-4. PEDCOE GEORGEPOST: Saturday, April 24P'iQir •l)aye Murray .tenni inform- !' donians -mw > li cial polic.O.0 :i -any suit alt it) i -.The tin-nial lobal Ci.iT. 1'. put >Ji. W'urk on Ujc^-.nqlu erhtni.-i'.Njliio started anjvdy. The Ior^rtighi1 y riifi city '"'—' ¦' • ¦ ' ¦ \ ' ' ! I the Callies soccer] l'ost that the Cale-h,^.longing the - provin-i Ljame UV be played at i mo and place.' . ' has arfiyod for the BELIEVE GOVERNMENT Committee of Chamber of .Commerce ' Meets-lb Discuss "Bread Line". * ¦ At'a meting of the executive com- dundhoWand is ^ei^ j.n^ of Jlfe-Pnnce .C^o.-ge, Chamber is no>v^almost- finished : of Commerce, held in the King George , except the boil-; Hotel '¦ Monday evening, to discuss, expected to • be j*glenn information about, and jf^pos^ • • . • i. sihle aid in, the feeding of thedes-IoYtth"Kciiurchloftitute y"d-alleged destitute men here will Ge^held on Thursday.j.-^'r'*?; provincial government, it was ^i», in the sto>v.oii Third Ave-1 unanimously decided.to appoint .a. .pom-All interested inXhe bazaiSi:' and Lmittee to interview Government-Agent jam'?' are invited to at«. I T. W.UIerne regarding the matter, al-. A football match will bt-ola.ved to- to coinl;ine ^ith the Fort" George iiiurrow at the , Cache grou nils -between , ¦ , . ¦ -«i—-— • , , the Caledonians and ¦Prince'.i^orge.and; South Fort George boards of teams.. The' game will •cbnipit'iieefat trade for further representations and one o'clock and iinmediatel.v afterward J action. ¦•¦"'¦ • ¦ the baseball game between the G. T>' P. and Cache and the town will Commencing Sunday. D. C. Philip returned this week fromi Victoria,-where 'le successfully passed1 jthe examination licensing'him to -'prnc-jtice law in British Columbia*. Mr. Phil- • ¦ip -came-here recently from .Winnipeg^ where he was a practicing: bar-, rister. ' He is associated with P. E. Wilson. . K. The prevailing opinion seemed to 1 , • IbXthat it would be better for the city, ^| | for'the government, for the men them- Nd f' Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold regular evening services "at T.:!Ojt(l Open\n.} some kind of "government p.m. in the ....senior room oi scnoul.|-wo,.k here\ preferably on the'town-building, corner Fourth and Justice, B.A., elcqme. Coiile! r. siiperihl (indent for Ko- JStewart at this point, _.......... . mouth'of Hixoii .Creel,", .when- there is ..considerable placer gold mining- activity) lately. Mx..--Hamilton states thajl-a-r d^jtliffS are ._ although niiiouut i the gne, lvesN^nd for' everybody concerned HJ kid f t Vjctoria. I sittf, so thaiNthe men could work for minister, j their food anuMhus not be obliged to I accept charity, Instead of. doling ou ' certain quantities \)f foodstuffs. It was thought that only the de serving would secure aid if every-mar were obliged to work forx\vhat he got also that those who might "have acti'nfy~f-dc-''cnte feeling", in asking "for fo lliti Jit'X Business Men Let me "jnstall av bookkeeping sys-;| tern. No bookkeeper required. It will j show you at a glance, how you stand; Trial balances taken. Charges mod- j erate. Address Auditor. I\ O. Box. 81. Prince George, B. C. Why Use Frozen Meat? When you.'lcan get it fresh killed, governmerit-innpected at B.C. Market Handling also the celebrated Swift's Premium- Hams and Bacon and Hrookfield ; Dairy products. (.eorge Street. PHONE 60 e foo< g JX ~-Avjlling,^b,ut glad, it..^Trr-addition the tQ go XvWk istrict miners large number. going into the dist-i'icr,:ui they an^rcticrnt .ns'tTT thv the precious metal they an; panning it is stated that tbu-recent small'-sizc boom-in- that locality is not withou "'its reasons. : The Ladies** Auxiliary of South For -George wish •¦ to -rejiiind everybody o the bazaar and dunce to lib held i the Ritts-Kifer hall -(wKEmpire Da (May 24). It is'intended to^iaakc'..;it great success both financially ihid^so cially, financially so a"S"t<,>¦ raise••.¦iiiflj cient funds tt> obtain a church i Prince George-, and socially to ma/k it one of the most- pleasant days in th new city. There'-, w.iII .be a May pole for the children anil many pretty 'girl selling flowers with a number of at tractive features'; novel and entertain ing. . ¦ ... :, E. P. Campbell, the vyt'll-khow'i grocer, returned this week from business- visit to .Minneapolis. ; Mr Campbell states that interest on th outside is very active in. respect to Prince George. In- the United States he states, business is gooil in the farm ing countries. Ranchers arc buying automobiles 'and other indications show that wherever farming is being carried on upon' an extensive seal the communities are ..in/good sh'ap financially. Mr. Campbell is surprisec: [at the brighl outlook ami general feel ng of optimism that pervades the at mosphe,re here, and looks forward to a large' increase in business as sbor as the railway policy of the govern ¦ meritshas been formulated and carried into effect; in this district. The .McNciirney-McHurncy claims c six miles southwest of this place which arousedXeonsiderablo interest last fall owing. sto the free showing of free milling goli| there are. again in the spot.light of local interest.1 .The claim-owners, who'have, been waking faithfully on. the properties', which they have an implicit faith that ' is shared to a large extent by.:J..r) to' the ton. Several local men who visited the property lately, assert their belief in the' value of these claims as future producing mines. That lettuce, radishes and other crisp and 'delightful-gYeeii edible's have been growing here siiicc Christmas will lie news to Post readers as it was ¦to this well-informed news gathering machine until, this week. A Post reporter came upon the trail of this let- . tuco store- fjnite by accident, anil on inyostigation found that H. C. S. VViilson, one of the pioneer real esta'te operators of this section, has- been raising not ,.only these edibles, but flowers also', in' a green . house . not many hours journey from City Hall Square, since December. Mr. Willson has been carrying on his green-hou.se . work largely as an experiment, but so successful have lieen the results which have attended his efforts,'that he is now enlarging upon his original equipment, and is'already marketing fresh greens and -flowers in the city. AT THE ICING GEORGE Sep. Logan, CJ.T.I'.; C. II. Dennis, H. L>I;ePage, C. E. Schlingheyde, W. H. BrimliJecombc, \'ancouver; C". II. Fogg, Calgary; .1. II. Kinney, Cranp Valley; L. A. Johnson. McBrido; Har- . ry Taylor, W. G. AIo^kow, Tete .lauiit-; R. J.. Armstrong, Winters, Cal.; S. R. Giles, L. .Smith, A. Urazeau, R. A. Bird;-Edmonton; N. N. Bogue, city; ?Jt D. Mclntosh,. Fort .George; W. Campbell, Ed mo n Ion; W. Chisholm, D.-M. MclhtosH,' Rupert; L. P. Williams, Vapderhoof ;H. E; Walker, Tel-kwa; J. TV Young. Nelson; G, F. Allan, G." II. Gower. Rupert; H. V. O. Chatterton, Victoria; H. McAnsh. F. A. Warren. Edmonton; H. R. Card, S. A. Milnor, Rupert; W. W. Rell. Ques-nel: S. D. Gillis. Ferrv Creek: lj[. Mc-Leod, Runer1,:_A. T,. WhitwofHi; Van-c.ouver; H:.;DUhcaii,,'fijty<:i Mrs. Mar-dnrtald. Qiipsnel1 11. E." McWillinm. A. M. Allen, city; R. Smi+h.-Cnlc-ary; A. rfl, 'Rowdeh. l\Tonlrcal: T.L.S. Parlror, F. nilbp^r. A. Anron. Edmonton;. S. A. Mitchell ¦ Np.w Westminstor; "R^rt Gaor- . ni. Smithers; Mrs. CharlfiS TKixT"- No-komis, Sask.; II. Muir, Olie Pahlgrey, city:.',..' . . ' Ladle's, don't, fdr^c-t there- is a full )inft"nf fanfv work arid materials nt T.ittle Hat Shon. Princescs Theatre ii Prices very moderate, i 22-1 l>e not (ml^ to work for vs-ould result- in improvifigHb. or city and thus be of fit to the whole community It was made clear bv all the speak ers,-that""no criticism was meant for the' local provincial' police, who had simply been carrying out instructions :—and apparently'in"a very efficien andxsatisfactory manner, under thi supervision of Acting Chief Herbert MeGufneN^As a result of a reques made by the chamber, however, the police,moved the location of "the brea< line" from George -Street to the police station. It is stated that the cost of supplying these food supplies .is around . $1,000 a week. (iLADSTO.NK'S GRANDSON DIES .Among the recent deaths reported' from the European war front is that of \VT. G. C, Gladstone, member of the British House of Commons for Kil-marnock:NBurghs since 1911, aged 2it years. He was a grandson of W. E. Cladstone, the great Liberal leader, and visited British Columbia a few years ago while he was touring the Dominion. NOTICE The anniversary services of th"e I.O.O.F. wtfTbe held in the First Presbyterian Church, Fort George, on April 25, at 11 a.m. Rev. Mr. Morrison will preach the sermon. All members with their wives and children are invited to attend. Autos will be in attendance at the hall .for the benefit of the ladies and children. Parade from the hall at 10.15 sharp. WALTER ADAMS, N.G. Here are a Few Prices for all Next Weefe: d Swift's Premium Ham ... .:,. .... Swift's Premium Bacon...............30c Swift's Premium Bacon, Sliced .. 32c Purity Flour, 98-lb. Sacks............$3.95 Purity Rolled Oats, 20-lb. Sacks.'...: $1.05 'Purity-Rolled-Oatfi, 40-lb. Sacks .. $2.05 MORTGAGE SALE ____ON-*___ Wednesday, April 28th, 1915. j At 2 p.m. Sharp. •¦.•¦-tHider and by virtue of a Power ofj Sale contained in a Chattel Mortgage^ and . Assignment Thfei'eof, given bv '. Mrs. Christine." Murphy, a copy "of which-will be produced at the sale, 'twill sell by Public Auction at the Balkan House, Corner Third Ave. and George Streets Prince George, B. C. >(•= _'j-The entire furnishings of the Murphy Rooms, consisting of the following High Class Furniture, etc.: 18 Iron Beds_-9'Bedsprings, 13 Mattresses. 12"Rugs, 2 Oilcloths, each 27x(3,-14 Dressers and. Stands, 4V1> Dozen Pillow Cases, 15 Curtain' Rods, 13 Blankets, 15 Bedspre;\ds, 7 Dozen Towels, 42 v« Yards Carpet, 15 Pair .Qurtains,'/¦; 2 Rings, Linoleum, 17 Chairs^^r Rockers. 20 Stair Pads, 1 Table. 2 Cortfa^Mats, 4, Dozen Sheets, 20 Pillows,. 1' SiiiTitarxCouth. Private*. Bids will beTweived for the above lot by the Auctionee>~-u4i to 4 p.m. on \April 27th. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. A. K. BOURCHIER, Auctioneer. The Porter fiay & Grain Co. ( I;its, nishoi; : Uavk Brail; Shorts, Wheat, Flax, Chop, and liny -See Us for Farm Seeddand Five Roses Flour The World's Best. B.C. STABLES SEED ADVANCE TO SETTLERS Stables 1 First ('lass Double nnd^SmgigDrivers alttl Saddle Horses. Heavy and LightJ Teaming in connection. One car load of Abundance Seed Oats, is- being imported by\the Department of Agriculture into the Northern Interior"for sale to settlers who are unable to pay cash for their seed. Notes due December 1st, 1915,; without interest are required for all' seed -obtained. Application and note \ forms are available at. Government Agent's Office, South Kort George. Ap-plications should be filled and forward- ¦ ed at once with 'notes to cover pur-hase price and the freight from Telk-wa to local statfbn. The;price at Telk-¦ wa is 'i cents* per pound. This will' make the price at Prince George $3.49 per cwt. The maximum order allowed any one settler is 1000 pounds. Orders, should be mutiples" of 85 pounds. / No ] jrain will be sold for other than seed- j ng purposes and purchaser must have1 his acreage ready for. oats vouched for by two of his neighbors.1 H. E. WALKER, 2 B Provincial Agriculturist. White & Westoby, Props. 'rince George, Sixth Ave., Phone-4G i"t; George, Second St. Phone J5 .nub Cultivated Land for Lease CULTIVATED PRE - EMPTION, crown-granted, for lease, within 8 miles «f city, close to railroad; ten acres plowed; situated, on 'Nechaco River. Apply Murphy &¦ Montgomery. S' " ¦ 21-1 Why Pay Rent? When you can buy a house or cottage, for a small cash payment with the balance payable on easy terms. K-/ ..We purchased our\lots-at auction, prices and ;will bitild a house' or cottage to A\x\i buyer. -/^ BEFORE RENTING StE US For further particiilars apply: Prince George Builders Company, Ltd. il. WILSON, - - - - MANAGER Corner Laselle and Seventh \ P.O. Box C4. South Fort^G'eorge. FOR SALE FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE- close-in lot. in Prince George; !?7 akes G.T.P. contract: Apply ("it Express office, opposite. Depot. 2'.',- FOR RENT ARGE HOUSE FOR RENT, CE ment cellar, barn, large gardei 'enced in"; rent reasonable; also house hold goods, horse and light wagon ant wo sleighs for, sale, all in first-das. ondition. Apply Mrs. Rohde, Lots L' and IS, Block 78, Calgary^St., Pnnci George. ' .^''-i^ hi ^S -:!'J HELP WANTED. WANTED -~ GIRL_£OR - HOUSE work; sleep out. Ap'ply Mrs. Sayille Third Ave., first-^houst' past end of idewalk. 23-1 -:OR FRESH M1LK,'T:REAM, -AND"BUTTERMILK CALL UP HAGGITH'S RANCH, PHONE NO. 17 SOUTH A. D. LAMB (Member of Vancouver Customs Brokers Ass7i.) CUSTOMS BROKER AND ;y. FORWARDING AGENT .0. Box 39; Phone 19—a Rings J. B, tAMBERT The Store of Quality . George Street, Prinpe George MALCOLM C. McAULAY, (Successor to M. C. McAuley & Co.) Fresh and Cured Meats arid Poultry always on "hand. GEQRGE ST. .• . .. PJRINCE GEORGE PANAMA NEWS STAND Your Home Town Paper at Your Home Town Price. Magazines; and books. We are the pioneer news-dealers of South and Prince. George St., next to Rtiggles & Winters Work Guaranteed.*-standard Methods. M. P. MURPHY. Mounting of all kinds true to life. ¦ Send'me your-next specimen. *¦', 3outh Fort George. British Columbia : '¦> ¦ . 20-2 MASON :& HENDERSON: BUJLDERS AND CONTRACTORS Prince George, B. C. i Estimates'FurnisKedl HARRY, THE CLEANER. Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired. .Ladies' fine work a specialty. Dyeing in fast colors. Goods promptly called for and delivered. Phone 98 Fifth_A-ver,-near-George St. TONIGHT A- High 1/sn.ial Keyst — Drama. •,, , e Comedy. Pathe's GazctuvwiAh Kcenesj,of Ghrist-' mas at the European War Front. MONDAY AND TUESDAY The Mohammedan's-.Conspiracy, featuring Florence La Badie and James ¦ ('ruze, the ?leadihg1 characters in The Million Dollar Mystery. The Famous .Mutual Weekly, News of the World, showing-"Beta," British dirigible over London1;.the Sunset Limited wrecked by train robbers at Broussai-d, La.; the U. S. S. "New York" on her- (rial trip off Rockland, Maine, etc. Usual Keystone Comedy. WEDNESDAY Entire change of program, including: "LokI—A Union_ Suit," Thanhouw comedy! . ¦-, ' "Tin' (iroal (iod Im-ui" THURSDAY ANO FRIDAY Episdde No. lf>of 'The Million Dollar Mystery," and other lilms. Choice T WJe Jun-C'.tooriVrjr lew choice building' Lots a distance Of (Voin four'to "'-fivit' block^ of the^G. ' \Statii>ii at. Only $2SiO per lot GOOD TERMS Only n~ f'«'\v-lois wilJ be placed on the market, at this j)rice. • \ CHOICE FARM LAND IN THE STUART RIVER " VALLEY $8.00 PER ACRE. MURDOFF & GETMING Room 5, Post Building, Prince George, B.C. Ladies' Suits, to Measure $25.00 and up i -00, piittenis-of the latent t)6v- Summer JSuits':apfT Dresses \Vo iiavc just receive ¦Ities loi- Lailies' S))ring ani Ss:a .iHand mspeet our line and see \fur latost^l-rishioii lef'bro ordering elsewher. LAWSON & NietiOLSON I iA DI JvS' A XI) (J \W*' TAILQRS Phone 91—Next to Post Office, Prince George—Phone 91 WE GUARANTEE^fT AND WORKMANSHIP SEJ*] GNELL Screen Doors and Windows Ritts-Kifer Block, Prince George. King George Hotel Modern and up-to-date in every respect. . Entire building Steam Heatt-d. Hot and Cold Water in Rooms. Public and Private Baths. North Coast Land Company, Ltd, 'AID-UP CAPITAL $1,500,000.00 This Company owns First. Class FARM LANDS (jlo.su to Prince Geoi'ge. We arc oiTerin^ Special Liidueemeiits to purclias-