Uood Eats—Quick Service Try the PICK LUNCH ¦£•¦:¦¦•'- ¦ 1. \ "r-j'-.tr^. • iw.___ City Cartage & Transfer Go. Coal and Wood " L. kjno. :j. CJi! G GEORGE, JUWTISII C MARCH 25. 102J $2.00 A YEAR Nineteen Twenty-One Will Be^ggest Building Year Over-$;15«5,!300A.Worth of Building in Sight With- Pro»pecU of Much ", Moirij.j* Indications, so far spirit; to this year being one of thebc-st in the Huilding hisixuy - of Prince .GeorgjeJ and now i,hs;i i-iiu station site matter is.settled {he'io are many people who will built tr«:ii i.iivc been holding back untii lii-.v saw where the station would be plivtoii. -.The building program- not Only includes business' blocks, of v.iiaii there are live in^cdntenVpla-i.,m., but many -residences as well.' Ke;il estate jjierf'report many gale !\.,i' i"»ii)perj.y^tii. the past week, not jfTois'but residences as well. .• I'rince Gtvrjjre Realty Com-report. the sale of three "lots on nioii street afc'-thi price of iot." They it.'so. sold Lot 3,TBlock Third avcwuc'Tp a New York party for .>2,nOC, ijmpstate'that they iidve a number >f sales in abeyance. i\i. (.'. Wiggiiv;1;. fiep'oi'ts a good^sale •ii; hjus'es having V'beehtly disposed of . liviv .with..prospects of two-or three ¦.s.tii-> this week, >i.. I). Vibbaxdr-Ratfeirbui-y Lands, :(-ptjrtvr^ne sale of nine Jots, on Van-obuytii' 'riirut-t artd west, the sales to-|- taihi»* $2,000, v-,r\K V.M1 be in iirsfcclass'sliape." ": -. ; until the end of--tho indntl. Mr. txjin.no- \v,irhold;a removalBate. . LIBERTY, Arrested in connection with the W»|t of !ii35«o;;worth.of^o.nd4^n o/itana -hist sunimer, frank^Mak, ;<¦ no .has' been. incarcerated;^ the oastde at youth Port Gc6^ge7 was set ace yerterday..Wjt-Ke^ivis'no reyi- '"- tevsho^hat he haistolen tW ?•¦£. Annak ^id jyhat he had fpund. you ever hear tell of Jack1 t'ereu, 111—" - v'1' . "^ j.\:..-\,l ;tTy, I don't care If he's a fen; ii water lily, and. f urdor—" ''Three ,vhundre3" »nd -p _ backs,, your fare anAj&y your, hotel bill and board,. _wje-^can^feqd you at a good restaurant—" ,_; ¦.•.,,: * "Say! Mo'ffat.git out of here, be-fore^J^go nuti and kill the both of iK arid as fpr yuir three hundred— "Goodbye Mr. Dempsey, sorry you. won't -accept our offer, and -if ^ydu [*vcr,need any ;hardware why—-"'<,:' 1 Te'll Mtit''' " ¦' ¦** "'¦¦¦ o^ a street ^nvfiiimohioi^ and S1S there was no (Chanel of trac->>?g his movements h* w«s letgo. * Sheriff C.E. Hpgan. of' Hamilton, ""ta^ h " has U*en in city t#.ii;.^0 has U*en in thC city ior a fewdays in *oni$etion with the -n oac;Q| Annak, left jjpr hia t home v«st(d WILSON HA^ coasj ^ oys are all t;bod spoils, and to get a human .association in Prince and t^lkitut ^oj^ tuAey-^-".,.-:, ¦;:;':/• • Nix, Nix, on the Butcher shop, git lusy./wit' the^ kale,.conversation." : "Well, -us I remarked, we have an~ A.I. association in Prince and we'll give you three hundred and fifty cold •we I back frpiUyJfcck: ir?ereh, the agent GiW.V.A. cone*1"1™-' tre , t week /—~ . thr*.-----—a/'en .24.—The Government hap decided to anticipate inevitable critism regarding; the discoura'K'-iiig showing o^the Canadian Natioo-iil IJiiihvay. by undertaking at ;•.)! early date a "complete re'-organiza:t{on i)f tne present board of directors. .'l v-. Such re-orgatliziitibi'i has 1>.i»mi urg^Foftfr some time past, out it was i-it uiHair that,tile.': ';Wr^.¦"-¦'¦ ••'-.•¦r.n-'ofl \sit})ont haying' been "given a fair chancfe^to make u'ood. Two ! years; howeyeivlriive passed since its creation, and the financial conditions of Lhe system is worse tiian ever, while the service, especiajlyr^in' the farmer!' institute at v\ " ^ivujd vr1ver decides to 1 Eih'AiSLISH CREAMERY Mud River and l>evci ly , Farmers Meet, and Will Send Secretary —on1 Purcriasirvg ' Trip. :(Correspondency to Leader..)'-Miid River, March 24.—-That there will be a creamery in the Mud Kiver dt\d Beverley districtsxjvas decided at. a meeting of the i\lud River and Beverly . Farmer?;' Institute held -"-at Mud .River .Schoul Salurduy;,' Mai'cH iotli. *, , * [' Mi'j Henderson, the presidsmt, took Ih'e chair promptly, at the advertised time, and spoke very clearly about \ great advantage the starting of a creamery woiTld be to the. district. to West, is not improving. That; the irritation created amojig the public through increased rates, Mncrtuiscd d efi cits 'and. un i mpi'oved ^g.erviecr>misl tack hammer, I want ^0Q0t' \ :x in, Mr.. Dempsey: ^-y- coining, of. thev'Furniture'I". ¦: - ~.~ "^ .""".7- '"'" icT, irilormed The' Leader yeteter^ PJunk«. W your; railway fare—w« that ^ter.ApriLn'^he-would^be S^^^'jS9^C^ LIBERALS MEET AND ' v , ELECT THEIR".OFFICFKfi ¦r Last Tuesday evening-at Aloosc Hall the., Prince George TLibwal Ass-o-riation elected its officers for the ensuing year.. The riieeting v U os t t'ie largest evfer held by the A»;>:i-tttien in this city, and «as most en-thusiostic. The follbwing-- were the ofQcers elected: ¦ «; : t, lionovai^r •' I*r6sidtint9—^J oh n <^li -)r and H. Qrifer^^v • . • , * f, President—J. M. McLean, Kirst-ryJc^-P-resiident—-H. B. (»uest^ .--A. J. ogelV :_ ., r_^ Third Vice-lJresident-^7~C. i* "' ' [Z ' " ^ Kensi*. D. Mao- ¦ - "' r'" ^> Blair, the'ultiiiiate of public' ownershij), is .realized.".by parliamentarians. Confidence in-'the clire.ct'or.ate ^is badly needed. vSuch confidence caii nly be-obtained through- coaiplete reorganization and may presumably be¦ made without prejudice to the Existing board, hon. Dr. Keid, m'in-•isi.er of railways, has thrown upon parliament, the onus' of finding a solution of \the. problem which increa%. ing deficits present., , Parliament is in a mood to make sugges.tions of a frank and unvarnished nature. The minister has declared that the problem is to be made^a political football of secret system, therefore may conceivably Hot be confined to any one side of tttfe house. . ; . ' In fact it is hard to ssee how aVote of lack of confidence in the "existing; directorate can be averted unless the premier is in,a position to announce reorganization That- It was decided a'tr ihii meeting have (he creamery • ctarted at Trevor i.-iagot's ranch, Mud Kiver, as soon as ppssiblo Uiis spriiig. A reso-| lution was .passed to R-enVl tlit secretary, rM.r. T. liv.ghes, doV-ji t.) the cc.ast 'to -purchase two .carloadsjTjjf-i Kood dairy cow;; aW«u -<*»rly sT^ldte as possible.-;-----" /" Cxft . \y;s£ decided at thjs meeting to petition the-'Government for a: pnstofii.ice at Beverl^ and also at Mu.d River. \Phe' Institute i^/iiiaking...voi''y rapid Uprogi^pss nnd^is gainiiiic in membership a'c\i roocI rate.. - Station Site Finally ^ Determined; Date Fixed MANY MUNICIPALITIES DEFAULT INSASKATCHAWAX Toronto;. Ont., MsJuclr 24.^—At^ a-meeting of bondholdersN'6f the town of Huntbtti^'^.ask.y, held-:in^ this- city to-day", a resolutionjwa\spassed ask" ing the Dominion Mortgage a n Xn cn|| fl August First Is Date Set for Comple tion of Depot—-Cost of Structure Is Not Stated. tectingj their interests in Saskatchewan debentures, and Saskatchewan government securities with a view to consjderjhg whys arid means of protecting their interests in Sasgatch-ewan'-.in view of' the number of defaults by inunici'palitie-s • that have taken place. ' The- latest additions to defaulting" u'nicipalitics are Swift Current turn Estevan. • S Vancouver, 3 to parliament' 'that will be forthcoming. ._..„- ...rtjr«, «1P" thiB'at" ain-early date is anticipated set. for the completion 9; extefision^of'the time the Grand Trunk''.arbjtb and the government inclined to give not expecte t^n is Ap.r^il at jpre^ent In any the reorganization of the Canadian Nation-: lit present constituted will be . ed until the, Grand Trunk has finally been acquired. An announcement niay be"expected shortly after. Easter; for England, where^ h'ewas.' \ i IN B.C. .—Two .large WANX HIGHER PENSIO ~"~RATE FOR RETURNED MEN Ottawa, March 24^—"The. cost of living, as the average man is'affejcted is. not going dcjAvn. It is still up-grade." y'THe" abovu m by Grant Macneil, secretary of the Dominion .Comiftapd^of the G'.W.V.A. suppJemented by elaborate tstatistics, which Mr. Mac- After weary years of waiting, much heart-burning, lurid language/count-iess telegrams and letters tp^the Kail- . i QOiisfented to relieve the well-nigh un-, bearable suspense^oi the citizens here and 1iave\annbunced- < the -Prince George station sjte. It is on First Avenue, hetwen Dominion and Quebec streets. This is final and •unalterable,/A terse-telegram from Ottawa" the meat of the-commission's de- RalTvyay Commissioners^'Kas issued judgment in connection with the Prince George^statipn matter on the G.T.F. JJahVay in British Columbia. retail coal dealers htt1tiN' have nouncbd a_ eut of>two dcTliahs on. Coal. The^ln'st gfacles'n'iny iretai at SfKJ.OO. ^ ^:- an-ton THE ROUNDER TO RUN '/' ON RIVER THIS YEAR Welcome-news to the city is.t the "Rounder" will T)e in coirpwlssion this year and will ~$l on Uie^river rui betwen this -city* anu^Quesh'el; Al Johnson, has' bojiglit the boat from the B.X. comJKfnjt^nd¦ will begin.get ting-her^wr shape at- once. .Jimmy is will be engineer and leaves *w'i6f'<'liQlie^neiCo '"give ' her 'a ¦overhauling ah<^get her in shape. " The "Rounder passengers, mail- and freight,- :carry . Columbus,. Ohio, March 24."— A" test .suit to. determine ^v^^at authority the Federated Railway iiaborN Boa*d may have in backing .up its ruling that railroads may not reduce wages until after the conference with enb. rploy.ees, was filed in Federal District Court .here,, to-day by attorneys Randolphs W..'^alton; and ¦; W ¦ ; B. Pealer, representing 1,200-employee* of ^four. subsidiary lines'of the ' irk Central Raidroad. ,^&'- SMALL'S^ Vancouver, March^ *24,-¦• ^— In'.the second game for the World's Hockey Chnn.pionship here, Ottawa won 4-3v UNDERWEAR HAS ARRIVED, The. consigJiment of j ordered for the ' rejtur-imd-^ soldiers here has arrived,^- There was only one size sent how,eyer—-size 36—and those, ordering different sizes can have their 'money refunded. -The ujiderwear carfTbe. .obtained' from George. SutH^rJand at Porter's Fur Office. Gut BritishjS^Iymbia ^d^^^^ v ake Two Provinces Members Provincial . Legislature 'Ing Canvassed on New P1«b. ^Victoria, March 24'.— A demand thut the'province of British Columbia be carved into t\vo,-- and that a-new province of.-Northern British. Columbia, be organized, is beirigf seriously, put forward' in this city. According to reports from the notth, the pro1 posal has public approval behind it; Mr.^B. Brynildsen, plenipotentiary extraordinary -of ''the "new; movemenf is now in tne Capital, where he has .been canVasstftg a- numbev- of ni»ia-oferis'ol^th?! legislature in support, of the movement, though so ^far with !j$jtlc encouragernent from 'the south-efrT'members. ~ ". , Mr.. Brynildseii, who is**a veteran Mr. Brynildsen, referring to Atlin, Prince' Rupert, ¦ Qniiiieca and Fort George. A'We..contribute-''more than Iwilf Of-the wealth of the whole province ^and we only get a titlie^pf . it clif.jEby developments.. .The north is keeping^ the soiith.-;:; How can we ex-, pect thu npi-th to-'go ahead as fast as 'i,t ^should Avhile it--is governed from the'south?" . . . In.regard, to the splittinglip1 *oT British .Columbia into, two provinces* CoTonel ;Cy; Peck, 'V;G.\ has moved a resolution in the House of: Commons at^Ottawa, .asIcing for practicalfy the: same ¦thuny.'as-Mr.'" Brynildsen. His Thompsp^ --—.--- P'eck"rw6uld divide the prdXrtniJe north South on^an east-*yd west line d > ;^d le rOfihiftp*through Hancevillie, 'Cariboo. cesident of .Bella-Ccgpk, where he-is|f •M*«" Want! toKaow. newspaper editor, hotel keeper, merchant and leading citizen, is armed with a bifiT map of British Columbia, a mass of. statistics and an invincible eritlvusiaih for the new cause. ';*'" ¦<. _* "Of course," he sajrs,."we don^tex-pect to get what, we wa,nt-this, jjrjear. It niay take tLve years,iaut'it'js bound rnay to>-.conic y,j You «anft hold tjic*tkorth i Is? gg ^^io in K iUs ponulal'ioA. while.some, of iC; .southern conslituertcies are loSinp tlielrs. 'rflcW*^ boumi to be a ;l^w prormce-JnHh«-north-«tnJnt-witl—Ire the biggest anrktichest p^yined wh6i\ it does com&S " . jExecut4i'« Gep, B. Williams, Ai «nir] Arthur Leil>i. -¦ _ . Til\nn to the • above voffi.:c)rs, 1 XvGfcfe chwfjen It aUfcndV^ii T)'si00(j, the propeity of Small. ¦« '; POUCE COUPE LIBERALS '" " ¦¦ ELECT 1921. OFFICERS Stalwart* ah the Northern Hold Enthusia»tic Convention. (Special to The Leader. )~ Pouce Coupii, March 22,—At an enthusiastic convention of delegates i'rom different sections of the Peace Itiver district,' held "March. 19th, ~ at Holla, a Liberal Association for' all he. Peace River district was organiz-juY vf he following' executive '•" was elected: — t. Hon. - Pres.—-Hon. John Oliver. Hon. Vice-President—H. G. Perry, M.L.A! .'. And the Board further orders that DUtrictj tfie said order/No. 22995 dated No? vember 23, 1914, requiring the erection of the said station between Oak. and Ash streets, be, and it. is hereby President 'ouce. Coupe. . W.--;->Cottinghari^ in a "telegram addressed, ;;tp fL A. Carney, .F. J. J?ulton,*fecleral member for this riding.V requests that he'be fully advised as .to the ..feeling"of the people in thisvcity'ahd\.vicinjty on th«l issue1 raised by.:Golbnel'iPJeickT1. ^ B. of Tv to Hold Meejtine. T^Secretary—H. G. "AtkjiJsqn.^Bbiia First 'Vice-President—-liert -Ca'r,-luchael/Fort St. John. . ,/'^. Second^ Vice-President—-"G.-" K. Tower, Rplla^ £¦.., :';; \J^r/"• ¦¦.-.¦'. •-, Third. Vice*President--4W. C. Dick> jnj Swan Lake. Fourth yice-Presy—G. F, Hart.; , All offices were filed without election excepting the office of President, which waS' keenly contested betwuen Dr. W; A. Watson and L. W. jotting-ham. ;•• -.. ¦'.'¦ ¦-. ¦ /¦ tng. r ¦' t,Upoii thi) «c^ip"t o'ft»th^telegram fiotti"Mr. Fulton, Mr, Fenwick, secretary of the B&ard"of jTrade, toojk the n^tt "fth K^l h r up",.wfth d to ji''l c earjy j - that it was ublic ALDERMAN AN BA' RNEY KEECi, 1stArCTlN.G^iiAYOR me^tmg of the . city -tonncil TueBiiJVy evening, Alderman Barney..'-Keegan was appoirAed acting '"»'""*''**'""ii)j; Mayor Henry.Wilson's NEW MANAGER FOR < yl \ J ' LOCAL BASEBALL TEAM ./.•i Jack- Fidjjeon, chairuian of the base-jt>»ll conimit/tee of the Athletic Association, has been very plucky,An \Mh choice of a manager of tho ^w«^ebi jpi je^as^nJL_HeJj*ssecur services of Charley-Johnson, ma p o CharleyJohnson, manr ager.of .the Prihc^Qeorge Hotel, to plo^thetaw^thi/i Ihi' p^j^/tner. Ihie viewed by^wie Leader, -..-Mr." Pidgi siat**d that if' ftfr;.- matter of Chief Commissioner dated ' Jan.' 27, 1921, concurred in by the . deputy-Chief Commissioner. Please ^i^t^iedse/'''f'.*Yp'iin'..tnily?/^^ D. Cartwright, Secretary. B.R.C. The order read as follows: , Onler No. 30789.\\,_ Upon hearing the matter at the sittings of the board held in Prince -George, October 4, 1920, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, company; the ' City of^Prince George, the Board of . ^ Tracle^of Prince George, the Hudson's " JJay company, Charles Millar, and others' interested affected being represented at-the hearing; and what was alleged^—-" • " . • "^^The Board orders_that7the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway company be, . " the . said station to be constructed and in operation on or before the first day of August, 1921./ rescinded..,/ Chief (^gd.) P. B. CARVIELL, Commissioner, Board,:, of Raihyajj Commissioners of Canada. WE'LL AYE HAE FOOTBA* THIS YEAR FER SAIRTAIN Piospects^for a big boom ih-^iho.. football line are very rosy this year, ai/d according to the latest dope we .. are/to have three teams in the rtu:-jring, and at §^nK(eiJng held Wednesday evening.-it vas decided to foria' the Prin.ce^George Football Leagm.'. A -temporary ¦'xe-.'utiVe has been nan-.-cdf' tvifp from the Athletic Associ.'t-tion, two from [lhe G.W,y.A.,* and^ these four are to «j»point two otaers/ from the • Cach.e. ComWtde Mellon/ and Cyril Dupres were appointed tern porary ci.pUtins. t>nd will dig up ,«6 ¦ many footballers as'possible. / =krm LEG CRUSHED BY ING TREE W. Arthoi^wa3#brought to the ei£y ilay^from Dunster, hia leg so crushed that it had W be am-.. Stated. V ¦'-'-. / - Arthor Was brought to (lie hospital where he was attended! by Dr, Lypn, who performed the operation, the leg being taken off just below the KneeT'/l~ """" ........ ; an arc ent'lover"Of the baseball game he would -Jiever have been able to s*i-|«ure biin, as... his' price would-be too high, but- being a regular f vn Mr. Jhson ^iUpilut the desUn^a of the. ; wUhoui' "Nwdenjhyvty. "Chl^ g j The patient ia doing nicely. DOMESTIC AND FC»I EXCHANG1 Lpsdon, March 23.—Bar silver 33d per dunce;-money 5% per cent; dis-coiint rates,' shoKi bills 7 per cent.; three months bilte 6U p«r ceni, . . eabl« mm