Genera faces crimes charge WASHINGTON AP - The first US general accused of murdering civilians In South Vietnam says the charges against him are based on a onesided report Brig Gen John W Donald Donaldson ¬ son until recently a top planner for the joint chiefs of staff said Wednesday the Investigation conducted bv the armvs crlml nal Intelligence division is not complete Certain parts of this report and Investigation have just now been made available to me and to my counsel Donaluson said I would like to say I have full faith In the United States Army The armv has been mv life and 1 have full confidence In the US military judicial sys tern The 47-year-old West Point graduate Is accused of murder murdering ¬ ing six Vietnamese civilians and assaulting two others The army has disclosed few details of the case but Penta Pentagon ¬ gon sources said an Investiga Investigation ¬ tion was started In November The Citizen day members of a gang accused of stealing cheques worth 1345000 from two US compa n 1 e s Most were travellers after a helicopter pilot said the general took pot shots a Viet Vietnamese ¬ namese civilians while flying over Quang Ngal province dur during ¬ ing an operation in late 19C8 Donaldson was commander of the 4th Infantry Brigade at the time of the alleged incidents The army in announcing the charges used the term al alleged ¬ leged In referring to the civil civilians ¬ ians It is understood this phras ing was used because an issue In the case is whether they were Viet Cong troops Also Wednesday the army said Lt Col William J Mc- Closkey has been charged with the death of two Vietnamese ci civilians ¬ vilians in March 19G9 The army said the two cases are not related Doth officers were members of the Amerlcal Division 1th Infantry Brigade units of which were Involved In the My Lai massacre However My Lai took place In March 1968 be before ¬ fore either of the Incidents said to have Involved Donaldson and McCloskey WDRLD NEWS Accused murderer says hes innocent YUBA CITY Calif AP Juan V Corona standing quietly beside a public defender and an interpreter pleaded not guilty Wednesday to 10 counts of murder In connection with mass slaylngs of Itinerant work workers ¬ ers In a closed door hearing in Justice Court public defender Roy van den Heuvel entered the plea for Corona who speaks English haltingly Corona 37 will return to Jus tlce Court June 16 for a prelimi nary hearing at which Judge J J Hanklns Is to decide whether the farm labor contractor should be held for Superior Court trial The charges were filed week ago when 10 bodies of drifters and migrant farm work ers had been found They had been hacked and stabbed to death and burled in crude or chard graves Since then 13 more bodies were found and the search goes on for more possl ble sites World briefs New warning STOCKHOLM Reuter There is a clear connection be between ¬ tween miscarriage and ciga cigarette ¬ rette smoking says two Swedish doctors who have studied more than 4000 pregnancies Among non smokers half the study eroup there was a miscarriage rate of 78 per cent compared with 91 per cent for moderate smokers and 145 per cent for heavy smokers Gang seized BUENOS AIRES AP Ar gentlne police arrested Wednes cheques American Express re ported sending cheques totalling 145000 to its head office last year only to find they were sto len en route The Bank of Amer lea also announced the disap pearance of 12 million In trav ellers cheques which had been remitted to a bank In Lima Peru Police killed CALCUTTA Reuter More than 90 policemen were killed and about 800 Injured In clashes with political extremists in In dlas West Bengal state during the last 14 months an official spokesman said Wednesday He said there were more than 1300 arson cases In the same period Conservation growth must balance Greene St WM J J Greene BANrr Alta CP - The pace of economic activity in Canada owes much to develop development ¬ ment of natural resources but a balance must be struck between the competing ethics of conserv conservation ¬ ation and growth Energy Minis Minister ¬ ter J J Greene said Wednes Wednesday ¬ day night Canadas ability to attract the huge sums of capital re required ¬ quired to continue this develop development ¬ ment will depend on national priorities at home and abroad he told the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy But there was also a need to accommodate the realities of the international market place to which Canadas export-oriented industries must look for growth Some observers suggest the non renewable nature of our re resources ¬ sources should dictate policies that would prevent their devel opment despite the costs to the nation of allowing our natural wealth to lie fallow untapped and unrealized MS JKKKS mt j vnsMCiM MMcwmmmm The ill fated Norwegian cruise ship Meteor shown here at a dock in Vancouver after the killer fire in the Strait of Georgia where 32 crew members died May 22 is about to be sold a ships officer said Wednesday John Clark second engineer aboard the Meteor said he and a handful of key crew members are remaining in Van Vancouver ¬ couver to show sailors hired by the new owners how var various ¬ ious machinery aboard the vessel operates Martin says pact not new course OTTAWA CP - Canadas Improved relations with the So viet Union arent intended to upset or replace the countrys existing associations and alii ances Senator Paul Martin for former ¬ mer external affairs minister said Wednesday The protocol signed by Prime Minister Trudeau in Moscow last month was a logical devel development ¬ opment of Canadian policy rather than a change of direc direction ¬ tion Senator Martin government House leader and Senator Grat tan OLeary PC Ontario col llded in the Senate over the significance of the Trudeau visit Senator OLeary said Senator Martin had tried to make it look like a breakthrough in his history ¬ tory and at the same time nothing at all Senator OLeary took issue with Mr Trudeaus remark that Canadians were concerned about the cultural economic and military consequences of having the US as a neighbor This had been a mischievous Chile moves on industry SANTIAGO Chile AP -President Salvador AUendes left wing government Is picking up speed In its march toward socialism with a campaign to take over most private Industry In Chile Using laws that have been on the bookb as far back as the 1920s government officials have been requisitioning private factories and offices in recent weeks for alleged Irregularities In production When the requisi requisition ¬ tion decree is signed govern government ¬ ment supervisors take over op operations ¬ erations of the affected plants and businesses ignoring the owners and officers Tord Motor Cos is among these requisitioned Tord decided May 7 to close out Its operations in Chile after haying lost 10 million since 1909 More than 400 employees at the companys assembly plant were dismissed with a months salary for every year worked The government rehired the workers It called a meeting this week seeking to Interest an other automotive manufacturer in moving into the plant which has been in mothballs for six months Nine automotive companies currently operate in Chile Al lendes government is expected to detail soon a program to re reduce ¬ duce that number to three by 1973 Companies allowed to re remain ¬ main would operate In minority partnership with the govern ment Other recent developments in the governments campaign In Include ¬ clude Takeover of more than 50 per cent of the textile industry with the requisition of 14 mills Passage of the halfway mark in a program to purchase controlling stock In the coun trys private banks Takeover of the operations of El Tenlente the worlds larg est underground copper mine because of alleged production irregularities The mine was op operated ¬ erated by the US Kennecott Corp Congress has passed a consti constitutional ¬ tutional amendment expected to become effective in July which will complete nationaliza nationalization ¬ tion of the copper mining indus industry ¬ try and irresponsible remark to make from Moscow What do you think he had in mind when he used that word military Was he thinking of NORAD Mr Trudeau had made the remark to court the favor of the Russians and comfort them in their clear efforts to create division between Canada and the United States ii the prime minister was worried about Canadian inde pendence from the US he should have said so in Ottawa or in Washington not In Mos cow of all places Senator Martin said Senator OLeary was giving wrong 1m presslons Senator Edward Lawson Brit ish Columbia appointed to the Senate by Mr Trudeau last Oc tober said American military power is a valid Canadian con cern whether or not It was a Justified concern Senator Martin said the proto col places no binding obligations on Canada There had been no Indication in either the protocol or communique that the proto col would be followed by a for formal ¬ mal treaty with Russia He dismissed suggestions that the government Is charting a voyage In new waters The points mentioned In the lengthy communique Issued In Moscow two days after Mr Tru deau arrived were matters of common Interest and the provi sion for regular consultation be tween Canada and the Soviet Union was nothing new Senator Martin said Trudeau had stated in Moscow that Pre mier Kosygln was signing the protocol on the complete un derstandlng that Canada would remain In NATO and remain a close ally of the United States n s kw J iki 1 N2 v i V W iWJ l I 1 feK W 3 MQjs iff l 1 Wk till s riPX1 I M T I fill A 1 Offer good until Junv 20 Legislature adjourns Suspensions fight mark Nfld session By Canadian Press The Newfoundland legislature adjourned Wednesday until Oct 20 after a tumultuous session that included a physical attack on a member and a series of suspensions The session which opened March 22 was marked through out by heavy opposition attacks on government spending Also under attack Wednesday was Manitobas NDP govern government ¬ ment which was accused of as slstlng In the takeover of a local bus manufacturing firm by a US businessman In the Quebec legislature a cabinet minister denied there has been an exodus of doctors from the province and an oppo sltlon leader suggested the gov government ¬ ernment Implement a middle-of-the road policy on the use of French In St Johns Nfld Lt Gov E John A Harnum gave royal assent to 84 bills Including one to grant collective bargaining rights to fishermen shortly after adjournment was moed The fishermens legislation to come Into force on proclama tlon technically Is opposed to federal anti combines statutes But Premier Joseph Smallwood will seek an exception If Ottawa challenges it The house is expected to be dissolved and an election held before Oct 20 The Liberal gov governments ¬ ernments five jear term ex expires ¬ pires at the end of this ear Opposition members again stayed away from the house Wednesday as the have done since three of them were ex expelled ¬ pelled Monday for three days after accusing Speaker George Clarke of favoring the govern government ¬ ment The three expulsions followed NATO talks open THE CITIZEN Thursday June 3 1971 3 j tt an attack on one of the three by William Smallwood son of the premier The joungei Small wood was expelled for the week In Winnipeg Llbeial House Leader Gordon Johnston presented a motion to adjourn the legislature foi an emer emergency ¬ gency debate on financial deal lngs between Western Ther Coach Industries Ldt and the Manitoba Deelopment Corp the provinces lndustiial loan agency He said the corporation made a loan of 2 million toWestem Flyer in early 1970 after It had invited Thomas J Ault of De Detroit ¬ troit to take 75 pei cent control of the locally owned firm foi cash investment of 12 lie said after taking over the company Mr Ault began a systematic program of exti act acting ¬ ing for his personal use funds from Western Flyer Coach Sharp backs Russ idea LISBON C P -R e u t e r -NATO foreign ministers opened a two day meeting today to dis discuss ¬ cuss their response to a Soviet call last month for talks on re reducing ¬ ducing forces in Europe The ministerial council of the 15 country alliance was ex expected ¬ pected to assess Soviet motives behind their proposal suggesting talks between NATO and War Warsaw ¬ saw pact nations on cutting forces External Affairs Minister MitcheU Sharp of Canada said on the eve of the talks that he will urge NATO to take the So Soviet ¬ viet proposal seriously and find a way of probing further Rus Russian ¬ sian intentions on the troop cuts Sharp said he will recommend that appointment of an envoy to Eastern Europe to ascertain more precisely the Soviet views Sources close to Sharp said such a role could be filled by retiring NATO Secretary-General Manllo Broslo of Italy or by an Individual country within the alliance perhaps the United States Broslo said the NATO minis ministers ¬ ters would welcome the Soviet proposal especially in areas such as central Europe where there are dangers of a confron confrontation ¬ tation But he said the ministers would want further clarification of the Soviet stand Mltttltai v V JMilllnTWrrMrflllllIJi 1153 5th Ave Phone 563 0628 Soviet Communist Leader Le Leonid ¬ onid Brezhnev made the propos proposals ¬ als couched In general terms In Tbilisi May 14 Sharp said Soviet leaders as assured ¬ sured Prime Minister Trudeau during his recent visit to the Soviet Union that ihey were sin sincere ¬ cere In seeking a lowering of force levels In Europe but they had refused to outline details of their plans The onus is on the Russians to indicate their seriousness Sharp said The Soviet Union would have to be prepared to accept some arrangement for Inspections and control of force levels as part of any agreement on troop reductions NATO itself made the original offer to discuss mutual and bal balanced ¬ anced force reductions in Eu rgpe three years ago But this was virtually ignored by the Warsaw pact countries until Brezhnevs speech The NATO foreign ministers renewed their proposal last May when they suggested that any force reductions should be based on the following princi principles ¬ ples Mutual force reductions should be compatible- with the vital security Interests of NATO They should not operate to the military disadvantage of either side having regard for Shooting suit loses CLEVELAND Ohio AP -Judge James C Connell of United States District Court dis missed Wednesday wrongful death suits amounting to at least 11 million filed by parents of three Kent State University students slain last year by Na National ¬ tional Guards troops during a campus disturbance The dismissals were on a 4 million suit filed on behalf of Jeffrey G Miller 20 of New York City C million suit on behalf of Allison Krause 19 of Pittsburgh and a suit for at least 1 million on behalf of Sandra L Scheuer 20 of the Youngstown Ohio suburb of Boardman A 4 million wrongful death suit filed on behalf of William K Schroeder 19 of Lorain Ohio has not been presented In court yet The four students were slain 15 OFF All IBrapery Fabric See our new washable Dralon fabrics with shrink resistant For trel linings Custom made to your specifications Top quality ma materials ¬ terials fully guaranteed Labor extra Free In Home Estimates May 4 1970 during a clash be between ¬ tween anti war demonstrators and guardsmen Judge Connell ruled In favor of former Ohio Governor James A Rhodes who maintained In motions that the court lacked jurisdiction because he was act acting ¬ ing In his capacity as a public official in sending Ohio National Guards troops to the campus the differences arising fiom geographical and other consid considerations ¬ erations Reductions should be on a basis of reclpoclty and phased and balanced as to scope and timing Reductions should Include stationed and Indigenous forces and their weapons systems In the area concerned There must be adequate verification and contiols to en ensure ¬ sure the observance of agree agreements ¬ ments on mutual and balanced force reductions PAT JOHNSTON from RED DEER ALTA Aerobatic Instructor In His Citabria PG SKY DIVING Club doing free falls from 10000 ft AR4 3H K jATv M PREMIER SMALLWOOD fields attacks A Thought for Today If you want to tuccotd In Hi world you mutt makt your own opportunities at you go on -John Gough Presented as a Public Service Every Day by Schultz Pontiac Buick Ltd Your Now G M Dealer at 1 1 1 1 Central Street Phone 563 0271 See the New 1971 Fi renza NOW THE CRITICS CHOICE We know of no competi tively priced speaker that can compare with it high fidelity We have heard nothing better so ar at least in this price class We liked the AR 4We like the AR 4X even more REVUE des DISQUES There has been nothing like it the AR 4X this speaker is astonishing tJJiNtable Spruceland Shopping Centre Prince George BC 563 2833 Vanderhoof Air Show Sunday June 6th beginning at 1200 Noon Featuring Cliff Howard from Seattle Washington in his T Minu II Stunt Aircraft Northwest Aerobatics Champion KAML00PS GLIDER CLUB MYSTERY RIDER Aid many other attractions Plan to attend Northern BCs equivalent of the Abortsford Airshc Special guest Flying Phil Gaglardi i ADMISSION 100 per person REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE