Its a safety measure city traffic Constable Ed Olfert of city traffic said Skidoos are low sitting and can dart out on the road without ever being seen by drhers Anyone operating tliese motor motorized ¬ ized snowmobiles on the street Is liable to fines up to 500 or Imprisonment for three months or both School district 57 Prince George also passed a bylaw in April forbidding skidoos cars of motorcycles and other vehicles Okay Its coming In now Apollos 12s two planned moon from driving on school property Telephone cable hit Wright Creek Road area res- BC Tel crews worked all ud to sav hell be brlneine in a ldents who have not vet been con- ngM to repair a 1500 palr tele photo and Information to help tacted about telephone service to iPione cable at 15th Ave and promote the place Tune in to- call the Prince George commer- Carney that was destroyed by clal office at 563 3011 Seems waj seepage UJat a l I118 bli1 cale A telephone spokesman said along Wright Creek Road at a i compiete service to parts of cost of 19 000 now provides 1 15th A the s r and access to he Salmon Valley- Spruceland subdivisions should Wright Creek Road areas for new te restored by noon Thursday telephone service I Hart Highway fellow drop- He said the cable was out of w ped this message here for service at 8 pm and also af transmission to a recent caller fected the hospital Howavermo Come back and get the case bile telephone service kept the for the transistor radio i aont hospital In touch with the out for donations of toys The mind the grubyou took lxyouwere side for any eventual emergency has set up receiving and re- hungry Repair work began at 9 pm pair facilities so that anyone Ah civilization Growing with toys to donate to needy w Fort St James marks an- families for Christmas can drop other milestone on Dec 1 Thats them off at 1240 Second Avenue the day the communitys new gov- or call 563 4827 Last year they ernment liquor store Is to open The spokesman said It Is not possible to determine how many of the 750 telephones served by the cable were affected PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19 1969 unmanned Surveyor spacecraft resting onlj COO feet away in the crater that had been their tar get for the pinpoint landing Both men were exuberant as they gathered rocks and spotted strange mounds of rubble that they described as fantastic Conrads cackling laugh became a familiar sound Wowee was a favorite ex expression ¬ pression as Conrad and Bean prowled the surface ranging more than 1000 feet to set up the experiments and to Inspect By Duncan Camming Citizen Staff Rportr the mounds and what appeared to them to be fresh crater Their words flowed over the communication channel more than 250000 miles back to earth The astronauts were amazed at the thick black dust that darkened their space suits as they moved like ghostl figures in a weird surrounding Were really filth Conrad reported The third member of the ex expedition ¬ pedition Richard F Gordon Jr became almost a forgotten man TJf wm Hi iLUHnfeM -ri -a J JT -3H out a tube on the astronauts color camera eliminating pictures of exploration of the dusty surface Statement clarified Industry reps say No argument on expansion If the proposed boundary ex expansion ¬ pansion is achieved this year the citv stands to rppplvp frnm An amicable meeting with both he Provincial Government half sides asking questions ears taxes from the affec- Thats the way both a city areas Unofficial pstimntps spokesman and an industrialist place this at S1000000 described a meeting Tuesday be- Q 0 2S SaSTSSSSSJS i T5WKt32wySSS v W- Mvi uUif tilth rincn tnnnnUp InJnnll 1 industrial park tenants to dls- VTT cuss the parks inclusion within ITT 6Mea P1 X uc city limits Thp pitv srmkpsman said tpn lAtuauii Agent jes rieu juim- Phone 562 2441 as he orbited some 65 miles ov overhead ¬ erhead In the Yankee Clipper command ship waiting for Con rad and Bean to complete their 31 2 -hour exploration trip But Gordon helped pinpoint the landing site by spotting both Intrepid and the Surveor Conrad and Bean steered In trepld to Its perfect landing on the eastern edge of the Ocean of Storms at 1 54 29 a m EST and became the third and fourth hu mans to leave their Imprint In the lunar dust School consfrucfon hf By GrQ Mclnryr Citiztn Staff RtporHr Prince George school offi officials ¬ cials have denounced a Provin Provincial ¬ cial Government move to end capital construction referen dums The move was announced Tues Tuesday ¬ day night by Lands and Forestry Minister Ray Wllliston acting for absent Education Minister Donald Brothers The announcement followed tentative approval of a local school construction referendum which the Department of Educa Education ¬ tion had ordered to be sliced from the original 13358547 to 7833090 School officials have reacted with concern and disbelief to the apparent ban Tuesday on all money bylaws and referendums In the Dec 6 municipal elec elections ¬ tions Local MLA Ray Wllliston said from Victoria that in place of by bylaws ¬ laws and referendums classroom needs In B C for the next year will be handled on an Indivi Individual ¬ dual and emergency basis The government Is taking this policy We have to meet essential classroom needs wherever they happen to come he said Prince George district school trustee Gait Wilson said Tues Tuesday ¬ day night the ban will do two things It will effectively remove the Shift system predicted here District school superintendent Dave Todd said Im stunned He said without more infor information ¬ mation it Is not clear what the effect of the ruling will be but he was concerned that it might mean a return In this district to scheduling classes on a shift basis It seems regretable to me that when the board and the ad administration ¬ ministration spends so many hours planning ahead to provide facilities there could be the pos possibility ¬ sibility of going short of needed classrooms and improvements he said The school boards original projection was that four new elementary and two new Junior representatlves of companies son iau loaay nls cuenis nave i secondary scnooiswouiuoe need- based on the PGE site discussed wrlPn -ampDeu asKingmauney i eo in me district during the next ways boundary expansion will TC 0l iciuuea in me at tnree ears in addition to up- affect them - Marketing and administration manager Ross Cralgle of In Inland ¬ land Chemicals Canada Ltd said today the meeting had an atmos atmosphere ¬ phere of pleasantness on both sides I gave the city my tax notice so they can calculate what In Inland ¬ land will pay when it Is within the city said Cralgle As part of the city we would have official fire protection and the city feels many employ ees of Industries outside the city now live In and enjoy the citys faculties Cralgle said he like the oth ers will report to his companys officers We are not arguing w ith the city he added The decision rusts with the Minister of Muni Municipal ¬ cipal Affairs Persons now outside the city have until Dec 12 to voice op opposition ¬ position to the expansion plan to Municipal Affairs Minister Dan Campbell If there Is sufficient opposi opposition ¬ tion the Minister may decide to put the matter to a vote The city plans to double the size of the present 6400 acre city by expanding north south and west Expansion to the west will give the city Increased resi residential ¬ dential neighborhoods Expansion south and north will include Industrial sites and two pulp mills and serve to broaden the tax base WEAR THAT 100000 MI VATQUN QMILEf J- b rvu 1 7pfliroocpiirc i 105 BRUNSWICK 563 0581 planning function from local school boards And it will re move the right of owner-elec tors to decide what money ma be borrowed W llson who said he had talked to a Department of Education official Tuesday morning saia the announcement came as a surprise He said what concerned him most was that local school boards right to plan has been removed and lctoria now rath rather ¬ er than the boards will decide what school construction is to take place The local school board was uncertain what the exact impli implications ¬ cations of the move will be and are awaiting the written com communique ¬ munique being sent from Vic Victoria ¬ toria to all school boards In the province The subject has been sche scheduled ¬ duled for discussion at Tues Tuesdays ¬ days regular meeting Local school board chairman Mrs Jean Kellett said the ban Is an austerity program on the part of the government She said she had never seen anything like it in the past 1 Our leferendum had already been cut down from 13 to 7 million she said which Is the largest cuf Ive seen In years grading and additions to a num number ¬ ber of existing schools Officials predict if there are not 40 to 45 additional class classrooms ¬ rooms In school district 57 next year to accommodate the ex expected ¬ pected 1200 extra students the shift system will have to be implemented Asked how classrooms will be provided without authoriza authorization ¬ tion in local plebiscites Mr Wllliston said There are emergency pro provisions ¬ visions and insofar as class classrooms ¬ rooms are concerned the basic classrooms that are required they will be handled on the emer emergency ¬ gency basis to make sure all emergent classroom needs are met Wllliston said This Is not a freeze exactly the opposite 10c Copy JL 2 00 PER MONTH but no color camera Astronauts make bulls eye landing on moon HOUSTON AP - Two American astronauts made a bulls eje landing on the moon today raised their flag and con ducted the most detailed explo ration jet of the black powdery surface Before returning safel to their lunar ferry Intrepid they set up five scientific Instru Instruments ¬ ments powered b the first nu clear generator on the moon In landing on the Ocean of Storms Charles Pete Conrad and Alan L Bean carried mans quest for the unknown to that alien soil a second time The opened a new age of discovery the first detailed exploration of the moon Their moonwalk was spoiled for earthllngs when a camera transmitting the first color tele vision prlctures from the moon failed after 45 minutes Experts at the Manned Spacecraft Cen Centre ¬ tre believed the camera was ac cidentally pointed at the sun burning the sensitive image tube The moment they landed on the moon Conrad shouted Outstanding And Bean ex claimed I cant wait to get outsidel They were two Jubilant men chattering like a couple of chip chipmunks ¬ munks as they went about the Important business of exploring the strange world where the gravity force is only one sixth that on earth There was excitement in Con rads voice when he spotted an The first of two planned moonwalks started at C 44 am when Conrad backed down a nine rung ladder and stepped ashore In the new world Bean followed 31 minutes later Conrad spent a total of three hours 44 minutes outside and Bean an even three hours After stowing their gear and eating the planned eight hours sleep resting for the second ex c u r s 1 o n set to start at 12 32 a m Thursda Trustees denounce ban on referendum SW vcfcl New mill to create 1000 jobs CHETWiND BC CP-Of-ficials said Tuesday a 100000 000 forestry operation to be built in the Talor B C area will employ 1 000 men when com pleted Canadian Gypsum Ltd of To Toronto ¬ ronto said Its operation Peace Wood Products Ltd will em employ ¬ ploy 100 at the start of con construction ¬ struction early next year Initial plans call for a saw sawmill ¬ mill dry kiln plane and lumber marketing operation Later plans are for automated saw mill and lumber operations a pi wood plant pulp mill and hardboard operation Ban proposed on activities VANCOUVER CP - The citys public schools could lose extra curricular activities until next fall says the president of the Vancouver Secondary Teach Teachers ¬ ers Association Bob Pyke said the ban will take effect in 10 days unless teachers and trus trustees ¬ tees reach contract settlement by then Union man cites 7 forestry deaths Lousy safety record rapped By Bob Groves Citizen Staff Reporter A union official has slam slammed ¬ med the forest Industry In Northern BC for a lousy safety record following two more accidental deaths In the last week The accident record here Is atrocious said Fred Ibis on Tuesday as he counted 17 fatalities this year In the northern regions forest In Industry ¬ dustry Ibis 36 Is safety director and business agent for Prince George Local 1 424 of the In International ¬ ternational Woodworkers of America Ibis laid most of the blame at the doorstep of Industry for In some cases not conduct conducting ¬ ing effective safetyprograms Industry has the responsi responsibility ¬ bility to train Its own people said Ibis who said the de demands ¬ mands of high speed machin machinery ¬ ery and higher production goals require comprehensive safety programs If you have 17 people kill killed ¬ ed at once It would make big headlines said Ibis Taken lndlvidually deaths piss however the relatively un- noticed Tlie public attitude that accidents are inevitable must be changed This attitude is too prevalent among man management ¬ agement and to a certain ex extent ¬ tent in unions said Ibis The two most recent ac accidental ¬ cidental deaths occurred Thursday atanewsawmlllslte at Anzac Siding 80 miles north of Prince George and on Saturday at Lloyd Bros Saw Sawmill ¬ mill at Isle Pierre 30 miles west of the city Killed Thursday when a piece of heavy machinery fell on him wis Fern Vandale 46 of Delta Vandale was a millwright employed at Industrial Mill Service Ltd who are build building ¬ ing the sawmill for Le Pas Lumber Co He was among a group of men moving the heavy piece along two supporting timbers when one of the tim timbers ¬ bers broke In the other fatality on Sat Saturday ¬ urday lift truck driver John Frederick 52 of Prince George was electrocuted when his forkllft touched a 14000 volt high tension wire An inquiry Into the death has been ordered Ibis said a bad company will drag the whole industry down by not having an effec effective ¬ tive safety program He felt there were three or four com companies ¬ panies In the region that did net show enough regard for safety but he was unwilling to name them Of the 17 fatalities 13 have occured in logging Ibis blamed the incentive system of work for the high rate of accidents particular particularly ¬ ly In logging Under the lncentlvesystem loggers are paid on the basis of the number of trees they fall The system has the built in Incentive for chance-taking for taking the fatal step said Ibis With logging scheduled to resume with a solid free zup referred to by some as the winter carnival Ibis said the message of safe oper ation is even more Import Important ¬ ant All of us should realize how much blood letting there is going to be and is it nec necessary ¬ essary he asked Don McEachnie a safety Inspector for the Workmens Compensation Boaids Prince George office agreed with Ibis that this ear Is one of the worst weve had In the Prince George area Ills office has recorded a total of 23 indus tilal deaths this eir If management doesnt do something about these work methods their assessment rate Is going to be Increas Increasing ¬ ing he said Operators must give saf et a prloilt equal to pro production ¬ duction he said Bill Thomson accident pre prevention ¬ vention maniger for the Northern Interior Lumber Lumbermens ¬ mens Association said its a crisis situation when ou have one accident He agreed that some com companies ¬ panies have been lax In their concern for safety and that greater education and en enforcement ¬ forcement Is needed