THK CITIZKN. Prince (ieorge Thursday. April 27. 1978 - 45 HOROSCOPE POWfR POP Friday Pisces women run be sensitise, delicate and yet hase extrasensory perception that enables them to know what it illusion, what it fact, when to draw the line and how to endure long, hazardous journeys, be they emotional or literal. The late Anais Nin, champion writer, was a classical Pisces. She was tough and soft, creative, beautiful, determined and a loyal, valued friend of astrology. A “current" Piscean—male sex—who fights for his beliefs, which include psychic phenomena and astrology —is Jackie Gleason. Pisces is a fascinating sign—Ihe women are tender, perceptive and the men are grand, genero is and believe in living life to the 'hilt. Does this fit your Pisces? ARIF-S (March 21-April 1!H You get green light from authoritative source. You locate "escape hatch." You no longer are painted into untenable position. Aquarius, Taurus and Leo figure prominently —so docs number I You "learn a secret." You are able to use it to advantage. TAURl'S (April 20-May 20); Cash flow resumes—your perception, long-range planning prove to be on target. Be ready for variety, change of scenery, the "heating up" of a relationship. Imprint your style. Don't sell yourself short. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): What appears a deception will be clarified. You'll benefit. Be wary where legalities arc concerned. You have more in your favor than some care to admit. Acccnt on leases, hidden clauses, wills, documents which require clarification. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Go slow, use time to your advantage-check contracts, commitments. Someone recently promised you something. Now it’s your move. TODAY IN HISTORY April 27, 197H Prime Minister Mackenzie King sought, by having a conscription plebiscite, to free himself from an election pledge of 1940 not to send conscripts overseas. “Conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription,” was the new slogan. Quebec voted only 28 per cent in favor of conscription 36 years ago today—in 1942, compared with 80 per cent in the rest of Canada which favored conscription, revealing a complete split in sentiment. 1893—The prototype for the modern typewriter was patented. 1937—The first U.S. Social Security payment was made. 19G7—The first male heir to the Dutch throne in three gene-rations, Prince Alexander, was born to Crown Princess Beatrix and Prince Claus. Ask for your rights, then demand them If you are wishy-washy, you deserve the classical runaround. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Power play occurs without your knowledge. works in your favor. You are in favored position. Your bargaining points are strong. Stand tall. Refuse to be intimidated by threats —or flattery. One who dairrts to love you should pul up—or shut up. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): One who seemed bent on pleasure now insists on security. This is decision time. Relationship put to test You finish or begin anew. There is no in between. Aries, Libra figure in scenario. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22). See with "new eyes." Past data wh' frayed, disjointed. Someone pulled the wool over your eyes. Now you have opportunity to redeem your self Leo, Aquarius could figure prominently. Older individual shares secret. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21) Mold tight to possessions, protect valuables. Follow through on hunch, trust inner feelings Avoid speculation. Verify reports. You learn by teaching Relative in transit provides valuable material Request will be fulfilled SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Kmphasis on ideas, illusions which can be transformed into solid gains, profits. Give full play to imagination, creativity. You need not be limited. Expand*, write, travel. publish and communicate. In matters of speculation, stick with number 3. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Break through restrictions, red tape. You have chance to make known your views, to imprint your own personality, style. Take initiative. Make new starts, contacts, highlight originality and independence. Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo could be in picture. A(}l'ARIl'S (Jan. 20-Feb IS): Action replaces dull routine, fear, doubt. You gam glimpse behind scenes. Gemini, Virgo. Sagittarius individuals figure prominently. Romance. wishes that come true— these could be on your personal agenda. Money comes from unorthodox source PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Avoid direct confrontations. Take ring roads. Be subtle, diplomatic and discreet. Make amends to family member following recent dispute. If calm, considerate, you make progress on' road to fulfillment. Taurus. Libra persons figure prominently. IF APRIL 28 IS YOUR BIRTH* DAY you are creative, original, independent. sensuous. Leo, Aquarius persons play important roles in your life. May could be your outstanding month of 1978, a year featuring accelerated social life, travel and removal of an emotional burden. You appreciate art, luxury and diamonds. (Learn “The Truth About Astrology." Send $1.35, including postage and handling, to Omarr Booklet, in care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 2000, Los Angeles, Calif. 90053. You'll open doors to fasci-nating study and self-revelation!) Anti-hero Elvis Costello opens new musical fields A DEFENSIVE DRIVING TIP encourage a tailgater to pass Written for (’!’ I>.v DAVID FAKKKM, With punk rock dying and disco music melding into the mainstream of pop. critics and musicologists are looking for new trends in the medium Power pop appears to be the most promising entry, a style that blends chunky rock chords with funky, uncomplicated rhythms and a predominant melody line, usually played by a rhythm guitar or keyboard instrument. Among i*s practitioners are Poreigner. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and Klvis Costello. It goes without saying that Britain is in the forefront op power pop and North American bands are quickly adopting the sound. Of the three acts mentioned, Costello offers the most interesting story. A former computer operator for Elizabeth Arden, the 22-year-old I^on-doner is married with one child and comes on like the anti-hero figure of a contemporary novel. Born Declan McManus, he is a look-alike of the late Buddy Holly but his songs lack the romanticism offered by the Texas crooner. They are full of the bittersweet realities of alienation and rejection and evoke the British working man's plight. As a performer. Costello is a master of the deadpan grimace behind his black hornrimmed glasses.locking his legs together as he strums an oversize guitar His hands gesture almost spasmodically and an illfitting suit gives him the appearance of a drunkard. It is difficult to dig beneath these surface impressions because Costello is reluctant to talk in interviews and tight-lipped about his past. His first album. My Aim is True, was done for Stiff Records, the British firm which earned notoriety for its offbeat talent signings and slogan: “If you’re dead, we’ll sign you.” The record became an underground hit and launched him on a tour w ith porn-rocker Ian Drury, The Damned and Ian Ixiwe, formerly of Ducks Deluxe. The tour was recorded and will shortly be released on this continent under the title of Live Stiffs. Costello proved his ability to sell himself last summer when he performed on the pavement outside the l/>ndon hotel where CBS Records was holding its annual convention. A bobby hauled him off to jail for a couple of hours as a public Everyone lias something they like to call their own. COSTKIXO nuisance but some of the conventioneers must have been impressed. Within a month. Costello’s name was on the CBS roster Having just completed his first North American tour and with My Aim is True doing exceptionally well on the Billboard charts, the next test is the release by CBS of his second album, cynically titled This Year’s Model It is doubtful that Costello will become a media darling like Rod Stewart or Leif Gar-, rett. CANADA'S LARGEST AND BEST-KNOWN RECORD STORI School District No. 57 (Prince George) PRE-REGISTRATION For KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST YEAR PRIMARY A pre-registration for Kindergarten and First Year Primary is planned for all District Schools on Monday, May 1, 1978, from 9:00 a.rn. to 4:00 p.m. Details 1. Register at the school in your attendance area. ART GARFUNKEL I "Watermark” — Wonderful World — Wooden Planes — 10 I AT SAM'S ONLY 4.49 "GREATEST HITS" The Sound ol Silence — Scarborough Fair — Bridge Over Troubled Water — 11 more AT SAM'S ONLY Paul Simon (ircafcst Hits, life, SfcpS*** *•»» Koch $141 C**j» AM#f Afl 4.49 PAUL SIMON “Greatest Hits. Etc." — 50 Ways I To leave Your lover — 13 more j AT SAM'S ONLY 4,9a INVEST NOW DIAMOND NEEDLES Urxonditionalty gwor-ant*«d for one y*or AT SAM I ONLY ^ AA A* iharp m ■ K fH« paint •*» H Sow's K»od J Pine Centre Mall — Massey Drive jjj| MEETOUR DUfiL PURPOSE BIKES WITH THERACY ANCESTORS. Ride a Suzuki TS185C orTS250C, and you just know there had to be a motorcross winner somewhere in the woodpile. A lot of Suzuki’s race-developed technology went into these dual purpose bikes: engineering features like laid down shocks for excellent handling; 5-speed constant mesh transmission, CCI oil injection, and a Power Reed® type engine for extra power when you need it. A racy past can do a lot for a bike. Come and see. $ SUZUKI SUZUKI GOES THE DISTANCE!