Nurse shortage to be investigated by RNABC VANCOUVEIt A reported shortage of regis tcred nurses in BC hospitals during the past summer will be investigated by the Registered Nurses Association of the British Columbia We hope to get this study underway soon and to be able to come up with useful data prior to next summer said Margaret S Ncylan president Any situation that reduces access to health care is a matter of concern to the HNABC Mrs Ncylan said The planned study will include the many factors involved in staffing patterns such as recruitment educational opportunities individual factors and working conditions Enquiries also will be made as to whether a similar problem exists in other Canadian provinces and if so what steps have been taken to alleviate hospital staffing problems during summer months Catholic feminist answers Pope TORONTO CP Cecilia Wallace says Roman Catholics do not have to pay attention to Pope Pauls recent statement that women formal role in the ministry of their church She expanded on a release from St Joans Alliance that said the Popes statement is based on male prejudice rather than authentic Chris Christian ¬ tian doctrine Miss Wallace is founder of the Canadian section of St Joans an international organization of Roman Catholic feminists She is invited to be a member of an advisory committee to the Canadian Catholic Confer Conference ¬ ence on the role of women in the church She has written for a numberofCatholic jour journals ¬ nals In an interview Miss Wal Wallace ¬ lace said the Popes motu proprio statement from his own hand is a personal state statement ¬ ment and does not carry the weight of a pronouncement made as head of the church When he makes a state statement ¬ ment as head of the church under the infallibility thing it has to be made in a certain form and he has to state that that is what it is A motu prop proprio ¬ rio does not carry the weight of something that is irreversi irreversible ¬ ble The lay Catholic doesnt understand because laymen dont know enough theology they arent taught it Engagements Faulkner Docherty Mrs and Mrs David Faulkner are pleased to annouce the engagement of their eldest daughter Sherri Anne to Kenneth James Docherty son of Mr and Mrs James Docherty of Alix Alberta The wedding will take place November 24th in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Prince George Holdner Nyberg Mr and Mrs Alfred Holdner of Prince Geroge arc pleased to announce the engagement of their daugh daughter ¬ ter Karen Beatrice to Gor Gordon ¬ don Kenneth Nyberg son of Mr and Mrs Inga Nyberg also of Prince George The wedding is to take place in Prince George on October 21st Miss Wallace is one of a number of Roman Catholics around the world who have written papers on the theological basis for the ordi ordination ¬ nation of women The thing is gradually coming up The problem is to get it to the attention of the Pope The basis is theological People say women have to be equal to men and thats true but its not the basis of our argument for women priests Its based on Scripture and tradition Its based on the role of women in the life of Christ what they were doing and on the role of women in the sac sacramental ¬ ramental life of the church The basis of the eucharist is the bringing of Christ into the life of the community and the first person responsible for bringing Christ into the community was a woman Mary She was the first priest They have tried to refute it but they have no argument against this All they say is that women are inferior Women have not stood up and said to the theologians gar garbage ¬ bage Another factor is that the church has always main maintained ¬ tained that the church is made up of male and female Theyre always talking about male and female influence Then this is denied in the priesthood when there are no women Miss Wallace says she pre prefers ¬ fers to let the invitation to the Catholic Conference commit committee ¬ tee be her credentials as someone knowledgeable on theology and women I havent got a theology degree Anybody in the church can write a paper on theology but now we have this bit that only professional theologians can offer an opin opinion ¬ ion The average Catholic does not even know he can write to the bishops if he has an opinion The Canadian Con Conference ¬ ference is the national body that brings Canadian bishops together Child health A child health conference sponsored by the Northern Interior Health Unit will be held Tuesday at the Van derhoof Health Unit 130 to 330 pm Phone 567 4469 for an appointment Clinics will be held Wed Wednesday ¬ nesday at the following loca locations ¬ tions Fort St James across from the Post Office 130 to 330 pm Contact the Novelty Shop for an appointment Stony Creek Kindergarten 130 to 330 pm College Heights 1 pm at the school Hart Highway 130 pm at the Hart Highway Pente Pentecostal ¬ costal Church Beaverly 130 pm at the school NOTICE GOLFERS CURLERS A Hearing Will be Held WEDNESDAY OCT 11th -8 pm at the Golf Club House to discuss the Kelfor proposal ALL MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND The world is hungry for number one white clover honey says John Croner BC government beekeeper In fact in the past year everybody suddenly wanted natures sweetener and the hunger almost doubled the price The bulk price went from around 14 cents a pound to around 27 cents a pound BC beekeepers or apiar apiarists ¬ ists produce about 42 mill million ¬ ion pounds a year largely in two areas the Peace River and the Okanagan Valley Canadian production is close to 54 million pounds a year which doesnt seem bal balanced ¬ anced against the US output of 250 million pounds But It still puts Canada in second place as a producer Canadas emergence in the world of honey market has resulted In Japan knocklngat the door wanting more also West Germany We are linked right in with the world market says Coroner who is a well known authority in the field The departments first per permanent ¬ manent staff inspector in the Peace has recently been sent to Dawson Creek to oversee the production in that area The Peace took over some years ago as top producer Last year 2Vi million pounds of honey came from there According to Coroner the light colored mild flavored honey from the wheat grow growing ¬ ing Peace River country Is sold all around the world Biggest producer in the Peace is Homer Park who has 3500 colonies one of the largest operatins in Canada Multiply 3500 by 60000 and you see why things are really buzzing at Homers place There are about 80 people in BC in full time beekeep beekeeping ¬ ing with from 700 to 800 hives each Many others have 50 to 60 hives and are working at it part time Then there are the hobbyists A Lovelier You Prices rise as world needs more honey 1 1 This year there Is an upsurge In the numbers of people purchasing one or two hives Corner notes It Is younger people rather than the retired who have started keeping bees But while the bee and honey are on In the minds of the layman the pollination value of the bee to agricul agriculture ¬ ture far outwelghts Its honey production Intermsof impact on the provinces agricultural economy When the fruit trees bloom In the Okanagan Valley the orchardlsts those who dont have their own bees hire bee colonics to pollinate This starts in early May Apricots have been In full blossom as early as April 1 In 1941 pears April 4 in 1933 cher cherries ¬ ries April 13 1934 apples April 25 In 1934 and 1941 But in recent years It has been mostly In May Planned pollination has extended the use of honey bees and accounts for a large part of their return to the beekeeper Beekeeping started in BC with the arrival of two col colonies ¬ onies In Victoria in May 1858 Today there are close to 2000 beekeepers in the Fraser Valley Okanagan Thom Thompson ¬ pson Shuswap Kootenay and Peace River areas More than one million dol dollars ¬ lars is spent on importing package bees and queens Beekeepers are now trying to devise a method by which they can produce as many of these stock replacements as possible themselves While the government seeks to find ways to increase the production of honey the provinces housewives are increasing their use of honey for such things as sweetening tea as a spread on hot toast for sweetening oragne and honey milkshakes or making honey toffee apples from QUICK LEGLINE TRIMMERS By Mary Sue Miller Most hemlines are stabilized at a point just below the knee or at the knee top That leaves the calf dependent on the midi length out in the cold Here are some quickie reducers for the needy calf line 1 Repeatedjy come up onto your tiptoes and then lower heels to the floor Work for a slow smooth rhythm and a maximum upward stretch for one minute 2 Sit on the floor and draw your knees up until the soles of your feet lie flat Leading with the heel of your right foot quicklyslide your right leg down downward ¬ ward so that the calf jounces along the floor Pull the leg back to starting position and re repeat ¬ peat with the left leg Alternating sides perform for one minute Be brisk 3 Sitting with your legs straight and as far apart as possible very slowly drag them along the floor until they touch Then reverse directions until the legs are again apart You do it right when the floor massages the calves Two minutes is not too much Simply for the tune up value place one foot on the side of the bathtub and slather body lotion on the entire length of the leg Now firmly cupping your hands around your ankles slowly draw the hands along the sides of your legs the tops and undersides Give the other leg same treatment LEGLINE TRIMMERS If your individual problem is heavy legs send for my new leaflet LEGLINE TRIMMERS which contains spot reducing exercises that will meet your individual needs whether for thighs knees calves or ankles or for contouring your entire legline Write Mary Sue Miller in care of this newspaper enclosing a long stamped self addressed envelope and ten cents in coin UNRESERVED SAWMILL LOGGING EQUIPMENT AUCTION On Behalf of Rogers Pass Forest Products Ltd Closing Avola Sawmill Dodds Angle Logging In voluntary liquidation Friday October 13th 1000 am PLACE Avola BC Approx 120 mi N of Kamloops on Hwy No 5 PREVIEW Wednesday S Thursday October Uth 8 12th FEATURING PLANER MILL Newman M 51 2 Planer 10 Knife p w 150 h p motor w 66 h p 56 kw AC DC feed Troan Lumber Hoist Mod 853 SAWMILL Troian Carriage 3 Blk Mod 743 Morbark Barker Mod NW24 p w 75 h p motor Keystone Edger 8 II saw p w 200 hp motor Waterous Brantford Edger 8x6 Air Electric Set Works Esterer Gang Saw approx 22x20 Letson Burpee Resaw c w Preston 6 tine Bar Selset works p w 75 h p AC DC moto r FILING ROOM Armstrong Gang Saw Sharpner No 20 Arm Armstrong ¬ strong Band Saw Sharpner No 4RH Armstrong Stretcher Roll No 4 Ped Grinder stands etc ELECTRICAL 3 500 KVA Transformers wiring switchgear capacitors etc COMPRESSORS GENERATORS Jaeger Air Plus Port Comp approx 125 cfm p w 6 cyl gas engine 2 Curtis Compressors p w 5 hp motors Buda Diesel 150 KVA Gen motor overhauled Morley Gen Set e w 2 40 h p motors 1 20 hp motor ROILING STOCK 66 Pacific Log Truck Self load Columbia Trailer p w 318 GM 900 hrs 62 Pacific log Truck Trailer p w 280 Cummins 60 Unit Loader V yd on 6x6 w Heel Boom 8 Grapple p w 371 G M IHC 504 Unit Loader on 6x6 Va yd w heel Boom p w Ford 4 cyl gas Chrysler T120 2 Gerlinger Lumber Carriers Towmofor 8000 lb Forklift 69 Fargo P U 66 Ford Crewcab 4 spd 59 Dodge Panel TRACTORS 65 AC HD1 1 Crawler Power Shift c w angle dozer winch motor o h 1971 GRADERS Cat 12 Grader c w Snow Wing PLUS Head Saw p w 150 h p motor Buck Saw p w 15 h p motor Blower Nelson sue 65 p w 75 h p motor over 75 motors redn units Main log Haul 27 4 chom 100s of feet of corveyors contents of machine shop lathe welder etc winch p w 30 hp motor approx 500 near new blower pipe buildings sprinkler system Ski Doo Olympic 320 saw blades gang circular band conveyor transfer chain plus items far loo numerous to mention Free pictorial Brochure on request MANYARDS AUCTIONEERS LTD 1233 West Georgia St Vancouver 5 B C 685 4265 685 7378 recipes such as the following Caramel Apples 2 cups honey 1 cup brown sugar 2 3 cup light corn syrup 2 3 cup butter 1 cup light cream Vi tsp salt 2 tsp vanilla 810 medium apples Vt cup sliced toasted almonds optional Mix first 6 Ingredients in a 3 qt saucepan Cook stirring until temperature reaches 290 degees When tested In cold water mixture will form THE CITIZEN Monday October 2 1972 7 threads like spun glass Remove syrup form heat Cool slightly Add vanilla and stir Place wooden stick In stem end of each apple Dip apple Into caramel syrup Drain apples on waxed paper Roll In nuts IIMHN- - BBBBBBL aPMtLV f BsA atMr BBBBBBBkS V I Bf BBBBBBBBBpr iABBBBKlkJWi SbbCJI M BBBBBBBBBBr W Ji jMBBBBBBMVlisi 1BRkV 9H it bbbbbh 4 bbbhm i a 5bbbi I vvrj b bi b i HJ ibbbbbbV 1 3 KNtflf JB k 1 I BBBBBBB V BBBBb LBJbBbUBBbVI RtnVRHtsitBkw Mil W bbbbbbb BBBBB bbbKVbbbt 1 ipHlJBB BkWrVsW -laLkV ij BBBBBBBBBBflBBBfi BBBBBBBBBBBBBPffiBiiK I bbbbbbbbbu iuM IbbbbbbbkmI HrBBBBBBBBBBf MjBBBBBMS ifeBBBBBBt JbBBBtF BJ PiBBBBBBBbW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLtBBBBBBBBBBKLtf A Bl BBBBBBBBBBBBBrafBBk BBBBBBBBBBBBRT Iw fcwP BBBBBBBBBBBBMi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBflHr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBiLJPSfi- IbSBBBBBBBBBBBBf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB J BBBBBBBBBBBBBs 17 30iXz SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr BBBBBBBBBBBBKaKr J BABBBBBBBBVSBBBBBBk s BBBBBBBBBBBBBHr jJESm BBBBBBBBBBBBBtakHlMAs BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA BBBBBBBBBBBBB jBbI wBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 13 4 BBBBBBBTBBBBBBBBBf BBBBBBBBBBBBBr 9BflEMV B8raBflBBBBBBBBBBBBLs f BBBBBBiBBWQsSBBw bbbbbbbbbbbbE dBBBBKif bbbbbbbbbbbbbhMIw JbbbbbbBt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHfpTO jflBflBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBl BBi Bb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSLBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKijJbBBF EVERYONE LOVES HONEY especially kids like Nancv Keoueh 8 who invited her school friends to enjoy Honey Carmel Apples as a birthdayparty happening Antique Fair in Vancouver The annual llycroft Antique Pair presented by the University Womens Club of Vancouver and the Greater Vancouver Antique Dealers Association will be held at llycroft 1489 McRae Avenue from October 13 through October 21 The show will be open dally to the public This Antique Fair the lar largest ¬ gest of Its kind In the Pacific Northwest affords an oppor opportunity ¬ tunity to sec an outstanding collection of antique furni furniture ¬ ture and objets dart In one of Vancouvers finest historic homes Lectures on various aspects will be given daily at 230 and 8 pm including two Stump the Experts panels when vis visitors ¬ itors are invited to bring items of interest for informa information ¬ tion and discussion New in Town Youll find a friend where you see this sign For more information call Phone 563 5215 THIS IS ALL THATS STANDING BETWEEN YOU AND A FREE TOYOTA COROLLA Every Toyota dealer in Canada has put a combination lock on a shiny new Corolla Sports Coupe Here s all you do to win it just drop by your local Toyota dealers and 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