THE LEADER The Home of CASCADE BEER Cigarettes Cigars GE01ME STREET, Next Panama ^ K. W. SHERMAN ¦ Proprietor Real Bargains In Good Goods. We carry everything in Men's Furnishings Special'prices for Workiiigmen. I.SPANER GEOKGK STREET; Don't Argue Cigarettes and Tobaccos Are Alway* FRESH! All Kinds of Vancouver. Sodas. BRITANNIA BEER. Dan Rftdakovloh Billy Morris " Opposite T. A. Grim Ill's Billiai'd Hall, -Third Avu. McLane's Auto Service Day and Night Trips \ ' Any Place. > Stand at Quick Lunch. Day Phone 95 ^ : Mltfht Phone 13,2s 1 1. i^__ For Real Coffee TRY THE P.G.E. Coffee Cafe - HOT LUNCH A Full Lints of Cigtiife, Ciy-arettes and Tobaccos. . Rooms at Reasonable Rates a ;...'¦ Mrs. N. FERN,-. Proprietress ^Corner George Street* Sixth A.venue. In the World of Sport LOCAL SPORTING GOSSIP. There is plenty of material for the footbal and baseball -teams in the city, so it l'oftvfi as though the managers of the learns will have no easy task in selecting the players'who.will represent their respective oriraniza-t iornn W1tlr~tiic play i n tr—-^n ate rial-available the' competition.for berths on the teams will be vol., n.«eh, -and till players will have an equal chance to land a regular position, providing each player will practice regularly. To those who do-not happen to make their respective teams there is the satisfaction of knowing that by getting out and'making the lupky one earn his'position they hav^help-ed to increase the^ elVee'tj.veness .of their-respective teams,and have also helped .-.Uiemselves,. physically, and at the same time-enjoyed some good import. yf._ v ..¦", •AS/ the (i-rounds are p.ut>rif jjjtfper condition .for the season,' the football and* baseball teams ..will commence .regular practices. If;thc soccer jir&n .needed any incentive to R-yt^out and play, it surely must ¦ jj^ve , been supplied in Mr. Pon1.)^ donation of a cup for the H. G. PERRY, M.L.A., ' DONATES HANDSOME CUP FOR SOCCER- CHAMPIONS It will be welcome news to soccer players throughout the district]to learn that Mr. H. G. 1'erry,-member for this district, -—iip.oiiJiisLr-et.urjr__fi'om Victoria^- has announced that he wiU'^o-nate a Cup to be contested for by soccer teaiiis.irj^fhe Central . Interior, annu.all-y.. Mr. Perry's generous action ¦¦will give_ithe soccergame a great boost in the district, and- it is anticipated that many towns in this district will enter'teams to compete £oiM;his trophy. .• , y^ MILLION-DOLLAR SETTLEMENT — MADE IN DIVORCE CASE PittsfieUl, Mass, April 12.—Mrs. Molly Covington Hanna won a decree of divorce from her husband,-Pan R. Hanna, son of thelate^Mark Hanna, in Judge Fosdip kVcoiirt here today. The gronnds/recognized by-^ the court wure^*'gross. habits of intoxication."^'Charges of cruel and abusive treatment were not sustained. It was understood she accepted a cash scttlenient-of~$r)00,00-0_aml iii sand acre estate 0 at Stoekbridge, which cost $500,000. ' PANAMA NEWS STANH yk\\ Magazines, Periodicals, ECLIPSES^OF SUN AND MOON OCCUR IN 1921 iccer championship. The local teams will certainly exert every effort .to see that the cup will remain 1n Prince George. The baseball and football teams both have cups to compete for, so w it remains for some gentleman tckdonato a trophy fo'r the lacrosse mcnXp battle fur,." . It hasNbeen suggested that, in connection withsH-ie Dominion Day sports a road race arbynd "the loop" be included in the list\>f .events. This is a splendid idea aii.cPbne that should be taken up by the AU^tic Association. DEMPSEY.CARPENTIER BOUT IN NEW JERSEY, JULY 2 Jack Deinpsey and •Georges Car-poiitier will battle for'the world's heavyweight pugilistic championship within-the state limits of New Jersey on Saturday, July 2. ' - l ¦ ^ -\--. The exact location \vill notice aiK nouhced until later, but. selection of the site .will be "confine > to Atlantic City,. Newark or Jersey City. This was officially announced in. New. York on Saturday by Tt>: ft l Coast Soccer Championship. April 30>hi.J only 25 cents. \ Panama News Stand SAVOY HOTEL Third Avenue -j; ; For the Three Essentials economy -service__ and quality .Try ions Grocery Third A'Venue Phono l:}. 1 long;-:] s|l( Delivery U.S. SG^CER TITLE y y fticiv aid,-who .will have- sole control of the arrangement and presentation of the mutch. Dempsey, as heavyweight cham- pion of the world, and Carpentier, in the role of chalieng&r and European title holder, will compete for 60 per cent, of the gross gate ' receipts, which will be divided on a basis of 60 pei- cent, to Dempsey and40 percent, to Carpentier. \Under the New Jersey state boxing la\v"the'bout can not exceed twelve three-minute rounds, and should both boxers b.e on their feet at the termination of the match no official decision can be rendered. ' J^'\". The arena, which wilUcost approximately" $10,0,000, will be constructed' of lumber and will be octagonal. The eight sides will rise to a height ot about fifty feet. Prices of seats" will range ifrom" $50 for a ringside chair, to $5 for • ^i bleacher coupon along the extreme edges of the structure. Intermediate sections will sell from $10 toJ$40, a seat) according to location. It will be three times the size of the arena constructed for Rickard at Heno, where he staged the Johnsoii-Jefl'ries bout July 4, 1910, but hot quite as large as that built at Toledo for the Dempsey-Willard match. Carpentier will sail for this country early next month, and will devote at least six weeks' to hard training. Rickard has a letter from- Victor llreyer, his Paris representative, say-Ing that Descamps and Carpentiei are satisfied with Everything that ¦' has been done. Descamps has but one suggestion to make—that one of the judges be a Rrehchma.n. V PICKING THE WINNERS. ; The soccer classic of the ycar^wiil D^played^at Fall River, Mass., -oit April 19. /the gcuilin's Steel P. St. Louis, Mo.^will play the Hobins Drydock F. G. oKBrooklyri %in the battle for supremacy, of the United States in the final-ofNthe National Challenge Cup conipetitioh, , Manager Tris Speaker, of Cleveland; will be presented with a silver-mounted saddle and bridle on April 21st,.when the Indians open at home. It is the gift of the Hubbard"(Texas) ire department, of which Tris has oeen an honorary member for ten years. The outfit was. purchased at Waco at the cost of GARAGE I have token over the Third Avenue ^Garalge and will cfiny all standard auto parts. Reasonable . ' Raiet/ f<>r pai'ps^aud repairs. Give us a trial. Roy^ade Phone 94, 1 long,/r^lio THIRD AVENIJE Home Building Manufacturing Co. Clean Beds, Reasonable . Bar in Connection. Beer, Soft Drinks,-'Gig-' . arettes, T Cigars^. VKeep thy Wliviils of-, COURT ASKED TO FORCE MpINNIS TO PLAY BALL ¦ Boston, April 12.—Suit in court to oompel a bali player, to report to h'is club and play ball under his contract is the newest angle and the novel action is inaugurated by H. H. Frazee, owner of the Boston Red Sox.'against John (Stuffy) Mclnnis.,r Mclnnis is working under a holdover contract calling for a salary of $5000 a year, out last season" He threatened to break it and the club arranged to pay Him a bonus. ;He insists that a similar bonus be paid.him this year. Baseball, like the weather, is very uncerta^v yet fans all over the country are"figuring out how. the" "con-^enders_in the" niajbr:jeafeues are go-In g to finish, and ever andvaii6n soine scribe tells the ranking of the entrants at the end. For the American League -^ffiam. pionship the Cleveland Itjtfjins seejji to be the popular choice, with the Yankees a close" second, The Boston Red Sox haw been awarded last place. * :—rv- As for the National! League race,, the prophets seem to have picked out' only ^ne club's ponitioni Philadelphia being that club, .and 'tne berth1 assigned to it being lower eight. The Giants, Pittsburg and. Boston teams seem to be conceded an equal chance to cop the gonfalon, with the Giants Blight favorites. PLANS TO STOP GAMBLING. In an effort to stop gambling, Manager Speaker of the Cleveland % In dians will not announce his pitchers overnight during the regularReason, .is has been his policy.' Announcement of the batteries will not be made until time for the pame to start. In Kelly, Frisch," Bancroft ^nd Rapp, the scribes say that the Giants have trie fastest and most capable in-iield that ever played' under - Mc-(iraw's management at the Polo Grounds. . *" Home-'Made Mexican 1 CHILI Chicken Tamales Try these two .appetizitig ^dishes. VANCOUVER ROOMS MR«. K. J. WIHM, ngV Phoae .11, 1 long,bt Opposite.Empreas Hotel. Bricklaying- Fireplaces, Chimneys and Veneer Work a Specialty T Work Guaranteed. By the hour, day or job: tapping & Ed.Latimer Box lt)9, Prince Gooive. » Auto Garage Plumbing G.W,V.A. Prince George Branch ATHENS CROWDED WITH WOUNDED GREEK' SOLDIERS i2-—Wounded Greek soldiersire arriving in siich numbers froin^ U&s^myrna and Brusa fronts that sanitary authoh-iea in "this country arts unable to^carefor them properly. yy- x^ A Paris despatch saysSthe Turkish Nationalists hav« resumedithtyr advance in the Brusa. Minor. Fears are cntertainlTd hero for the safety of the^entire Gr«fek expeditionary fojccT iThe magnitude of the reverse^-guffered by the Greeks appears to be greater than at first supposed judging from-latest information. Six houBand wounded Greeks to bejn hospital at Brunt. ant—T. W. Brewer. Vice-Pfe«.—Marshall Sales. Secretary—cieo. Sutherland; , lreasurer—Dr. Alward. ' «?^etln«s are held in the G. W.V.A. Hall, Fourth Aveiiue, overy second Mouday in the month. •; Visiting comrades welcome. Steam ing—Sheet^M^tal Work, Warm Air Furnaces .Repairs of a!l kinds. Harpsr-Gross Ltd. « Third Avenuo * Phone 94; 1 long, Ksljort. , P.O. Box 88.-: THE OWL I. GEORGE STREET. A Full Line of ._ FRESH Cigars Cigarettes and Tobacco FRESH CANDY Jean Schlosser, PrppriotreHf*. To the Public: Having secured the services of tt first-class iHilor we are now making a specialty or ; y