18 - The Prince George Citizen - Saturday, October 24,1992 Rare marbled murrelet nests found VICTORIA (CP) — Three nests of the marbled murrelet have been found in the ancient trees of the Walbran Valley on Vancouver Island, an environmental group said this week. The murrelet is an endangered species of seabird unique to the North Pacific and only nests near the top of old trees. The Western Canada Wilderness Committee, which is fighting logging in the Walbran, said it found three murrelet nests in the Wal-bran-Carmanah area of southwest Vancouver Island. "These new discoveries really prove our case that the B.C. provincial government must act quickly to protect the forest adjoining the West Coast Trail on southern Vancouver Island," said committee campaign co-ordinator Joe Foy. Gerry Bereska, 42, spent $300,000 to tow an old ferry from Seattle to Vancouver. Steam-powered ferry finds home in B.C. LANGLEY, B.C. (CP) — Garry Bereska’s new boat cost him $10 US, plus tax. Towing it home to British Columbia set him back $300,000 Cdn. But this is no ordinary boat. It’s the famed San Mateo ferry — which Bereska wants to save from demolition. The steam-powered ferry was built in 1922 to work the San Francisco Bay. About 70 metres long, it once held 58 automobiles. The ferry was sold to Puget Sound Navigation Company in 1941 and sailed Puget Sound for 28 years before being retired in 1969. Since then it has sat around unused on Lake Union near Seattle. In recent years the weatherbeaten ferry has been the focus of failed restoration bids by a series of historical preservation societies. It was slated for demolition last year. Bereska, a 42-year-old locomotive engineer for CN Rail, wants to form a society, raise $2 million, restore the ferry and turn it into a museum. But why is this resident of the Vancouver suburb of Surrey risking his life savings on a dream? "When you look at her from a distance you see a 40-foot (12-metre) smokestack and wind scoops on the whcelhouses,” he says. “And then when you go down and go into the engine room, it’s just like ... oh, I don’t know how you’d describe it ... t’s like going into a movie set in the 1920s. “All this stuff is so authentic. It BOOK OF RECORDS hasn’t been tampered with or buggered up or modernized.” Bereska knows most people think he’s out of his mind. Everybody, that is, except for close friends and wife, Dec. "At first she was kind of scratching her head and wondering how in the world we’re ever going to do this,” Bereska says. ‘‘But the more time we spent walking on it and being on it... "Everybody else said there’s no way you can do it and my wife just stood behind me all the way. It was just remarkable.” Bereska grew up in Calgary — which begs the question why get obsessed with boats? "I don’t know why,” he says. "My dad was in the navy and when you’re a kid you go through his kit bag and put on the uniform and you see all the pictures of ships. We spent our holidays out in British Columbia every year and went up and down the coast.” It was in 1977 — while on vacation — that Bereska first saw the San Mateo and fell in love. The San Mateo had a reputation as a bad investment in the U.S.; she’d been sitting around so long doing nothing, people didn’t think she could sail any more. Everybody except Bereska, and she proved him right last weekend, making her final trip from Seattle to Langley and never taking on a drop of water. "Can you imagine a ship 230 feet (70 metres) long, 68 feet (20 metres) at the beam, drifting through the water in dead silence. Not a sound. No engine noise or Map sets mark VICTORIA (CP) — A trivia buff has won international status for the enormous relief map of British Columbia at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver. “When I saw it I thought this could be the world’s largest map,” said Debbie Price, of Victoria, who works as tour guide in the B.C. Pavilion which houses the map. Although the 23-metre by 25-metre map has been around for 40 years, no one else thought to check the Guiness Book of Records. Price, who likes trivia and receives the updated Guiness books as an annual gift, checked her copy. The reigning champion was a map of California measuring 13.7 metres by 18.3 metres. Compiling a collection of newspaper and magazine clippings to validate her claim, Price wrote the book’s publishers in February disputing the current entry. Deputy editor Maria Morgan wrote back in mid-May, confirming the Vancouver record and its inclusion in the 1993 Guiness Book of Records. "I was jumping up and down and shaking,” Price said. “But it was lunchtime and no one was around (at the pavilion). "It was like winning the lottery but having no one to tell.” The map was built by George Challenger from 989,842 pieces of Douglas fir. Started in his basement as a retirement project, the map was completed after seven years in 1952. The B.C. Pavilion was custom-built to contain the map - a feature of the 1954 British Empire Games. Challenger died in 1964. His ashes are buried in the map’s Pacific Ocean — actually in an um in the flooring beneath where the ocean is depicted. TO THE CHURCH OF PRINCE GEORGE “Narrow Is The Way That Leads To Life T “*nd few there be that find it”, JESUS said. Mi7:14. Yes, most people will spend eternity screaming in hell, vs 13, because they vote “NO” to JESUS. This is why we must keep warning people. “They went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working them, and confirming the word with signs following." Last vs Mk. ••• Let’s call them Tom snd Joe (not their real names). So the business with Tom was completed and he steered the topic to JESUS. Tom allows as how there may be a God and even a heaven and a hell. He is reminded that if there is a chance that hell IS, we’d belter make very, VERY certain of getting to heaven. Not many accuse JESUS of dying on the cross for a lie. So Tom leaves after saying, “God, if you’re real show me.” *** Maybe two weeks later Joe comes into his office. The business finished, a very similar conversation follows. Just then Tom walks in; he’s not met Joe before, Tom's face is white as a sheet and he's obviously shaken, he also has a very sore neck. He has just minutes before had his car creamed by a guy running a red light. About two nights before, ne hit with his tractor-trailer, count 'em, THREE deer. And. believe it or not, just the week before that, he had killed a moose with that tractor! Then he reminds Tom, in Joe’s presence, of their conversation two weeks ago, and asks, “Do you think somebody, God, could be trying to get your attention?” (“confirming the word wilh signs following") Joe can't believe his ears. Before he leaves he calls on the name of JESUS. Tom trys to make a very shaky joke of it all, but knows he’s not kidding anyone, least of all himself.*** Tom was stubborn, but consider now denominational idols which most elders, equally stubborn, candidly agree are contrary to the bible. They thereby make an open MOCKERY of 1 Co.l;10, “that there be NO DIVISIONS”. As Stephen said to the elders of his day, “You slifT-neckcd and undrcumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit. “Ac:7:51. Meanwhile the devil does his thing with child molesting, sexual immorality, suicides, separations, etc. in churches because they are weakened by this spiritual adultery of the elders.*** As we speak out against this idolatry, “the Lord will be awesome to them, for he will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth; people shall worship Him”, and Him alone. Zep2;ll. And God will “work with (us) and confirm the word with signs following”. “Narrow is the way-”. The Corinthians tried to broaden it and were severely rebuked. “Little children, guard yourselves from Idols. Amen.” 1st Jn last vs. John Funk. PS. Pr. 11:19” He who pursues evil, pursues it to his own death.” To him who pursues violence and death on TV, God will one day say “You want violence and death, here it is”, and it won't be on video. Fear JESUS and you will leam to love Him also. anything. "It was ever had.” the best yacht ride I Canadian & Mh I Association Diabetes canadicnnc Association^^^W du diab£te Supported by The Prince George Citizen PRINCE GEORGE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DEPOT 350 3rd AVENUE, PRINCE GEORGE Next Opening: Sunday, Oct. 25th & Monday, Oct 26th Hours: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Examples of Acceptable items: • Pesticides • Anti-freeze • Aerosols • Thinners • Paint (stains) • Cleaners If you have: • Waste Oil • Propane Tanks • Lead Acid Batteries DS DS Please Contact: Mohawk or Canadian Tire Propane Dealers or Canadian Tire Local Battery Recycler or Canadian Tire We cannot accept: • Biomedical waste (pharmaceuticals) • Radioactive waste (smoke detectors) • Explosives (gun shells) • Commercial hazardous waste A Handle wim care BCjG? Environment For more information: Call the Recycling Hotline: 1-800-667-4321 School-Based Awards 1992 School District No. 57 (Prince George) is pleased to announce and acknowledge the recipients of the following School-Based Local Awards 1992 COLLEGE HEIGHTS SECONDARY SCHOOL Colleen Kelly Award Blrlew, Tara College Heights Community Association DeBoer, Rod College Heights Elementary School Scholarship Carlyle, Lea College Heights Outstanding Graduate Lawrence, Amanda College Heights School Parent Advisory Council Blrlew, Tara College Heights Secondary School Students’ Award Ohorl, Kristine Dorothy Whelan Memorial Scholarship Brown, Ted Gladstone Elementary Parent Advisory Council Penner, Lorl-Anne Governor General’s Bronae Medal Award Robin, Curtis Josten’s Canada Award Zarek, Krystal Malasplna Elementary School Liaison Committee Award Suderman, Rachel Martin Nvlund Memorial Scholarship Johnson, Jason Michael Brooks Memorial Scholarship Penner, Lorl-Anne Nevin Blanchard Memorial Award Howard, Cheryl Noel Turcotte Memorial Scholarship Girard, Kevin Vanway Elementary Award Howard, Cheryl D.P. TODD SECONDARY SCHOOL B.C. Boys Basketball Association Parmar, Gaurav Counterattack Award Copeland, Wendee Phillips. Lori Dry Grad Award Fredin. Nikki Paterson. Clare Governor General Bronse Medal Davis, Debbie Grade *82 Award Dunn. Trevor Grade ‘89 Award Gee, Stephanie Grade '85 Award Phillips, Sean Grad ‘89 Award Takahashi, Lena Heritage Community Association Award Froese, Robin DUCHESS PARK SECONDARY Basketball Bursaries, Senior Girls Provincial Bowers. Monique Kelepouris, Marla Smith, Shannon Williams, Debbie Bourse du Comit£ du Programme Cadre de Franfals Bowers, Monique Class of *62 Bursary de Nys, Eric Duchess Park Scholarship Barton, Susie Hlcke, Kris Matson, Sharleen Munkley, Lisa Olson, Don Roberts, Sean Duchess Park Grad Class '92 Bursary Scofield. Kevin Duchess Park Grad Class ‘92 Scholarship Ramsay, Kate Duchess Park Student Council Scholarship Botelho, Gina Duchess Park 8tudent Council Scholarship Kelepouris, Marla Ron Pollard Memorial Bursary Veltch, Scott KELLY ROAD SECONDARY SCHOOL Band Parent Award Moses, Monique Governor General's Medal Dawe, Amanda Hellenlus Bogdan, Denise Jostens Canada Award Johnson, Tanya Kelly Road Grad Class Bachmann, Brandy Bonnar, Brandelyn Layte, Karen Kelly Road Parent Advisory Bealey, Melanie Becker, Holly Christie, Dwayne Crist, Barton Dawe, Amanda Haynes, Stacey Keeling, Willow McGuire, Kerry Moore, Janice Phillips, Michael Remple, Vanessa Unger, Stefanle Laurie McMullen Memorial Phillips, Michael Mark Swift Graduation Thompson, Lai Lonna Nechako Minor Hockey Assoc. Bursary Archer, Graham Principal’s Award Johnson, Tanya Prlvat Wanner, Julianna Rotary Citizenship Meerveld, Iris Rowatt Skead, Shawn MACKENZIE SECONDARY SCHOOL Administrator's Bursary Patterson, Marlah Barb Dahl Memorial Scholarship Paulson, David Cookie Niro Memorial Bursary Fredericks, Dayna Eta Delta Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi Bursary Fredericks, Dayna Gill, Sandra tv Fores Scholarship GUI, Kamtljlt Governor General’s Bronze Academic Medal Paulson, David Joshlyn McDonald Memorial Bursary Clark, Tina Ken McKinnon Bursary Dunbar, Leanne Kinsmen Club of Mackenzie Bursary Dhaflwal, Jesse Hamblin. Delta Harris, Jennifer Hoffus, Stacy Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion Mackenzie Branch Bursary Gallant, Shonna Mackenzie At District Hospital Auxiliary Bursary Gill, Sandra Sleczka, Marta Mackenzie Arts Council Bursary GUI, Kamtljlt Mackenzie Arts Council Scholarship McDonough, Anna Mackenzie Consumers Cooperative Assoc. Bursary McKay, Jodl-Lynn Mackenzie Consumers Cooperative Assoc. Scholarship Dunbar, Leanne Mackenzie Forestry Education Society Bursary Thompson, Jason Mackenzie Secondary Staff Scholarship Paulson, David Mackenzie Sikh Society Bursary Yacyshyn, Christina Order of the Royal Purple Scholarship Gallant. Shona guadra Machine Works ursary Wall, Jennifer g:uadra Machine Works cholarship Kalla, Smlter Royal Canadian Legion Branch 273 Scholarship Sleczka, Marta Ruth McLellan Memorial Scholarship Goes, Charlene St. Peter's Catholic Women’s League Bursary GUI, Sandra Zeta Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship McDonough, Anna MCBRIDE SECONDARY SCHOOL Dorothy Monroe Bursary Moore, Gerald Dr. Mike Moseley Bursary Peasgood, Matt Dunster Community Association Bursary Simpson, Michael Interior Roads Scholarship Harstad, Shawna McBride and District Hospital Bursary Moyer, Crystal McBride Figure Skating Bursary Kuwlca, Melanie McBride Oldtimers* Hockey Club Bursary Kuwlca, Melanie Royal Purple Bursary Kuwlca, Melanie Trans Mountain Pipe Line Co. Ltd. Scholarship Foster, Leonard Zcidler Forest Industries Ltd. Bursary Moore, Gerald PRINCE GEORGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Ballantyne Scholarship Yenson, Mark Governor-General Award Yenson, Mark Grad Leadership Award Clarke. Catherine Howarth, Verity Lions Club Academic Leadership Award Yenson, Mark Margaret Gagnon Merit Award Alexander, Cindy Buck, Janelle McKenzie, Bruce Rotary Citizenship Award Creuzot, Charlene Johnson, Stacey Shane Wylie Memorial Bursary Tse, Amy Six Mile Lake Clements. Lindsay 8pecial Education Award Toporowskl, Sherry Special Recognition Young, Mandy Staff Award Peters, Jennifer VALEMOUNT SECONDARY SCHOOL Canadian Mountain Holidays Inc/Cariboo Lodge Krulsselbrlnk, Tanya Torgerson, Graham Cecil B. McNee Memorial Scholarship Zahn, Joel Interior Roads Ltd. Scholarship Cinnamon, Jason Mair, Jenson, Blair Scholarship Zahn. Joel McBride and District Hospital Bursary Berardi, Ennla Slocan Forest Products Ltd. Valemount Div. Employee and Contractor Recreation Fund Bursary Torgerson, Graham Slocan Forest Products Division Scholarship Shepherd, Carleena Tete Jaune Community Club Bursary Cinnamon, Jason Trans Mountain Pipeline Co. Ltd. Scholarship Klyooka, Sumio Valemount Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 266 Canadian Legion Bursary Chouinard, Shauna Valemount Lioness Scholarship/Bursary Recchl, Marvin Yellowhead Helicopters Scholarship Klyooka, Sumto The District Awards Committee greatly acknowledges the support of local business, School Parent Advisory Councils and individual contributors for their continued support of our graduating students. MA. Lyall 564-1511 Local 311. Tel: 564-1511 School District No. 57 (Prince George) 1894 Ninth Avenue, Prince George, B. C. Fax:564-4439 t