. aSPJgjJiSfgi§*~ THE LEADER 71 ELITE Millinery o! the Hortorftblft 'Members of the Prince George: . the MaVor Council. City and WILLOW RIVER NEWS. OvviiiK trr the -favorable spring •seeding will be" all rtnisiied by mid McVy is out GeJstlemeh.,—In The Leafier Citizen of the 22nd inj>t'as a copy of a (are 'put-tini? all our spare money week. ' Mr.'McVpy is out. to sums all previous records, with Mr. Fairis i clone contender for honors, but \v rant abuse of this privilege. It is to a partifkflar part f tins The ElifB-Millinery hns a good line of CHILDREN'S HATS. If you want a g-nod Hat,N tlie Elite if. the-place lo get it. We handle nothing hut the hesl. resdluil-on tlia>y--wlio say it know it is not the truth. By such Unjust methods, and cqnv-inj;- from those of whom-you would least expect—^-the unkindest cut of all-—we -are forced to bear-'the full 'responsibility of the ^.vvickeil and vicious nidinbers of otfr race, forced into the lowest ofjTienial occupations and then despised^:or doing so. • ' Some will^say. that they use the word "nigtfer" with no malice or ¦thoughJU-'uf "prejudice, and as a- de-Iscripti'on of the color of a people, be-jin}^ corelative-with white, yellow, etc. <">¦¦ This will nothold. Black, is the co-relative. of white, and "nigger" does not describe color, since all persons, designated as "nigyer.s" are by no means black, even in Africa.-.. "A white man's country?" Then the pleasure»is all yours, and more is your responsibility. Set the^exam-ple; teach"the fine qualities^o^ citizenship; let us see what you mean by law>order. and democracy. As one of the .gressrt- trees of the forest, all nar-tionswfll^ enjoy your refreshing shadow,. uncKwilkpraise you for the excellent qualili'xof fruit you bear. Wo liolcJ no brief for the criminal a'ml disreputable characters of our ^¦roup. We ask that tHt?Njaw be enforced impartially, i-einemberjng that a "white fiend" is as' ci.arigeroiis^to Ibis comniunity as a "black brute^> < Any man can be'a "nigger,'.' and if so, he is unfit to associate with his fellow-men. - - .. To call a iNegro "nigger" is to belittle and destroy the last vestige of hope, man hood and self-respect left in him, after two hundred years o; the-most cruel slavery on earth. ¦ We feel reasonably sure that under normal conditions thinking men>-would not close the lcy Ratten- bury Land Company North : Coast. Land C'.tunp.iiw aiid the iDuhi- of Siithor'ltiti^ Youir charco lo locate in t\- thrivini; district. Good spring water; L. D. VIBBAH3, Losal Agant _.„;>_____________ ''Ht-izun , North Qjw ^ of the "James. January 8,X18G5: r To the Colored Troops Army of^th James,—In this'army you have bee treated not as laborers, but as so! -.(ilof of.bis peopje sliou nevevitiij ii stumbling block to his citizenship... ^hd yet we wonder why peoplt' kill each other. Get this one, (with apologies to the Omaha "Monitor") : • v . :•>-¦ v;',V . A spirit once knocked at .the portals of heaven,, and the Guardian An-1 came to answer the summons. Wh ^ irrives, as tlfeV have not seeir; .I'lidi )ther since pre-war days. Mr, Herbert Ackert has left to take p his duties'as fort'manpted positions as teamster and cook r BillyCorbett on the Burden ranch NOTICE ROYAL TAXI. .' XOTK Lanpl and T>v(.'lvi' (lil^i; (X'.''?•• u^Tnd South-west Y. V)> l<(|i- -s'x H mid red a/fliH.) ; *>ndh bali'.'_(S. i-th-woat qiiiirtei' (i\'.W, Iluiulred ;nid i-'iftci'ii I, half (."'.':;)' f-"l S>X i 'Sixtuen .(O.Ki) I Soutli-(>>;. '.i i [<<¦•{ Six Hun--' (ti[.9) ; Lot .yi.x • ((>'J(i) liXCiipL-X.U) ,of the (N.i-:.', J ; I^'l Lot liiarU't' (o. iuul.. NijKft'i ';i'nl '1 v. NtiYtli b.ii tii'-ea^l ..'() i.'ar l Noilh iialf t X: i-eiil V-t\v.o (X:i:iM i; ) y ;) | and South ¦ uvsi j Lot Six Hundred j ((\2'J.); '•¦ North.-ujistj | ((\2J.); North.-ujistj Lot Six lkiii(li-c West r 111(1 Voi; Wc-.< Hid ^Tori oui NJ (\y.'V|: I. 1-ot fcr .(.¦ill y-'li've . (lili."i)> ^''ractiunal Lot SS >t quarter {}>'f.S:\\'.'i) L1 ......I ml jjfnd ^^enty-uight ((>'i> i half iW'.i^n Lot Six Huiitlredy i'hiriy-t.tt*i> (<»•'•-) excepting the h-wesV)'j " * Kighi tliindrod and . Jsinety ' . l ; Lot Eiulit ihwidriMl un<\ NinO- I IN A NAME? Why, everything is in n name if properly obtained. • .;'¦- OUft BREAD is sold in all the principal groceries in town and usdcI in all the leading restaur- arils .ind !ioj.«ds.' "Ask ftTrtVince Geprse Bread" IT'S GOOD BREAD Princa Bakery Tiiii'.I AveniKi, inn*1 VlcMortfnirUn,,pV M. & Ivi, Auto Service . Careful ana 'Caw\^ •: Drivers • TRIPS OAY Olt NIGHT,; .j. Day Phone, DECORATORS. { Prince George, . Hume 17F. ; Paint Shop, Next Dudr Citizen We Carry-a Full L.ine of Paints, Oils ai] Varnishes , " St. Michael's Church. ' Sundays, 8.30 u.ni., Holy Conumin-on. ¦ ;¦;'•'¦• «=" 10.30,- Holy Eucharist .(Sung.)", _2 p'.-iii., 'ilhe. Catechism and .Sunday Ciiidei-garten. 7.00,' Kveniny Prayer. " Week DayS,. a.m., Holy •Cpriimuhr on (daily except MondayK-and ' Sat-irdays.)', . . '•. Gospel Servicei. , Gospel services are beinp held in the Dreamland -Theatre on Sunday evening* at 7.H0. All are welcome. Scandinavian Lutheran Church. Seventh avenue and Quebec street. .Sunday School at 9.:tO a.m. Services at 10.45 a.m..-., John A. Nilsen, Minister.- Nine I Inmm red 'weniy-Tifu' (i)ihKj; l^ractional West a IT (Ki.-.\V, \\i') Lo^Nihe Huiiclred iT<; Twiiity-iwu C.iihkL; Soutfi lialfj S.'ji and, North-uxsl ((uarter N'.U.'i) Lot Nine Ifuiwued arid Aventy-tlTrue—(-\)2%-)-;;--- SoutlK Iialf , S'. ¦-i ami Fractional ¦ Noniv«est I nailer i!-'r. X.W.li) Lot Nine Uiih<^| red ami Twenty-tour (!)24); Lot line Hundred and Thirty (930); buth half (S.;Vj.) Lot Nine Hundred ml l''ifiy-oir..'~ (!)"> 1) ;S(nilh-ea«L-(iiiar-er iS.K.'i) Lot Nine Hundred and 'iffy-four (,iir>-f) ; Lot Js'ine Hundred nd Fifty-six (;(:")()); South-west uarter (S.W. Vi-)' Lot Nine Hundred ml -Firty-sevt'ii- (-95*7:) ; Lot. Fiftefcn liintlred aij,d' Seven (lf)07) ;VSoutli-a.-: quarter (S.K.Vl) and West half W.'i;). Lot Fifteen Hundred and Iitfht (1508); Lot FifU-en Hunclretl ml i'-trii (1510); South half £&.¦}&)"' ifteen Huiidred and Fifty-tliree ir)o3)'.; West half (W.'/i) Lot Fif-•en Hundred and Jr'ifty-six (1556) ; raetional North-east quarter (ITi-.N. i. Vi )." Ilot Eighteen Hundred and eyenty (18.70); Lots Two. Thousand rid Nini'ty-fouf (2094) and Two ¦'housan'd and. Ninety-live (201)5); vlorth half (N. '-a) and Fractional outh-west quarter (Fr.S.W. V±) Lot 'wenty-nine Hundred and Thirte'ch 2i)i;i); North-west ciuaiter (NVVV4) pt Tweiity-nine Hundred and Pour-een (2014) ;.'Fractional North half Fr.N.'.L.) o-f KorUi half (N.'/ii) Lot "wenty-nine Iluiulre'd- and Twenty 2920; Fractional North-went rearer (Fr.N.W.Vi) ' Lot Twenty-nine lundr.erl and 'Jwenty-six?(29'2.K)-j Lot 'hree Thousand and . Thii-ty--one .'>p:!l) South-east quarter At Thirty-one Hundred and KiKhty-wo (.!:?]82X; .South-west quarter S.AV. Vi ) Lot Thirty-ono , Huiidred rid Eighty-ih*ee (."! I 8:5) ; North hali 'N. -is) Lot' Thirty-i;npVslinfli't'il and l\gl, y-fivc ilSTj);^ Lot. Thirty-one Iu;.('red- .anTl "JMiniu South-west (iua"t(!r_, (K.W.'.,->i Lot Thirty-one Ninety-two (:jii)2j -North half (N.Vj) and South-east quarter (fj.El'4).. liot-.. Tliirty:one Hundred and Ninety-three (3li)3) ; West\half (\V.',-;)¦ mid. South-east; quarterx.-(I^J'-.Vi ) ' Cot Thirty-two liundreil anoud and the Doniinion Govemnient TeleX Kraril)' line, containing ty admeu.sure-vnenC approximately Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred (1G,GOO) acres.1' Victoria, U.C., April 5th, 'l921. • LAND SETTLEMENT IJOARD. a28,4 Cifjars Ciiiareites— Soft Drinks ChiU Parlor and Cascade and Brittani BEER Third A.voimc. East. m Mimm / MANY GOOD SHOES are, (polled by being .badly cobbW. Yoti^need ret be afraid to have yrii'i ! There itV» mucli d:fference in SHOESrt^PAIR!NGJ ii in /.hoes. Be. tonV-niceJ; liy our | Shoe Reoiiring Ipepartmont. I Skilled medianici, food' ?totlc work completed when promiie-J, a«J reatonah't' chargex. seq. Min AUC-T1"ON SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS.IN THE TOWN \/ OFENDAKO. ' you asked ; "What would the Angel, 1 /'A bouPs enjoyment of eternity. "Anri what .have you done /upon tl t m«!ritit?":ujquired thfeGuar- l fi Jie «-ft»at book ' "1 have kept the commandments, and walked in the path of virtue." "What else.?'"' "I gained Wealth and'jrave""freely to the poor." N "•\\ hat. elK^?" "1 liave ljeei> faithful to my eliinv.h and prayed ahvavs." "What else?"* .. "1 have shunned tTie wicked ' and all tilings common." "*«?* "WHiat else?" "What elae? .Surely isn't dial enoxiglr?". : ¦---. "\ro!qast District: ' ' LJ One (1); to Twenty (20) in.r 1I3U45 Five- (/>). T Appetizing Meals PRINCE GEORGE SHOE STORE, Fourth A*enue and George Street. Rear' of Livingstone's' Kur Store. Walter Andertrn Vic William.- (A> ii here nincc .910.) You will" ¦ i.nivii.1 to its iMijoy .your ll ki f. ppy f pivilege from the powisra that be, and the. honest endeavor to cultivate interracial respect. Believing that we all will find more, to : praise nnd k-ss to. complain of in on« of tlie best little cities i Canada, yours respcctfullv, ., ' Colder & Wieland FRESH MEATS - • .Also a full iMieof S wilt's prcirtuums, Uninor's Su'|ipr-iors and Bun^Sk Poultry, New Laid Eggs, Fish, Smoked Meats and Oysters QUALITY. 8ERVICE. Wood L6-ts"Oh«r(l) ibsTwehty-throiKtaS ciusive. Block Tweiye (12). '.1.:oIk ¦EiffliLS^) to>RWrteeil ' (IS li i i.icliisivc',' Blocic Lots One (I ilusiv ^ IVrms- One-half ^ (17 ). to 3^e.iity>ip.j Over. Prince George- Drug sale, balance i cent. p«r annum interest. Upset pTicu, of. Lots will be Dated at Fort Eraser," d d f 1 22nd day of Ariril, 1921. Twenty thousand w,'(>nicn are em-pl oyecf, i n >r/ f tu ri:"""arf(i v cpctable i ' Of- CaJifornijL IF YOiJ WANT TO LEARN DRESSMAKING, SEE VrXNTZEN. ¦ '. . New Fashion , correct measure and prompt 'b D/KILLORAN B.C. Livery and Feed SfabUi l''fc\Hht. handli'il ffuMi I'1'" fi'i:iil'|j«; t<» Si'liiiniii L'1''' ' oil iiciii.ls Noi-lli. . , Phone 46 I K. ' THE BEST FKUm^'f"11 ^"J^. liu'irDronerseasciH/t'rta. lie lm.' • tlieir proper til. iiiodiM-ato nHTjrs. ._ (I«L FRESH CANDY .^ ,.^a»>s.an«K «'t|l('yi ill,',".. ¦ '¦ FOR THE SMOKER A-ftil! line «»f'^!»?al's,'|,/'!.i^1,' ' P. PAV1CH, •LMlIlVl) .AVKN*'1'