The Citizen Friday July 7 1972 Joe Cunningham There was a bit of a kerfuffle a lew weeks back out of city hall when aldermen decided that they really couldnt find a place to accommodate some 300 trailers belonging to the Wally Byman Airstream Caravan The greatest agony was caused by the thought that the 300 trailer dwelling Americans would part with about 6000 during their overnight stay here Personally I didnt get all that excited over the incident even though various interested parties used words like disgusting to describe the action or lack of it on the part of our city greybeards There was no question of the Wally Byman Airstream Caravan being homeless when they passed through Prince George They carry their dwellings with them gleaming palaces on wheels packed full of gadgets doodahs wives and dogs My lack of interest in this issue changed dramatically last weekend when I made my annual pilgrimage to Van Vancouver ¬ couver I now feel that city fathers should mount machine guns on the highway and dispatch these monstrous symbols of late 20th century decadence all the way back to Burbank or wherever friend Byman starts his caravan trail After experiencing similar juggernauts on the tedious journey back to Prince George I find I lack enthusiasm for the sight of caravans trailers and other things designed to raise the blood pressure of motorists driving putt putt cars like mine The milk of human kindness tends to iirdle on the high highways ¬ ways and very few drivers tend to exude sweetness at other drivers But lets face it other cars can be tolerated The guys driving the big trucks are normally considerate even if they are disconcerting when they come thundering down a hill behind you Campers because of the very nature of the beasts cause some consternation when they go round curves but its not stretching it too far to say that the people who drive them can be acknowledged as members of the human race The guy pulling the trailer is a different kind of cat He drags his behemoth out onto the highway and then looks for another behemoth so that he can drive benind it I have never studied the psychology of the snail a caravan carrying member of the creepy crawly kingdom But I suspect it is like its human counterpart who drives a trailer a surly morose slow moving creature content only in the company of other snails I do not consider myself a speed demon but often I wish to go faster than the customary 35 mph of the trailer cara caravans ¬ vans when using highways posted at 60 mph I get the urge to pass them It is difficult to pass them when they are so close and happily together unless one can find a straight stretch of road approximately 40 miles long and boost ones own speed up to a figure normally frowned upon by those RCMP gentlemen who man the radar traps I wish I knew why these oncc-a-year vehicles find favor with holiday makers There is a certain attraction to the outdoors but I dont think you can find it by spending long hours inhaling the exhaust fumes of the caravan ahead of you In fact all you dedicated caravan users if the comforts of home appeal to you so strongly why not stay home Dormitories used Youth hostel moves again The youth hostel has moved It is now in the school dor dormitories ¬ mitories at 655 Wainwright leaving behind the old hostel facilities at 1240 Second Theyve left the Second Avenue hostel but have not deserted it hostel organizer Murray Krause said If we get overcrowded at the dorms we will have to staff them both he said This is a very real possibil possibility ¬ ity The dorms are licensed to accommodate 38 transient youths In the first two months of operation this summer the hostel has had over 1000 young people drop by for a total of about 2500 bed nights Krause said The hostel will also be forced to move back to 1240 Second when the school board needs the dorms to pi e pare for students in the fall We have the dorms for lfe months to the middle of Aug August ¬ ust Krause said But that is our busiest time A problem facing the eight staff members of the hostel now is how to keep the build building ¬ ing on Second in decent con condition ¬ dition until the young people move back The house was left vacant for a short time after the half halfway ¬ way house for alcoholics moved to a new building Older transients destroyed the building leaving a mess for the youth hostel organizers to clean up Krause said he is looking for a group to sponsor the hos hostel ¬ tel to hire a caretaker for the old hostel This person would stay in the building and guard it against vandals It will cost 525 for the caretaker he said Theold hostel buildingmay be used for a recreation drop in centre Krause said A group is looking into this possibility now The rent on the building has been paid to the end of September Krause added the hostel also needs bedding bowls and towels for their expanded operation As well as offering a place to stay for 50 cents if the transients have money or free if they are broke the Prince George youth hostel also helps young people find work Manpower stays in close contact with the hostel and 90 per cent of the young people seeking employment find it in town Krause said He added that most of the transients are Canadians about 21 years old More are paying the 50 cents for the night than in previous years fenf- Jp3 v -A0m r r-i-y m ys Srm mBL V- wfk6 um t Wm ti tijflli 1 m Mte JSBQ mWH kVvfflf ms h 99cbBHsBKi imwximximmKWsm ff iMrrrrm s09BGMBi VSS wSntzBKm KKm -- JJ ---- rn i ir1 -- iiifirii n i r niILiKBr- STORY TELLING TOTEM at left represents the Ksan village at Hazelton Lower figures are symbols of the three Gitksan clans the frog wolf and fireweed Chap at the top represents the government and many people feel he looks like Premier Bennett Citizen Photo by Dave Milne Each totem can tell a story By Marj Gray Citizen Staff Reporter HAZELTON Every totem tells a story Thats if it was done prop properly ¬ erly At Ksan all the totems are authentic and all tell stories and legends of the Gitksan people of the Skeena who live in the Hazelton area The one pictured is a spe special ¬ cial pole carved and erected for the 1969 opening of Ksan an authentic Indian village The totem almost tells the story of Ksan master carver Freda Diesing told The Citi Citizen ¬ zen There are four figures Three represent three Git skan clans the frog wolf and fireweed The gentleman in the top hat perched on the pole rep represents ¬ resents the government Ksan was a joint project of the government Indian people and interested people in Hazelton Many people think the top figure on the pole represents Premier Bennett Not so Mrs Diesing explained it is just repres representing ¬ enting any white man or gov government ¬ ernment official Actually white men on totem poles are not that rare On the Queen Charlottes one pole has a figure resembling American President Abraham Lincoln and another has carved the figure of a sea captain The story of the sea captain is not that pleasant Mrs Diesing said It seems his ship shot at the Indian people But the Ksan pole story is very happy It is a respect pole in honor of the main Hazelton family crests and the white involvement Mrs Diesing said Ocean Falls men finding jobs VANCOUVER CP More than half of the 300 workers at the Crown Zellerbach pulp and paper mill at Ocean Falls who will lose jobs there when the obsolescent plant closes next year have been offered or have found an answer to their employment problem Murray McAlary industrial relations managerof the pulp and paper group of CZ said Thursday the company has already located and blocked out 110 jobs that are or will become available at other CZ plants between now and next April A number of employees have found their own solution to future employment with without ¬ out the need of assistance from the joint committee of management and union rep representatives ¬ resentatives that has been cataloguing the skills avail available ¬ able and lining up job pros prospects ¬ pects in conjunction with Canada Manpower Eight have left for other jobs Thirteen have been released from redundant jobs to take employment out- 1 side CZ Ten have been moved to other CZ plants including some to the interior Seventeen have indicated that they will take the early retirement plan offered by CZ Many of the 110 jobs now blocked out are at the Elk Falls plant at Campbell River Others have been reserved at Richmond and Fraser Mills Jobs located at other CZ plants are being protected in some categories such as spare crew employment by providing seniority for Ocean Falls workers CZ officials said they are pleased with the way in which the relocation program is developing and with the co cooperation ¬ operation being extended by union officials other BC employers and Manpower There are bound to be some problems Mr McAlary conceded But he believes the situation has been materially eased by the progress alreadv reported and that the dif difficulties ¬ ficulties may be somewhat less than first anticipated f Hard hats needed Doctor checks safety for mountain climbers By Moirn Mnclennan Citizen Staff Reporter Mountain climbers should wear hard hats said Dr Ben Benjamin ¬ jamin Ferris chairman of the American Alpine Clubs safety committee Dr Ferris professor of environmental health and safety at the Harvard School of Public Health is in Prince George for a research project investigating air quality and its relation to public health in the interior In his work for the Alpine Club he compiles informa information ¬ tion on all mountaineering accidents in North America For about 10 years the American and Canadian Alpine Clubs have been poo pooling ¬ ling their data At the year end Dr Ferris tabulates it listing such things as the causes of acci accidents ¬ dents the resulting injuries the terrain on which they occurred and whether they happened during an ascent or descent Giving approximate figures he did not have his safety reports with him he said that in North America 20 deaths a year can be attributed to climbing with between 70 and 100 reported accidents Most frequent cause of acci accidents ¬ dents is a slip on a rock Inspect emergency cable Supply and reline all 4 wheels with quality brake lining Inspect all wheel cylinders Inspect all lines and hoses Inspect and measure all brake drums Clean and lubricate backing plates Inspect brake shoe return springs i Clean and lubricate adjusting mechanisms Clean and repack front wheel bearings Inspect front wheel seals Inspect rear wheel seals Inspect master cylinder m tMKi DR BENJAMIN FERRIS Our impression is that lack of experience is a fac factor ¬ tor Although the Alpine Club is encouraging standardized tests for equipment it finds that equipment failure is less common than its improper use Were pushing hard for climbers to wear hard hats While these would not be of much help against massive rock falls they would reduce Freedomite strike beat prison system VANCOUVER CP Five Sons of Freedom Doukhobor women granted medical leave from Kingston Peniten Penitentiary ¬ tiary in May simply beat the system with a hunger strike the head of the medical team that recommended their release said Thursday Dr William Amodo chief physician at the Ontario penitentiary said in a tele telephone ¬ phone interview that he and other doctors who examined the women during the long fast decided they could not sit back and let them die In Victoria Thursday Attorney General Leslie Peterson released the text of a telegram sent July 1 to Solicitor General Jean- Pierre Goyer naming four of the women as being involved in recent disturbances in the Grand Forks BC area He asked that they be returned to Kingston where the five were originally serv serving ¬ ing arson sentences Dr Amodo said the five had been released after they had become weak from not eating and described them as fana fanatics ¬ tics who are willing to die for their cause Dr Amodo said the five started to eat again when they learned they were to be released and by the time they were home they were almost in the pink of health Its quite simple they sim simply ¬ ply beat the system Members of the Sons of Freedom a militant splinter group of the Doukhobors were responsible for a series of terrorist attacks including arson and bombing in the West Kootenays in the early 1960s injuries in less serious situa situations ¬ tions Some climbers court acci dents by attempting the more spectacular techniques when they lack the necessary experience or training One difficult practice is rappclling a method of slid sliding ¬ ing down a cliff face by means of a double rope Another is the glissade where a climber descends a slope rapidly by skiing on his feet For those who try the higher altitudes there is the risk of pulmonary edema once wrongly diagnosed as pneumonia This can occur at the 10000 foot level or higher If a climber walks up to these levels hq attunes himself naturally to the change in atmosphere If he is ferried there by helicopter and this is happening more and more often he must not over exert himself too quickly Dr Ferris said the various mountaineering centres in North America have training programs sponsored by local groups and the national alpine clubs People interested in climbingshould take advantage of them The attraction of moun mountaineering ¬ taineering The challenge of doing something difficult said Dr Ferris the lure of the wilderness the exhilaration of the effort involved Like almost all outdoor activities it is increasing in popularity Very much so Unfortunately he does not know how many people are involved in the various forms of climbing As a result although the number of accidents is increasing he does not know whether the rate is also increasing But he felt that between 70 and 100 reported accidents for the whole of North America is a pretty small number Dr Ferriss own taste in mountaineering is for three dimensional climbing involving hiking and camping as well rather than conquer conquering ¬ ing of vertical or overhanging faces However those climbers who do like crawling up and down like flies he said are highly competent and the skills they learn are invalu invaluable ¬ able in major mountaineer mountaineering ¬ ing projects CUSTOM 15 BRAKE RELINE Adjust all brakes Check brake lights for operation Quality control test 88 For most cars disc brakes and imports extra W M TIRE SERVICE 2nd Dominion I II Phone 564 4426 Budget Terms Available or Use Chargex