Sa "September %) ]9l5 SETTLERSTOURING^NTO PEACE RIVER COUNTRY; BIG CROPS REPORTED |{ South Port George SENSATIONAL TRIAL* AT P^OCTE RIVER CROSSING RESULTS IN ACQUITTAL Verdict ¦" JJocohtilialion- Took Place Between Husband and Wife. One of the most 'sensational, and dramatic trials'in the history of. the West was concluded at Peace River Crossing Tuesday, .when Ralph W. Bradley was acquitted of the murder of Harold Smith'. The trial was the first-of i ¦ FOR THIS DISTRICT _ Local Shooting S.eason—Deer, September 1 to December IS,'-inclusive;, September 1 to March 15, 1910; ducks, September 1 to January 31; l!)lfi; prairie chicken, September-Jo husband, bitterly upbraided Smith for aving broken up his. home. Thus things went on ' for a slew /eeks. Later Bradley met Smith and is father on the road and shot-him ead, firing a number of bullets into is body. The defence pat forward he plea, that" Smith first attacked '•radley with a whip. The t^rial lasted wo (jays ana- public sympathy in the ttlc northern town was largely with he prisoner. When the verdict was rough t in the crowded courtroom r&ke into a continued round of eheer-lg. An unexpected incident.was the (.•conciliation of the 17-year-old wife, lid heiress to $40,000 when she comes f age, with he/-. h&Uiand. Immcdi-tely aft-cjr the verdict was delivered le stepped to the husband, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him repeatedly. There"were many unusual incidents in the ease. Frequently the judge threatened to clear the court because of the 'manifestations of sympathy. Smith, the-victim of the shooting, was a fine'specimen of young manhood, standing fi feet 4 inches, and before corning to Canada was for a time boosted as a possible white hope, being a particularly good boxer.. Bradley on. the other hand was a "foot shorter and not possessed j of the average physical strength. REGULAR MEETING CARIBOO PRESBYTERY As children, our first demand is for nourishment; our second for facts. ¦ i All'-through life"we~gcTabout"~ ^searching for information. We make a new acquaintance; but before we accept him as '¦ a friend or invite him to our home we ask for facts about him. We visit a; and -¦ from the moment we step across its border we are asking1 questions—searching1 for facts; f We are asked to try a new food product; isn't it instinctive ' with us to ask at once: • ¦_r-- . >. ''Who makes this new article.?'' i, ¦¦'.• < ¦ ¦» "How is it made? what goes into it?'' "Is it worth the price charged for it?" FACTS—we are simply hungry for them. , Strange,:isn't it, that #e should so often have to SEARCH for them? Odd, that some manufacturers still WITHHOLD the facts about their product. Not always beqause they are facts to be ashamed of—for there are many worthy articles yet un-advertised. But it will not be so much longer. The fact-hunger of the human race is becoming.keener and keener. The more facts we get, the keener our relish for more of them. will be impossible to sell a man or a woman anything until everything has been told about the goods that CAN be told through ADVERTISING. THE PUBLIC; HAS DISCOVERED THAT ADVERTISING TELLS MUCH-NEEDED FACTS—THAT, IN FACT, ADVERTISING SATISFIES FACT-HUNGER. . CHURCH SERVICES If you are doing a local'business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If .you 'iiif doing a provincial or. natiqnal business it would be "well ^for yoli to have the counsel and assistance Of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association,.-Room 50:3, Lumstlen Building, Toronto. ~ ¦ ¦ The regular fall meeting of Presbytery of Cariboo Tuesday.and Wednesday ofjjfns' in St. Andrew's Church WATER NOTICE. Diversion and to October 1.5; grouse, September l">! state of the various department's of^sj. STEPHEN'S, SOUTH to November 30. ' Provided that "fro [the work of the church in this district;. Gw*tge—Sunday, S a.m., Holy com-iwhose address'is Metropolitan Build Take notice that the Canadian FORT | Northern Pacific Railway Company,j person shall kill-'- more thali, twelve was considered,- particularly the mis-grouse in one day, or have in his pos- sioi.i' work,-'in the fields of the Presby-sessio'n more than this number at one tery arrtf the sustaining of these dur-time without furnishing upon ^request ing the coming .winter. A large vol-satisfaetory proof as to the dates'time of routine business was. trahs-upon which the same were killed. acted and the sanction of the Presby- Fur-b.earing animate, except beaver., | tery given to several important items. can be trapped from November 1 till | ,. The United Hoard of Managers of March 31. The season for moose and caribou a^re left as last year. Sale of Game—Moose and caribou; bulls over one year of age only in the electoral'district of Cariboo, from October 1 to,December,-15- Coast deer, bucks over one year of age only; mulc-deer and white-tailed deer, from September 1 to October 15.. Ducks, geese and snipe from Oct. 1 to Oct.. 31.'' THIS SEASON'S FIRES IN LILLOOET DISTRICT Nineteen Reported to Minister of Lands^-Fire Permits Total225. , ' Advices reaching the 'provincial minister of lands, at Victoria on conditions in the Lillooct • district mention that nineteen fires have been reported this.season, the' area burned ovef being in .excess of 2000 acres, without appreciable damage to4 green timbeij. In most cases campers caused outbreaks through, lack of care. „ The burning and disposal of logging slash this season has" becfi very sa'tisfactory, .'300 acres having been cleared up. In addition many permits to settlers to burn slash for Ihe clearing of land have been granted, and in no case has a fire got away" in any area unde/ permit. Co-operation between the forest service and settlers has facilitated clearing operations, while ^valuable aid has been tendered in the .location and clearing of, new trails, and the- repair of old trails. The,, activity in land cleaning is the congregations of Prince George and South Fort George,, asked permission to move the church building now in "South Fort George to the- Millar addition, Prirjcc "George, arid !his was given.' The congregation of. First church, Fart George, have the mortgage recently arranged through the church ana manse board ratified, and this also /Was done. On Tuesday.evening a public meeting was held in the church and was well attended V>y the members and friends! of the Quesnel congregation* The Rev. D,. R. McLean, recently called-by the congregation from Haz-eltoi/to be successor to RcvT \V. Stott, who'resigned, at the end of J.une, was duly inducted ass- minister of St. Andrew's; Quesnel and Alexandria. The modiyajof Rev. A. C. Justice, y ovidonced by the number of .fire permits granted to date, namely, 225. " The season thus far .has-boon ex-. Postal authorities at Fargo, N. D., ('optionally, good for the (\ry-farmer expressed .appreciation that postal and stock-raiser, the crop of hay and! limitations forbid adults being sent i fi d j b rcels presided anil addressed the people. The cleric, Rev. C. M.' Wright, conducted public worship, preaching a •sermon on "The Old Order'and the New" from thO'^cxt in II. Corinthians, 5:17, and also .addressed the minister."' The .same officers and conveners ,vere continued for tho ensuing term, Mr. McLean taking i.the positions*-vaulted by M^r. Stott.. Presbytery, adjourned to meet here at the call of the moderator, in all probability in February next. ¦'..'. The local "presbyters-. speakr highly of the fine hospitality of the Quesnel people on "this occasion, the first on which, a meeting- of the Presbytery-bad been held in1 their midst. ST. GEORGE'S, CENTRAL FORT jnunrion (second.and fourth Sundays); j ing, 8.')7 Hastings street vuszt, Van-2:."0 p.m., Sunday school; 7:30 p.m.,!couyerP C,-\vijl apply-for a liu' evening prayer and sermon; Wednes- j telalce ancl use §0,01)0 gallon* peri1 ay day, 7:.*i0. p.mV, evening, prayer with!of water out of a .spring which issues intercessions for those engaged, in the'from C. N. P. railway embankment at war. - j station 14 and 75, which flows west —-----—;--------------!—-------—^--------'¦-------' and drains into Albreda lake, about Mile 424.3, east of New* Westminster ridge.. The water willlxj diverted e stream at* appoint about 5 o'f mi This on A.ugust, 11115.- A copy of this notice, and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act 1!»14," will be filed;in the oflice of the water recorder at "Fort^.George, -B. .C. Objections to the application may be filed with -the said water recorder or with the comptroller of waters.rights', Parliament buildings, Victoria, R. C, within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local news-p'aper. . . Canadian Northern Pacific Railway Company, Applicant. By ;U. J. McDonald, Agent. The date of the first publication of this notice is August lrl, lOJo. Love-in a Cottage PRINCE GEORGE TEMPORARY :church on Seventh avenue—Sunday, S a.m.. Holy communion (Firjst Sun-1 ' '¦' ' morning prayer, litany . ....._}.. „, .30 p.m., Sunday school. Holy, communion at all th'ree churches on holy days and week daysj according to^notice. ••______________.___ day);, l', i and sermon; 2:£ METHODIST FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, Prince George—Near Princess theatre, Third avenue west; Rev. IT. L. Morrison, B.A., pastorr— Services at ila.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school, 12 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN FIRST.CHURCH',- FORT GEORGE— Rev. C. M.- Wright, B.A., minister. Services at 11 and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school at. 12:15 p.m. WATER NOTICE 'Use and Storage. SMALL BOY SENT BY PARCELS POST b^ping Remarkably fine ami en-|b.y parcels post t-ouraging to the newcomersu gg t have sown small areas this year. who | year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colby, has just completed a journey by parcels post {from Valley City, ______________by p p _O«t_of_^80_Bank nf Cnnimerc.i men! N. P., to Fargo. The "shipment" was KNOX CHURCH, SQUTH FORT George—RevT A. C. Justice, B.A., ininister. ^Service every Sunday morning in the church at 11 a.m.; Sabl.'ath school at 2 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, PRINCE L George—Rev. A. C.^ Justice, B.A., minister. SeiTice is held in the Rex-theatre, George street, every Sunday evening'at 7:oO p.m.; Sabbath school in the Rex theatre at 2:30 p.m. 'i GOSPKL TABERNACLE THIRD AVENUE, NEAR GEORGE street—A gospel meeting will be conducted at 8:15 p.m."' There is no collection. All are welcome. The-contract_has .been let for the ejection of a steel oil- tank at Prince Rupert capable of holding 200,000 gallons, which will supply oil bonded exclusively for American- boats. The Dispatch is the. name of a newspaper to be published in Terrace! at the front, seventeen have beoiLl treated as ordinary breakable and | B. _Cirb;jrW7~A. Myers, a Nnas-TliveT I pioneer. Take notice that the Grand Trurfk Pacific Railway Company, whose, address is Winnipeg, Man., will apply for a license to take and use 120 acre feet per annum and to store 24 acre feet of water out of Dominion creek, which flows northeasterly and drains into the South- Fork of the Fraser river, about two miles from-McBride. The storage dam will be located at MeBridc The capacity of- the reservoir to be created is about 24 acre feet, and it will, flood about four acres of land. The "water-will be diverted from the stream at a point about onc-quarter mile'northe,ast from southwest corner of stjujheast quarter Lot 51316, and will be used for railway .purposes in Lot 531G, Cariboo district. This notice was posted on the ground on the 4th day of July, 1915. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the ''Water Act, 1914,".will be filed at'the-office of the Water Fort George. Objections to the application -may be filed with the said water recorder or with the comptroller of water rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C, within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a The date of the first publication of this notice is August 14, 1915. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Qompany, Applicant. H. H. Hansard, Agent. If B. C. does not go dry, Chijrles Theis, a Spokane mining man who The happiness of those em- j barkhYtf oirilie "love in'.a! cottage" ide\i depends' largely- upon thb\class of cottage occii]Jiod. Very Well: The badly built, poorly laid-oirt cottage is destrub-'j tive to happiness and; crcv(ites uncongenial sur-i rouiidings^ Houses Too We are architects, builders and contractors. We .built the first frame building,in this district and.\ye are; still in the business-. : BLUEPRIPmVG Dl NE. tf ols.. several~br6WeTies7 will start a brewery' iri"*Prince Rupert. er & Flynn Prinbe George Offices and Shop THIftD (Behind Bank) South Fort George Office, SECOND STREET v Phone 26 South ,.Fort EAILTON, Mech; Eng. f,or .. ; Machinery of all descriptions. I Fai-ming Implements. ••¦ ,'. . Stuhip Pullei'-Si -' tJ¦ _' ' ^- ¦ (Jasoline Lightirg Systems. ',\V*ell Drilling a Specialty. Agent for: Canadian Fairbanks-Morse Co-. Ltd. ! Johii_ Deere Plow Co., ltd. 1 Gasoline Lighting Sysleins. 'Evinrude Motors. Well-Tool & Iron Works of Calgary. PROFESSIONAL Fort' Georse, B. Cr -Hammond Street. F. P. Burden, Msr. Nelson,- IS. C. 165 Wtird Street A. 11. Green. M«r. Victoria, 13. C. 1U Pemberton BUI«. F. C. Green, JVIgr. New Ilazellon, B.C. B. C. Affleck. Mgr. -.. \l .:-¦! GREEN BROS., BURDEN & CO. Ci\'iL Engineers, Dominion nnd'Ti C. Land Surveyors. Surveys, of Lands, Mines. Townsites,• Timber Limits, etc. DR. R. W. ALWARD, DENTIST. Ruggles- Bldg. - . - Prince George British Columbia PHONE. 50 Passing Out Good Money For Rent Is Like Throwing itAway Why No^t Apply bwards a Homeof Your Own ? • -\For.a limited period Ixam offering: special iiuiut?einoiits to peo- , pie who will build on the ^. i\iiich is aowedtf cd to bo . "the fittest resid(?ntial portion of the Prince George Tovriisite. COME IN AND,'. .TALK IT OVER. v Insurance Fire, Plate Glass, Life and Accident. When" insuring,; 5rou sliould cpnsidpr. the T e 1 i a b i 1 i t y and strength of .the insurance ^Company. I rep-! rcsoiit the oldest and stroiift-est Companies in the world. Garden Tracts First class garden tracts, from 1 to ,10 . aprcs — on; P. G. E,. ", /'Railway and Fraser /' Pivor. Close-in Acreage Lean deliver a num-. bcr of Crown Granted Pre-emptions at reii-sonable prices. ' Good - pppjortunities: •for livo, farmers. N.i WESLEY George Street ~ Phone 103 \ .1.1