The Prince George Citizen - Monday, October 5,1992 - 23 704 COMMERCIAL RENTALS CARTER LIGHT- Ofllea space, 2 locations, 1000 sqtt and 1200 sqft. Call 564-0383 days. 562-2293 evenings and weekends. CENTRAL 2400 sqft warehouse, oft ice and mozza-nlne. Also 4800 sqfi. 564-3200, 24hrs.____________ FOR RENT 3000- 12,000 sq ft warehouse and superior office space. 1558 Quinn Street. Available Immediately. 562-5008 or 964-6832 NOW renting, brand new 2,840 sqfi with one bay on Oqltvle Street. 563-5291 ___________________________ OUTSIDE yard storage for rent, suitable lor large equipment, 500 sqft blocks up to 6 acres, 9185 Rock Island Road, 561-1562___________________________ RETAIL or Office space next to Mr G opposite Hart Shopping Center. $275/ month. 563-0611 or 563-4760 TRUCK shop or 7 1st Avenue. 564-3200. TABOR PLAZA 1st & Tabor 1657 sq. ft. or split 828 & 828 sq. ft. new. Office/Retail,Commercial space for lease. Please call 562-3282 FOOTHILLS SHOPPING CENTRE Office & Retail space for lease. For further information call: 562-6478, 564-2160 COMMERCIAL SPACE TO RENT 800 sq. ft. will develop to suit. Located on First Avenue. Phone Jack Schultz 563-0271. Majestic Management (1981) Ltd. Space available for rent For all your rental needs Call 562-8343 or 562-RENT 708 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 1737 NORWOOD, 3 bedroom duplex, fridge, stove, $650/month. No petsl 568-2338 (Glscome)______ 2 BEDROOM duplex. 963-8674 evenings__________ OCTOBER 15, 3 bedroom duplex, washer, dryer, in-cludes utllilies. 562-9163 after 5pm._______________________________________________ 3 BEDROOMS, 2 up, 1 down, clean unit with carport. Non-smokers, no pets, $60(Vmonth. Han High-way area. References please. 562-3023 after 6pm. 3 BEDROOMS, fridge, stove, $675, no pets. Phone 562-9406 3 BEDROOM townhouse, fridge, stove, 1V4 baths, available Immediately. Carol, 562-2121 9am-5pm AVAILABLE immediately, 3 bedroom duplex. Fridge, stove, 2 baths, rumpus room, $68Sfmonth. No dogs. No rent sharing. 563-3547_______________________ V* DUPLEX, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Ft George Park. Available immediately. $57S/month. Gordon, 564- 4663 or 561-1654._______________________________ SPRUCELAND, modern, 3 bedroom duplex, fun basement, $650, small, working family. 563-2709 UPPER duplex, 3 bedrooms, quiet bowl area, fridge, stove, no pets, $550. 564-6010 Kevin 9am-6pm 710 GARAGES FOR RENT STORAGE garage for rent. $75/ month. Phone 563-354 7_______________________________________ WINTER storage. RVs, boats, cars, heated, secure. 564-0969 _______________ 712 HALLS FOR RENT ALL halls now lully air conditioned. Accomodation and catering to 500 people. 4900 W Austin, Lions Community Centre. Call 962-6260 or 962-6263 COLUMBUS Community Centre, 7201 Domano Blvd. halls for rent, 320 and 150. Catering. Phone 964-2744,10am-4pm, Mon-Friday. FRATERNAL Order of Eagles Hall Rental, Mile 6 Hart Highway, 962-5074. For catering, please call 962-2688 after 6pm.______________________ HALL and Meeting Rooms, excellent food and service at reasonable prices. Elks Club, 1116 6th Ave-nue, 562-2333________________________________________ SONS of Norway Six MUe Lake, available for dances, weddings, parties, picnics, family reunions. 963-7277. VANWAY Community Hall available for booking, anytime. $150. 80-100 capacity, 7736 Dow Road. 964-1172. 714 HOUSES FURNISHED ATTENTION Residential Rental Units Landlords/Managers Listings urgently needed, especially houses and large units. Please phone: Ilcen Heer 564-2444 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon. - Fri. cd 4 230 716 HOUSES UNFURNISHED 2 BEDROOM, 2 storey, downtown location, $575/ month. 964-0285 2 BEDROOM house- main floor only, no basement. Private drive, $650. 562-4937 between 4pm-7pm 3 BEDROOM, 1Vfe bath condo, close to school, $600/month. Available immediately. Call Ed, 562- 6522._________________________________________________ 3 BEDROOM furnished or unfurnished house, 3 miles on Hart Highway, close to school, plus bus stop, fenced yard, references required, $700 plus utilities. 962-9857___________________________________ 3 BEDROOM home, fridge, stove, dishwasher, sun-deck, carport, woodstove. Large fenced lot, dose to schools and shopping, references required, avail- abie November 1st. 563-9302___________________________ 3 BEDROOM home with garage in College Heights, $8S0/month, fridge, stove included. Carol, 562-2121 9am-5pm_______________________________________________ 3 BEDROOM house, available November 1st, no appliances, $720/month. 562-1402, 563-8242 3 BEDROOM house, main floor, 4 appliances. Phone 564-6742._______________________________________ 3-BEDROOM house, main floor, appliances, fenced yard, parking, near park and' downtown, $650/ month, references require, no pels. 562-1028 3 BEDROOMS, fridge, stove, shared laundry room with washer and dryer, large fenced yard. Lakewood area. Ask for Bob Hoioboff, 563-0271 days, 563-7027 eves_________________________________________ 3 BEDROOMS up, 1 down, finished basement, Hart Highlands, Poyner Crescent, references please, $725.1-967-4272_______________________________________ 4 BEDROOM house. Immediate occupancy, refer-ences required. Phone 964-2089________________________ EXECUTIVE Home In Lakewood Subdivision available immediately. $1,0007 month. Cal Betty Bryce 562-6671, Realty World 716 HOUSES UNFURNISHED 4 LEVEL spll, 3 bedrooms up, 2 down, washer, dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher and gas fireplace. Assman Sub. No petsl Non-smokers preferred. References required. Available November 1st. $925/ month. 563-5834____________________________________ BRAND new luxury tovwihouse, 3 bedrooms, $975/ month; 2 bedrooms. $77^month; Fridge, stove, dishwasher. Available immediately. 22nd and Ospi-ka. No pets. 561-1847______________________________ CITY executive home, close to downtown, 4 bed-rooms. pool, $1,100/ month. 1-441-3550______________ CLEAN, 5 bedroom house, large lot, 3 appliances, In Edge wood Terrace, near school, references required, $875. 563-3546 COLLEGE Heights, 3 bedrooms, finished basement, no appliances. No pets, references required. 6871 Fairmont Crescent. $750. Lee 562-8893/964-3526 COLLEGE Heights. 5 bedrooms, 3 up/ 2 down, 2 liroplacos. carport, $625. 964-2545_________________________ COLLEGE Heights home, available October 1st, possbly sooner. Clean, well maintained. 564-0559. HERITAGE, nice, fridge & stove, responsble cou-pie, no dogs. $785/month. 964-6846 evenings. LARGE 2 bedrooms, upstairs, 2 minutes from downtown. $600/month. 1-372-5672 ____ LARGE 3 bedroom house, fireplace, finished basement, fridge, stove, washer/dryer hookups. Garage, fenced yard. Available immediately, $800/month. 562-6671 LARGE family home on Riverview Drive, 2300 sqft plus basement, $1,000/month. References required. 562-5259 NOVEMBER 1st, (maybe earlier) 4 bedroom home. College Heights, $800/month. 964-3620 NOVEMBER 1st, near Hart Mai, schools. 3 bedrooms, basement, carport, $600/month. 562-0714 after 6pm. OLDER 3 bedroom home In College Heights area. Available immediately. Cal 563-5023 after 5pm SPRUCELAND area, 5 bedrooms, double garage, $900/month. References required. 562-3813 or 56406368 evenings. _______________________ 720 MOBILE HOME RENTALS 3 BEDROOM trailer, Hart Highway. 563-1311 ROOM for rent and trailer for rent wlh option to buv. 963-7760. 724 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 975 SQFT of prime office space available in downtown tower. Incentive to rent; 3 months free. Contact Alysa, 563-8877 PRIME Space (960sqft) for Legal, Accounting or Insurance office. Available January/93. 561-2859 OFFICE space available In new building, October 1st. Air conditioned, free parking, handicap access, and security. Attractive river setting. 562-3087 days, or 964-6323 evenings.____________________________________ SHARED oflice space for rent, 9185 Rock Island Road, fuRy furnished with desks, telephones, com-pulors, etc. 561-1562_________________________________ OFFICE space for rent In the Spruce Capital Buid-ing. Call 563-9367 PRIME OFFICE & RETAIL SPACE Various sizes up to 3600 sqft, Fane and Plaza 4 Buildings. Centre of downtown, excellent rates or turn key package. Courtesy to agents. Cal Mich Olenick, 564-7231, pager 1138 726 ROOM & BOARD NEAR CNC, pleasant atmosphere, laundry facilities, pay TV. $385- $450. 561-0162 729 SHARED ACCOMMODATION 1 BEDROOM In townhouse, $275 Includes utilities, kitchen and laundry facilities, close to College and Sprucoland, female. 562-3057___________________ M/F roommate wanted, preferrably in their 20‘s. Toll free pager 1-978-7402 NON-SMOKING roommate wanted, Lakewood area Furnished, laundry facilities. Available now. 563- 1201.__________________________________________ Non-smoking, working person to share large, new 4bdrm executive home. $350/month. 962-5295 RESPONSIBLE adult to share home In Blackburn area $300 Includes utilities, laundry. 9638888 ROOMMATE wantedl 3 bedrooms on 5 acres, 15 minutes from downtown, $300/month. Non-smoker, male or female. 963-7346 730 SLEEPING ROOMS LARGE furnished room, close to downtown, $245/ month. 962-5541 SLEEPING room, ideal for student, kitchen and laundry privileges, within easy walking distance CNC and Hospital. 563-1942______________________________________ SLEEPING rooms. $250. Laundry and kitchen facil-tiea 564-0861; 563-3326 732 SUITES FURNISHED 1-BEDROOMS, $40Q/month; bachelor suites, $300/ month, utilties Included. 563-8935, 962-7760 REASONABLY priced, modern kitchen units. Color TV's, cable. Daily or weekly rates. Red Cedar Inn, one mile past College Heights. 964-4427. RIGHT Downtown In a modern Highrise with swimming pool, sauna, 2 elevators, 2 underground parking. Nicely furnished rooms, bachelors, and one bedrooms with color TV. Heat and hydro included. From $299-$599. References required. 562-9048. 734 SUITES UNFURNISHED 1 AND 2 bedroom suites, near College and Hospital, quiet secure building, some remodeled suites, large balconies, heal included, pool, start $499. Cedar Towers. 561-9209. 1 BEDROOM apartment, quiet, well maintained building, near Spruceland. 561-0902__________________ 1 BEDROOM basement suite, 5th and Tabor, heat, light and cable included, $475, 563-4059 SUMMIT APTS. 2666 Upland Street 1 & 2 bedroom Apts. Rent includes: HYDRO, HEAT, HOT WATER, CABLE, Appliances, Drapes and Parking. Quiet, No Pets. _ __ ____ 563-7587 BRIARWOOD I & II 1330-1380 Foothills Blvd. Newer 1 & 2 bdrm suites (some furnished), free cable & FM, tennis court, full size appliances. No pets. Call 561-1571 WEST AUSTIN ESTATES 3858 WEST AUSTIN RD. Newer 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. suites across from Hart Centre Mall. Includes heat, hot water, cable, FM, fridge, stove & dishwasher. No pets. View by appointment. 962-7821. Now Available Bachelor & 1 bedroom suites - Free cable TV and movie channel - heat & hot water, fridge, stove, carpet, blinds, laundry facilities, resident manager. Under New Management To view: 562-3286 734 SUITES UNFURNISHED 1 BEDROOM basement suite, $375, utilities Indud-Bd. Spruco Stroot. 562-2496________________________________________________________ 1 BEDROOM basement suite, ckxe to town, available Oclober 1, $400/ month. Ask for Ed, 562-6522 1 BEDROOM, carpel, convenient, Spruceland, qul-Bl, single, Indudos utilties, $425/monlh. 964-8891 1 BEDROOM daylight basement, $350 plus Vb utilities. Maturo female only. Available October 15. 1870 6th Avenue. 964-7864 after 5pm_____________ 1 BEDROOM daylight basement suite, $400 Inclusive. 561-1191 ________ 1 BEDROOM daylight basement suite, Novembei 1st. Laundry facilities, utilities Included. Centrally looted. $450/month. 5635224 ________________________ 1 bedroom, downtown, suitable lor quiet, n/s, n/d, working adult, $385 includes utilities. 564-8691 1 BEDROOM suite, Conveyor Street. Fridge, stove, washer/dryer on site, balconies, $390/month. Available now. 562-6671 1 BEDROOM suite in 4-plex, close to hospital, laundry facilities on site, available Immediately. $435/ month. Call Aland Management. 561-1908________________ 1 BEDROOM sute, stove, fridge, drapes, $400/ month. 563-1819 1 BEDROOM upstairs apartment, F/S, W/D, $450/ month, hydro and gas Included. 564-5430 2 BEDROOM and 3 bedroom suites, 962-2517 after 6pm. 2 BEDROOM apartment, cable, fm, available Oclober 1. Adult oriented. No pots. 562-5818____________ LARGE 2 bedroom apartments, clean, quiet build-Ing. near Spruceland, 561-0902. 2 BEDROOM apartment, fridge, stove, fireplace, washer/dryer hookups, carpet, $675/month. Available November 1. 562-6671 2 BEDROOM, beautilul basement suite, .$450, fridge, stove, fireplace, new carpet. Working people, student or senior with good references need apply. Available Oclober 1st. 563-8431 2 BEDROOM suite, balcony, parking, stove, fridge, $500 plus electricity. 495 Ewart Street, 564-4302 AVAILABLE Immediately, 1 bedroom basement suite, 5th and Tabor, plugins, hotwaler Included, laundry, $425. 562-3559 _________________________________ AVAILABLE Oclober 15, 1 bedroom basement suite, $450 monthly Includes utilities. 564-4838. BACHELOR and 1 bedroom suites In quiet adult orientated building. Includes heat, hot water and cable vision. No pets. References required. To view, please call Central Plaza. 563-1152._____________________________________________ BACHELOR basement suite, shared bath, prefer mature, quiet gentlemen, references, $335/month plus damage doposit, Includes utllilies. 564-1516 BASEMENT suite, single parent or young couple, renovated, $500, references required. 564-0629 evenings_____________________________________________ CLEAN, quiet, adult orientated, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, laundry, cable, fridge, stove, drapes. 563-7505 DELUXE 1 bedroom, available Immediately, adults only. 563-5506 HOLLYWOOD Place, 1 bedroom, dose to downtown, $450. Phone 564-0307___________ LARGE 2 bedroom basement suite, non-smoking, $500 Includes washer and dryer. To view call Deb-bie after 5:30pm. 564-0138. 237 Gilette Street LARGE renovated 2 bedroom suite wth balcony In quiet well maintained building. $565 Indudes heat, hotwater, cable, parking. Relerences. 564-2697 NEWLY renovated 4plex, only 1- 1 bedroom left. Convenient to Harl Pioneer Rec-Center, $525 Includes heal. Relerences please. Gordon 561-1654 or 564-4663 or Gaetano 564-4669 OCTOBER 15, 2 bedroom basement suite, $500/ month utilities Included. No pots. 563-4110________________________ RENOVATED 1 bedroom suite, $400 Includes utilities, laundry facilities, excellent location. Nonsmok-er, no pets. 5632684; 562-2530 Kalth_______________________________ THIRTY THIRTY - 10TH AVENUE 142 BEDROOMS FREE HEAT, HOT WATER, CABLE MOVIE CHANNEL, SECURITY CHANNEL 562-6675 TAMARISK APARTMENTS 142 BEDROOMS FREE CABLE-VISION, MOVIE CH. SECURITY CH BALCONY 563-1311 TIFFANY PLACE 1 and 2 bedroom suites for rent. Raquet ball court, free cable, no pets. 561-1470 WARM and comfortable, 1-bedroom suite, non-smoker, $400 Includes heat, hydro, cable. 562-1510 ^ CENTENNUL COURT* [ j Downtown Living Bachelor, | j IL 1 and 2 Bedrooms ...” Adult Oriented. No pets, | I A PRO PATRIA MANOR Comer of 6th S Edmonton Comfortable, dean, 1 4 2 BR's w/balcony for quiet tenants. Well maintained bldg., resident caretakers. Seniors discount. Rent includes all amenities, indoor pool, sauna. Executive accommodation available also. Sorry no pets. •JL\ Please call 561-2130. i ^CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN^ REGENT PARK * Small Quiet Building ► 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites V To View Call 561-1533 ‘1—I—I—I—I—I—I—!■ Windbrooke Apartments Near Spruceland Shopping Centre. No pets. Fully renovated -1,2 and 3 bedroom suites. Adult oriented. 563-5665 nmnmranmmmmnmmr ROYAL GLENSHEE Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom suites. Dishwashers in some units. Racquetball. Adult oriented. No pets. 561-1475 liimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii 738 TOWNHOUSES / CONDOS 3 BEDROOM Condo, 1st and Tabor area. Refer- ences required. Call 563-2256 after 7:0tym.________ 3 BEDROOM oondo for rent, $600/ month. For more Information call 564-1260_____________________ BRAND newl Luxury 3 bedrooms, $950/month; 2 bedrooms, $750/month; Fridge, stove, dishwasher. Available Immediately. 22nd and Ospika. No pets. 561-1847 NEW 2 bedroom, McDermid Drive, ensuite, flr»-place, adult oriented, no pets. $650. 561-2206 TABOR Estates. Fridge, stove, dtehwasher, washer/dryer hookup. No pets. $650/ month plua utilties. 563-6886 738 I WANTED TO RENT NEED large house by December 1st, with shop or garage, rural area If possible. 964-9130____________________ ALPINE VILLAGE 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom townhouses (full basement) • Appliances & Drapes • Family oriented - enclosed back yards • Substantial Senior Citizens Discount • On site laundromat • Close to schools, shopping (Parkwood & Downtown) Plug-in parking • On site manager & maintenance. CALL 561-1926 - 2131 Upland St.___________________ 738 WANTED TO RENT RCMP Member seeks temporary accomodation, basement suite or house-slnlng. Cal Gary collect, 1-493-1004 or tax/1-483-6168______________ LEGALS To place your ad in the Citizen Classified section call 562-6666 Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ________________________ Public Works Travaux publics Canada Canada INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the project* or service* listed below, addreeeed to the Contract Policy and Administration, Pacific/Western Region, Department of Public Works Canada, Room 401, 1166 Albernl Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 3W5 will be received until the specific closing time and date. Tender documents can be obtained through the above noted Department of Public Works, Vancouver office. PROJECT TENDER NO. 672CV050: For TRANSPORT CANADA - AIRPORTS GROUP, Construction of Meteorological Instrument Compound and Electrical/ Communications Duct/Manhole System at Quesnel Airport, B.C. Closing Date: 11:00 a.m. PDST 26 October 1992 Tender documents may also be viewed at the Amalgamated Construction Assoc, of B.C., Vancouver, B.C., Quesnel Construction Association, Quesnel, B.C., and Prince George Construction Assn., Prince George, B.C. TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES: Ian Barrie. Project Manager, (604) 666-5711. TENDER ENQUIRIES: (604)666-0185 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. APPEL D' OFFRE8 LES OFFRES SCELLEES, pour Iss projets *t services dScrlts cl-dessous, adressSes S (’Administration at polltlquss dss contrsts, FUglon du Paclflque/Ouest, bureau 401, 11M Albernl St., Vencouver (C.-B.) V6E 3W5 seront revues jusqu’S le dete et I'heure specifies. On peut ee procurer lee documents d* soumlsslon auprts du minister* des Travaux publics, bureau de Vancouver. TRAVAUX APPEL D OFFRES NO. 672CV050: Pour le GROUPE DES AEROPORTS. TRANSPORTS CANADA - Construction d une enceinte pour les* instruments de mdtdorologie, et d'une conduite et d'un putts (faeces pour le systeme electrique et de communications, A I'aeroport de Quesnel C.-B. Date limite: 11 octobre 1992,11 h AM (HAP). On peut egalement consulter les documents de soumlsslon aux endroits suivants: Amalgamated Construction Assoc, ol B.C., Vancouver (C.-B.), Quesnel Construction Association, Quesnel (C.-B.). et Prince George Construction Assn., Prince George (C.-B.). RENSEIGNMENTS TECHNIQUES; Ian Barrie. Charge de projet (604)666-5711. RENSEIGNMENTS SUR LES MODALITES DE SOUMISSION: (604) 666-0185. La Ministers ns s'angaga S accepter nl la plus baste nl aucuna dee aoumiaalona reguee. Canada LEGALS REPAIRERS LIEN ACT Take notice that by virtue of the repairers lien act a diesel generator, s/n 0928042 will be sold on or after October 8.1992 a 729 - 4th Ave. Prince George. B.C. to secure payment in the amount of $1,130.00 plus cost, which sum Is owing by R & R Logging, Box 903 . Salmon Arm, B.C. to Simson Maxwell. The sale of said unit shall be private and offers to purchase should be in writing and submitted to Simson Maxwell. The highest or any offer may not necessarily be accepted. L<.2J0 Province of Ministry of British Columbia Forests Sealed tenders for Timber Harvesting Operability Mapping for projects will be received by the District Managers for ttis Dawson Creek an^ Mackenzie Forest Districts before 130 p.m., November 12, 1992. The project areas cbver diverse terrain with a variety of potential harvesting systems. Tenders are invited from qualified contractors only. A qualified contractor Is one who has proven experience in Timber Harvesting Systems, Forest Road Layout and Terrain Mapping. Those contractors that feel they meet these qualifications please send a resume to either address below. A practical examination and contract viewing will be held in Prince George. Eligible contractors will be notified of the time and location. Tender information packages will be available at the contract viewing or upon request. All inquiries should be made to Andrew Hall, Ministry of Forests, Dawson (Jreek at 784{2350 or Greg Wooltacott, Ministry of Forests, Mackenzie at*997- 2200. *. Ministry o( Forests Ministry of Forests 9000-17th*Street Bag 5000 Dawson Creek Mackenzie, B.C. V1G4Z4 V0J2C0 Fax: 784-2356 Fax: 997-2236 Canadian Diabetes Association Your money has punch. Fight Diabetes. du diabetc Supported by The Pritice George Citizen Please refer to TV times published every Friday, for the full week’s listings. EVENING 6:00 CD Beverly Hill*, 90210 Brenda plans a dance and rnvites students trom an inner-city school despite reports of gang violence (S) p [2] fJ] Beverly Hillt, 90210 (S) Q [4] CL) Marilyn Raynald et Gertrude seront complices. Denise va sacri-fier sons reve. (D NBC Nightly New* g CD CBS Evening New* (S) g Cl) ABC World Nsws Tonight g CL MecNell/Lehrer Newihour g (H) 112] New* QJ) Eureeka's Cattle 0.4 Sherlock Holmee Mysteries Holmes Investigates the strange and systematic destruction ol sculptured Napoleon busts. (R) 08 Larry King Live 00 Nashville Now (S) Of Country Music Television 0ft Canadian Wilderness Journal -Penguins, Dolphins and Killer Whales Cinematographer Robert Ryan captures the leading frenzy of dolphins and penguins from the Falkland Islands and an attack by killer whales on a sea lion colony. 9? NFL Football Dallas Cowboys at Philadelphia Eagles. From Veterans Stadium. (S Live) g 0ft Rock 'n Talk Ex-member of Triumph, Rik Emmet discusses his longevity in the music business (S) §8 Canada Tonight (Hi One Warm Line: The Legacy of Stan Rogers Concert footage including a rare glimpse trom the 1982 Philatelpohia Folk Festival. 00 Jeux sans frontiers* Cette se-maine: le petit village de Roznov met a I'honneur les traditions (cheques. 6:30 4] TL Ce Solr CL New* g CD Cosby Show Clair is treated like an old woman alter the children discover she is beginning menopause. It2] Inside Edition g OS Survey of Western Art Chronicles the achievements and failures of ancient Egypt's prominent rulers and society. (Part 3 of 6) 01) Love|oy Lovejoy must determine whether love letters he has found in a clock are real or fake Of) World News OS American Celebration: 200 Years of the Old Farmer's Almanac Willard Scott hosts a celebration of the 200th anniversary of the "Old Farmer's Almanac." (R) CE Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (S) g CD Evening Shade (SI g Cl) Nature "Realms of the Russian Bear" (Season Premiere) The series' 11th season opens with the wildlife of Russia and the Central Aslan republics. This episode focuses on the Volga Della and Wrangel Island (S) (Part 1 of 3) g 0T> [12] Young Indiana Jones Chronicles While still a prisoner of war, Indy meets French Capt. Charles de Gaulle and the two devise a plan to escape their German captors (S) (Part 2 of 2) g 01) Songololo Celebration of the emerging post-apartheid culture In South Africa. OS) Evening at the Improv Host: Florence Henderson Comics; John Caponera; John Pale. Randy Kagan. Joanne Dearing (R) (If Sporlsdesk a (18 Sports Tonight 0ti Club Dance (R) (S) Of Country Music Television 9® Movie sees "Dodsworth" (1936, Drama) Walter Huston, Ruth Chatterton. An Oscar-winning adaptation of Sinclair Lewis' novel about a retired industrialist and his adventure-hungry wife whose European voyage leads to new values and relationships. 04 Night Court Dan returns a favor trom Bull by agreeing to coach him in the "arena ot love " 94 Spotlight Roxette 94) Little House: A New Beginning Mrs Oleson is (urious when she learns 16-year-old Willie plans to marry 08 World Report g 94 100 Huntley Street 0f) Reporleges L utilisation des en-tants en publicite. 8:30 (L CD Hearts Afire (S) g (2J CL Road Movies Eight videog-raphers share their vision ol Canada Host; Michelle Moffat, g CE Blossom (S) g 07) Moneyllne (R) 94 Ko|ak 94 Fax 97) Business World (R) g 0t) Journal televise de France 3 Bulletin de nouvelles Irancais. (R) 9:00 CL 94 News g [2] CL Northwood Jennifer visits a psychologist to learn the cause ot her nightmares (R) (Part 2 ol 2) g [4] CL La Loi de Los Angeles Mul-(aney represente des locataires qui veulent maintenir I interdiction du port d arme dans leur immeuble. CL Of) [12] Movie "Desperate Choices: To Save My Child" (1992. Drama) Joanna Kerns, Bruce Davison Premiere The possibility ol a bone marrow transplant pits husband against wite over the tale ot their 7-year-old son and the lather s ailing daughter from a previous marriage. (S) g CD Murphy Brown Murphy is uncharacteristically agreeable toward the changes suggested by the new network vice president. (S) g Of Point ot Departure Britain's DV8 Physical Theatre performs selected works. (Part 3 ol 6) 04 David L. Wolper Presents "The General" Mixing politics and military prowess. Gen. Douglas Ma-cArihur carved a niche lor himselt in American history. (R) (if Up Close (IT) Newsnight Of Miller A Company (S) Of Country Music Television 94 MuchWest 9f Prtss Gang Lynda finally asks Spike it he has plans lor the even- li ing. 9/> Capital I § if Country Music Television 98 (:05) Movie ee "The Island" (1980, Adventure) Michael Caine, David Warner. A British journalist and his son are taken prisoner by members of a 300-year-old pirate community In the Bermuda Triangle. Based on Peter Benchley's novel. 94 News g 97) This Country West 94 Last ol the Summer Wine Clegg. Compo and Foggy get into more trouble when they try to buy some honestly grown produce 01) ( 05) Vive! 7:15 [4] CL ( 25) Le Point 7:30 [2] CL Ear to the Ground A profile ol Jr. Gone WHd, a country rock band with punk sensibilities, g CE Entertainment Tonight (S) g CD News 0D [12) Jeopardy! g Of Badminton Canadian Open Championships. Women's competitions. (Taped) 9f Maniac Mansion The Edison family gets Involved when Ike comes home with a black eye. (S) g 9f This Is the Life A young widow and her two children may be evicted. 8:00 (D Coach Luther complains to Hayden about the lack ot recognition tor his contribution to the team's success.(S)g [2] CL Fresh Prince ol Bel-Air [4] CL Jamais deux sans tot La ru- meur de la vente eminente du bur-eau des Assurances Duval circule dans les iournaux et tail I'effet d une bombe sur le personnel, en particular sur Nicole. I Report (R) 0f Arts Express Examines artists who are risk takers and profiles Deepa Mehta, award winning director ot "Sam and Me." (R) (S) 01) Teleobjectlf 9:15 94 ( 25) Cousteau's Rediscovery of the World An expedition In Southern Australian waters yields an unprecedented study ol great white sharks. (R) 9:30 (2) CL Designing Women g CD Love A War (S) p Of Baseball Show: Blue Jays Edition Host John Wells reviews the week's highlights (R) 07) Inside Politics (Ri 0J) Movie *Vr "The Trail Beyond" (1934, Western) John Wayne, Verna Hillie. A two-fisted cowpoke searches the Northwest lor a missing woman and a tabled gold mine. 94 Year ol the Horse Sinead O'Connor trom the Royal Caree Theatre in Rotterdam and the Royal Albert Hall in London. (R) 94 Current Affair g (H) Tough to Be Young Teen-age girls talk about how they deal with parents, school, substance abuse and teen-age boys. (Part 4 ol 4) 97) Today's Japan 94 Spirit Connection Profiles Lydia Gruchy, the first woman ordained by the United Church ol Canada and the new moderator. (R) 10:00 CD Sports Night [21 CL National g [4j CD Taqulnons la planets Magazine d'inlormation humorlstique du groupe "Les Bleu Poudre." (D Northern Exposure (S) g CL HBO Stand-Up Comedy Showcase g CL Shape of the Wortd Maps as lile-saving tools: the National Geographic Society's "Endangered Earth” map. (S) (Part 6 of 6) g 04 End of the Rainbow Musical drama set in London about a dejected jazz musician 04 (: 14) Transients Music video showcasing industrial waste tound in and around Vancouver 04 Sherlock Holmes Mysteries Holmes investigates the strange and systematic destruction ot sculptured Napoleon busts. (R) Of For the Love of the Game Prison Sports. Looks at the role ot sports in Canadian prisons and their importance to the inmates. (R) 0!) Showbiz Today (R) Qf Nashville Now (P) (S) (if Country Music Television 99 Bums snd Allen 94 Charles Givens 04 Hillside The lives of teen-agers at a fictional high school. 97) Cover Story (R) 9f Highway Visit to the West Wales market town ot Carmarthen where Bryn Tertel sings ol the "Red Plough." (R) 0j) Jeux sans Irontieres Cette se-malne: le petil village de Roznov met a I'honneur les traditions tcheques. (R) 10:15 [2] CL ( 22) Journal g 94 ( 25) Nattonal Geographic Explorer Underwater filmmaker Mike ^eGruy locuses on sharks. (R) 10:30 CL Alfred Hitchcock Presents [4J CL Ce Soir (R) 04 Pacific Wave Exploration ol B.C.'s performing arts (Part 1 ol 3) 07) Newsnight Update 99 Movie *** "Invitation" (1952. Drama) Van Johnson. Dorothy McGuire. A wealthy man bribes a suitor to make his crippled daughter's last year ol tile a happy one. 94 Northern Response 94) Rock 'n Talk Ex-member ot Triumph, Rik Emmet discusses his longevity In the music business (R) (S)g 9ft Joy of Music Diane Bish performs on the "Sound ol Music" organ in an Austrian Cathedral. (R) (S) 11:00 CL Married... With Children Al thinks Kelly is a kept woman when he visits her luxury apartment. (S) g [21 CL CD News 14] CL Meteo [4] CL ( 05) Second regard Au programme: entrevue avec Bernard Pivot a Paris: Rock and Roll et spiritu-alite: le rock porte-l-il des valeurs-spirituelles? (R) Cl) CL News g CL To ths Manor Bom A rare tropical bird nesting on (he estate gives Audrey a new source ot income. CH) [121CTV News g 04 Traffik Jack returns to Pakistan and demands the arrests ot drug dealers before he agrees lo sign an aid agreement; Helen tries to make a deal with Tariq. (R) (Part 5 ol 6) 04 Lovejoy Lovejoy must determine whether love letters he has tound in a clock are real or take. Oft Sporlsdesk g Q7) Worldwide Update Of American Celebration: 200 Years ot the Old Farmer's Almanac Willard Scott hosts a celebration of the 200th anniversary ot the "Old Farmer's Almanac.'' (R) (5) Oft Country Music Television 94 Videollow 94 Northern Response 0ft Do It for Yoursell Installing floodlights and bedroom closet rods; instructions on maintaining a pressure spray pump. 97) National g 9f One Warm Lina: The Legacy of Stan Rogers Concert footage including a rare glimpse from the 1982 Philatelpohia Folk Festival. (R) 0D ( 05) Vival (R) 11:15 94 (:25) Movie as* "The Night of the Iguana" (1964, Drama) Richard : Burton, Deborah Kerr John Huston directed this adaptation of Tennessee Williams' award-winning play ol a delrocked priest's relationship with three women in Puerto Val-larta, Mexico. Colorized version. 97) (:25) Journal g 11:30 (D CE Tonight Show Scheduled: actors Emilio Estevez and Jon Le-,guizamo; singer Collin Raye; aulo experts the Maglrozzi Brothers. (S) P — a) Video Hits D ( 35) Sweating Bullets (S) CL Nlghtllne g CL Good Neighbors When Margo discovers the Goods plan to keep pigs, she enlists the help ol Mr. Carter. (0 [12] News Of CIAU Football Carleton at Ottawa. (R) 07) Sports Latenlght 94 Bob Newhart On the eve ot being announced "Secretary ol the Year," Carol informs Bob tnat she Of Country Music Television 94 Kojak 94 Northern Response 0ft Bonanza 071 Midday . 9ft Laat of the Summer Wirfe Clegg, Compo and Foggy gel mtg more trouble when they try to buy some honestly grown produce * 12:30 CL Juicer CL ( 35) Lpte Night With David Lat> terman JFt) (S) CD ( 35) Jhith Llmbaugh Ot) [12] (^5) Whoopi Goldberg (S) 08 News. 94 Daily R.S.V.P. 95) Northern Response