Books! Books! JUST RECEIVED— x LARGE SHIPMENT OF BOOKS BY THE BEST AUTHORS, CLOTH BOUND, TO SELL AT 50 Cents WHILE THEY LAST. WE ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF Stationery AT REASONABLE PRICES. CALL AND SEE THEM. Panama News Stand C. C. Reid QROCMIII FRUITS PROVISIONS CABBAGE in Tins QUAKER/Brand in 2-lb ' Tins. The flavor i» equal to that of imported fresh cabbage. PER TIN 25c Phone 1 CARIBOO LODGE NO. 65, I.O.O.F. Meats Every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in O.O.P. Hall, Corner Third and Do- inion. Visiting brothers welcome. A. B. Moffatt, Rec. Sec. A. F. Green, N.G. Gardner & Dupre FAINTER* AMD DECORAT*M. f'intm Cmth, Wkmm 4TP. P«int Sko* Nmt Omt CHiaev, W. Ctrry • F«M Us* «f Paints, Oils, Vwrnlsliss STORE—THIRD AVENUE. Stop! Look! LISTEN! FOLLOW THE CROWD TO— The Royal Cafe The Royal Cafe U the «MmI «d best €¦!• i* the rfty. Prices re»so««ele aad t—4 ef ih. " ALL WHITE HELP Jl" Lewie k U*wb •• e»e •J *>• beet «.««. |» thfc part •*««trT MeV U '•¦•¦ fall eettfffl* el c«i«ine. //of e/ vim tad eemfert. ¦«•. dMrh llpltt, bet ••«! ll, M* ,,.. S •*•*•• fer Me*., roeas.rt. Stree* C«erSe. THE LEADER J. F. Campbull BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Munro Building, Prince George. F. J. Shearer NOTARY PUBLIC axd CONVEYANCER Fire Insurance, Life, Accident and Sickness Policies. P.O. Box 137 Prince George, HAl. Young & Boston Barristers, Solicitor's, Etc., Etc. Munro Building, Over Posioll'ico. M. C. Wiggins Notary Puuuo Real Estate Insurance 8VN0PSIS OF UNO ACT AMENDMENTS Minimum prl.:e of first-class iand reduced to $5 an acre: second-'-law to •1.(0 an acre Prs-smption now confined to surveyed lands only. Record* will be granted covering only land euitable for agricultural purposes ltd which Is non-Uml>cr land. Partnership pre-emptions alidlshed, but parties of not m<>re tlum four may arrange for adjrioent pre-emptions Wltli joint residence, .but each making neoesesrjr Improvement* on respective «Mm. IJre-en»ptors must occupy claims for Jflve years and make- Improvements to Valve of $10 per acre, Including clearing and cultivation of at least ? -re* before receiving Crown Grant. Where ere-emptor in -occ.iipntlnn noi »tlian I years, and iins mnde pru lonate Improvements, he may, be-cause of Ill-health, or other cause, n* granted Intermediate ccrllficiite of Im provement and transfer his claim; Records without permnuetit residence may be lisued, provided, applicant makes Improvements to extent of ISIO per annum and records name each year. Failure 'to make Improvements or record name will operate i\s tot felture. Title cannot be obtained In than 6" years, nnrt Improvements* w. 110.00 per acre, includini! 5 acru9 cleared and cultivated, and resilience of at lea?t 2 years are required. Pre-emptor holding Crown Clrnut may record another pre-emption, |f na require* land In conjunction' with his farm, without actual bcciiimtion. pro-Tided etatutory- Improvements made and residence maintained on Crown granted land. Uneurveyed arc-nn, net e\ri>otl!"K 20 aenw. may be leased an homosltos. title to be obtained nfter fulfilling real' Initial and Improvement conditions, 9vr CTasIng nn'd inrtiisinal imrpoHes oreae «zce«dlng 640 acres in:i.y be leased by one person or comiiiiuy. Mill, factory or Industrial siteo on timber land not exceeding 40 acres may b* purchased: conditions Include fa^iit Sf atumnnge. fatural hay niemlows Inaccessible exlHttng roads mny he |)urchiisi,d ^___lltlonal upon construction of a road to them. Rebate of one-luilf of oo»t of road, net esceedlng half «r purchase price. t» made. • FREE GRANTS ACT. by The scope of this Act Ih enlni'Kcd'. laolude all persons Joining and ijerv-tAC With HlB MHi«ety-n-Kon-eM. Tho tlm* wlthlri which the heirs or devisees of a deceased pre-empt or may apply for tltls under the Act Is ext«:idfd from for one year from the jW-atn of M»sh person, aa formerly. .until' one year after th« conclusion of the ur.oat WaV. Thto privilege la alsn mnda re-Iroomtlv*. Ne fasetelatlng-to-pre-cmptlonH ar«-dae or payabls by eoldiera on preemptions recorded after .liuie 26. 1918 Tasea are remitted for five years. Provision for return of, monoys ao-•nisd, dae and been paid since AugUHt 4, 1014, en account of paymenta, Tees or taxes .on soldi*™* pre-emption:*. Interest on agreement;; to purchase WVB a* elty lota held by members of Allied ForOM, or dopendonts. iiciiulrsU dlreot or Indirect, remitted from «n-Uatment to March II, J»20. tUB.PUNOHASBRS OF CROWN LANDS Jrvrtolon mads for Issuancs ef Ormm arants to anb-purRha^ers of Grows Lands, acquiring rights from «M who * failed to complete «e. Involving forfeiture, on ful-tt ef oondttlona of purohan*, ln-*ne taxes. Where eub-purchaa-net elalra whole of original par-loe due and taxes nay proportionately over lleatfons muBt be mad* OUAZINO Act. lilt, for syitetuatli' it of livestock induBtry pro-ling dletrlctii and range ration -under Conimlsstoner. grmaing permits Issued based Mrs ranged; priority for estab M ewnei'B, Steak-owners may •' AMOOIatlons for range manage-itt jPtee, or partially free, jhtmuu —*»"— -••-•"*•- «r travelers, up | HANSEN FOUND GUILTY OF COMMON ASSAULT ; Legal Point* Raised to Be Argued Before Court of Appeal—Judge • Comments on Press Reports. H. 1J. Ilansen, secretary of the Lumber Workers' Union, charge with aggravated assault upon Wi! liam iiellos, was on Saturday morn ing before Judge Robertson, fount guilty of common assault and nne< $25. In his remarks to Hanaen afte sentence was pronounced, His Hono commented on a report that appear eel in a Vancouver paper, and sail that on reading, it he had suppose*. the town had gqne wild. Mr. P. E. Wilson conducted the case for the crown, while Mr. J. M .McLean appeared on behalf of the accused. Counsel for Ihe defence raised the plea of "autrefois convict" and or his point His Honor granted a re lerved case. Mr. McLean attacked the proceedings on the prelimin ii.v examination held before the pol-ce magistrate, on the ground that .hey had not been taken according to aw, therefore His Honor had noth-ng before him on which^to try th« iccused. On this point the judge jranted a stated case. It is expect-tl that both these points will be irgued before the couxt of appeal .hortly; CITIZEN" EDITOR WAS GUILTY OF ASSAULT In police court Tuesday morning, I. B. Daniell, editor of the "Citizen," vas lined $5 and costs for an unpro-'oked assault upon H, P. Hansen in he Jioyal cafe on Tuesday, March list,- by Magistrate T. W. Herne.-flie accused pleaded provocation, but lis plea was not sustained by the ourt As the costs in the case would >e consfderable owing to a witness or the prosecution being brought in roni Mud River, his worship assess-d the nominal fine of $5. A delegation representing the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Canada asked the Dominion government to appoint Mrs. Emily E. Murphy, judge of the juvenile court, and police magistrate at Edmonton, Alta., to fill the first vacancy in the Senate. Mrs. Murphy is better known throughout Canada for her writings under the pen name of Janey Canuck. VANDERHOOF NEWS. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moore, on April 4th, a son. Mrs. Louie Johnetone entertained ;he Ladies' Aid at tea Thursday afternoon. School Inspector Gower was a visitor this week and inspected the local school. Mrs. Brain and. little daughter have been on the sick list for the past week. OCCER FOOTBALLERS PLAN FOR SEASON At a largely attended meeting of ootball enthusiasts in the Prince jeorge Club last Tuesday night. laiis for. the coining season * were iscussed. George Sutherland occu 'ied the chair and from the enthusi-sin displayed by those present the ;occer game will have a grfeat season ocally. An advisory committee of four was elected to afd the chairman, Mr. Sutherland, in conducting football ffairs this season. It is likely that there will be three cams in the league, the new entrant 3eing; the C..N.R. team. A committee f three form eachv team was ap-lointed for representation purposes t all football meetings. Official referees selected for tho icason were: Welch, J. McPherson nd-B: Parker. Decision as to the method of play* ing for the Perry Cup was left over o a later* meeting pending arrangements with outside teams. It was suggested that the old shield rom Central be obtained and com-icted .for by existing teams for the ity championship. MANITOBA ELECTION IN JULY. Winnipeg, April 5.—Official an-loimcement is made by Premier T. Z. Norris that there would be a genial provincial registration preced-ng the provincial elections, which iikes place this summer. Registra-ion will take about five weeks to :u>niplete. After revision of the lists he election date will be announced nformation obtained from official sources is to the effect that the elec-ion will not take place until tho ecoiid week in July. QUESNEL-PRINCE GEORGE TELEPHONE SYSTEM Mr. T. G. McBride, M.P., has writ-en the Board of Trade in regard to lie telephone line between Quesnel and this city. He took the matter ip with Mr. Phelan, district super-nterident, and received a long report fjioi1! him. On receipt of this report lie K»t in" touch with the telephone lepartment and received approval of the scheme, which calls for connection by way of Strathnaver. It is now up to the finance department. Owing to financial conditions JVfr. McBride is not sure the government will approve of this expenditure at present. A POPULAR OFFICIAL. (O mi ticca Herald.) \V. L. Arinstron left for Prince George Saturday night to assume charge of the Canadian National Railway agency at that point. Bill has long been known on the railway as the "best agent on the line." Tel kwa is not only losing a top-notc-r official, but also a top-notch citizen He will be greatly missed, but this district wishes him f/ery succeas at his new agency. "JANEY CANUCK" FOR SENATE MittE.W. Maxwell, R.N. CHIROPRACTOR Grad. Can. College of Chiropractic and National School, ' . Chicago, 111. Office Hours—2 to 6 p.inland by appointment. . Consultation free. COR. DOMINION and NINTH. Henry Wilson Registered Architect P.O. Box 64, Prince George. J. M. McLean Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public Prince George B.C. P. E. Wilson Barrister and Solicitor. Third Avenue, Prince George. GARAGE Automobile Repair Shop Thoroughly Qualified to Make Repairs to all makes of Cera. WORK GUARANTEED. A TRIAL SOLICITED. ROBERT A. KESTER, Third Avenue. John Mclnnis CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Dealer in Lumber./Kfoulilings, art, Brick, I, Etc. Prince George Real Estate Company G. W. MASON, Manager. (Established in 1913) , AGENTS FOR NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY OWNERS. RENTS COLLECTED. CONVEYANCERS. CITY PROPERTY AND LAND FOR SALE. See Our Lists Before Buying. FIRE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT: District Agents For— - Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Company. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Insurance Company of North America. - " Acadia Fire Insurance Company. ",. ' Caledonian-American Insurance Company. NOTARY PUBLIC IN OFFICE. Phone 22F. ' George Street. The Alexandra and Prince George Hotels THE ALEXANDRA is the finest hotel in Central B.C. First-class Dining Room Service. Laundry in connection. Third Avenue. THE PRINCE GEORGE, on George Street, is a convenient and arst-clasa hotel. * Bus Meets All Trains. . „ FOR COLDS If threatened with a Cold or Influenza try a little B. C. Special Whisky NOTHING BETTER. In Three Sizes, Ordinary and Imperial Quarts and Flat Pints Sold at all Government stores throughout the province Auto Garage Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heat ing—Sheet Metal Work. Warm Air Furnaces Repairs of a'l kinds. Harper-Cross Ltd. THIRD AVENUE. Phone 94,1 long, 1 short. P.O. Box 38. SHOE AND HARNESS BEPAIRS Our Specialty. NORTHERN HARNESS AND , SUPPLY CO. Pkoae 3M. . Third Avenue. MILK Delivered to All parts of the City 20c. per quart Skimmed Milk 10c. M. Penny PHONE 86-S International Cafe ROOMS AND MEALS, CHOPSUEY NOODLES CHEW AH YING, Prop. Third Avenue', P.O. B05/IO3. Htatlngland Sheet Metal Work Every kind of REPAIRS. W. C. D. Harper Fourth Next Citizen'. \i.oue 47B PHJ. lk»x 187 MORO/VN and MELLSON Auto Service Day and Nig Service. Day Phone, 108. Night Phone, 94,3 short. Stand—The Panama News. Monte Eraser GUIDE FOR HUNTERS AND TIMBER MEN. i Can Take You to Any Part |- of ThU District. = Satiifaction Guaranteed. I Address—Fort George. ' r"' " ANDERSEN'S LUMBERYARD Hough and Finished Lumber. Moulding, Shingles,' Doors, Windows, Brick, Cement. THIRD AVENUE. P.O. Box 11. Plione 55, 2 rings' RE SPECIAL IMBER LICENCES The attention of Timber Licence holder* who are taking advantage of the provisions of the 1921 Amendment to the FOREST ACT, whereby arrears of licence fees accrued prior to 31st December, 1920, have been funded and made payable in annual instalments, is specially -directed to the fact that any renewal fee which became due in -1921 is not included in the instalments above mentioned, and such 1921 and all subsequent renewal fees must be paid within one year after the date- of expiry of the licence in order to maintain the right of the bolder to obtain a rene-.vij of t! p .V-cence. f 17,-Ire.