2 THE CITIZEN Wednesday June 2 1971 Mackenzie school Board to negotiate for additional cash The school board faces afresh round of negotiations with the department of education on a proposed secondary school In Mackenzie That was the conclusion reached Tuesday after the board heard a report from architect Des Parker on bids for con construction ¬ struction of the 350 student school The board will try to seek ap approval ¬ proval from Victoria for a school that will cost 1000000 Instead of the 850000 allowed The school was scheduled to open Dec 31 but it appears un likely that it can be ready by that time When tenders were first re received ¬ ceived last week the lowest came from II Erlckson and Son of Prince George with a bid of 1000000 As the board can finance only an 8JO000 project the school was retendered the gymnasium being omitted The lowest bid for the class room block again came from Erickson this time for 729000 The department of education es estimate ¬ timate on cost of the classroom block was 000000 Parker said that when costs were broken down it was found that work involving prefabricated units came within the estimates Art Van Somer one of the best known rivermen in north northern ¬ ern British Columbia was burled today following a brief funeral service at Assmans Funeral Chapel at 130 pm Mr Van Somer who spent a lifetime outdoors working as a trapper guide freighter and tra trader ¬ der in the river systems of the Rocky Mountain Trench north of Prince George died last week end at the age of 61 For more than 40 years the name Van Somer has been asso ciated with freighting on the Pack Crooked Parsnip Peace Finlay and Ingenika River system During his career Mr Van1 Somer acted as guide and pro vided transportation for trappers engineers big game hunters politicians surveyors and auth authors ¬ ors At the time of his death he op operated ¬ erated the trading post at Fort Ware on the Finlay River which he bought In I960 following the death of another well known trap trapper ¬ per and trader of the Trench Ben Cork Born in Whitehorse in 1910 Mr Van Somer came to Prince George with his family In 1914 Plumbing masonry and elec electrical ¬ trical work which involved con considerable ¬ siderable on-the-site labor were the costly items Contractors had to accommo accommodate ¬ date their tradesmen in Macken Mackenzie ¬ zie Parker reminded the board In addition they considered it a troubled area laborwise Trustees accepted Ross Craigies motion that they ac accept ¬ cept the Erickson bid of 720 000 for the classroom block This however Is subject to the approval of the department I dont know where well go If they say weve got to have the classroom block for G50- 000 said Cralgie I really dont The board also agreed to ne gotiate with the department and Erickson for a cheaper gym that would not boost the total pro ject above 1009000 Parker said the gym can be redesigned This would mean eliminating 4000 square feet area above changing rooms that could have been used as a sec secondary ¬ ondary gym and which In a re remote ¬ mote area like Mackenzie would be nice to have Chuck Truscott and Bob Af Affleck ¬ fleck felt this space important so the gym could be of more use to the community Secretary treasurer Mac BC riverman dies aged 6 1 For several years his father op erated a general store at Chief Lake He attended school in Prince George and following graduation from high school took up trap trapping ¬ ping and guiding and turned them into a lifelong career His death last Saturday closes a chapter on freighting by river boat which has become lmpracti cal In the Trench with the crea tlon of Williston Lake and the adoption of aircraft to move supplies He Is survived by his wife Susie at Fort Ware three sons Bill and Bob Prince George and Ralph Fort Warejfourdaughters Elsie Anne and Sheila Prince George and Joan Fort Ware two brothers Jack Prince George and Jim Summit Lake two sisters Mrs HL Mar Margaret ¬ garet Witter Summit Lake and Mrs BE Alice George Calgary and five grandchildren At the service conducted by Rev Ian Morrison pallbearers included Del Miller Joe Berg hammer Arnold George My Myers ¬ ers Bill Witter Ed Strandberg Sid Clark and Tony Loewen Changes announced by school board School District 57 has an announced ¬ nounced the following appoint appointments ¬ ments Lyall Rodger head of Duchess Park Junior Secondary School as principal of Prince George Senior Secondary School Art Erasmus Blackburn Jun Junior ¬ ior Secondary principal as PGSSS vice principal Gordon Ballantyne PGSSS principal as director of secon secondary ¬ dary instruction Jim Smith PGSSS vice-prin cipal as principal of Connaught Junior Secondary Bill Fisher director of in- stiuctional programs as prin principal ¬ cipal of Duchess Park Junior Secondary Eric Dornbierer PGSSS ad Wafer district legal A greater Prince George water and sewer district could legally be created Municipal Affairs Minister Dan Campbell said Tuesday But whether it should be creat ed will depend on the will of the public he said The minister was asked by Fraser Fort Geoige regional di director ¬ rector Gordon Bryant for his opinion of small communities outside Prince George joining in to one large swer system I dont wait to be In a posi position ¬ tion where I favor one or the other the minister said Campbell said there are three ways outlying communities can Join the city of Prince George In a water and sewer system create an overall board con contract ¬ tract services from the city to the outlying areas or amalga amalgamate ¬ mate Bryant said the most favorable method would betocreateawater and sewer authority Bryant said the city of Prince George and the regional district of Fraser Fort George are presently studying the Idea mlnlstratlve assistant as Duch Duchess ¬ ess Park vice principal Dave Vawter vice principal of Duchess Park as principal of Blackburn Junior Secondary Ken Wilson of Williams Lake as principal of Valemount Ele mentary Junior Secondary School Tony Hartnell principal of Wlnton School as vice principal of Valemount John Stevens acting principal of Blackburn Road Elementary as principal of College Heights Elementary Noiman Arnold principals assistant at Spruceland Elemen Elementary ¬ tary as principal of Blackburn Road Elementary Wefare tactic spreads VANCOUVER CP - Port Coquitlam has followed Sur rejs action In taking employ able single persons off welfare rolls while similar action is being considered by two other loer British Columbia main land municipalities Persons in Port Coquitlam who fit that category and who have collected welfare for the past ear have received their last welfare cheque until Oct 1 Mayor Jack Campbell said Tues day Carpenter co ordinating archi architect ¬ tect Joe Briggs and project ar chitect Parker will go to Vic Victoria ¬ toria to negotiate with the de department ¬ partment Airlines merge Northern Mountain Airlines and Thunderbird Airlines offi officially ¬ cially merged as Northern Thun Thunderbird ¬ derbird Air Ltd Tuesday The amalgamation a fait ac accompli ¬ compli since May 15 brings nine Thunderbird aircraft and seven Northern aircraft under a joint management The helicopters of Northern remain in a separate company still called Northern Mountain Airlines The merged companies will service the Central Interior Canoeist tried to make time through rapids inquest told A coroners jury made no rec recommendations ¬ ommendations and attached no blame in an inquiry Into the May 22 drowning of Gerald Fortune 20 of 446 Carney Fortune was practising for the May Day canoe race with partner Grant Wells 22 Wells testified they were ent entering ¬ ering the Isle Pierre rapids 38 miles west of Prince George and were skirting an Island because Fortune figured it was faster It would give him a little time in the race Then the canoe capsized and the two men each grabbed one end of the canoe Wells swam through really cold water to a small island and ran down to the other end but could not see Fortune A para rescue team sighted Fortunes body from a helicop helicopter ¬ ter at 1120 am May 24 26 miles downstream of the cap capsizing ¬ sizing site The body was floating In three feet of water suppoitedby the life jacket Wells had testified his life jacket identical to Fortune shad supported him in his s1mr F A X ON SALE JUNE 2345 J BL i iill j u h i 1 1 1 1 J JL iJ VINYL SANDALS - - gN yrrii ladies JvTvVI yyrJHfi our regular price 299 flHilif I lIC K i Jl iJlJjr 1 I f J Jm 226SBHHHMiVKlk I IwmHIIIE KRESGE SPECIAL PRICE C Uvu M J 111 I WED THURS FRI SAT HIKhBBBHRIbBHk lXflMV M M V J- f v Jf 111 1 Concealed hood Zipper BfllRHHHHflHttfflH I -jMjBK m m Y 111 V front openingl Two pockets EBHHHRtHHIflk I x v N 111 1 Assorted HHHBnlHHHHftHHn PACK v v 111 I inHHHDBlHHHHftiHBBK wed thurs mi st r 186 wm MPl PANTYHOSE V -jC WED THURS FRI SAT HHf WM nil I I IIVVL I - Zipper front opening Con yy HB llllliyfll Dnp ciyp fife all I I l cealed hood Assorted SP WfmM VS colors Kffl--7Wffim Stretch Nylon Nude heels V Jy -GyM iil Assorted colors J fj I 9AklW CAL AD ROWLSI DWWWfcl Jtr WI tripod ghH8Vln style Design I I DEODORANT PILLOW I M Alt H ftKtbbt k f rSKtbbt AA tfVF H eta stai n anH and mar r mar re KRESGE SPECIAL PRICE I V I II C1 DQV I SPECIAL SPECIAL ar tUAL fmA srtuAi sistant Avocado WW I I AIL ill v or I 1 jx- in K fir IUI I llll I 1 II decorated uecoraiea desien aesign B H wed THURS FRI sat wed thurs fri sat H salad time I Buy HOW M mUmM pi I and save 6 size1 19 H II Anti Pefspirant 6 Oz spray Chipped foam filled wed thurs fri sat B Regular Unscented Printed cotton covering M BREAKFAST I DINNERTbREAKFAS J f I Chuckwagon I I Bacon and eggs II II I potatoes peas J II II I 3 sausages 1 II II I hashbrowns I II II I roll butter I II I pancakes II II toast and coffee I W W I coffee I W W I toast and coffee I I