FRIDAY. AFRIT- 14.; 1922.' THE JLEADER PRINCE GEORGE, Brfih C Bros. Hardware pring Time—Building Time Soc I s For lour TOOL Requirements 'LANES—Bailey and Stanley Makes—AH Sizes. HAND SAWS—Best grade, Dita- ton nnd Sovereign. SOCKET FIRMER CHISELS. ' All Siac». SCREW DRIVERS—Yankee, Spiral and Common. CARPENTERS' HAMMERS— Maydole't and Superior. STEEL SQUARES—Sargent'i Standard. LUFKIN BOXWOOD RULES. MILLERS FALLS HAND AND . BREAST DRILLS. A. LEITH. Phone 23H. J. LEITH. AROUND THE CITY .0. Kettyl, of Endako, is a visitor to the city. . <~-~ Lou Jamieson, merchant, of Mc-Brido, isjiSbasiness visitor in the city. The government offices will be closed from Cobd^Friday until Tues« day morning. w ¦ Tomorrow night at the Rex the Prince George Choral Society will present Sir J. Stainer's "Crucifixion" Born—On Wednesday morning at Mrs. McCreery's Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Garvey, a daughter. The commercial telegraph office will be open tomorrow (Good Friday) from 8 to 11 -a.m. and from C to 9 p.m. only. Miss A. S. Grail, of Vancouver, has been appointed teacher of the receiving class to succeed Miss C M. Bell, resigned. Miss Crail will commence her duties after the Easter vacation. Fort George Junior Red" Cross will meet in the old Presbyterian church, Fort George on Saturday, April 22, at 2::iO o'clock. This is a very spec- al meeting and every member is er-questod to attend. Itenee Gauthier, ion. secretary^ Fort 'George Ked, Cross Division will meet in the old Presbyterian church, Fort George, on Thursday, April 20; at \\ o'clock to hear the report of the recent executive meeting held in Vancouver. It is earnestly hoped that all members will make an effort to be present and get in touch with the work being accomplished and planned within this province un der the peace prog-ram. Mrs. Arthur Leith left on Sunday morning for' Winnipeg to visit her mother. She will be away for about a. month. New Spring Suits We are now sliowing a complete line of Suits for Spring, arid Summer wear, in a good variety of styles, smartly tailored in Serge, T.rico-tinc, also iGol'ji-ed Tweeds.'"^Some trimmed d with embroidery; while others are heavily trimmed with military 1>r;ii(l, . Size* 16 to 42. Prices fire very moderate. V A. J. Sather, of^Edmonton, travelling representative of the Excelsior Life Insurance Co., was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. \\. E. Carleton returned to the city Saturday, from an extended trip to New York and Pacific Coast points; cnr auctionjrooms ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FURNITURE, ETC., FARM IMPLE-MENTS AND MACHINERY Bought for Cash and Sold on Commission. Goods Stored and Exchanged. Auction Sale, of every description arranged. Priv.t. sales daily. P. J. MOHAN, - Auctioneer n r t » r „ m Phon« 41F. Open from 3 to 6 p.m. .. NEXT REX THEATRE PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Mr. P. G. Dawson, of Prince Rup-eit. passed through the city Wednes-, day en route to his home from Ottawa, where he had been as a delegate. Tlieie- will l>e ft meeting of the Atheltk Association on..Monday, the ^ 17th inst at 8 p.m., when all committees are expected to be able to give a complete, report of their various, branches'-of sport. Last Friday the association held a meeting when it was decided to prepare a plan of the proposed fencing of Duchess Park to submit/to the city council. The iisspc'iatbm will this week have canvassers y'out for more subscrip- HUGHES & DRAKE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTERS Telephone 55L. Third Avenue Hassified Advertising FOR SALE. —Born-—To l8r. and Mrs./George Sutherland, on April 8th, a£ Mrs. Mc-Creery's Nursing Home/a daughter. Both mother and daughter are doing well. Robert Tyhurst, of Dome Creek, was in th« city this week on business. Mayor l/ll. Johnson returned to the city/-/on Monday from Victoria and Vancouver. Ladies' Wear Shop Gowns Waists Underwear Hosiery Lingerie Children's Wear Mary Bi Cunningham George Street THEF1RST / ANNUALJANCE OF THE NORTHERN REBEKAH LODGE No. 34 Will/Be Held in the RITTSKIFER HALL Monday, April 17th • •*? Good music, a good time and' an extra good supper arc some of the nducements offered. Everybody »» welcome to attend. Tickets (Including Supper) $125 . iiiimiw T. A. GRIFFITH Wholesale and Retail Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes Third Avenue Billiard Hall i:uffliHM.aTOuiiMi!Hvuiinm^^^ Life Insurance Only three men in a hundred arc independent at "'the: age-of sixty. Save, by insuring in a MONAKCFILIFE POLICY Protect" Your Tamily at the Same Time. H. G. PERRY DISTRICT AGENT Insurance A. Wimbles District Agent Manufacturers Life Notary Public. Issuer of Marriage licenses London Cafe ALL WHITE /The ¦Rebckahs will stage their .first nnual bsill on Easter Monday in the ijtts-Kif-er hall. A large crpwd is xpectt'il as this will be the first since afie-T Lent, EGGS FOR HATCHING—R. C. Hhode Island Whites, heavy laying- strain. S. G. White "Leghorns (Tom Ban-on strain) $2 per setting ofio ejrgs; $ 10 per hundred. "W. SomeiLon,' South Fort George. mM A FEW SETTINGS OF WHII'J-J Wyiiiidotte eggs from imported brecl-to-lay - tiens. Soe Assman, at grocery score. m31,6:) WE BUY AND SELL RIFLES, Tools and Clothing. The Workers' .Store, next Windsor Hotel. . m3tf FOR RENT. A riie-eting of the City .football Club will be held in the city hall this evening at S o'clock. All last year's jlayei's and any new players are invited to attend. The sheriff's sale of gawlogs und#r he Woodman's Lien for Wages Act, dvertised for the 15th inst., is post-oned .ujitil Tuesday, 18th inst, at heriff Peters' office. Scandinavian Lutheran services on 'aster Day at the minister's resid-nce, one block west of. the new chool building, at 2:30 p.m. Scan-in»vjajis cordially invited. J. A. s'ilsen, pasior. water. Apply G. Tainsh, Strath-navor I'.O. FIVE iiOOM' HOUSE, STO ai.d half, with stable and clficken "house. Kent cheap. See^Claxton, Dr. and Mrs. Rossiter and family, f New Zealand, are visitorVto the ity, guests of Dr. Rossjter's cousin, Ir. Vm, Uujrhes. Dr. Rossiter is a ellow oi the Koy«i College of Surgeons arsd a^.veteran of the Boer and ireat Wars; A special service will .be-held in he Salvation Army Hall on Good Friday evening at 7 "30; also special meetings oii Easter Sunday at 3, and 7 :'S0 p.n. Staff-Capt. Jaynes "-will onduct the Sunday meetings. All ire welcome. Bert Hughes and Bob' McDonald eft early Wednesday morning for .he Cedar Creek gold camp. &;ich vith.a pack containing grub and blankets they travelled afoot by the P.G.E. grade and expect to reach the scene of the gold excitement within "our or five days. Rehearsals are now in progress for The Private . Secretary", which will be produced shortly by Mr. S. C. Bennett ant3 his associates. ^"The Private Secretary" is one of^the mots hilarious farces ever staged, and under Mr. Bennett's direction it will lose none of its laugh-producing qualities. Mr. John Aitken, the newly appointed assessor for this district, returned to the city last night from Quesnel, Mr. Aitken has been in Quesnd for the past three weeks arranging: for the transfer of all documents l'diiting to this district's as-sesmentto this city and also mapping out his field work,for the summei. He has no definite information as to when tlie new assessment office will b'e opened, TWO-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISH- ed), close in, lights and water; 12 pur month. Apply H. G. Perry LAUGE RA.NCH TO RENT F0I; casli. or on share basja to responsible party; 100 acres under cultivation, 5.4- in sunimcrfallow, 200 open hay land, abundant pasture and Prince George Choral Society ' BEG TO ANNOUNCE THEIR GOOD FRIDAY CONCERT To Be Held in the REX THEATRE —ON— Friday, April 14th, 1922 At 8:30 Sharp, PRINCE GEORGE ORCHESTO/ On "Which Occasion Will Be Rendered "THE CRUCIFIXION" . 7^ By Sir J. Stain/ and Other Vocal and Instrumental Selections./ CONDUCTOR ..:.................>.¦;.¦£................1.... MR. H. HUTT iispion ftvjfickot only, which can be obtained at PitmaaJs^lusic Store, the Prince George Drug from any member of th e Choral Society. Central. Phone 3IS., ap7tf SONAL LONSLY—FOR RE. sults^try me; best and most successful "Home Makers;" hundreds rich wish marriage; strictly confidential; most reliable; years exeripence, descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, CITY OF PRINCE GEORGE. TENDERS FOR WOOD. Tqnxlers will be received by_ the undersigned up to 5 pm., 20th April, for the supply of .'{0 cords of Green' Jackpine to the different City.. Departments, Specifications may be seen at City Hall. . D. G. TATE, / , .. City Celrk. MIWORTH Poultry Ranch D. NISH, Proprietor. The Tegular meeting of the Hospi-ta 1 Board was held in the city hall Tuesday evening. Applications for the position of secretary of the board were received and Richard Allen was the successful applicant. In connection -with obtaining finances to meet current liabilities, a resolution was passed asking the city council to advarce the board up to $3000, thes board "to assign Xo the city its share of the liquor profits. Intend to raise 20,000 chickeni for 1923, and all to be used in Prince George District. Biggest and best Poultry Ranch in Central B.C. Wm. Bexon & Co. FOR EASTER TRY OUR SHAMROCK BREAKFAST BACON—It has tfcat 4M-¦out Rmvnr that suits die taste. EGGS THAT ARE JUST FRESH FROM THE NEST. OUR LAMB, VEAL AND POUTRY ere of the very bait quality. P. BURNS & CO. LIMITED UPLIFT. CORSETS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SIZES IN THE ABOVE CORSETS. ALSO OUTSIZES. : These Are Excellent Models. X DIANA BRASSIERES OUTSIZES A SPECIALTY ' MATERNITY CORSETS SANITARY GOODS OF ALL KINDS Corner George and Third Phone 18 BREAD down in price HAVING MADE A CONTRACT WITH THE AUSTIN COMPANY FOR A SUPPLY OF FLOUR TO LAST US UNTIL THE NEW CROP* COMES IN, AT A VERY LOW FIGURE, WE HAVE DECIDED TO GIVE, TttE PUBLIC THE BENEFIT OF THIS. COMMENCING SATURDAY, THE 8th INST., We will sell BREAD at 16 Loaves for $1.00 4 Loaves for 25c. Buns of all kinds 10c per doz Prince George Bakery